Decided to give this deck a shot the other day…I was pretty stoked on the idea when I first thought of it, but testing showed its futility.
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Yeah I know, I forgot to put SP Radar in the deck. I should have at least 1, if not 2 in the list. I suppose a Roseanne’s Research could go for one, but I am not sure what to take out for the other.
Anyway the strategy of the deck is to use Gallade 4 LV.X’s “Blade Storm” Pokémon Power and Crobat G’s “Flash Bite” Pokémon Power in order to get damage onto your opponent’s Pokémon, then attack with Gallade 4, it’s LV.X, and Honchkrow G in order to either get easy prizes or Knock Out big threats in one hit.
Here are the flaws I found with the deck:
- Gallade 4 LV.X isn’t that good. 100 HP and a 3 energy attack do not fly that well.
- “Blade Storm” is too easily played around (Power Sprays, Nidoqueen, not filling your bench, etc…).
- “Aimed Cut” does not do great damage considering the energy requirement and prerequisites (i.e. there must already be at least 40 damage on the defending Pokémon to get a Knock Out).
- It is hard to manage your Poké Turns because you will want to use them on both Gallade 4 LV.X and Crobat G early and often to get damage counters in play.
- You will find bench space to be an issue at times considering you need to be careful playing Poké Turns and dropping Crobat G’s to get the extra needed damage for knock outs (you will find yourself with 2 Crobat G’s taking up bench space).
- Gallade 4 is just not quick enough and is reliant on the LV.X to have any impact.
However, one positive that came from using the deck is that I realized how good a turn 1 or 2 Honchkrow G + Crobat G is to take out Baltoys. I will explain more in a moment, but I just think it can be just crippling to your opponent’s set up if you take out their Baltoy before they even have a chance to get Claydol out. Most decks cannot function for long without Claydol in play.
Here is a brief recap of the games I played versus Jeremy who was using Beedrill:
Game 1: I went first and started with Honchkrow G with Crobat G and Call Energy in hand. I was able to get a turn 2 Claydol and was also able to pick off Jeremy’s Baltoy that turn, which left him with no options and I just slowly set up and won the game quite easily.
Game 2: I went second and again I picked off his Baltoy early, resulting smooth sailing for the rest of the game again.
Game 3: I went first and started with Unown G. We both had less than desirable starts. I know I used Unown G to attack turn 2 for a prize and we both spent time stalling, but eventually Jeremy got set up and there was just no way I could take out his Beedrills.
Game 4: I went second and this game was more of the same. I hung around for a while, but my last 2 Prizes were Azelf LA and Gallade 4 LV.X RR. Even if they weren’t prized I am confident Jeremy would have still won easily.
Gallade 4 can’t deal with a Pokémon that has no damage on it. Beedrill can easily recycle themselves, so they were clean of damage a majority of the time. Jeremy was able to 1HKO my all Pokémon while I needed at least 2 hits to knock any of his Pokémon out. Considering Beedrill can also retreat for free and the deck runs Super Scoop Up, my efforts to draw prizes were fruitless.
Like I said, I did find Honchkrow and Crobat to be GNARLY together. The problem wasn’t those two Pokémon, it was just that Gallade is weak. So I am going give this deck another go with Luxray GL LV.X RR replacing Gallade 4. Luxray will give the deck a second option for taking out Baltoys and Claydols. I hope that the deck will be extremely quick, draw easy prizes, and simply prevent my opponents from ever setting up. I will try that deck out later on and post about it.
What do you guys think? Have any of you tried out Gallade and actually had success with it? Am I playing the deck wrong? Let me know! :)
good deck and good strategy…continue with good work…
good deck and good strategy…continue with good work…
Mike Qua
Yeah, I never really saw Gallade 4 as a good card since the set came out… I traded most of mine away at the prerelease for cards I needed hahaha
They all told me “Blade Storm” and I replied…”Nidoqueen” And they had no reply after that…but they still wanted them.
For Crobat/Honchrow…wow. That’s awesome.
Drew Stillwell
You’re right- honchcrow G and crobat G are a great opening combo. I’ve tried out a palkia G spread focused deck with honchcrow, crobat, and a raichu in there, and it did moderately well, but I soon discovered the same thing you did about honchcrow.
I’m looking forward to the new deck idea though, that sounds pretty cool!
Adam Capriola
I am pretty sure that deck you just mentioned went undefeated in the masters division at Nationals and then lost in top 32. I think they used the Pixie Lock in the deck along with the other Pokemon you mentioned. Seems like a good idea, you will have so many options available to use.
I probably should have tried a Raichu in this, it might have helped out, but I doubt it would have made a major difference.
Drew Stillwell
Mine was more sniping/spread focused than just a Legos build, but yeah same idea I guess…
alex d
If you’re talking about Ian Brander, he lost in top 128…
Unless another Palkia type thing went undefeated in the other pod…
Ah, that Honchkrow x Crobat idea is rather good.
I’ve seen Gallade 4 be used successfully with Giratina Lv. X, but I don’t have a list or anything, and I don’t remember what the exact strategy was. It was a pretty good deck though.
Interesting idea!
Mike Qua
Gallade 4 and Giratina X? I can’t see the strat at all… :( Spread and discarding cards? Doesn’t seem very good, no offense.
I’m quite curious though… :)
Ah, that Honchkrow x Crobat idea is rather good.
I’ve seen Gallade 4 be used successfully with Giratina Lv. X, but I don’t have a list or anything, and I don’t remember what the exact strategy was. It was a pretty good deck though.
Interesting idea!
Mike Qua
Gallade 4 and Giratina X? I can’t see the strat at all… :( Spread and discarding cards? Doesn’t seem very good, no offense.
I’m quite curious though… :)
Joshua Hall
When I see Gallade 4 Lv. X, I instantly think of Jolteon ex and Absolutions. I think a similar Absolutions-esque idea could be pulled off if the list is more techy. Here’s what I’m thinking as the attacking/offensive line:
2/1 Gallade 4 Lv. X
2/1 Luxray GL Lv. X
3 Crobat
2 Honchcrow
4 Poketurn
4 Super Scoop Up
Now the only problem might be bench space, especially with Uxie, Claydol, Dialga Lv. X, etc. I think you may have to ditch the whole Dialga lock, and just try to win and spread insanely quickly, trying to KO basics before they evolve. The new Drifblim coming out could be money KOing Nido’s and pixies late/mid game, and you probably’ll have to pop in a Bronzong G.
The damage accleration in the beginning of the game looks GNARLY with this deck, and I think if you can just get a few prizes early, you could get the last few sniping here and there, using Honchcrow and Drifblim.
My favorite decks have always been spread :D
Mike Qua
Yeah, I never really saw Gallade 4 as a good card since the set came out… I traded most of mine away at the prerelease for cards I needed hahaha
They all told me “Blade Storm” and I replied…”Nidoqueen” And they had no reply after that…but they still wanted them.
For Crobat/Honchrow…wow. That’s awesome.
Drew Stillwell
You’re right- honchcrow G and crobat G are a great opening combo. I’ve tried out a palkia G spread focused deck with honchcrow, crobat, and a raichu in there, and it did moderately well, but I soon discovered the same thing you did about honchcrow.
I’m looking forward to the new deck idea though, that sounds pretty cool!
Adam Capriola
I am pretty sure that deck you just mentioned went undefeated in the masters division at Nationals and then lost in top 32. I think they used the Pixie Lock in the deck along with the other Pokemon you mentioned. Seems like a good idea, you will have so many options available to use.
I probably should have tried a Raichu in this, it might have helped out, but I doubt it would have made a major difference.
Drew Stillwell
Mine was more sniping/spread focused than just a Legos build, but yeah same idea I guess…
alex d
If you’re talking about Ian Brander, he lost in top 128…
Unless another Palkia type thing went undefeated in the other pod…
Adam Capriola
Thanks for the input. :)
Quaziko that sounds like a decent idea to try out, I think you would have to go 3/1 on both Gallade and Luxray though. 2/1 will make it much harder to cycle them.
K dub, that’s an odd sounding deck, I don’t get the synergy between the two cards. Try to find out more about it if you can. :)
Joshua Hall
When I see Gallade 4 Lv. X, I instantly think of Jolteon ex and Absolutions. I think a similar Absolutions-esque idea could be pulled off if the list is more techy. Here’s what I’m thinking as the attacking/offensive line:
2/1 Gallade 4 Lv. X
2/1 Luxray GL Lv. X
3 Crobat
2 Honchcrow
4 Poketurn
4 Super Scoop Up
Now the only problem might be bench space, especially with Uxie, Claydol, Dialga Lv. X, etc. I think you may have to ditch the whole Dialga lock, and just try to win and spread insanely quickly, trying to KO basics before they evolve. The new Drifblim coming out could be money KOing Nido’s and pixies late/mid game, and you probably’ll have to pop in a Bronzong G.
The damage accleration in the beginning of the game looks GNARLY with this deck, and I think if you can just get a few prizes early, you could get the last few sniping here and there, using Honchcrow and Drifblim.
My favorite decks have always been spread :D
Adam Capriola
Thanks for the input. :)
Quaziko that sounds like a decent idea to try out, I think you would have to go 3/1 on both Gallade and Luxray though. 2/1 will make it much harder to cycle them.
K dub, that’s an odd sounding deck, I don’t get the synergy between the two cards. Try to find out more about it if you can. :)
alex d
This type of deck got 2nd in Seniors, but that build was designed by the SR player’s close friend, a Master named David Coleman (y’all have probably heard of him).
So, this deck is pretty broken… but only 1 Honchkrow is needed. Coleman/Wenger used 1 Darkness, 1 Honch, and a 2-1 Dialga line, as their build also used Dialga as a side attacker, to combat Gallade’s weakness and its low HP. Plus, it can pretty much sweep late game via Second Strike.
Drew Stillwell
That’s a good thing to do- combo gallade with dialga to take care of those pesky nidoqeens popping up in random decks. I’d prefer 2 honch’s since it makes a decent starter, but if it’s just a sniper tech then 1 sounds fine.
I would focus on just gallade and setting it up for a massive hit. For starters, run fortress g as your starter. It can spread easily and then pop itself for the prize and more damge. I would also use ssu and try to buff up the dialgia line, as he not only is anti-queen, but he is also a solid attacker for this deck (gallade+bat=90).
Adam Capriola
Ya maybe more of a focus on Dialga G would help. Thanks for the tip. I still think Gallade 4 and the LV.X are not that good though. What decks were people using in the SR division? I would be interested to know what the one that got 2nd played against.
And yoyo there was another Palkia deck that lost in top 32, I read a report on the Gym so I am sure of this.
alex d
Man, Palkia must’ve dominated Masters, then (Read Pooka’s last 8 matches).
I’m not too sure, but it lost to Gengar in the finals.
Dave Coleman said its only really bad matchup was Beedrill, but I haven’t tested this myself, but clearly that was the most successful build.
I too don’t like Gallade 4 X… it is plagued by its poor weakness and HP. I like it as a support in a spread type deck, but not as a main Pokemon.
Adam Capriola
Man well Beedrill was the one deck I tested against, maybe I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so fast. ;o
Not with Luxray running around. ;)
It was probably gallade/manny…which would work and covers weakness pretty nicely.
Rob Simon
I like Gallade 4 more than others. I think the play is 2/2, and the focus should be on using Chop Up rather than Aimed Cut. Making room for a couple of Super Scoop Ups in addition to the Poke Turns, would allow you to do Blade Storm more than once a turn + Aimed Cut, which makes for significant spread damage (including your Crobats!). I think Honchcrow pairs great with this — and adding in a Raichu can’t hurt….
Adam Capriola
Thanks for the advice Rob. :) Scoop Up does sound like a great idea if you can fit them because as I mentioned in the article, it’s hard to manage your 4 Poke Turns, they are all just so crucial.
I think 3/1 still has to be the play however, just because you want to have Gallade 4’s (not the LV.X) on your bench so you can do multiple “Blade Storms” in one turn. :)
alex d
This type of deck got 2nd in Seniors, but that build was designed by the SR player’s close friend, a Master named David Coleman (y’all have probably heard of him).
So, this deck is pretty broken… but only 1 Honchkrow is needed. Coleman/Wenger used 1 Darkness, 1 Honch, and a 2-1 Dialga line, as their build also used Dialga as a side attacker, to combat Gallade’s weakness and its low HP. Plus, it can pretty much sweep late game via Second Strike.
Drew Stillwell
That’s a good thing to do- combo gallade with dialga to take care of those pesky nidoqeens popping up in random decks. I’d prefer 2 honch’s since it makes a decent starter, but if it’s just a sniper tech then 1 sounds fine.
Brian Jessing
I would focus on just gallade and setting it up for a massive hit. For starters, run fortress g as your starter. It can spread easily and then pop itself for the prize and more damge. I would also use ssu and try to buff up the dialgia line, as he not only is anti-queen, but he is also a solid attacker for this deck (gallade+bat=90).
Adam Capriola
Ya maybe more of a focus on Dialga G would help. Thanks for the tip. I still think Gallade 4 and the LV.X are not that good though. What decks were people using in the SR division? I would be interested to know what the one that got 2nd played against.
And yoyo there was another Palkia deck that lost in top 32, I read a report on the Gym so I am sure of this.
alex d
Man, Palkia must’ve dominated Masters, then (Read Pooka’s last 8 matches).
I’m not too sure, but it lost to Gengar in the finals.
Dave Coleman said its only really bad matchup was Beedrill, but I haven’t tested this myself, but clearly that was the most successful build.
I too don’t like Gallade 4 X… it is plagued by its poor weakness and HP. I like it as a support in a spread type deck, but not as a main Pokemon.
Not with Luxray running around. ;)
Adam Capriola
Man well Beedrill was the one deck I tested against, maybe I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so fast. ;o
Brian Jessing
It was probably gallade/manny…which would work and covers weakness pretty nicely.
Rob Simon
I like Gallade 4 more than others. I think the play is 2/2, and the focus should be on using Chop Up rather than Aimed Cut. Making room for a couple of Super Scoop Ups in addition to the Poke Turns, would allow you to do Blade Storm more than once a turn + Aimed Cut, which makes for significant spread damage (including your Crobats!). I think Honchcrow pairs great with this — and adding in a Raichu can’t hurt….
Adam Capriola
Thanks for the advice Rob. :) Scoop Up does sound like a great idea if you can fit them because as I mentioned in the article, it’s hard to manage your 4 Poke Turns, they are all just so crucial.
I think 3/1 still has to be the play however, just because you want to have Gallade 4’s (not the LV.X) on your bench so you can do multiple “Blade Storms” in one turn. :)
Kyle Morris
I’ve been messing with a deck like this for a good bit now and it’s seemed to do really well. You’re on the right track, of course beedrill is going to be a huge issue but drill isn’t that viable right now having 2 bad matchups against the most popular decks in the format (palkia and luxape). I have a lot of faith in gallade, the best possible build for it is Luxray with Gallade. Lux can bring up guys with decent damage so that gallade can easily KO them or the lux can be used to bring up a stuck pokemon and then snipe the bench with honchkrow. There was also talk of gallade being used with mesprits, 4 bats, and Palkia.
Kyle Morris
I’ve been messing with a deck like this for a good bit now and it’s seemed to do really well. You’re on the right track, of course beedrill is going to be a huge issue but drill isn’t that viable right now having 2 bad matchups against the most popular decks in the format (palkia and luxape). I have a lot of faith in gallade, the best possible build for it is Luxray with Gallade. Lux can bring up guys with decent damage so that gallade can easily KO them or the lux can be used to bring up a stuck pokemon and then snipe the bench with honchkrow. There was also talk of gallade being used with mesprits, 4 bats, and Palkia.
Dave Hueglin
“Blade Storm” is too easily played around (Power Sprays, Nidoqueen, not filling your bench, etc…).
Power Spray – That’s pretty much the downfall of all those powers that only activate once, when played from the hand.
Dave Hueglin
“Blade Storm” is too easily played around (Power Sprays, Nidoqueen, not filling your bench, etc…).
Power Spray – That’s pretty much the downfall of all those powers that only activate once, when played from the hand.
Wow, I’m really interested in some people’s Gallade list, I didn’t know it was such a popular deck. Maybe a few of you could write articles for the site?
Wow, I’m really interested in some people’s Gallade list, I didn’t know it was such a popular deck. Maybe a few of you could write articles for the site?
alex d
Haha @ testing against Beedrill, Adam. That is definitely the worst matchup. Try other ones like DPL or Luxape.
alex d
Haha @ testing against Beedrill, Adam. That is definitely the worst matchup. Try other ones like DPL or Luxape.
i like luxray he is better than beedrill and try to match up beedril with some 1 else
i like luxray he is better than beedrill and try to match up beedril with some 1 else
oh and i also dont know why people say that it is a bad card. some pls comment and say why it is not good.
oh and i also dont know why people say that it is a bad card. some pls comment and say why it is not good.
Mike Qua
Adam, a friend of mine played Gallade 4 X with Luxray GL X. It worked considerably well, I fought him with Beedrill but got NOTHING, for everything good was prized D: didn’t help that 1 RR Beedrill, 1 Weedle, 1 Rare Candy, 1 Baltoy, my lone Azelf, and 1 Night Maintenance were prized… I was too slow to keep up. But you’re right, getting 40 damage is pretty hard. He OHKO my first Beedrill turn 3 with Blade Storm, Roseanne for 2 Crobats and 1 Poketurn though… then he Luxray sniped my Claydol… I came back at the end though after I got stuff I needed, but I still lost anyway.
My new thoughts of Gallade…its OKAY at most, I’m not a fan of multiple Crobat droppings very early game, and he used a few Poketurns to reuse Crobat, but then didn’t have enough for Luxray and Gallade. I started OHKOing his stuff, but I couldn’t draw because he sniped Claydol, then I got another one out and then got Power Sprayed 4 times in a row basically…
Mike Qua
Adam, a friend of mine played Gallade 4 X with Luxray GL X. It worked considerably well, I fought him with Beedrill but got NOTHING, for everything good was prized D: didn’t help that 1 RR Beedrill, 1 Weedle, 1 Rare Candy, 1 Baltoy, my lone Azelf, and 1 Night Maintenance were prized… I was too slow to keep up. But you’re right, getting 40 damage is pretty hard. He OHKO my first Beedrill turn 3 with Blade Storm, Roseanne for 2 Crobats and 1 Poketurn though… then he Luxray sniped my Claydol… I came back at the end though after I got stuff I needed, but I still lost anyway.
My new thoughts of Gallade…its OKAY at most, I’m not a fan of multiple Crobat droppings very early game, and he used a few Poketurns to reuse Crobat, but then didn’t have enough for Luxray and Gallade. I started OHKOing his stuff, but I couldn’t draw because he sniped Claydol, then I got another one out and then got Power Sprayed 4 times in a row basically…
Why are people using your poketurns on crobats, when gallade has a better power?? lol And you should use the first few turns of the game doing his first attack (basically you end up doing 30 and 20 spread for 1 energy t2, which is hot).
Adam Capriola
Sometimes you have to in order to get a KO. It’s not preferred, but you need to do it at times.
Brian Jessing
Why are people using your poketurns on crobats, when gallade has a better power?? lol And you should use the first few turns of the game doing his first attack (basically you end up doing 30 and 20 spread for 1 energy t2, which is hot).
Adam Capriola
Sometimes you have to in order to get a KO. It’s not preferred, but you need to do it at times.
After looking at the new cards for this set, I can safely say that gallade will be tested for next season. The additions of metagross and houchkrow make gallade an absolute monster for the opponet, allowing for potential multiple kos very early game and easy prizes later in the match.
Adam Capriola
Yeah that Metagross seems pretty gnarly with it. I don’t know what the deck list will look like though.
Also for the record, I am not a fan of the new Honchkrow, it is hard to actually pull off any combo with it.
It works amazing with poketurn/ssu or alot of warps/switches. Turn the gallade, send up honchkrow, use the power, attach Q, drop gallade, drop crobat, first attack for the free prize (and additional spread).
Brian Jessing
After looking at the new cards for this set, I can safely say that gallade will be tested for next season. The additions of metagross and houchkrow make gallade an absolute monster for the opponet, allowing for potential multiple kos very early game and easy prizes later in the match.
Adam Capriola
Yeah that Metagross seems pretty gnarly with it. I don’t know what the deck list will look like though.
Also for the record, I am not a fan of the new Honchkrow, it is hard to actually pull off any combo with it.
Brian Jessing
It works amazing with poketurn/ssu or alot of warps/switches. Turn the gallade, send up honchkrow, use the power, attach Q, drop gallade, drop crobat, first attack for the free prize (and additional spread).
Phillip McKay
I play Gallade/Luxray, and believe me, it works insanely. No Honch of any kind required. Chop Up for 2-3 turns + 1 Gallade Lv.X drop means that you have everything in OHKO range. Drop a Lux and whack with Aimed Cut for 120 total or Flash Impact/Trash bold for 100/110 damage total. Obviously as soon as you see the Nidoqueen you need to either get Dialga on the field, or Luxray it out + Crobat Crobat + 2 P-Turn + Gallade Lv.X Drop (I think, is it 120 or 130 HP? if 120 ignore the gallade drop) and Aimed Cut.
Phillip McKay
I play Gallade/Luxray, and believe me, it works insanely. No Honch of any kind required. Chop Up for 2-3 turns + 1 Gallade Lv.X drop means that you have everything in OHKO range. Drop a Lux and whack with Aimed Cut for 120 total or Flash Impact/Trash bold for 100/110 damage total. Obviously as soon as you see the Nidoqueen you need to either get Dialga on the field, or Luxray it out + Crobat Crobat + 2 P-Turn + Gallade Lv.X Drop (I think, is it 120 or 130 HP? if 120 ignore the gallade drop) and Aimed Cut.
I have had very little success with Gallade. Fragile HP combined with massive attack costs (come on, it’s a Pokemon SP for crying out loud!) makes it rather hard to accomplish much before it dies. Machamp kills this card easily, almost as easily as knocking out a Luxray GL. I doubt it will ever amount to anything other than a small City championship.
I have something that you could use in further testing: Raichu GL. One Gallade drop on a full bench and you’re staring at 80 damage for a single Energy. It gives Gallade a bit more offensive power against the active (what are you gonna do to the active? Aimed Cut? lol). Maybe try that in it. Perhaps it might do well.
I have had very little success with Gallade. Fragile HP combined with massive attack costs (come on, it’s a Pokemon SP for crying out loud!) makes it rather hard to accomplish much before it dies. Machamp kills this card easily, almost as easily as knocking out a Luxray GL. I doubt it will ever amount to anything other than a small City championship.
I have something that you could use in further testing: Raichu GL. One Gallade drop on a full bench and you’re staring at 80 damage for a single Energy. It gives Gallade a bit more offensive power against the active (what are you gonna do to the active? Aimed Cut? lol). Maybe try that in it. Perhaps it might do well.
i run a gallade, and zangoose, combo. blade storm and crobat G's for some bench spread damage, than an expert belted zangoose with chop up, does 70 and an additional 10 to everything else. it ran pretty decently, allowing me to take multiple prizes in one turn. altho when i snagged 5 prizes he wasnt to happy
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