We’ve got another poll for you to respond to this week…
[poll id=”3″]
You do not necessarily have to pick whichever the “best” set is at the moment, but which release added in your opinion the coolest new Pokémon cards to the mix? Which set did you spend all your allowance on? :) Cast your vote and join the discussion!
(Jeremy and I will post our responses at the end of the week.)
I really like Great Encounters, it has Beedrill, Claydol, Porygon2, and unown g!
Platinum’s got Dialga G and the Lv. X. That’s enough for me.
LA. The level Xs are all pretty solid (Pixies all have some use, gliscor is very annoying and would see alot more play if powerspray wasn’t in format, magnezone makes magnezone work, mewtwo is a great attacker/wall, and rhyperior is just waiting to be broken), it has some decent trainers (cynthia’s, the TMs, energy pickup, radar, the stadiums), and has some amazing techs/standard cards, such as the pixies again, a few of the unowns, exeggutor, regis, gdon/kyogre, ditto, luxray, metagross, and a few other interesting pokemon. But just the pixies alone make this set critical to so many decks and is pretty balanced overal, making it a fun set to draft.
Brian Jessing
LA. The level Xs are all pretty solid (Pixies all have some use, gliscor is very annoying and would see alot more play if powerspray wasn’t in format, magnezone makes magnezone work, mewtwo is a great attacker/wall, and rhyperior is just waiting to be broken), it has some decent trainers (cynthia’s, the TMs, energy pickup, radar, the stadiums), and has some amazing techs/standard cards, such as the pixies again, a few of the unowns, exeggutor, regis, gdon/kyogre, ditto, luxray, metagross, and a few other interesting pokemon. But just the pixies alone make this set critical to so many decks and is pretty balanced overal, making it a fun set to draft.
Legends Awakened for life.
Dave Hueglin
I like Platinum because it has some neat Pokemon with interesting attacks/abilities: Muk, Mightyena, Zangoose, Altaria, Carnivine 43, Ninetales, Skunktank G, Gyarados G, Crobat G, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.
BTS and Miasma Valley are good Stadiums.
If you’re an SP fan (I don’t mind them) you have Energy Gain, Power Spray and Poke Turn – pretty much essentials for an SP deck. I just got back into Pokemon with RR, but I can see how SPs have really upset a lot of people who really invested (time and money) in Stage 2 type heavy hitting decks.
I’m surprised that GE isn’t higher on the list, what with Claydol, Unown G, etc.
I’m also surprised that MD has garnered no votes, heh.
Kyle Morris
LA? Seriously? It has some good cards but no decks came out of the set. It was just staples and what not. You guys most really love AMU.
Kyle Morris
LA? Seriously? It has some good cards but no decks came out of the set. It was just staples and what not. You guys most really love AMU.
alex d
I’m not surprised that MD has 1 vote at all… the worst set in format IMO, along with MT and DP.
No more love for SW? It has Gardevoir, and saw the first release of Roseanne, and the 2nd release of Bebe’s and NM. Solid stuff.
Ha, yeah. MD is the set that brought me back to the game, with all the Eveelutions, so I guess it holds a special place in my heart, ha.
Adam Capriola
Thanks for taking part guys, me and Jeremy have posts for our responses scheduled for Sunday.
And it’s totally cool to pick whatever set you like for sentimental reasons, after all the poll isn’t “What is the BEST Set?”, just your favorite!
alex d
I’m not surprised that MD has 1 vote at all… the worst set in format IMO, along with MT and DP.
No more love for SW? It has Gardevoir, and saw the first release of Roseanne, and the 2nd release of Bebe’s and NM. Solid stuff.
Adam Capriola
Thanks for taking part guys, me and Jeremy have posts for our responses scheduled for Sunday.
And it’s totally cool to pick whatever set you like for sentimental reasons, after all the poll isn’t “What is the BEST Set?”, just your favorite!
Josh Lucas
I love Secret Wonders because alot of the artwork from that set are some of my all time favs
But for deck building wise..its hard to say
Josh Lucas
I love Secret Wonders because alot of the artwork from that set are some of my all time favs
But for deck building wise..its hard to say
Adam Capriola
Yo what up Josh? Thanks for posting and welcome to the site. :)
Josh Lucas
Thanks :D
Adam Capriola
Yo what up Josh? Thanks for posting and welcome to the site. :)
Josh Lucas
Thanks :D
Josh Lucas
Thanks :D
platinum rising rivals is the best they have 3 reprints 3 shinys and lost of lv X and awsome holos! i cant wait until supreme victors! its gonna be epic! im goi ng to the pre release and all of you guys r doing great on voting on that box that 12 referrall dude wow hes doing great! :)
i so badlly want that blaziken x
Josh Lucas
I soo badly want the Gengar X
Josh Lucas
I soo badly want the Gengar X
i so badlly want that blaziken x
Adam Capriola
Hey Jamie, I just want to welcome you to the site, and thanks for posting. :)
platinum rising rivals is the best they have 3 reprints 3 shinys and lost of lv X and awsome holos! i cant wait until supreme victors! its gonna be epic! im goi ng to the pre release and all of you guys r doing great on voting on that box that 12 referrall dude wow hes doing great! :)
i so badlly want that blaziken x
Josh Lucas
I soo badly want the Gengar X
Adam Capriola
Hey Jamie, I just want to welcome you to the site, and thanks for posting. :)
alex d
I think SV is a relatively bad set, actually. Won’t really change the meta that much.
alex d
In fact, the only real changes I see are techs, mostly. No real archetypes emerge (in my opinion), except for Blazeray.
Dave Hueglin
I don’t think it will become an archtype, but Parasect might work well with Darkrai Gs Poke-Body – and as they stack you might be able to do 20-30 per turn with little chance to withdraw.
[G][G][C] Knock Out Spore: 40 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. In between turns, your opponent flips 2 coins to check for Sleep, and unless both coins are heads, the Pokemon remains Asleep.
If you like decks that use Special Conditions, there is a lot of neat stuff in the SV set.
Why not just use darkrai lvl X then? X_x
alex d
Just like why Darkrai X doesn’t work, Parasect wouldn’t work because Unown G blocks it.
alex d
I think SV is a relatively bad set, actually. Won’t really change the meta that much.
alex d
I think SV is a relatively bad set, actually. Won’t really change the meta that much.
alex d
In fact, the only real changes I see are techs, mostly. No real archetypes emerge (in my opinion), except for Blazeray.
alex d
In fact, the only real changes I see are techs, mostly. No real archetypes emerge (in my opinion), except for Blazeray.
Dave Hueglin
I don’t think it will become an archtype, but Parasect might work well with Darkrai Gs Poke-Body – and as they stack you might be able to do 20-30 per turn with little chance to withdraw.
[G][G][C] Knock Out Spore: 40 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. In between turns, your opponent flips 2 coins to check for Sleep, and unless both coins are heads, the Pokemon remains Asleep.
If you like decks that use Special Conditions, there is a lot of neat stuff in the SV set.
Brian Jessing
Why not just use darkrai lvl X then? X_x
alex d
Just like why Darkrai X doesn’t work, Parasect wouldn’t work because Unown G blocks it.
Josh Bangle
Mysterious Treasures… 1 word… Girafarig.
alex d
I had no clue that Girafarig was your favorite until a couple days ago, Bangle…
Which is when you made it an avatar for EVERYTHING.
Stormfront FTW, SP Pokemon is getting out of hand >.< and there are less updates on Stage 2 Pokemon.
Stormfront FTW, SP Pokemon is getting out of hand >.< and there are less updates on Stage 2 Pokemon.
Josh Bangle
Mysterious Treasures… 1 word… Girafarig.
alex d
I had no clue that Girafarig was your favorite until a couple days ago, Bangle…
Which is when you made it an avatar for EVERYTHING.
i like stormfront and rising rivals very much…because the cards they have and the excellents artworks…
i like stormfront and rising rivals very much…because the cards they have and the excellents artworks…
Mike Qua
I’m a fan of Great Encounters for Claydol, Unown G, and Rare Candy…
Secret Wonders places 2nd because it gives us one of the best supporters ever, Roseanne’s Research. And it gives me a Gardevoir :)
Mike Qua
I’m a fan of Great Encounters for Claydol, Unown G, and Rare Candy…
Secret Wonders places 2nd because it gives us one of the best supporters ever, Roseanne’s Research. And it gives me a Gardevoir :)
The only set I really DISLIKE at the moment is stormfront. This entire format would be much cleaner without Gengar and Machamp.
As for my favorite – It’s a pretty close tie between LA and Platinum. Platinum introduced my favorite concept the TCG has ever had: SPs…but, as many people may know, when LA came out, I was a HUGE AMU advocate. The deck was fast, fun, hit hard (obviously), could snipe, was its OWN draw engine, had slight power lock, no weakness…it just had EVERYTHING, and, imo, was BDIF for its time and didn’t see as much play as kingdra because it was much more expensive and much harder to play (although, to play a kingdra PERFECTLY, you have to have a LOT of skill…so that argument only goes so far) – Palkia LV X was the key to beating a lot of decks, by dragging up Claydol, and AMU was imo our first “Claydol Kill” deck – a design that now completely runs the meta. Luxape is a “Claydol Kill” deck, any sort of Palkia G is a “Claydol Kill” deck, Gengar is a “Claydol Kill” deck…or was, until people were pretty much FORCED to unown G the second they dropped baltoy because of crobat G…it’s just EVERYWHERE.
Adam Keibler
I’ve actually been thinking the same thing.
No one likes Machamp and Gengar donks… no one likes the lucksack of Fainting Spell. Of course, Stormfront gave us the unbeatable combo of Mismagius/Bibarel, and many lulz resulted, so it’s not all bad.
My favorite tournament-legal set would have to be Legends Awakened, for the pure awesomeness of Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Kingdra, and all the other fun stuff. I also have to say that I have a soft spot for LA, since that’s the prerelease I’ve had the most fun at.
Adam Keibler
I’ve actually been thinking the same thing.
No one likes Machamp and Gengar donks… no one likes the lucksack of Fainting Spell. Of course, Stormfront gave us the unbeatable combo of Mismagius/Bibarel, and many lulz resulted, so it’s not all bad.
My favorite tournament-legal set would have to be Legends Awakened, for the pure awesomeness of Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Kingdra, and all the other fun stuff. I also have to say that I have a soft spot for LA, since that’s the prerelease I’ve had the most fun at.
The only set I really DISLIKE at the moment is stormfront. This entire format would be much cleaner without Gengar and Machamp.
As for my favorite – It’s a pretty close tie between LA and Platinum. Platinum introduced my favorite concept the TCG has ever had: SPs…but, as many people may know, when LA came out, I was a HUGE AMU advocate. The deck was fast, fun, hit hard (obviously), could snipe, was its OWN draw engine, had slight power lock, no weakness…it just had EVERYTHING, and, imo, was BDIF for its time and didn’t see as much play as kingdra because it was much more expensive and much harder to play (although, to play a kingdra PERFECTLY, you have to have a LOT of skill…so that argument only goes so far) – Palkia LV X was the key to beating a lot of decks, by dragging up Claydol, and AMU was imo our first “Claydol Kill” deck – a design that now completely runs the meta. Luxape is a “Claydol Kill” deck, any sort of Palkia G is a “Claydol Kill” deck, Gengar is a “Claydol Kill” deck…or was, until people were pretty much FORCED to unown G the second they dropped baltoy because of crobat G…it’s just EVERYWHERE.
Adam Keibler
I’ve actually been thinking the same thing.
No one likes Machamp and Gengar donks… no one likes the lucksack of Fainting Spell. Of course, Stormfront gave us the unbeatable combo of Mismagius/Bibarel, and many lulz resulted, so it’s not all bad.
My favorite tournament-legal set would have to be Legends Awakened, for the pure awesomeness of Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Kingdra, and all the other fun stuff. I also have to say that I have a soft spot for LA, since that’s the prerelease I’ve had the most fun at.
Jeremy C
Loved Platinum. Dialga is amazing and in my deck. The SP trainers are wonderful as well.
Jeremy C
Loved Platinum. Dialga is amazing and in my deck. The SP trainers are wonderful as well.