I just want to give everyone a quick update as to the going-ons at SixPrizes.com.
Jeremy is on vacation right now (I am not sure where, maybe Alaska) and I was on vacation in Maine right before he left, so we haven’t had a chance to work on any decks. Once he is back we will be kicking things into full gear and will give you guys all the updates on our testing.
Until then, continue to read up on everything we already have posted and be sure to sign up for our newsletter if you want a chance to win a free box of Supreme Victors.
Pablo Meza
Hey Adam and Jeremy! The site looks AMAZING. I’m glad to see this project up and coming. Best of luck with this!
Adam Capriola
Thanks Pablo, good to hear from you! We better be getting a 1st place Worlds report from you to post on the site next month. ;)
Rob Dimension
Adam! Hey, if you need help, let me know. I will gladly help out writing stuff. Site looks great and seems like a fun idea. Best of luck and see you soon…hopefully
Adam Capriola
Yo Rob! It’s been a while! I would gladly accept your help and I will try to get down to your store for the Supreme Victors prerelease next month. I am going to the beach one of these weekends and then I am supposed to go down on the boat with my uncles some other weekend (it actually might be the weekend of the prerelease :/ ) but I will let you know.
Mike Fouchet
hey adam, site looks real cool. when the next season rolls around, i’d be more than willing to help out and write some articles. hit me up on aim sometime if you wanna talk! mikey7of7gondor
Adam Capriola
Mikey! How’ve you been man? That would be awesome if you could write stuff! I will definitely be in contact with you later, I don’t go on AIM too much but I’ll make an exception for you. :)
Hey it’s great to see everyone. I’m back from my vacation in Alaska… actually it was Las Vegas. I was hoping to win a couple million bucks but unfortunately that didn’t happen.
Hey it’s great to see everyone. I’m back from my vacation in Alaska… actually it was Las Vegas. I was hoping to win a couple million bucks but unfortunately that didn’t happen.
hey adam jeremy if you need some help i can help…i’m in summer vacations so i don’t have nothing to do so if you need help contact me.
hey adam jeremy if you need some help i can help…i’m in summer vacations so i don’t have nothing to do so if you need help contact me.