Staraptor FB LV.X Supreme Victors SV 147 – Card of the Day

Staraptor FB LV.X Supreme Victors SV 147 Pokemon CardStaraptor seems like it can be a decent option to replace Claydol GE in decks, at least for newer players that are not able to get the expensive staple and given the increase LV.X’s ratio in the Platinum: Supreme Victors set.

I think this card definitely has a future in SP decks though. Being able to guarantee a Cyrus every turn? Reliably use Flint’s Willpower when you need it and maybe even surprise your opponent with it? The possibility to guarantee Lucian’s Assignment the turn you need it? I think this card offers an advantage over Claydol where it allows you to search out specific situation Supporters, or ones you want to use every turn, like the ones I mentioned above. With Claydol, you get the extra draw, but as every Pokémon TCG competitive player should know, searching out for specific cards is always a bigger advantage than simply drawing cards hoping to get what you need it. Guaranteeing that you have the Supporter you need with “Fast Call”, the exact turn you need it is a very big factor that could turn around games in an instant.

Staraptor FB once you have TGI Poké Turn’d one of your Pokémon SP or when one has been KO’d, level it up and then retreat to your main attacker.

Flint's Willpower Rising Rivals RR 91 Pokemon CardFinally, the card’s HP is very decent, and although the weakness makes it huge Luxray LV.X bait, Toxicroak G Promo should always be considered a staple in most if not all of the Pokémon SP based decks. Heck even Mankey SV should help keep Luxray LV.X in check. “Defog” is an average attack to be honest, but if you can fit Stadiums in your deck, a Lucario GL RR gives you a very reliable way to 1HKO pesky Flygon’s or Garchomp C’s. Adding another type to your attacking pool of Pokémon is never a bad thing, specially in such a diverse format.

So what do you think? Can Staraptor LV.X find it’s way into SP decks? What type of line would you use? A 1-1 or a 2-1 line? Will it be able to replace Claydol GE in some decks eventually? Or will it have to wait until next year’s rotation to truly shine?

Reader Interactions

290 replies

  1. Dave Hueglin

    You’ve got lots of good ideas here Pablo, especially being able to search for the specific situational Supporter you need. Of course, it doesn’t have quite the power of Claydol, but if/when Claydol is rotated – it will definitely become a more valued card.

    One big disadvantage is having to be in the Active spot to Level Up. Even though he has free retreat, its still a bit of a pain. And I don’t think you’re going to want to run 3-4 Level Maxes, just to get Staraptor in play from the Bench.

  2. Dave Hueglin

    You’ve got lots of good ideas here Pablo, especially being able to search for the specific situational Supporter you need. Of course, it doesn’t have quite the power of Claydol, but if/when Claydol is rotated – it will definitely become a more valued card.

    One big disadvantage is having to be in the Active spot to Level Up. Even though he has free retreat, its still a bit of a pain. And I don’t think you’re going to want to run 3-4 Level Maxes, just to get Staraptor in play from the Bench.

  3. kwisdumb

    I dunno. I can definitely see some pros in this card, but with SP decks as tight as they are, I don’t think it’ll be worth it to run. I’d rather run a 1-1 Claydol line, 2x Uxie, or 1-1 Uxie line than this. As Dave mentioned, getting it out to Level Up might also be a pain, but you could probably work around that with Poke Turns, Level Max, etc.

    With the rumor going around that Claydol is going to get released into leagues, I don’t think anyone will have that hard of a time getting him. Of course, that’s just a rumor at this point, though.

    Once Claydol and Uxie are rotated out this could be a nice card, but for now I don’t see it getting an incredible amount of play. However, this wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong about a card, haha.

    Great article!

  4. kwisdumb

    I dunno. I can definitely see some pros in this card, but with SP decks as tight as they are, I don’t think it’ll be worth it to run. I’d rather run a 1-1 Claydol line, 2x Uxie, or 1-1 Uxie line than this. As Dave mentioned, getting it out to Level Up might also be a pain, but you could probably work around that with Poke Turns, Level Max, etc.

    With the rumor going around that Claydol is going to get released into leagues, I don’t think anyone will have that hard of a time getting him. Of course, that’s just a rumor at this point, though.

    Once Claydol and Uxie are rotated out this could be a nice card, but for now I don’t see it getting an incredible amount of play. However, this wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong about a card, haha.

    Great article!

  5. Kyle Morris

    Uxie will have a long time to go before being rotated because of the league thing and I doubt claydol would be printed like that because they’d also have to print a baltoy with it. I’m not a big fan of this card, I prefer VS. Seeker and draw supporters over this, it’s too annoying to set up LV.X benchers, you’d have to turn the active or have the active ko’ed.

  6. I think you guys are underrating this card. How often do you use TGI Poke Turn? It’s very common, specially since most if not all SP decks use Luxray GL Lv. X. You most of the time try to save your active SP from a KO, by using Brnzong G to transfer an energy and then promoting something with free rereat after the TGI Poke Turn. Instead of promoting the usual Crobat G or your replacement Pokemon right away, promote Starptor FB and level it up.

    It’s so easy and convenient, and I have actually tested this! You should at least give it a try. And no I’m not saying you should replace Claydol GE with this card, but it definately has its uses with the situational Supporters such as Flint’s Willpower, in decks like Luxray GL / Infernape 4 or something based on Garchomp Lv. X, allowing you to use the big damage attacks right away.

  7. kwisdumb

    @Xicious: Not to go off-topic, but it’s not confirmed that the re-printed Uxie is going to be legal after the ’10 season.

    @Pablo: Oh, I’m definitely going to test a 1-1 line of this in some of my SP decks coming up. I hope I’m wrong about it as it would be a great addition to the meta. I think it could work well with LuxApe/BlazeRay for more disruption. I’ll test over the weekend and report back with what I think.

    Also, 100th comment for me. Yay.

  8. kwisdumb

    @Xicious: Not to go off-topic, but it’s not confirmed that the re-printed Uxie is going to be legal after the ’10 season.

    @Pablo: Oh, I’m definitely going to test a 1-1 line of this in some of my SP decks coming up. I hope I’m wrong about it as it would be a great addition to the meta. I think it could work well with LuxApe/BlazeRay for more disruption. I’ll test over the weekend and report back with what I think.

    Also, 100th comment for me. Yay.

  9. J-Wittz

    The big problem I have about old raptor here is at first, the obvious– leveling him up is a bit of a pain. The second is just a speed issue. If you don’t have staraptor X in your hand, how are you going to get him out? If you use bebe’s search, that’s your supporter for the turn, you’ll have to wait till next turn to use staraptor’s supporter (slower than claydol). What if I use cyrus, grap a poke’radar, and use that to get staraptor X out? Well then you’re already getting another supporter from cyrus anyways. The only way staraptor is efficient immediately is if you grab him out with a trainer like premier ball or a lone sp radar or a dusk ball or something, and even then you still have to get him active to level up.

    Here’s a fun combo my cousin brought up that solves both issues! What if you played him with porygon Z? the promo porygon Z can use his no energy attack to level up staraptor on the bench. ALSO– you can combine staraptor’s power with porygon 2’s power download and play 2+ supporters a turn! This would make staraptor much more efficient. Whether or not claydol would do better with porygon Z though I have yet to determine. This engine would be EXCELLENT after the rotation, wouldn’t it? Well, that’s too bad– porygon 2 will get rotated as well :(

    And here’s one final thing to think about. The new league awards for the first season this year will include a special holo version of uxie LA (people will argue they just say it will be uxie and not particularly LA, but my reliable sources have confirmed it will be the LA version). Will this promo Uxie make it so that it will not be rotated, because it will be released after supreme victors? If uxie still exists, I’d never play staraptor over it

        • Dave Hueglin  → alex

          Apparently, Uxie is being released as a player reward for League play. That would keep it in the rotation. I think everyone is assuming it will be the LA version. Snorlax will be another reward card.

  10. J-Wittz

    The big problem I have about old raptor here is at first, the obvious– leveling him up is a bit of a pain. The second is just a speed issue. If you don’t have staraptor X in your hand, how are you going to get him out? If you use bebe’s search, that’s your supporter for the turn, you’ll have to wait till next turn to use staraptor’s supporter (slower than claydol). What if I use cyrus, grap a poke’radar, and use that to get staraptor X out? Well then you’re already getting another supporter from cyrus anyways. The only way staraptor is efficient immediately is if you grab him out with a trainer like premier ball or a lone sp radar or a dusk ball or something, and even then you still have to get him active to level up.

    Here’s a fun combo my cousin brought up that solves both issues! What if you played him with porygon Z? the promo porygon Z can use his no energy attack to level up staraptor on the bench. ALSO– you can combine staraptor’s power with porygon 2’s power download and play 2+ supporters a turn! This would make staraptor much more efficient. Whether or not claydol would do better with porygon Z though I have yet to determine. This engine would be EXCELLENT after the rotation, wouldn’t it? Well, that’s too bad– porygon 2 will get rotated as well :(

    And here’s one final thing to think about. The new league awards for the first season this year will include a special holo version of uxie LA (people will argue they just say it will be uxie and not particularly LA, but my reliable sources have confirmed it will be the LA version). Will this promo Uxie make it so that it will not be rotated, because it will be released after supreme victors? If uxie still exists, I’d never play staraptor over it

        • Dave Hueglin  → alex

          Apparently, Uxie is being released as a player reward for League play. That would keep it in the rotation. I think everyone is assuming it will be the LA version. Snorlax will be another reward card.

  11. Joshua Hall

    Steraptor is great in the ability to get key supporters, most notably Cyrus, than anything else. With an SP deck if you don’t have Cyrus in your starting hand, or in the first few turns, you’re at a severe disadvantage. Getting that first Cyrus to start the chain is incredibly key to keeping the offensive and defensive options open all game, (VS seeker’s afterward). Yes, Steraptor is easy bait, and yes, it can be power sprayed, but I do think it is viable, albeit not a full replacement for Claydol. Uxie should always be used regardless.

  12. alex d

    This card… is not worth it.
    Yes, I love it… that is, if I could get it out on the field with a magic wand.

    But that’s not how it works. I’d be using supporters and search cards to get it out in the first place. I COULD be using them to get out my main attacker. Getting it out slows things down rather than speeding them up.

    It would definitely be worth toying with… a Supporter based engine.
    1-1 Staraptor (or thicker), 4 VS Seeker, etc.

  13. Andre Fossto Östlund

    As you said in the article is Luxray GL lv.x very hard to counter. i mean i dont really think that Staraptor counters that power. Sure, Power spray works, bur u only have 4 of them. when they are used, bam! Luxray gets you in the last second.

    Sure, Staraptor got very good power, but that can also power sprays and other abilitys. One thing you could run is Exploud SV. but its kinda hard to get him set up. but i know what u can do.
    Use Chatot G and search your deck for rare candy and use a Bebe same turn before you attack. and next turn you can evolve to Exploud. But all that to help your staraptor getting hit by luxray 2 times. a Infernape lv.x hits very big, and that will knock it out anyway. And as we know, LuxApe is popular deck.

    I think Staraptor can survive if you have a big hitter before you get staraptor lv.x on the bench. so your opponent will focus on knocking that out first. then you load your other big hitter at the same time.

  14. Kyle Morris

    Uxie will have a long time to go before being rotated because of the league thing and I doubt claydol would be printed like that because they’d also have to print a baltoy with it. I’m not a big fan of this card, I prefer VS. Seeker and draw supporters over this, it’s too annoying to set up LV.X benchers, you’d have to turn the active or have the active ko’ed.

  15. Pablo Meza

    I think you guys are underrating this card. How often do you use TGI Poke Turn? It’s very common, specially since most if not all SP decks use Luxray GL Lv. X. You most of the time try to save your active SP from a KO, by using Brnzong G to transfer an energy and then promoting something with free rereat after the TGI Poke Turn. Instead of promoting the usual Crobat G or your replacement Pokemon right away, promote Starptor FB and level it up.

    It’s so easy and convenient, and I have actually tested this! You should at least give it a try. And no I’m not saying you should replace Claydol GE with this card, but it definately has its uses with the situational Supporters such as Flint’s Willpower, in decks like Luxray GL / Infernape 4 or something based on Garchomp Lv. X, allowing you to use the big damage attacks right away.

  16. Joshua Hall

    Steraptor is great in the ability to get key supporters, most notably Cyrus, than anything else. With an SP deck if you don’t have Cyrus in your starting hand, or in the first few turns, you’re at a severe disadvantage. Getting that first Cyrus to start the chain is incredibly key to keeping the offensive and defensive options open all game, (VS seeker’s afterward). Yes, Steraptor is easy bait, and yes, it can be power sprayed, but I do think it is viable, albeit not a full replacement for Claydol. Uxie should always be used regardless.

  17. Adam Capriola

    I’m gonna have to try it out…getting that early Cyrus for SP decks is so vital. It could also grab you Cynthia’s exactly when you need them which is cool.

  18. alex d

    This card… is not worth it.
    Yes, I love it… that is, if I could get it out on the field with a magic wand.

    But that’s not how it works. I’d be using supporters and search cards to get it out in the first place. I COULD be using them to get out my main attacker. Getting it out slows things down rather than speeding them up.

    It would definitely be worth toying with… a Supporter based engine.
    1-1 Staraptor (or thicker), 4 VS Seeker, etc.

  19. Andre Fossto Östlund

    As you said in the article is Luxray GL lv.x very hard to counter. i mean i dont really think that Staraptor counters that power. Sure, Power spray works, bur u only have 4 of them. when they are used, bam! Luxray gets you in the last second.

    Sure, Staraptor got very good power, but that can also power sprays and other abilitys. One thing you could run is Exploud SV. but its kinda hard to get him set up. but i know what u can do.
    Use Chatot G and search your deck for rare candy and use a Bebe same turn before you attack. and next turn you can evolve to Exploud. But all that to help your staraptor getting hit by luxray 2 times. a Infernape lv.x hits very big, and that will knock it out anyway. And as we know, LuxApe is popular deck.

    I think Staraptor can survive if you have a big hitter before you get staraptor lv.x on the bench. so your opponent will focus on knocking that out first. then you load your other big hitter at the same time.

  20. kwisdumb

    I’d like to throw out there that getting this card out wouldn’t be any harder than getting out the tons of other techs that most decks these days (especially SP decks) need to get out.

    1-1 Dialga G Lv. X
    1-1 Luxray Lv. X
    1-0-1 Machamp
    1-1 Uxie Lv. X

    etc, etc.

    Of course, this isn’t a perfect argument as you can measure the worth of these cards vs. the worth of Staraptor, etc., etc. but it’s not as if getting it out is going to be like finding the Holy Grail or anything.

  21. kwisdumb

    I’d like to throw out there that getting this card out wouldn’t be any harder than getting out the tons of other techs that most decks these days (especially SP decks) need to get out.

    1-1 Dialga G Lv. X
    1-1 Luxray Lv. X
    1-0-1 Machamp
    1-1 Uxie Lv. X

    etc, etc.

    Of course, this isn’t a perfect argument as you can measure the worth of these cards vs. the worth of Staraptor, etc., etc. but it’s not as if getting it out is going to be like finding the Holy Grail or anything.

  22. Adam Capriola

    I’m gonna have to try it out…getting that early Cyrus for SP decks is so vital. It could also grab you Cynthia’s exactly when you need them which is cool.

  23. Kyle Morris

    I just like Vs. Seeker so much better than this right now. Being able to use aaron’s multiple times is ridiculous but the card is still a one of, which is where Seeker comes in.

  24. Kyle Morris

    I just like Vs. Seeker so much better than this right now. Being able to use aaron’s multiple times is ridiculous but the card is still a one of, which is where Seeker comes in.

  25. Mach

    I don’t know if it’s that great. You can only use one supporter per turn, and if you have a Cyrus, you’re getting another anyway, so I don’t see the point.

    • Dave Hueglin  → Mach

      I see it more for grabbing the Supporters that you only play one or two of and that are very situational e.g. Lucian’s Assignment. And what if you don’t have a Cyrus?

  26. Mach

    I don’t know if it’s that great. You can only use one supporter per turn, and if you have a Cyrus, you’re getting another anyway, so I don’t see the point.

    • Dave Hueglin  → Mach

      I see it more for grabbing the Supporters that you only play one or two of and that are very situational e.g. Lucian’s Assignment. And what if you don’t have a Cyrus?

  27. On VS Seeker, I honestly don’t like the card, at least not how people are ‘playing it’. SP lists are already very tight, and people are dropping their Supporter counts in favour of VS Seeker because it can act as any of them. Well first you must have used it! A Supporterless hand that only has a Vs Seeker, which would’ve otherwise been your 4th Bebe’s/Cyrus/Roseanne’s is a bad hand. I honestly just can’t ever find the room for VS Seeker. I always have just enough Supporters to (lol) support my deck, combined with Trainers such as TGI’s and Night Maintenance or Switch or even Stadiums. I don’t find myself often having free space that could be used for extra Supporters in decks. If I ever do I will definately consider VS Seeker if the important ones are already maxxed out, but I would never ever replace one with it.

    And on the: Cyrus -> SP Radar + Supporter -> Staraptor Lv. X + extra useless supporter argument. Firstly, Pokemon TCG is a game where the surprise factor is huge, and the luck factor always plays a role, big or minor. You will always find situations where for example, you don’t know what your opponent will respond with, so you might need to get a crucial Lv. X (with Bebe’s) or a Roseanne’s Research for a specific energy or Crobat G or something along those lines. Starapto FB Lv. X gives you more room for unexpected plays by your opponent. What if your opponent dropped a 2nd Luxray GL Lv. X you didn’t expect since one was already in the discard, KOing your crucial SP Pokemon and you weren’t expecting that, and you Cyrus’s for another Cyrus last turn? Staraptor FB Lv. X gives you the opportunity to adapt more easily and respond to your opponent’s actions.

    Having choice is crucial in this game, as you might plan ahead for something and your opponent then changes plans. This card gives you the ability to respond accordingly more easily, and allows room to play beneficial Supporters against your opponent he might not expect as well. You used Cyrus and got a Roseanne’s, but then next turn you use Staraptor FB Lv. X for Flint’s Willpower and KO something. I’m pretty sure only a minority of players would plan accordingly expecting a Flint, and would simply work in their turn with the knowledge of you having a Roseanne’s in your hand and never even consider the option of you using Flint.

    I think I should’ve included all that in the article to being with hehe.

    • Joshua Hall  → Pablo

      On VS Seeker: First, you should always play 4 Cyrus. That should be obvious, but some people back lists for 3, and that’s ridiculous. With Cyrus, you will probably chain it, but if you have VS Seeker in your hand, you can get any other supporter, then choose the next turn whether you need another cyrus or can use a turn to use that new supporter. I would advocate using VS seeker only if you find room for 2 or 3, and have already maxed out 4 Cyrus, 4 Rosanne’s, and 4 Bebe’s (Or something like 3 Bebe/2 Luxury Ball).

      On Steraptor: Here I completely agree with my main man, Pablo. People often forget that one of the main reasons Pidgeot was good wasn’t only that it could search out anything, but it had the surprise and defense factor, too. With Pidgeot, you could play only 1 copy of any trainer, energy, or pokemon you wanted, and simply search it out at will instead of having to draw into it. For instance, nowadays if you played only 1 Pluspower that would be worthless, since you would never have it when you needed it. With Pidgeot…boom, 10 extra damage.

      Steraptor is exactly the same, except of course it can only get supporters, which are arguably the most important trainer anyway. Non-draw supporters like Berthas, Flints, and Cyrus’s Initiative are all cards that you could just pop 1 of in your deck, as you can get them instantly when needed.

      Lastly, the biggest complaint is that Steraptor’s an easy kill, and a pain to get out. Well, remember Pidgeot…people had to leave plenty of room to use that bird, and it was the first target for BLS and any other bench hitting deck. Besides, it’s going to be difficult to focus attacks on Steraptor when you have a Luxray, Blaziken, Gallade, etc. shredding your opponent.

      Steraptor is not a must, but it is definitely a viable option.

    • Mach  → Pablo

      I just tried that, and I found it to be really inconsistent to run 1 of multiple supporters. Maybe a single teched Flint’s or Bertha’s, but when you get to 3+ it noticeably slows down the deck in my experience.

  28. Pablo Meza

    On VS Seeker, I honestly don’t like the card, at least not how people are ‘playing it’. SP lists are already very tight, and people are dropping their Supporter counts in favour of VS Seeker because it can act as any of them. Well first you must have used it! A Supporterless hand that only has a Vs Seeker, which would’ve otherwise been your 4th Bebe’s/Cyrus/Roseanne’s is a bad hand. I honestly just can’t ever find the room for VS Seeker. I always have just enough Supporters to (lol) support my deck, combined with Trainers such as TGI’s and Night Maintenance or Switch or even Stadiums. I don’t find myself often having free space that could be used for extra Supporters in decks. If I ever do I will definately consider VS Seeker if the important ones are already maxxed out, but I would never ever replace one with it.

    And on the: Cyrus -> SP Radar + Supporter -> Staraptor Lv. X + extra useless supporter argument. Firstly, Pokemon TCG is a game where the surprise factor is huge, and the luck factor always plays a role, big or minor. You will always find situations where for example, you don’t know what your opponent will respond with, so you might need to get a crucial Lv. X (with Bebe’s) or a Roseanne’s Research for a specific energy or Crobat G or something along those lines. Starapto FB Lv. X gives you more room for unexpected plays by your opponent. What if your opponent dropped a 2nd Luxray GL Lv. X you didn’t expect since one was already in the discard, KOing your crucial SP Pokemon and you weren’t expecting that, and you Cyrus’s for another Cyrus last turn? Staraptor FB Lv. X gives you the opportunity to adapt more easily and respond to your opponent’s actions.

    Having choice is crucial in this game, as you might plan ahead for something and your opponent then changes plans. This card gives you the ability to respond accordingly more easily, and allows room to play beneficial Supporters against your opponent he might not expect as well. You used Cyrus and got a Roseanne’s, but then next turn you use Staraptor FB Lv. X for Flint’s Willpower and KO something. I’m pretty sure only a minority of players would plan accordingly expecting a Flint, and would simply work in their turn with the knowledge of you having a Roseanne’s in your hand and never even consider the option of you using Flint.

    I think I should’ve included all that in the article to being with hehe.

    • Joshua Hall  → Pablo

      On VS Seeker: First, you should always play 4 Cyrus. That should be obvious, but some people back lists for 3, and that’s ridiculous. With Cyrus, you will probably chain it, but if you have VS Seeker in your hand, you can get any other supporter, then choose the next turn whether you need another cyrus or can use a turn to use that new supporter. I would advocate using VS seeker only if you find room for 2 or 3, and have already maxed out 4 Cyrus, 4 Rosanne’s, and 4 Bebe’s (Or something like 3 Bebe/2 Luxury Ball).

      On Steraptor: Here I completely agree with my main man, Pablo. People often forget that one of the main reasons Pidgeot was good wasn’t only that it could search out anything, but it had the surprise and defense factor, too. With Pidgeot, you could play only 1 copy of any trainer, energy, or pokemon you wanted, and simply search it out at will instead of having to draw into it. For instance, nowadays if you played only 1 Pluspower that would be worthless, since you would never have it when you needed it. With Pidgeot…boom, 10 extra damage.

      Steraptor is exactly the same, except of course it can only get supporters, which are arguably the most important trainer anyway. Non-draw supporters like Berthas, Flints, and Cyrus’s Initiative are all cards that you could just pop 1 of in your deck, as you can get them instantly when needed.

      Lastly, the biggest complaint is that Steraptor’s an easy kill, and a pain to get out. Well, remember Pidgeot…people had to leave plenty of room to use that bird, and it was the first target for BLS and any other bench hitting deck. Besides, it’s going to be difficult to focus attacks on Steraptor when you have a Luxray, Blaziken, Gallade, etc. shredding your opponent.

      Steraptor is not a must, but it is definitely a viable option.

    • Mach  → Pablo

      I just tried that, and I found it to be really inconsistent to run 1 of multiple supporters. Maybe a single teched Flint’s or Bertha’s, but when you get to 3+ it noticeably slows down the deck in my experience.

  29. Kyle Morris

    I would never touch a cyrus line to put in Vs. Seeker, I mostly cut a spray and a rosanne’s for them. Of course I’ve had hands where I’d start no supporter and a seeker but if I did have a supporter I’d never use it to get something like Staraptor, sp decks are too quick to focus on getting a lv. x to the bench. Uxie X is the only kind of lv.x support pokemon I’d run but he’s mostly used for attacking against Toxicroak. On the other hand Staraptor I think would work better in non sp based decks. With the way decks are now a days I don’t want to rely to heavily on a power due to power spray. Having the raptor sprayed would be a huge issue, since it would throw off your plan way too much.

  30. Kyle Morris

    I would never touch a cyrus line to put in Vs. Seeker, I mostly cut a spray and a rosanne’s for them. Of course I’ve had hands where I’d start no supporter and a seeker but if I did have a supporter I’d never use it to get something like Staraptor, sp decks are too quick to focus on getting a lv. x to the bench. Uxie X is the only kind of lv.x support pokemon I’d run but he’s mostly used for attacking against Toxicroak. On the other hand Staraptor I think would work better in non sp based decks. With the way decks are now a days I don’t want to rely to heavily on a power due to power spray. Having the raptor sprayed would be a huge issue, since it would throw off your plan way too much.

  31. Ace

    I think it does have a spot in an sp deck, but it is not good enough to replace a claydol in my opinion. I would use it in a 1-1 line

  32. Ace

    I think it does have a spot in an sp deck, but it is not good enough to replace a claydol in my opinion. I would use it in a 1-1 line

  33. Kyle Morris

    This card would be hella good with Cynthia’s Feelings now that I think about it. But only then should this be used.

  34. Kyle Morris

    This card would be hella good with Cynthia’s Feelings now that I think about it. But only then should this be used.

  35. Marshall

    This card is awesome!!! I have play tested it a few times, and it works extremely well. I can hardly think of any thing negative to say about it other than it’s paltry attacks. Then again Claydol (Great Encounters) is not used for it’s atttacks either. In some ways I wanna say that Staraptor FB Lv.X is actually a cut above Claydol, on the grounds that you get to search for what you REALLY NEED, versus hoping to draw into whatever you happen to find. This has all the marks of a potentially great card (other than attacks); I recommend everyone find some space in your decks for this bird!

  36. Marshall

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  39. Have you tried it out? It improves consistency of SP based decks.

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