Garchomp C LV.X Supreme Victors SV 145 – Card of the Day

Garchomp C LV.X Supreme Victors SV 145 Pokemon CardThis is in my opinion one of the gnarliest Pokémon cards that came out in Supreme Victors. It’s attack and Pokémon Power are both just killer. “Dragon Rush” can take out Claydols and will snag you a prize nearly every time you use the attack. “Healing Breath” heals all your Pokémon SP in play, which again is awesome.

The best combo utilizing Garchomp C LV.X involves Luxray GL LV.X and Bronzong G PL. First, you want to make sure you have a Bronzong G, Luxray GL, and Garchomp C in play. The most likely scenario is that you will first Level Up to Luxray GL LV.X, use “Bright Look”, attach an Energy and TGI Energy Gain, and Knock something Out.

The following turn, if Luxray is not Knocked Out, you will first move the Energy off Luxray to Garchomp on the bench via Bronzong’s Pokémon Power, retreat for Garchomp (or TGI Poké Turn), Level Up to Garchomp C LV.X (which will heal Luxray and Bronzong in the process), attach an Energy for your turn, attach TGI Energy gain, and attack with “Dragon Rush” for another Knock Out.

The next turn, retreat for Luxray, rinse and repeat. You can draw prizes extremely quickly using this strategy. If your opponent is not able to 1HKO you, you will be able to heal yourself every other turn, making it nearly impossible for you opponent to draw any prizes.

The best way to play Garchomp C LV.X is by using a 2/2 line if you can fit it in. That way you do not have to play TGI Poké Turn on it (if you were playing a 3/1 line) to use “Healing Breath” and attack again.

However, Garchomp can fit into any Pokémon SP deck, so even a 1/1 line can be effective. Its healing ability and sniping prowess make it a true force. There are so many Pokémon cards out there that only have 70 or 80 HP (Uxie, Azelf, Chatot, Claydol, basics, stage 1’s, a few Pokémon SP that aren’t Leveled Up, etc…), so you are almost guaranteed a prize every time you use “Dragon Rush”. I think that’s really good. If you haven’t tried Garchomp out yet, give it a shot!

What do you think of Garchomp C LV.X? Do you think it fits in some SP decks better than others? Or do you think it’s not worth using? Let me hear your thoughts.

Reader Interactions

89 replies

  1. PokePockets

    I played an SP toolbox consisting of Honchkrow G, Luxray GL, and Garchomp C, along with 1 Drifblim FB for the last Battle Road I played at.

    I lost to Gyrados (it was close though) and AmphyTric, because Manectric’s body really messes with Drifblim, Honchkrow and Garchomp

  2. jesus69

    This obviously an amazing card.
    It should probably be played in most SP decks.
    The only question you will run into it
    Do you play in early to start hitting pokemon for 80 and lose the full extent of its power.
    or hold it to wipe everything away.
    most likely settin your opponent back pretty far.

  3. PokePockets

    Personally when I played it if I could set it up early, I would. Just do One Hit their early support.

    Not only that, you can use it multiple times, just PokeTurn it

  4. Drew Stillwell

    I like this card a lot. It’s relatively fast, and has a nice power as well, though the ability to snipe for 80 is VERY good in this metagame.

    I can’t imagine what this will be like when DCE comes out… :6

  5. PokePockets

    It will probably be sick because in 2 turns you could hit 80 ANYWHERE, and then get it to the bench and repeat.

    It will pretty much be awesome

  6. That combo is sick Adam, should definately work, but the problem is if your opponent manages to set up something, they won’t always have 6 Pokemon for you to KO on the bench so easily.

    This card would be so nice with Will’s Flintpower and Staraptor Lv.X IMO, specially if you play a 2-2 line or if you want to surprise your opponent out of the blue for an 80 hit anywhere.

    • jesus69  → Pablo

      enlighten me.
      why would it be good with staraptor.
      this is already know to be good with blazekin and luxray.
      i dont think you should try to get fancy with it.No flints
      In any SP deck a 2-1 of anything does the job.
      thas what the poke-turns are for.

      •  → jesus69

        It’s good with Staraptor because you can *guarantee* you can use Flint’s effectively. You won’t have an infinite supply of energies in play or on Garchomp’s to discard. It’s not being fancy, it’s actually making the attack more reliable.

    • Adam Capriola  → Pablo

      Yeah I dunno about Staraptor honestly, I don’t think there is a real need for Flints if you’re using Garchomp. Right after you attack with it, it can’t attack the next turn anyway. The only scenario where it would help is if you have 0 energy in play, but as long as you have 1 energy and a Bronzong out, you’re fine for attacking with it.

  7. Joshua Hall

    I like Garchomp a lot, and I think that it can also possibly combo with Alakazam 4 Lv. X, moving damage counters around, then healing them all in a pinch. In all, it can fit into any SP deck, and should be considered a threat for anyone playing vs an SP deck, too.

  8. Matthew Riddle

    My friend built Garchomp C/Luxray GL and it does work pretty well.

    I’d hate to have Garchomp C Lv.X’s Poke-Power power sprayed, though.

  9. jesus69

    Does anybody have a list with garchomp that can be tested.

  10. I love running this deck with a 2-2 line of Luxray GL Lv. X. It’s not going to win Worlds most likely, but it sure is a fun and fast deck to test out. I originally wasn’t running Bronzong G PL, but after looking the card up it looks like a great card to add to the synergy. Gonna go make some changes right now!

  11. PokePockets

    I played an SP toolbox consisting of Honchkrow G, Luxray GL, and Garchomp C, along with 1 Drifblim FB for the last Battle Road I played at.

    I lost to Gyrados (it was close though) and AmphyTric, because Manectric’s body really messes with Drifblim, Honchkrow and Garchomp

  12. jesus69

    This obviously an amazing card.
    It should probably be played in most SP decks.
    The only question you will run into it
    Do you play in early to start hitting pokemon for 80 and lose the full extent of its power.
    or hold it to wipe everything away.
    most likely settin your opponent back pretty far.

  13. PokePockets

    Personally when I played it if I could set it up early, I would. Just do One Hit their early support.

    Not only that, you can use it multiple times, just PokeTurn it

  14. Drew Stillwell

    I like this card a lot. It’s relatively fast, and has a nice power as well, though the ability to snipe for 80 is VERY good in this metagame.

    I can’t imagine what this will be like when DCE comes out… :6

  15. PokePockets

    It will probably be sick because in 2 turns you could hit 80 ANYWHERE, and then get it to the bench and repeat.

    It will pretty much be awesome

  16. PokePockets

    It will probably be sick because in 2 turns you could hit 80 ANYWHERE, and then get it to the bench and repeat.

    It will pretty much be awesome

  17. Pablo Meza

    That combo is sick Adam, should definately work, but the problem is if your opponent manages to set up something, they won’t always have 6 Pokemon for you to KO on the bench so easily.

    This card would be so nice with Will’s Flintpower and Staraptor Lv.X IMO, specially if you play a 2-2 line or if you want to surprise your opponent out of the blue for an 80 hit anywhere.

  18. Pablo Meza

    That combo is sick Adam, should definately work, but the problem is if your opponent manages to set up something, they won’t always have 6 Pokemon for you to KO on the bench so easily.

    This card would be so nice with Will’s Flintpower and Staraptor Lv.X IMO, specially if you play a 2-2 line or if you want to surprise your opponent out of the blue for an 80 hit anywhere.

    • jesus69  → Pablo

      enlighten me.
      why would it be good with staraptor.
      this is already know to be good with blazekin and luxray.
      i dont think you should try to get fancy with it.No flints
      In any SP deck a 2-1 of anything does the job.
      thas what the poke-turns are for.

    • jesus69  → Pablo

      enlighten me.
      why would it be good with staraptor.
      this is already know to be good with blazekin and luxray.
      i dont think you should try to get fancy with it.No flints
      In any SP deck a 2-1 of anything does the job.
      thas what the poke-turns are for.

      • Pablo Meza  → jesus69

        It’s good with Staraptor because you can guarantee you can use Flint’s effectively. You won’t have an infinite supply of energies in play or on Garchomp’s to discard. It’s not being fancy, it’s actually making the attack more reliable.

      • Pablo Meza  → jesus69

        It’s good with Staraptor because you can guarantee you can use Flint’s effectively. You won’t have an infinite supply of energies in play or on Garchomp’s to discard. It’s not being fancy, it’s actually making the attack more reliable.

    • Adam Capriola  → Pablo

      Yeah I dunno about Staraptor honestly, I don’t think there is a real need for Flints if you’re using Garchomp. Right after you attack with it, it can’t attack the next turn anyway. The only scenario where it would help is if you have 0 energy in play, but as long as you have 1 energy and a Bronzong out, you’re fine for attacking with it.

    • Power Swing  → iScoop

      I couldn’t agree more in fact at BR’s i counted 4 decks that combined these cards. 3 of them made top cuts.

    •  → iScoop

      I couldn’t agree more in fact at BR’s i counted 4 decks that combined these cards. 3 of them made top cuts.

  19. Joshua Hall

    I like Garchomp a lot, and I think that it can also possibly combo with Alakazam 4 Lv. X, moving damage counters around, then healing them all in a pinch. In all, it can fit into any SP deck, and should be considered a threat for anyone playing vs an SP deck, too.

  20. Matthew Riddle

    My friend built Garchomp C/Luxray GL and it does work pretty well.

    I’d hate to have Garchomp C Lv.X’s Poke-Power power sprayed, though.

  21. nj hanna

    I think this card will see more play in my area because Flygon is big and you can bright look a Flygon and then hit for x2 damage (Flygon is weak to Garchomp C). Good stuff. I have a 1-1 line in my LuxApe deck but am considering adding another line. Should I play a straight Garchomp C/Luxray deck? Or switch out a few other cards for the extra line?

    • Adam Capriola  → nj

      I don’t think a straight Luxray/Garchomp is as strong as a combination of Luxray, Garchomp, and Blaziken. All 3 together gives you more options.

  22. jesus69

    Does anybody have a list with garchomp that can be tested.

  23. jesus69

    Does anybody have a list with garchomp that can be tested.

  24. PokePockets

    It wouldn’t be that bad in LuxApe, though I like playing it with just Luxray, and some Honchkrow G

  25. Zachary Slater

    I love running this deck with a 2-2 line of Luxray GL Lv. X. It’s not going to win Worlds most likely, but it sure is a fun and fast deck to test out. I originally wasn’t running Bronzong G PL, but after looking the card up it looks like a great card to add to the synergy. Gonna go make some changes right now!

  26. Zachary Slater

    I love running this deck with a 2-2 line of Luxray GL Lv. X. It’s not going to win Worlds most likely, but it sure is a fun and fast deck to test out. I originally wasn’t running Bronzong G PL, but after looking the card up it looks like a great card to add to the synergy. Gonna go make some changes right now!

  27. Bendingspoons1

    decks like flygon will keep people from playing luxray garchomp. It has won the most battle roads and it targets both sp pokemon’s weaknesses.

  28. Bendingspoons1

    decks like flygon will keep people from playing luxray garchomp. It has won the most battle roads and it targets both sp pokemon’s weaknesses.

  29. nj hanna

    I think this card will see more play in my area because Flygon is big and you can bright look a Flygon and then hit for x2 damage (Flygon is weak to Garchomp C). Good stuff. I have a 1-1 line in my LuxApe deck but am considering adding another line. Should I play a straight Garchomp C/Luxray deck? Or switch out a few other cards for the extra line?

  30. nj hanna

    I think this card will see more play in my area because Flygon is big and you can bright look a Flygon and then hit for x2 damage (Flygon is weak to Garchomp C). Good stuff. I have a 1-1 line in my LuxApe deck but am considering adding another line. Should I play a straight Garchomp C/Luxray deck? Or switch out a few other cards for the extra line?

    • Adam Capriola  → nj

      I don’t think a straight Luxray/Garchomp is as strong as a combination of Luxray, Garchomp, and Blaziken. All 3 together gives you more options.

    • Adam Capriola  → nj

      I don’t think a straight Luxray/Garchomp is as strong as a combination of Luxray, Garchomp, and Blaziken. All 3 together gives you more options.

  31. PokePockets

    It wouldn’t be that bad in LuxApe, though I like playing it with just Luxray, and some Honchkrow G

  32. PokePockets

    It wouldn’t be that bad in LuxApe, though I like playing it with just Luxray, and some Honchkrow G

  33. Graham Poteet

    Flygon can be difficult if they tech Exploud SV, otherwise Garchomp/Lucario GL is a very effective way to get under Flygon’s skin.

  34. Graham Poteet

    Flygon can be difficult if they tech Exploud SV, otherwise Garchomp/Lucario GL is a very effective way to get under Flygon’s skin.

  35. Graham Poteet

    Flygon can be difficult if they tech Exploud SV, otherwise Garchomp/Lucario GL is a very effective way to get under Flygon’s skin.

  36. Kyle Morris

    Yeah Flygon can be dealt with and has set up issues a quick deck with this combo can give flygon a loss. I’m glad our meta isn’t flygon heavy.

    • jesus69  → Kyle

      if you run into flygon at all it should be the lock version teying to deck you out.
      so if they get their combo to work garchomp will never get to attack flygon.
      Garchomp is a great way to deal with flygon be not if you dont get to attack.
      they are going to try their hardest to lock up a claydol or an azelf.
      and that 14-16 cards off the top of your deck.
      and if they start milling your warps,switchs, or turns.
      you will probably be decked out.
      i have seen this happen in the battle roads i attended.

      • Graham Poteet  → jesus69

        Personally I think its a little crazy to say that any Flygon should be the lock version. There are multiple variants of Flygon that can be successful depending on the meta. Even if you don’t focus around wind erosion it’s still great in a deck that is aggro more so with Power Swing and such.

  37. Kyle Morris

    Yeah Flygon can be dealt with and has set up issues a quick deck with this combo can give flygon a loss. I’m glad our meta isn’t flygon heavy.

    • jesus69  → Kyle

      if you run into flygon at all it should be the lock version teying to deck you out.
      so if they get their combo to work garchomp will never get to attack flygon.
      Garchomp is a great way to deal with flygon be not if you dont get to attack.
      they are going to try their hardest to lock up a claydol or an azelf.
      and that 14-16 cards off the top of your deck.
      and if they start milling your warps,switchs, or turns.
      you will probably be decked out.
      i have seen this happen in the battle roads i attended.

      • Graham Poteet  → jesus69

        Personally I think its a little crazy to say that any Flygon should be the lock version. There are multiple variants of Flygon that can be successful depending on the meta. Even if you don’t focus around wind erosion it’s still great in a deck that is aggro more so with Power Swing and such.

  38. PokePockets

    We just had 2 BR’s this last weekend, and we had a Flygon T4 and T2 to two BR’s, playing the Underground Flygon list. PlusPowers, 1 Flygon SW (which did him A LOT of good), etc.

    It was an awesome list, and a showing that you don’t need to play Deck Out Flygon to win =/

  39. PokePockets

    We just had 2 BR’s this last weekend, and we had a Flygon T4 and T2 to two BR’s, playing the Underground Flygon list. PlusPowers, 1 Flygon SW (which did him A LOT of good), etc.

    It was an awesome list, and a showing that you don’t need to play Deck Out Flygon to win =/

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