I spent way too much time working on these references, just from going through every Pokémon card available to uploading pictures to formatting the HTML code, but I needed to make something good for all my homies on the newsletter list.
In addition to the Trainer Card Reference, I have made three more reference lists: Tech Basics Reference, Stage 1’s Reference, and Stage 2’s Reference. These lists are invaluable when working on decks. They list all the most playable cards in the modified format categorized by ability. There is no more need to waste time sifting through other card lists, I have everything for you right here. And if I have forgotten any cards, just let me know and I’ll add them. I will also update the lists as new sets are released.
When you sign up for our newsletter, you will be e-mailed the password to view those great resources. There is some insider information for ya!
awesome references…continue with good work…
awesome references…continue with good work…