Buzzkill: Beedrill Deck Analysis

Beedrill is one of my favorite decks. It deals out big damage for only 1 energy which is sort of reminiscent of Queendom. Here’s a list:

4 Weedle GE
4 Kakuna GE
3 Beedrill GE
1 Beedrill RI
2 Baltoy GE
2 Claydol GE
2 Unown G GE
1 Duskull SF2
1 Dusknoir L42 DP
1 Phione MD1
1 Azelf L.55 LA

4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Bebe’s Search
4 Rare Candy
4 Broken Time-Space
4 Super Scoop Up
3 Night Maintenance
3 Warp Point
3 Great Ball
1 Luxury Ball

4 Multi
4 G

Beedrill Great Encounters GE 13 Pokemon CardThe gist of this deck is to have as many in Beedrill in play as possible so you can do Beedrill’s Band Attack for 60, 90, sometimes even 120 damage. This is made possible with a few different cards that quicken the evolving possibilities for Beedrill. Best of all, since Beedrill has no Retreat Cost, if a Bee gets damaged to the point that it won’t survive being your Active Pokémon for another turn you can retreat it to the relative safety of the bench.

Rising Rivals added a crucial card to this deck’s strategy, the Beedrill from Rising Rivals. Most of the time its attack will never be used. After all there’s only 8 energy in here. But the Pokémon Power Flutter Wings is where it’s at. Each turn you can search your deck for a Grass Pokémon and put it into your hand. That, combined with Broken Time-Space, Great Ball, Rare Candy, and a 4-4-4 Beedrill line, ensures you’ll get multiple Beedrill into play in no time.

Dusknoir is optional in here, but I like throwing into any Stage 2 deck that uses Rare Candy, since you can just drop it on your bench in one turn and use its Pokemon Power Dark Palm to ruin your opponent’s day (as long as they have more than 3 Benched >Pokémon). And once your opponent knows you play Dusknoir, they know they have to limit their bench to 3 Pokémon, so their hand could clog up with Pokémon they can’t play because of the Dark Palm risk.

Phione helps against Dialga G. A turn 1 deafen can hurt Beedrill pretty bad since you can’t play Rare Candy or Broken Time-Space, making it harder to evolve. With Phione’s Evolution Wish attack, that makes it not so hard anymore.

Azelf should be self explanatory. Your ultimate goal is to get 4 Beedrill in play, and 1 of your Weedle or Beedrill will probably be prized, so Azelf can fetch one of them out.

Super Scoop Up is a great combo with Broken Time-Space and Pokémon with 1 energy attacks. For example, if Beedrill has 100 damage, you can use Super Scoop Up, hope for a heads, then pick it up and play it all down again, but this time with no damage.

3 Night Maintenance might seem like a lot, but if a Beedrill gets Knocked Out, you just lost 30 damage for Band Attack so you’ll want to get it back ASAP. Beedrill RI or one of the Pokémon fetching trainers can get them out of the deck into your hand.

Since Beedrill’s attack only costs 1 Energy, you may as well use 4 Multi Energy. You never know when you’ll want to use Claydol’s Spinning Attack or Azelf’s Lock Up.

All right that’s about it! It would be appreciated if someone could come up with a creative eck name for Beedrill. It’s annoying having to say “Beedrill” or “this deck” all the time. Let us know if you want us to go into more detail on anything. Questions, comments, suggestions for Beedrill? Post below!

Reader Interactions

103 replies

  1. Rokman

    I think 2 Beedrill RI is essential because you can Night Maintenance a Bee that was KO’d, use 2 RI’s and a bebe’s or roseanne’s and get the whole line out in one turn. Phione and Dusknior is eww.

  2. Joshua Hall

    I thought everyone knew the name to this deck was….


  3. Mike Qua

    No Unown G?

    I like your list! Gengar has a fun time sniping my RR Bees… 2HKO really easily -_-

    Name? Maybe Drill Swarm?

      • Mike Qua  → Mike

        I have a quick question about the technicality of Evolution Wish…

        It says “This counts as evolving your Pokemon” you can’t evolve a Pokemon the turn it is played right…so can you use this attack to automatically evolve a Weedle you, for example, just played turn one? If you had a Phione and a Weedle start and you go first, can you attach an energy and evolve Weedle right away to Kakuna?

        I had this question in mind for a while since Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree in GE…their power was if Caterpie is active you may flip a coin if heads search for a Pokemon that evolves from Caterpie and put it onto Caterpie, this counts as evolving. BUT Metapod had the same power essentially… so could you possibly evolve to Butterfree turn 1?

        • Rokman  → Mike

          You know on Rare candy it says “This counts as evolving that Pokemon” also right?

          So, the answer is yes, you can evolve a pokemon you just played with Phione.

        • Mike Qua  → Rokman

          Ok, so I played my Butterfree deck wrong D: It would’ve been so much better…lol


  4. Joshua Hall

    I thought everyone knew the name to this deck was….


    • Adam Capriola  → Joshua


      You gotta record yourself saying that so I can upload it to the site and have the sound clip included with the post.

  5. Mike Qua

    No Unown G?

    I like your list! Gengar has a fun time sniping my RR Bees… 2HKO really easily -_-

    Name? Maybe Drill Swarm?

      • Mike Qua  → Mike

        I have a quick question about the technicality of Evolution Wish…

        It says “This counts as evolving your Pokemon” you can’t evolve a Pokemon the turn it is played right…so can you use this attack to automatically evolve a Weedle you, for example, just played turn one? If you had a Phione and a Weedle start and you go first, can you attach an energy and evolve Weedle right away to Kakuna?

        I had this question in mind for a while since Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree in GE…their power was if Caterpie is active you may flip a coin if heads search for a Pokemon that evolves from Caterpie and put it onto Caterpie, this counts as evolving. BUT Metapod had the same power essentially… so could you possibly evolve to Butterfree turn 1?

        • Mike Qua  → Mike

          Ok, so I played my Butterfree deck wrong D: It would’ve been so much better…lol


  6. jermy101

    Hey Rokman, quaziko, and Qua, thanks for all the comments and suggestions :)

    I’m not sure if I’m a fan of 2 Beedrill RR. If you had 2 of them in play, you’d probably also need 2 Beedrill GE in play too, because if a Beedrill GE got KO’d and you were forced to replace it with a Beedrill RI, you’d need to pay an Energy to retreat it. It also gives you 1 less attacker. I usually don’t have a problem getting back a Night Maintenance’d Beedrill after a Cosmic Power, Bebe or Roseanne, and a spare Kakuna or Rare Candy in my hand.

    Pluspower is a cool idea to KO those random 130 HP Pokemon but I can’t find the room for it, can you?

    Also I forgot to mention the reason for Warp Points in here. It’s not only to disrupt the Defending Pokemon and get a knock out on a Benched Pokemon, but it can lure Flygon into a false sense of security. If you have a Broken Time-Space in play, Flygon will probably use its Sand Wall attack to do 40 damage, discard your stadium, and give it immunity on the next turn. But then on your turn you can just Warp Point the Flygon to the Bench and get a free hit on a Benched Pokemon. So instead of Flygon potentially getting a KO with its Power Swing attack, it only did 40 damage.

    Buzzkill and Drill Swarm are great names, thanks :)

    Yup Qua, the answer to your question is yes as Rokman said! Broken Time-Space, Evolution Wish, and Pokemon Powers like it all break the normal rules of evolution.

    Thanks for all the comments, keep em coming!

    • Mike Qua  → jermy101

      How did your testing go for this deck? Do you think 1-0-1 RR Nidoqueen would help? I mean, Dusknoir is a cool idea, and also very helpful, but I think Nidoqueens could potentially help keep the Bees alive longer. Might test out a mirror of your deck but with 1-0-1 Nidoqueen instead of your Dusknoir :)

      Thanks for the advice! With the OU Flygons out there you can never be too sure :P

      •  → Mike

        Bees are expendable since you have Night Maintenance and super scoop ups, no need for Nidoqueen. or Dusknoir, in my opinion…

        • Mike Qua  → rokman

          True, they are expendible, but why not try to keep them alive as long as possible? Those expendable bees add up prizes for your opponent.

          I see them both as potential candidates. Your list is very good, mine is very similar except i only use 1 RR Bee, and it works well without a doubt.

          I just think that in today’s format, tier 1 decks tend to be OU and we need techs to help survive longer.

          Dusknoir I can see helpful against Gengar and Flygon. Most Gengars usually run Crobats and such which fills up the bench considerably (my Gengar deck tends to have 2 Gengar, 1 Claydol, 1 Crobat, 1 Uxie, and Skuntank G on the bench) And Flygon gets more powerful the more evolved Pokemon are on the bench…so bench filling seems to be fairly common among the OU decks.

          Also, others might be thinking the same thing to add more techs to decks and these fill up bench space, thus making Dusknoir a good card to have.

          I personally really like the Nidoqueen, for it makes main attackers more tank-y and with Beedrill’s low hp, it’s not considerably hard to 2HKO it.

      • jermy101  → Mike

        I do like Nidoqueen as an option in here. Since Beedrill has free retreat, you can keep rotating them to the bench as they get damaged, letting their damage heal off. Then maybe even the Super Scoop Ups could be dropped.

  7. Here’s my list Jeremy, it doesn’t have dusknior, phione, and only 2 warps

    4 Weedle GE
    4 Kakuna GE
    2 Beedrill GE
    2 Beedrill RI
    2 Baltoy GE
    2 Claydol GE
    2 Unown G GE
    1 Azelf L.55 LA

    4 Roseanne’s Research
    4 Bebe’s Search
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Broken Time-Space
    4 Super Scoop Up
    3 Night Maintenance
    2 Warp Point
    3 Great Ball
    1 Luxury Ball
    4 Plus Power

    4 Multi Energy
    4 Grass Energy

  8. BiskitFoo

    As great as having 3 Warp Points in the deck is, I believe having a 4th Night Maintenance over a 3rd Warp Point is REALLY needed, especially in your Luxray/Infernape match-up which is winnable. You need 4 so you can have more a chance to draw into Night Maintenance, along with keep up with Infernape on trading KO’s. This is just coming from 16 games with the match-up. I don’t know how much you’ve tested the match-up, but if you could, tell us about your experience with it. I’m 7-9 versus it right now.

    • BiskitFoo  → BiskitFoo

      Also, if anyone cares, here’s my list.

      Pokémon (21)
      2x Beedrill (RR)
      2x Beedrill (GE)
      4x Kakuna (RR)
      3x Weedle (GE)
      1x Weedle (RR)
      2x Claydol (GE)
      2x Baltoy (GE)
      2x Unown G (GE)
      1x Uxie (LA)
      1x Azelf (LA)
      1x Chatot (MD)

      Trainers (31)
      4x Broken Time-Space
      4x Roseanne’s Research
      4x Bebe’s Search
      4x Night Maintenance
      2x Warp Point
      2x Cynthia’s Feelings
      4x Super Scoop Up
      3x Rare Candy
      3x Great Ball
      1x Luxury Ball

      Energy (8)
      8 Grass

    • jermy101  → BiskitFoo

      I haven’t tested the Beedrill vs LuxApe matchup that much, but I remember it being difficult. My early Cosmic Powers usually get Power Sprayed and Luxray gusts up whatever’s hiding on my bench. Once Infernape is leveled up it can only be OHKO’d by a 4 Bee Band Attack, so that’s a little hard to pull off. I guess Beedrill’s 110 HP is a little helpful though, since even with Lucario GL or Lake Boundary in play, Infernape’s Hi Jump Kick will be 10 short of the KO without the help of Crobat G’s Flash Bite.

      I like Cynthia’s Feelings. I forgot how helpful that was versus power locking decks.

      I’ll have to try out 4 Night Maintenance and see how that works for me!

  9. jermy101

    Hey Rokman, quaziko, and Qua, thanks for all the comments and suggestions :)

    I’m not sure if I’m a fan of 2 Beedrill RR. If you had 2 of them in play, you’d probably also need 2 Beedrill GE in play too, because if a Beedrill GE got KO’d and you were forced to replace it with a Beedrill RI, you’d need to pay an Energy to retreat it. It also gives you 1 less attacker. I usually don’t have a problem getting back a Night Maintenance’d Beedrill after a Cosmic Power, Bebe or Roseanne, and a spare Kakuna or Rare Candy in my hand.

    Pluspower is a cool idea to KO those random 130 HP Pokemon but I can’t find the room for it, can you?

    Also I forgot to mention the reason for Warp Points in here. It’s not only to disrupt the Defending Pokemon and get a knock out on a Benched Pokemon, but it can lure Flygon into a false sense of security. If you have a Broken Time-Space in play, Flygon will probably use its Sand Wall attack to do 40 damage, discard your stadium, and give it immunity on the next turn. But then on your turn you can just Warp Point the Flygon to the Bench and get a free hit on a Benched Pokemon. So instead of Flygon potentially getting a KO with its Power Swing attack, it only did 40 damage.

    Buzzkill and Drill Swarm are great names, thanks :)

    Yup Qua, the answer to your question is yes as Rokman said! Broken Time-Space, Evolution Wish, and Pokemon Powers like it all break the normal rules of evolution.

    Thanks for all the comments, keep em coming!

    • Mike Qua  → jermy101

      How did your testing go for this deck? Do you think 1-0-1 RR Nidoqueen would help? I mean, Dusknoir is a cool idea, and also very helpful, but I think Nidoqueens could potentially help keep the Bees alive longer. Might test out a mirror of your deck but with 1-0-1 Nidoqueen instead of your Dusknoir :)

      Thanks for the advice! With the OU Flygons out there you can never be too sure :P

      • Mike Qua  → Mike

        True, they are expendible, but why not try to keep them alive as long as possible? Those expendable bees add up prizes for your opponent.

        I see them both as potential candidates. Your list is very good, mine is very similar except i only use 1 RR Bee, and it works well without a doubt.

        I just think that in today’s format, tier 1 decks tend to be OU and we need techs to help survive longer.

        Dusknoir I can see helpful against Gengar and Flygon. Most Gengars usually run Crobats and such which fills up the bench considerably (my Gengar deck tends to have 2 Gengar, 1 Claydol, 1 Crobat, 1 Uxie, and Skuntank G on the bench) And Flygon gets more powerful the more evolved Pokemon are on the bench…so bench filling seems to be fairly common among the OU decks.

        Also, others might be thinking the same thing to add more techs to decks and these fill up bench space, thus making Dusknoir a good card to have.

        I personally really like the Nidoqueen, for it makes main attackers more tank-y and with Beedrill’s low hp, it’s not considerably hard to 2HKO it.

  10. Adam Capriola

    Awesome discussion going on here guys! My list is actually very similar to Rokman’s, I haven’t tested it however.

    4 Weedle GE
    4 Kakuna GE
    3 Beedrill GE
    1 Beedrill RI
    2 Baltoy GE
    3 Claydol GE
    2 Unown G GE
    2 Uxie LA
    1 Azelf L.55 LA

    4 Roseanne’s Research
    4 Bebe’s Search
    2 Luxury Ball
    3 Cynthia’s Feelings
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Broken Time-Space
    4 Super Scoop Up
    3 Night Maintenance
    4 Plus Power

    8 Grass Energy

    Probably should use Multis and Warp Points but I’ve never used this before.

    • Mike Qua  → Adam

      LOL I have the same list :P except I use 2 Claydol 2 Cynthia and 1 Luxury Ball replaced with 2 warp points and I just tried the Phione and its been working wonders for me.

    • Ivan Garcia  → Adam

      one thing i don’t get is why some people don’t put very many energies in their decks… what card allows them not to use so many energies or either what card allows them to get energies back from their discard pile? (im still referring to the beedrill deck btw)

  11. Brian Jessing

    Why is nobody else playing call energy in here? Yes a t1 double/triple beedrill swarm is ideal and sick, but I’d take the consistancy of 4 grass/4 call over 8 grass or 4 grass/4 multi (Claydol will only attack if you can sack two energy and it’s against a non-Xed luxray).

    4 Weedle GE
    4 Kakuna GE
    2 Beedrill GE
    2 Beedrill RI
    2 Baltoy GE
    2 Claydol GE
    2 Unown G GE
    1 Chatot GE
    1 Nidoran Female RI
    1 Nidoqueen RI

    4 Roseanne’s Research
    4 Bebe’s Search
    3 Rare Candy
    4 Broken Time-Space
    4 Super Scoop Up
    3 Night Maintenance
    3 Warp Point
    1 Luxury Ball
    3 Plus Power
    2 Cynthia’s Feelings

    4 Call Energy
    4 Grass Energy

    I definatly think that chatot is a consistancy booster, and a solid alternative to phione. Nidoqueen is underrated in here because most of the format can’t OHKO a drill, and a retreat, attack with the other one, and then use the Rising Rivals drill to attack and stall a turn is such an amazing way to annoy the opponet and buy you time to hit other key cards. Dusknoir is definately a viable option though.

    • jermy101  → Brian

      Hey Brian, very interesting combo with Beedrill RR’s paralyzing attack and Nidoqueen’s Body. With only 4 grass energy do you ever not have the energy you need to attack? Weedle’s Call for Family attack is like half a Call Energy, but I can see where that would come in handy, especialy if you don’t start with Weedle.

      Thanks for all the posts and lists guys, keep it up!

      • Brian Jessing  → jermy101

        I’ve missed a few energy drops, which obviously isn’t a big deal with the one energy attack cost. Call energy allows me to evolve and still get basics early game, avoiding a t1 champ donk or random crap like that.

      • Brian Jessing  → jermy101

        hmmm, my post didn’t go through. Anyways, there has been some instances where I’ve missed an energy drop (grass obviously), but most of the time it’s a non-factor since you shouldn’t miss 2 in a row ever and you toss the extra energy on the RR drill anyways. Call energy also allows me to start with chatot or baltoy or even uxie (though not often) and not worry about a donk. Call also allows for an evolution into a kakuna and to get a bench going.

    • Mike Qua  → Brian

      I think I agree with Jeremy’s thoughts. You have 8 energy… so RR Drill requires 3 energy to attack – now you have 5 expendable energy to use, you have 2 GE Drill each using 1 and have 3 left over for the other Drill. How often does it work out that way? I mean auto paralyzing is great! But your strat seems a bit risky…and NM usually used to get back fallen bees not energies.

      I personally never use the RR Drill. Could you give us some feedback on how your games run using your strategy? :)

      • Brian Jessing  → Mike

        It works out surprisingly often. Between the queen healing and free retreat, and sending up the occasional sac, you can drop 3 energy on him at least once a game. The 4 call energy won’t ever be on the other bee, so those are auto-drops on him, which means that a double call and a grass (not that hard) allows him to hit and risk very little. Also the deck runs 3 candies, meaning that you don’t have to grab the entire line and can skip the kakuna for a grass. Because of candy, 2 of the candies are expendable on beedrill, meaning you can NM back 2 grass, for a total of 6. As for most games, it’s basically a goal to keep both drills alive for as long as possible, using the queen/retreat combo and the occasional RR attack to buy another round of healing and damage. Basically he acts as a potion for both drills when ssu fails, and gives the deck more options, espically against gengar/machamp when you can’t score the OHKO.

    • Adam Capriola  → Brian

      Thanks for the post Brian!! Welcome to the site. :)

      Ask Jeremy stated, there isn’t a real huge advantage to playing Call Energy. I would be worried about Grass energies being prized and running out.

      • Brian Jessing  → Adam

        Yeah, as I said before, usually you can NM back an energy and not worry about getting hosed by it, given the 4-4-4 line and 3 candy. Prized energies are always a problem for most any deck that runs a low count, so a few quick prizes and foced NM of the energies becomes the idea. Of course, with my type of stratgy, the beedrills die alot slower, so less energy isn’t a problem in this list vs. lists that run dusknoir or something else. Just wish I could somehow manage the 1-1 shaymin lvl X too. lol

  12. Adam Capriola

    Awesome discussion going on here guys! My list is actually very similar to Rokman’s, I haven’t tested it however.

    4 Weedle GE
    4 Kakuna GE
    3 Beedrill GE
    1 Beedrill RI
    2 Baltoy GE
    3 Claydol GE
    2 Unown G GE
    2 Uxie LA
    1 Azelf L.55 LA

    4 Roseanne’s Research
    4 Bebe’s Search
    2 Luxury Ball
    3 Cynthia’s Feelings
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Broken Time-Space
    4 Super Scoop Up
    3 Night Maintenance
    4 Plus Power

    8 Grass Energy

    Probably should use Multis and Warp Points but I’ve never used this before.

    • Mike Qua  → Adam

      LOL I have the same list :P except I use 2 Claydol 2 Cynthia and 1 Luxury Ball replaced with 2 warp points and I just tried the Phione and its been working wonders for me.

    • Ivan Garcia  → Adam

      one thing i don’t get is why some people don’t put very many energies in their decks… what card allows them not to use so many energies or either what card allows them to get energies back from their discard pile? (im still referring to the beedrill deck btw)

  13. Adam Capriola

    I have an edit option, I’ll look into things to see if I can give you guys an edit option.

  14. Adam Capriola

    I like that 1 Chatot in there, seems like great recovery or a lifesaver early game.

  15. Brian Jessing

    Why is nobody else playing call energy in here? Yes a t1 double/triple beedrill swarm is ideal and sick, but I’d take the consistancy of 4 grass/4 call over 8 grass or 4 grass/4 multi (Claydol will only attack if you can sack two energy and it’s against a non-Xed luxray).

    4 Weedle GE
    4 Kakuna GE
    2 Beedrill GE
    2 Beedrill RI
    2 Baltoy GE
    2 Claydol GE
    2 Unown G GE
    1 Chatot GE
    1 Nidoran Female RI
    1 Nidoqueen RI

    4 Roseanne’s Research
    4 Bebe’s Search
    3 Rare Candy
    4 Broken Time-Space
    4 Super Scoop Up
    3 Night Maintenance
    3 Warp Point
    1 Luxury Ball
    3 Plus Power
    2 Cynthia’s Feelings

    4 Call Energy
    4 Grass Energy

    I definatly think that chatot is a consistancy booster, and a solid alternative to phione. Nidoqueen is underrated in here because most of the format can’t OHKO a drill, and a retreat, attack with the other one, and then use the Rising Rivals drill to attack and stall a turn is such an amazing way to annoy the opponet and buy you time to hit other key cards. Dusknoir is definately a viable option though.

    • jermy101  → Brian

      Hey Brian, very interesting combo with Beedrill RR’s paralyzing attack and Nidoqueen’s Body. With only 4 grass energy do you ever not have the energy you need to attack? Weedle’s Call for Family attack is like half a Call Energy, but I can see where that would come in handy, especialy if you don’t start with Weedle.

      Thanks for all the posts and lists guys, keep it up!

      • Brian Jessing  → jermy101

        I’ve missed a few energy drops, which obviously isn’t a big deal with the one energy attack cost. Call energy allows me to evolve and still get basics early game, avoiding a t1 champ donk or random crap like that.

      • Brian Jessing  → jermy101

        hmmm, my post didn’t go through. Anyways, there has been some instances where I’ve missed an energy drop (grass obviously), but most of the time it’s a non-factor since you shouldn’t miss 2 in a row ever and you toss the extra energy on the RR drill anyways. Call energy also allows me to start with chatot or baltoy or even uxie (though not often) and not worry about a donk. Call also allows for an evolution into a kakuna and to get a bench going.

    • Mike Qua  → Brian

      I think I agree with Jeremy’s thoughts. You have 8 energy… so RR Drill requires 3 energy to attack – now you have 5 expendable energy to use, you have 2 GE Drill each using 1 and have 3 left over for the other Drill. How often does it work out that way? I mean auto paralyzing is great! But your strat seems a bit risky…and NM usually used to get back fallen bees not energies.

      I personally never use the RR Drill. Could you give us some feedback on how your games run using your strategy? :)

      • Brian Jessing  → Mike

        It works out surprisingly often. Between the queen healing and free retreat, and sending up the occasional sac, you can drop 3 energy on him at least once a game. The 4 call energy won’t ever be on the other bee, so those are auto-drops on him, which means that a double call and a grass (not that hard) allows him to hit and risk very little. Also the deck runs 3 candies, meaning that you don’t have to grab the entire line and can skip the kakuna for a grass. Because of candy, 2 of the candies are expendable on beedrill, meaning you can NM back 2 grass, for a total of 6. As for most games, it’s basically a goal to keep both drills alive for as long as possible, using the queen/retreat combo and the occasional RR attack to buy another round of healing and damage. Basically he acts as a potion for both drills when ssu fails, and gives the deck more options, espically against gengar/machamp when you can’t score the OHKO.

    • Adam Capriola  → Brian

      Thanks for the post Brian!! Welcome to the site. :)

      Ask Jeremy stated, there isn’t a real huge advantage to playing Call Energy. I would be worried about Grass energies being prized and running out.

      • Brian Jessing  → Adam

        Yeah, as I said before, usually you can NM back an energy and not worry about getting hosed by it, given the 4-4-4 line and 3 candy. Prized energies are always a problem for most any deck that runs a low count, so a few quick prizes and foced NM of the energies becomes the idea. Of course, with my type of stratgy, the beedrills die alot slower, so less energy isn’t a problem in this list vs. lists that run dusknoir or something else. Just wish I could somehow manage the 1-1 shaymin lvl X too. lol

  16. jermy101

    Nice list rokman. I guess with the lack of tech it makes it more consistent.

  17. jermy101

    I haven’t tested the Beedrill vs LuxApe matchup that much, but I remember it being difficult. My early Cosmic Powers usually get Power Sprayed and Luxray gusts up whatever’s hiding on my bench. Once Infernape is leveled up it can only be OHKO’d by a 4 Bee Band Attack, so that’s a little hard to pull off. I guess Beedrill’s 110 HP is a little helpful though, since even with Lucario GL or Lake Boundary in play, Infernape’s Hi Jump Kick will be 10 short of the KO without the help of Crobat G’s Flash Bite.

    I like Cynthia’s Feelings. I forgot how helpful that was versus power locking decks.

    I’ll have to try out 4 Night Maintenance and see how that works for me!

  18. kwisdumb

    Nice. I’ll have to build a list soon and see how things run, I’ve been interested in this deck for a long while.

    Thanks for posting!

  19. Mike Qua

    no one plays Lux/Ape around me D: I can’t test or practice against it >_<

    • Adam Capriola  → Mike

      You gotta get apprentice set up so you can play vs more people. :) I’ll show you how to do it sometime.

  20. Mike Qua

    Is that the Chatot that refreshes your hand for nothing?

  21. Dave Hueglin

    Adam, you mention using apprentice to play against other people. Have you used Redshark? If so how would you compare them?

    • Adam Capriola  → Dave

      Yo Dave, I have to admit I have never used Redshark. I am just to stubborn at this point to use anything but Apprentice. It runs smoothly enough for me, I can’t imagine any other program running as quickly as Apprentice does. Really I feel I just have no reason to try anything else out.

      BUT maybe I’ll give it a try sometime just to see what it’s like. :)

  22. alex d

    2 RR Beedrill SEVERELY increases your odds in the Gengar matchup. Yes, it’s another Bee with a PokePower that they can kill, but because there is one more, this does 2 things:

    1. Creates a backup Flutter Wings Bee in case the first one is knocked out.
    2. Creates 1 more target that the Gengar player has to attack. They are going to have SO MANY targets on your bench, around 4 Pokemon with Poke Powers, that it is really hard to get to everything via Shadow Room. Every turn they Shadow Room a benched Pokemon, you respond with a 120 OHKO. They can’t keep up Gengars that fast, so having 2 RR Beedrill in a way safeguards yourself from having a few easy targets with PokePowers.

    With 2 RR Bee, this deck really doesn’t even need Unown G all that much.

    • Ivan Garcia  → alex

      but you could also provide memory berries to allow you to use weedle rr’s rescue string allowing you to bring back pokemon from the discard pile….

      • Joshua Hall  → Ivan

        The thing is, the other Weedle has a “Call for Family” attack that is the ideal starting attack. Also, using “Rescue String” wastes an attack, as you always want to be hitting for damage, keeping the offensive. I just don’t think Memory Berry is very effective here.

  23. Joshua Hall

    yoyo, that’s in interesting point. One would think that if you add yet another pokemon with a pokepower, you’re both adding another target with a pokepower AND you’ll need more unown G’s…yet it’s the exact opposite. I do think, though, that if you only have 2 attacking Beedrills, you’re going to need at least 4 in a combination of Night Mainteance/Aarons.

    • jermy101  → Joshua

      Dave: I can’t speak for Adam but I like Apprentice much more than Redshark. In the few times I used Redshark it was buggy and slow. You can finish a game in Apprentice in about half the time. I don’t care for the fanciness and card images in Redshark; as long as I can see the text of the cards on the table I’m good to go.

      yoyofsho16: Interesting analysis on the Beedrill vs Gengar matchup. You say that you OHKO the Gengars, so do you risk the Fainting Spell flip?

      quaziko: Unfortunately Aaron’s isn’t an option for this deck since it can only get back Pokemon SP :(

      Great discussion going on!

      •  → jermy101

        Just wanted to give you a big thanks for reminding me about Aaron’s collection. That card completely helps out any sp deck that runs lvl Xs. Definately going to add in 1-2 to my absol list.

  24. Adam Capriola

    Thanks for the insight yoyofsho.

    So I guess you have to risk the Fainting Spell flips, as Jeremy mentioned. I really do not see how you could get away not playing any Unown G. If your Claydol is KO’d, how do you keep up your draw? Beedrill RR is only going to get you more Beedrills, not necessarily let you draw into your Night Maintenance and whatnot that you need to keep going.

  25. Adam Capriola

    Yo Dave, I have to admit I have never used Redshark. I am just to stubborn at this point to use anything but Apprentice. It runs smoothly enough for me, I can’t imagine any other program running as quickly as Apprentice does. Really I feel I just have no reason to try anything else out.

    BUT maybe I’ll give it a try sometime just to see what it’s like. :)

  26. Adam Capriola

    Thanks for the insight yoyofsho.

    So I guess you have to risk the Fainting Spell flips, as Jeremy mentioned. I really do not see how you could get away not playing any Unown G. If your Claydol is KO’d, how do you keep up your draw? Beedrill RR is only going to get you more Beedrills, not necessarily let you draw into your Night Maintenance and whatnot that you need to keep going.

  27. alex d

    Yes, that is true, but what I’m saying is that there is SO MUCH out on the field that is hurting you, and you are getting KO’d every turn, there just is no room to get rid of the Claydol. Keeping up with the Bees is really, really rough, and KO’ing Claydol leaves you really vulnerable, IMO. I never ran G in Bees, and didn’t lose to any Gengar in BR’s or at Nationals that I played (I didn’t play Bees for the main event, but I did in the modified side event).

    There is just so much support that Bees has on the field to mess with.
    If Bees has 2 Claydol out, then they really don’t need Unown G. Gengar just doesn’t keep up.
    Plus, recovering Claydol himself isn’t that difficult, with all of the Great Ball/Trainer support (most lists run Poke Radar–Jeremy’s doesn’t), Gengar can’t stay with the pace unless they do a lot of Poltergeisting to the active.

    Bees BENEFITS from Unown G, but it lowers consistency and I just don’t think it needs it. In the end it is how quaziko puts it: you would think that more Powers=more Unown G, but more powers means the more they have to target, which leaves you a LOT of turns.

    And yes, I risk the Fainting Spell. But before I do so, it is NECCESSARY to make sure I’m in a spot where they won’t KO another Bee the next turn… getting Fainting Spell’d and then KO’d is detrimental, but getting Fainting Spell’d and staying alive until your next turn isn’t. You just have to make sure you want to risk the Fainting Spell.

  28. alex d

    Yes, that is true, but what I’m saying is that there is SO MUCH out on the field that is hurting you, and you are getting KO’d every turn, there just is no room to get rid of the Claydol. Keeping up with the Bees is really, really rough, and KO’ing Claydol leaves you really vulnerable, IMO. I never ran G in Bees, and didn’t lose to any Gengar in BR’s or at Nationals that I played (I didn’t play Bees for the main event, but I did in the modified side event).

    There is just so much support that Bees has on the field to mess with.
    If Bees has 2 Claydol out, then they really don’t need Unown G. Gengar just doesn’t keep up.
    Plus, recovering Claydol himself isn’t that difficult, with all of the Great Ball/Trainer support (most lists run Poke Radar–Jeremy’s doesn’t), Gengar can’t stay with the pace unless they do a lot of Poltergeisting to the active.

    Bees BENEFITS from Unown G, but it lowers consistency and I just don’t think it needs it. In the end it is how quaziko puts it: you would think that more Powers=more Unown G, but more powers means the more they have to target, which leaves you a LOT of turns.

    And yes, I risk the Fainting Spell. But before I do so, it is NECCESSARY to make sure I’m in a spot where they won’t KO another Bee the next turn… getting Fainting Spell’d and then KO’d is detrimental, but getting Fainting Spell’d and staying alive until your next turn isn’t. You just have to make sure you want to risk the Fainting Spell.

  29. Cesar

    I played someone with this deck, but they switched out a luxury ball for a roseannes research

  30. Cesar

    I played someone with this deck, but they switched out a luxury ball for a roseannes research

  31. alex d


    This deck won Worlds. Wow.

    Not a deck I expected to do so.
    Stephen had Luxray GL though…

  32. alex d


    This deck won Worlds. Wow.

    Not a deck I expected to do so.
    Stephen had Luxray GL though…

  33. Ivan Garcia

    Ya awesome i also have a deck that’s coming up like this but i included “memory berry” to retrieve back some pokemon from the discard pile with weedle rr’s “rescue string”

  34. Ivan Garcia

    Ya awesome i also have a deck that’s coming up like this but i included “memory berry” to retrieve back some pokemon from the discard pile with weedle rr’s “rescue string”

  35. Ivan Garcia

    but you could also provide memory berries to allow you to use weedle rr’s rescue string allowing you to bring back pokemon from the discard pile….

    • Joshua Hall  → Ivan

      The thing is, the other Weedle has a “Call for Family” attack that is the ideal starting attack. Also, using “Rescue String” wastes an attack, as you always want to be hitting for damage, keeping the offensive. I just don’t think Memory Berry is very effective here.

    • Joshua Hall  → Ivan

      The thing is, the other Weedle has a “Call for Family” attack that is the ideal starting attack. Also, using “Rescue String” wastes an attack, as you always want to be hitting for damage, keeping the offensive. I just don’t think Memory Berry is very effective here.

  36. awesome deck i love it more than anything! down side is i dont have enuf beedrills on me so i cant make a buzzkill deck!!

  37. CoMiT

    awesome deck i love it more than anything! down side is i dont have enuf beedrills on me so i cant make a buzzkill deck!!

  38. CoMiT

    awesome deck i love it more than anything! down side is i dont have enuf beedrills on me so i cant make a buzzkill deck!!

  39. jermy101

    Dave: I can't speak for Adam but I like Apprentice much more than Redshark. In the few times I used Redshark it was buggy and slow. You can finish a game in Apprentice in about half the time. I don't care for the fanciness and card images in Redshark; as long as I can see the text of the cards on the table I'm good to go.

    yoyofsho16: Interesting analysis on the Beedrill vs Gengar matchup. You say that you OHKO the Gengars, so do you risk the Fainting Spell flip?

    quaziko: Unfortunately Aaron's isn't an option for this deck since it can only get back Pokemon SP :(

    Great discussion going on!

    • Brian Jessing  → jermy101

      Just wanted to give you a big thanks for reminding me about Aaron’s collection. That card completely helps out any sp deck that runs lvl Xs. Definately going to add in 1-2 to my absol list.

  40. mewuk85

    im catching up on old articles i missed, and its cool to see how far all this strategy has gone.

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