Disruptive Flygon Lock

Flygon LV.X Rising Rivals RR 105 Pokemon CardSome of you may say “Not again” – but still, there may have been so many different ways to combine Flygon with in this format. Many of you may be aware that Flygon worked so well with the following techs (or secondary attackers) such as Machamp (SF), Nidoqueen (RR), Mewtwo LV.X (LA), Palkia LV.X (GE), Ariados (MT), Weavile (SW) and Dusknoir (DP) – as proven by numerous tournament wins and top cut finishings (including a 2nd and 3rd place finish at the 2009 World Championships).

There may be already another lock variant that have been discussed before – which focused Palkia LV.X from Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters. However, this article strongly focus on a different lock variant which runs on a small Team Galactic’s Invention engine. For anyone that may not know what a small Team Galactic’s Invention engine is – our current 2009 World Champion, Stephen Silvestro invented it and managed to work extremely well in his Beedrill variant enabled him to utilize his 1-1 Luxray GL LV.X (RR) tech with 4 Poké Turns, 1 Energy Gain, 1 SP Radar and 2 Cyrus’s Conspiracy.

For starters, the main deck strategy is to create an unbreakable lock which involves your opponent’s Active Pokémon remains stuck without being able attack or to retreat, allowing you to try and deck your opponent out – with aid of disruptive tactics.

Memory Berry Platinum PL 110 Pokemon CardIn case anyone may not be aware of a strategy to create the lock, it involves an Active Flygon LV.X from Platinum Rising Rival to use Trapinch (from Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders)’s “Sand Tomb” attack (with aid of an attached Memory Berry Pokémon Tool) to ensure that a Defending Pokémon would not be able to retreat the next turn while Flygon LV.X would slowly cripple away your opponent’s deck with “Wind Erosion” PokéBody. The great examples of Pokémon that would not be able inflict damage to Flygon would be Claydol (GE), Azelf (LA & MT), Mesprit (LA), Bronzong G (PT) and Registeel (LA).

Speaking of the disruptive techs, the first one would be mentioned here in this article is Luxray GL LV.X from Platinum: Rising Rivals. Luxray GL LV.X may be a really beautiful and powerful card, but hey – it’s amazing for three main reasons.

Luxray GL LV.X Rising Rivals RR 109 Pokemon Card1. “Bright Look” PokéPower is like a Gust of Wind, which enable you to drag up your opponent’s benched Pokémon whom usually can’t attack to be stuck there while creating the lock. This tactic proves to be useful in some cases that a Memory Berry and Trapinch (SW)’s “Inviting Trap” attack combo fail due to Unown G’s protection.

2. “Flash Impact” is one heck of a quick attack which allows you to deal 60 damage for one Lightning and one Colorless, or just one Lightning depending on if you have Energy Gain attached to it. However, “Flash Impact” still nets a drawback – a 30 damage done to one of your Benched Pokémon, which in most cases is not bad at all since you would usually Poké Turn away a damaged Pokémon (either itself or Chatot G from Platinum: Supreme Victors).

3. Once you have leveled up the Luxray for it’s “Bright Look” PokéPower, it got zero Retreat Cost – which can easily retreat to the bench to start the lock assuming you do not have a Poké Turn in hand.

Chatot G Supreme Victors SV 54 Pokemon CardSecondly is Chatot G from Platinum: Supreme Victors. Why this epic talking parrot is doing in this deck? It is really handy for two simple reasons.

1. Its “Disrupting Spy” PokéPower, which allows you to look at the top 4 cards of your opponent’s deck. This is useful to chose which card to discard right away that may break the lock via Flygon LV.X (RR)’s Wind Erosion PokéBody. Example of cards that would poses a threat to the lock are: Warp Point, Super Scoop Up, Poké Turn, Switch, and Night Maintenance (Not really a threat but still really nice to hurt their setup big time). The PokéPower can be easily used again with aid of Poké Turn.

2. If you end up having to start with Chatot G, it is nowhere a terrible starter as its “Search and Escape” attack would allows you to fetch key cards which help you set up, such as Luxury Ball and Rare Candy. Upon attack completion, Chatot G automatically shuffled back into the deck.

Mr. Mime Mysterious Treasures MT 30 Pokemon CardLastly, is the infamous Mr. Mime from Mysterious Treasures. This Pokémon is amazing to turn a bad matchup into a favorable one thanks to its “Airy Wall” PokéBody which means Mr. Mime would not be damaged by your opponent’s Attacking Pokémon whom have 2 energy or less attached to it. To make matters even worse, Mime Jr. from Platinum: Supreme Victors, has a really nice attack – “Encore” which could allows you to stall even better against some matchups by choosing attacks that would usually take forever to charge up (or would not help your opponent at all). With Memory Berry in the deck for Mime Jr’s “Encore” attack as well as the “Airy Wall” PokéBody, Mr. Mime would be one heck of an annoying wall to dealt with. Not just those amazing disruptive tactics, both Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime are Basic Pokémon which means a quick Roseanne Research grab to easily boost Flygon (RR)’s “Power Swing” attack – that does 10 more damage for each Evolved Pokémon on your Bench.

Mime Jr. Supreme Victors SV 115 Pokemon CardTo put together a list of disruptive tactics found in this deck, they are:

1. Trapinch (SW)’s “Inviting Trap” and “Sand Tomb” attacks.
2. Vibrava (RR)’s “Energy Typhoon” attack.
3. Flygon LV.X (RR)’s “Wind Erosion” PokéBody.
4. Luxray GL LV.X (RR)’s “Bright Look” PokéBody.
5. Chatot G (SV)’s “Disrupting Spy” PokéPower.
6. Mime Jr. (SV)’s “Encore” attack.
7. Mr. Mime (MT)’s “Airy Wall” PokéBody.
8. Warp Point trainer card.

With great number of disruptive tactics in this deck, a strong guarantee that the lock would usually can’t be broken and could secure a win for you – as most of the time, it would be strongly depending on the matchups and the knowledge of your opponent’s deck.

The Decklist

Pokémon (21):
3× Trapinch (SW)
2× Vibrava (RR)
3× Flygon (RR)
Flygon LV.X (RR)
2× Baltoy (GE)
2× Claydol (GE)
Luxray GL (RR)
Luxray GL LV.X (RR)
Chatot G (SV)
1× Mime Jr. (SV)
1× Mr. Mime (MT)
1× Uxie (LA)
1× Azelf (LA)
1× Unown G (GE)
Supporters (9):
Bebe’s Search
Roseanne’s Research
Cyrus’s Conspiracy

Trainers (18):
Luxury Ball
Premier Ball
4× TGI Poké Turn
1× TGI Energy Gain
1× TGI SP Radar
Rare Candy
Warp Point
Night Maintenance
Memory Berry

Energy (12):

There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

Reader Interactions

143 replies

  1. PokePockets

    That’s certainly a lot of techs. I dunno if Mime Jr. is really needed, as you could just attach an Unown G to Mr. Mime

    • Randy Branch  → PokePockets

      To quote the article “to easily boost Flygon (RR)’s “Power Swing” attack”.

      Some Flygon lists don’t even use Uxie, because it can really hurt your damage output all game (Uxie can even psychic restore). Sure, you expect Mr. Mime to be KO’d but if he stalls for one turn, he has done his job and you can retreat him for free with Flygon’s body and continue attacking.

      •  → Randy

        Yep it is right, Mr mime can be bought up right after you Uxie’s Psychic Restore …then still retreat via Flygon body and can attack right away…. Not to forget that its still amazing vs decks like Gyarados so you can set up easily.

        • Randy Branch  → Mad

          Haha, that’s not what I was getting at. I meant to say that even though Uxie has an way to get rid of itself, taking out Uxie in a Flygon deck is a possible option because any basic sitting on your bench hurts your power swinging.

          Now that I think about it, you can search and escape back to Mr. Mime too.

  2. jesus69

    you dont need anything except a couple of switch and something that can consistently two shot a flygon at the worst.
    This deck is one of the biggest reason i think every deck should play switch.

  3. Drew Stillwell

    Another version of Flygon lock, and another good one at that! Cool use of luxray- rather than to get easy KO’s, use it to stall out your opponent.

  4. kwisdumb

    I run more FlyChamp than pure DeckGone (My term for Flygon Lock), but I definitely think this is the BDIF. When I’m a little more awake I’ll go over the list and give suggestions, but it’s great to see a DeckGone article here!

  5. kwisdumb

    I run more FlyChamp than pure DeckGone (My term for Flygon Lock), but I definitely think this is the BDIF. When I’m a little more awake I’ll go over the list and give suggestions, but it’s great to see a DeckGone article here!

  6. kwisdumb

    I run more FlyChamp than pure DeckGone (My term for Flygon Lock), but I definitely think this is the BDIF. When I’m a little more awake I’ll go over the list and give suggestions, but it’s great to see a DeckGone article here!

  7. Graham Poteet

    Pretty good lock list it looks like. I haven’t tried one with any sp other than Absol G Lv X, so I may have to give this a go

  8. Graham Poteet

    Pretty good lock list it looks like. I haven’t tried one with any sp other than Absol G Lv X, so I may have to give this a go

  9. Graham Poteet

    Pretty good lock list it looks like. I haven’t tried one with any sp other than Absol G Lv X, so I may have to give this a go

  10. PokePockets

    That’s certainly a lot of techs. I dunno if Mime Jr. is really needed, as you could just attach an Unown G to Mr. Mime

    • Randy Branch  → PokePockets

      To quote the article “to easily boost Flygon (RR)’s “Power Swing” attack”.

      Some Flygon lists don’t even use Uxie, because it can really hurt your damage output all game (Uxie can even psychic restore). Sure, you expect Mr. Mime to be KO’d but if he stalls for one turn, he has done his job and you can retreat him for free with Flygon’s body and continue attacking.

    • Randy Branch  → PokePockets

      To quote the article “to easily boost Flygon (RR)’s “Power Swing” attack”.

      Some Flygon lists don’t even use Uxie, because it can really hurt your damage output all game (Uxie can even psychic restore). Sure, you expect Mr. Mime to be KO’d but if he stalls for one turn, he has done his job and you can retreat him for free with Flygon’s body and continue attacking.

      • Mew Jadester  → Randy

        Yep it is right, Mr mime can be bought up right after you Uxie’s Psychic Restore …then still retreat via Flygon body and can attack right away…. Not to forget that its still amazing vs decks like Gyarados so you can set up easily.

        • Randy Branch  → Mew

          Haha, that’s not what I was getting at. I meant to say that even though Uxie has an way to get rid of itself, taking out Uxie in a Flygon deck is a possible option because any basic sitting on your bench hurts your power swinging.

          Now that I think about it, you can search and escape back to Mr. Mime too.

        • Randy Branch  → Mew

          Haha, that’s not what I was getting at. I meant to say that even though Uxie has an way to get rid of itself, taking out Uxie in a Flygon deck is a possible option because any basic sitting on your bench hurts your power swinging.

          Now that I think about it, you can search and escape back to Mr. Mime too.

      • Mew Jadester  → Randy

        Yep it is right, Mr mime can be bought up right after you Uxie’s Psychic Restore …then still retreat via Flygon body and can attack right away…. Not to forget that its still amazing vs decks like Gyarados so you can set up easily.

  11. jesus69

    you dont need anything except a couple of switch and something that can consistently two shot a flygon at the worst.
    This deck is one of the biggest reason i think every deck should play switch.

  12. Joshua Hall

    The best little disruption I like here is the mime with the mime jr. It does add the 10 damage, which is nice, and I never thought of using the two together for more disruption.

  13. Drew Stillwell

    Another version of Flygon lock, and another good one at that! Cool use of luxray- rather than to get easy KO’s, use it to stall out your opponent.

  14. Drew Stillwell

    Another version of Flygon lock, and another good one at that! Cool use of luxray- rather than to get easy KO’s, use it to stall out your opponent.

  15. Matthew Riddle

    Why would a player want to stall with Mr. Mime if the whole goal of the deck is to abuse Flygon Lv.X’s Poke-Body, which it has to be active to activate? If a player stalls with Mr. Mime, aren’t they giving their opponent multiple turns to figure out and get an answer to any locked Pokemon?

    I think Mr. Mime + Mime Jr. works great as Warp Point bait (possibly with Unown Q attached for free retreat), though.

    Also, I feel the deck needs hand disruption. The opponent is liable to just keep all the anti-disruption cards in his hand throughout the game to mess the player up. Poke-Turn, SSU, Switch, etc. Throw down a Wager or Looker, and throw all those non-searchable (some of ’em) cards back into their deck.

    I remember how in the past people would wager before starting a power lock so that the opponent has a limited hand and can’t use Poke-Powers. Same logic here. Limit their hand, lock their active, and watch them deck.

    Also, I am not so keen on Luxray. The deck focuses too many resources towards the 1-1 line and I think it takes away from the overall lock-y-ness of the deck. I feel a better alternative, or at least a possible alternative, would be Infernape 4 Lv.X. A push away power that you can use every turn without having to worry about poke-turning and laying back down.

    Or Hippowdon Lv.X to clear all Unown G’s from the field. Flygon doesn’t need energy to deck the opponent. He just needs his poke-body working.

    I recently tested Cyclone Energy out at a Battle Road in my area with my Machamp deck and it was decent disruption. Flygon could fit it in very easily.

    I like the touch for Chatot, to control what you discard that turn. I do wonder how potent it is. You are just controlling the discard of 1 card, for the use of a Poke-Power and probably a Poke-Turn. If you find something vital to the opponent in the top 4 cards, then I guess it was worth it, but you can’t control what cards your going to find and I’d hate to do it and find a 4 energy.

    Memory Berry is very brilliant with Trapinch SW, Vibrava RR and Mime Jr.

    Looks like a fun and interesting deck!

  16. bendingspoons1

    mr.mime is also good vs gyarados which at least in my area is very popular. Basically you can discard a stadium vs them, be invincible a turn, then when they try to warp point or cyclone energy to get your flygon x out of the active, you send up mime. Great stall tactic there sicne he will have free retreat due to a psychic on flygon. Maybe consider 1 crobat g over that 1 chatot g. Drop a roseanne for a second cyrus…

  17. bendingspoons1

    mr.mime is also good vs gyarados which at least in my area is very popular. Basically you can discard a stadium vs them, be invincible a turn, then when they try to warp point or cyclone energy to get your flygon x out of the active, you send up mime. Great stall tactic there sicne he will have free retreat due to a psychic on flygon. Maybe consider 1 crobat g over that 1 chatot g. Drop a roseanne for a second cyrus…

  18. bendingspoons1

    mr.mime is also good vs gyarados which at least in my area is very popular. Basically you can discard a stadium vs them, be invincible a turn, then when they try to warp point or cyclone energy to get your flygon x out of the active, you send up mime. Great stall tactic there sicne he will have free retreat due to a psychic on flygon. Maybe consider 1 crobat g over that 1 chatot g. Drop a roseanne for a second cyrus…

  19. Amt

    I like the Chatot G idea, but I think I’ll stick with Palkia LV.X for switching.

  20. Amt

    I like the Chatot G idea, but I think I’ll stick with Palkia LV.X for switching.

  21. I like the Chatot G idea, but I think I’ll stick with Palkia LV.X for switching.

  22. PokeKid Brandon

    Well I like Palkia better. Also why Mr. Mime? I mean the only thing that you have trouble stalling is SPs which Mewtwo lv.X does a better job of.

  23. PokeKid Brandon

    Well I like Palkia better. Also why Mr. Mime? I mean the only thing that you have trouble stalling is SPs which Mewtwo lv.X does a better job of.

  24. PokeKid Brandon

    Well I like Palkia better. Also why Mr. Mime? I mean the only thing that you have trouble stalling is SPs which Mewtwo lv.X does a better job of.

  25. Steven Bates

    Ok kids…I have some fixes to make this deck even stand a chance against sp decks that run BOTH power spray and poke turn. If they have these things and unown G…you will NEVER lock them. Locking is only good against things that run Claydol or stage 2 stuff. Now let’s get down to business.

    For starters…i’m going to drop one vibrava, mr. mime, and mime jr. for 2 mewtwo and mewtwo lvl x. This is how you will beat those lame sp decks.

    Then we will drop the luxray and poketurns for Palkia and Poke Drawer + ( Chatot G makes this card AMAZING )

    And while we’re at it we’ll drop the sp radar, energy gain, and cyrus for 2 Cynthia’s Feelings and another Chatot G ( just to always be able to search out Poke drawers )

    We Drop 2 warp point for 2 switch because when you lock them you never want to warp.

    then…last but not least…we drop 2 fighting energy, and 2 lightning energy for a second Premier Ball, 1 water energy ( to free retreat palkia with rainbow float ), 1 psychic energy to give us a total of 3 for viable mewtwo attacking, and 1 Bubble Coat. ( This stops them from 1 shoting your mewtwo with things like ninetails. and it can be searched with Chatot G)

    So the final list is

    Pokemon: 22
    3x Trapinch SW
    1x Vibrava SW ( 80 hp is better than 70 )
    3x Flygon RR
    1x Flygon LVL X RR
    2x Baltoy GE
    2x Claydol GE
    1x Palkia PL
    1x Palkia LVL X GE
    2x Chatot G SV
    2x Mewtwo MD ( reason for 2 is to call for them and stop any possibility that they will stop mewtwo X from hitting the board next turn )
    1x Mewtwo LVL X LA
    1x Uxie LA
    1x Azelf LA
    1x Unown G GE

    Supporters: 10
    4x Bebe’s Search
    4x Roseanne’s Research
    2x Cynthia’s Feelings

    Trainers: 18
    1x Luxury Ball
    2x Premier Ball
    2x Night Maintenance
    2x Switch
    2x Memory Berry
    4x Rare Candy
    4x Poke Drawer +
    1x Bubble Coat

    Energy: 10
    4x Call Energy
    3x Psychic
    2x Fighting
    1x Water

    ^_^ I love this deck…soooooo much fun.

    • Joshua Hall  → Steven

      Nice list, you seem to have a lot of experience with this deck. Chatot G does seem really money here, since you still get the discard with Flygon Lv. X and an extra trainer to boot.

  26. Alakapimp

    I dread seeing that wanna be alakazam when I play my gyrados build

  27. Alakapimp

    I dread seeing that wanna be alakazam when I play my gyrados build

  28. Alakapimp

    I dread seeing that wanna be alakazam when I play my gyrados build

  29. Joshua Hall

    The best little disruption I like here is the mime with the mime jr. It does add the 10 damage, which is nice, and I never thought of using the two together for more disruption.

  30. Joshua Hall

    The best little disruption I like here is the mime with the mime jr. It does add the 10 damage, which is nice, and I never thought of using the two together for more disruption.

  31. Matthew Riddle

    Why would a player want to stall with Mr. Mime if the whole goal of the deck is to abuse Flygon Lv.X’s Poke-Body, which it has to be active to activate? If a player stalls with Mr. Mime, aren’t they giving their opponent multiple turns to figure out and get an answer to any locked Pokemon?

    I think Mr. Mime + Mime Jr. works great as Warp Point bait (possibly with Unown Q attached for free retreat), though.

    Also, I feel the deck needs hand disruption. The opponent is liable to just keep all the anti-disruption cards in his hand throughout the game to mess the player up. Poke-Turn, SSU, Switch, etc. Throw down a Wager or Looker, and throw all those non-searchable (some of ’em) cards back into their deck.

    I remember how in the past people would wager before starting a power lock so that the opponent has a limited hand and can’t use Poke-Powers. Same logic here. Limit their hand, lock their active, and watch them deck.

    Also, I am not so keen on Luxray. The deck focuses too many resources towards the 1-1 line and I think it takes away from the overall lock-y-ness of the deck. I feel a better alternative, or at least a possible alternative, would be Infernape 4 Lv.X. A push away power that you can use every turn without having to worry about poke-turning and laying back down.

    Or Hippowdon Lv.X to clear all Unown G’s from the field. Flygon doesn’t need energy to deck the opponent. He just needs his poke-body working.

    I recently tested Cyclone Energy out at a Battle Road in my area with my Machamp deck and it was decent disruption. Flygon could fit it in very easily.

    I like the touch for Chatot, to control what you discard that turn. I do wonder how potent it is. You are just controlling the discard of 1 card, for the use of a Poke-Power and probably a Poke-Turn. If you find something vital to the opponent in the top 4 cards, then I guess it was worth it, but you can’t control what cards your going to find and I’d hate to do it and find a 4 energy.

    Memory Berry is very brilliant with Trapinch SW, Vibrava RR and Mime Jr.

    Looks like a fun and interesting deck!

  32. Matthew Riddle

    Why would a player want to stall with Mr. Mime if the whole goal of the deck is to abuse Flygon Lv.X’s Poke-Body, which it has to be active to activate? If a player stalls with Mr. Mime, aren’t they giving their opponent multiple turns to figure out and get an answer to any locked Pokemon?

    I think Mr. Mime + Mime Jr. works great as Warp Point bait (possibly with Unown Q attached for free retreat), though.

    Also, I feel the deck needs hand disruption. The opponent is liable to just keep all the anti-disruption cards in his hand throughout the game to mess the player up. Poke-Turn, SSU, Switch, etc. Throw down a Wager or Looker, and throw all those non-searchable (some of ’em) cards back into their deck.

    I remember how in the past people would wager before starting a power lock so that the opponent has a limited hand and can’t use Poke-Powers. Same logic here. Limit their hand, lock their active, and watch them deck.

    Also, I am not so keen on Luxray. The deck focuses too many resources towards the 1-1 line and I think it takes away from the overall lock-y-ness of the deck. I feel a better alternative, or at least a possible alternative, would be Infernape 4 Lv.X. A push away power that you can use every turn without having to worry about poke-turning and laying back down.

    Or Hippowdon Lv.X to clear all Unown G’s from the field. Flygon doesn’t need energy to deck the opponent. He just needs his poke-body working.

    I recently tested Cyclone Energy out at a Battle Road in my area with my Machamp deck and it was decent disruption. Flygon could fit it in very easily.

    I like the touch for Chatot, to control what you discard that turn. I do wonder how potent it is. You are just controlling the discard of 1 card, for the use of a Poke-Power and probably a Poke-Turn. If you find something vital to the opponent in the top 4 cards, then I guess it was worth it, but you can’t control what cards your going to find and I’d hate to do it and find a 4 energy.

    Memory Berry is very brilliant with Trapinch SW, Vibrava RR and Mime Jr.

    Looks like a fun and interesting deck!

  33. Richard Lee

    how about Zangoose Pt? It’s first attack lets you drag a Pokemon up while also doing 20 dmg

  34. You people can always switch out a 1-1 Mine and a Fighting for a 1-1 Mewtwo Lv.X and a Psychic …

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

  35. To those who actually prefer Palkia over Luxray, this article is mainly for those who ACTUALLY prefer Luxray over Palkia as they both have similiar things but Luxray seems to be less risky than Palkia.

    Hippowndon Lv.X is just interesting, allowing me to get rid of Unown G’s and Egain’s from their play and hopefully discarding them all…But the bad part it, I have to search my deck again for my 2 or so Memory berry…. Bit risky to use it.

  36. Steven Bates

    Ok kids…I have some fixes to make this deck even stand a chance against sp decks that run BOTH power spray and poke turn. If they have these things and unown G…you will NEVER lock them. Locking is only good against things that run Claydol or stage 2 stuff. Now let’s get down to business.

    For starters…i’m going to drop one vibrava, mr. mime, and mime jr. for 2 mewtwo and mewtwo lvl x. This is how you will beat those lame sp decks.

    Then we will drop the luxray and poketurns for Palkia and Poke Drawer + ( Chatot G makes this card AMAZING )

    And while we’re at it we’ll drop the sp radar, energy gain, and cyrus for 2 Cynthia’s Feelings and another Chatot G ( just to always be able to search out Poke drawers )

    We Drop 2 warp point for 2 switch because when you lock them you never want to warp.

    then…last but not least…we drop 2 fighting energy, and 2 lightning energy for a second Premier Ball, 1 water energy ( to free retreat palkia with rainbow float ), 1 psychic energy to give us a total of 3 for viable mewtwo attacking, and 1 Bubble Coat. ( This stops them from 1 shoting your mewtwo with things like ninetails. and it can be searched with Chatot G)

    So the final list is

    Pokemon: 22
    3x Trapinch SW
    1x Vibrava SW ( 80 hp is better than 70 )
    3x Flygon RR
    1x Flygon LVL X RR
    2x Baltoy GE
    2x Claydol GE
    1x Palkia PL
    1x Palkia LVL X GE
    2x Chatot G SV
    2x Mewtwo MD ( reason for 2 is to call for them and stop any possibility that they will stop mewtwo X from hitting the board next turn )
    1x Mewtwo LVL X LA
    1x Uxie LA
    1x Azelf LA
    1x Unown G GE

    Supporters: 10
    4x Bebe’s Search
    4x Roseanne’s Research
    2x Cynthia’s Feelings

    Trainers: 18
    1x Luxury Ball
    2x Premier Ball
    2x Night Maintenance
    2x Switch
    2x Memory Berry
    4x Rare Candy
    4x Poke Drawer +
    1x Bubble Coat

    Energy: 10
    4x Call Energy
    3x Psychic
    2x Fighting
    1x Water

    ^_^ I love this deck…soooooo much fun.

  37. Steven Bates

    Ok kids…I have some fixes to make this deck even stand a chance against sp decks that run BOTH power spray and poke turn. If they have these things and unown G…you will NEVER lock them. Locking is only good against things that run Claydol or stage 2 stuff. Now let’s get down to business.

    For starters…i’m going to drop one vibrava, mr. mime, and mime jr. for 2 mewtwo and mewtwo lvl x. This is how you will beat those lame sp decks.

    Then we will drop the luxray and poketurns for Palkia and Poke Drawer + ( Chatot G makes this card AMAZING )

    And while we’re at it we’ll drop the sp radar, energy gain, and cyrus for 2 Cynthia’s Feelings and another Chatot G ( just to always be able to search out Poke drawers )

    We Drop 2 warp point for 2 switch because when you lock them you never want to warp.

    then…last but not least…we drop 2 fighting energy, and 2 lightning energy for a second Premier Ball, 1 water energy ( to free retreat palkia with rainbow float ), 1 psychic energy to give us a total of 3 for viable mewtwo attacking, and 1 Bubble Coat. ( This stops them from 1 shoting your mewtwo with things like ninetails. and it can be searched with Chatot G)

    So the final list is

    Pokemon: 22
    3x Trapinch SW
    1x Vibrava SW ( 80 hp is better than 70 )
    3x Flygon RR
    1x Flygon LVL X RR
    2x Baltoy GE
    2x Claydol GE
    1x Palkia PL
    1x Palkia LVL X GE
    2x Chatot G SV
    2x Mewtwo MD ( reason for 2 is to call for them and stop any possibility that they will stop mewtwo X from hitting the board next turn )
    1x Mewtwo LVL X LA
    1x Uxie LA
    1x Azelf LA
    1x Unown G GE

    Supporters: 10
    4x Bebe’s Search
    4x Roseanne’s Research
    2x Cynthia’s Feelings

    Trainers: 18
    1x Luxury Ball
    2x Premier Ball
    2x Night Maintenance
    2x Switch
    2x Memory Berry
    4x Rare Candy
    4x Poke Drawer +
    1x Bubble Coat

    Energy: 10
    4x Call Energy
    3x Psychic
    2x Fighting
    1x Water

    ^_^ I love this deck…soooooo much fun.

    • Joshua Hall  → Steven

      Nice list, you seem to have a lot of experience with this deck. Chatot G does seem really money here, since you still get the discard with Flygon Lv. X and an extra trainer to boot.

    • Joshua Hall  → Steven

      Nice list, you seem to have a lot of experience with this deck. Chatot G does seem really money here, since you still get the discard with Flygon Lv. X and an extra trainer to boot.

  38. Adam Capriola

    This is a very creative idea, thanks for the write up Mad Jew!

    I really like the Chatot G idea, gives you a better chance to discard their key cards and keep the lock!

  39. Steven Bates

    The only reason I prefer palkia over luxray is because you need 4 poke turn to back him up…when you could be playing a card just as good and have room for 4 poke drawer….which I believe are key with chatot g. Chatot basically sez ” Search for any one card in you deck ” and it doesn’t disturb the lock at all. Then you can replay it every turn and keep their draws screwed. ^_^

  40. Richard Lee

    how about Zangoose Pt? It’s first attack lets you drag a Pokemon up while also doing 20 dmg

  41. Richard Lee

    how about Zangoose Pt? It’s first attack lets you drag a Pokemon up while also doing 20 dmg

  42. Mew Jadester

    You people can always switch out a 1-1 Mine and a Fighting for a 1-1 Mewtwo Lv.X and a Psychic …

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

  43. Mew Jadester

    You people can always switch out a 1-1 Mine and a Fighting for a 1-1 Mewtwo Lv.X and a Psychic …

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

  44. Mew Jadester

    To those who actually prefer Palkia over Luxray, this article is mainly for those who ACTUALLY prefer Luxray over Palkia as they both have similiar things but Luxray seems to be less risky than Palkia.

    Hippowndon Lv.X is just interesting, allowing me to get rid of Unown G’s and Egain’s from their play and hopefully discarding them all…But the bad part it, I have to search my deck again for my 2 or so Memory berry…. Bit risky to use it.

  45. Mew Jadester

    To those who actually prefer Palkia over Luxray, this article is mainly for those who ACTUALLY prefer Luxray over Palkia as they both have similiar things but Luxray seems to be less risky than Palkia.

    Hippowndon Lv.X is just interesting, allowing me to get rid of Unown G’s and Egain’s from their play and hopefully discarding them all…But the bad part it, I have to search my deck again for my 2 or so Memory berry…. Bit risky to use it.

  46. Adam Capriola

    This is a very creative idea, thanks for the write up Mad Jew!

    I really like the Chatot G idea, gives you a better chance to discard their key cards and keep the lock!

  47. Adam Capriola

    This is a very creative idea, thanks for the write up Mad Jew!

    I really like the Chatot G idea, gives you a better chance to discard their key cards and keep the lock!

  48. Steven Bates

    The only reason I prefer palkia over luxray is because you need 4 poke turn to back him up…when you could be playing a card just as good and have room for 4 poke drawer….which I believe are key with chatot g. Chatot basically sez ” Search for any one card in you deck ” and it doesn’t disturb the lock at all. Then you can replay it every turn and keep their draws screwed. ^_^

  49. Steven Bates

    The only reason I prefer palkia over luxray is because you need 4 poke turn to back him up…when you could be playing a card just as good and have room for 4 poke drawer….which I believe are key with chatot g. Chatot basically sez ” Search for any one card in you deck ” and it doesn’t disturb the lock at all. Then you can replay it every turn and keep their draws screwed. ^_^

  50. Power Swing

    This list is interesting, I’m currently testing flychamp out but would love to give this one a shot.

  51. Power Swing

    This list is interesting, I’m currently testing flychamp out but would love to give this one a shot.

  52. This list is interesting, I’m currently testing flychamp out but would love to give this one a shot.

  53. Kyle Morris

    Man this seems inconsistent, the bad starts are increased due to the alarming amount of basics not to mention early game this deck would have a lot of issues. I think the biggest problem is once you set up a particular tech it’s going to be too hard for you to set up your main attacker. I do like Flygon as a tech line but not a lot of techs used with flygon.

    •  → Kyle

      It’s depending on matchups tho, or possibly your luck at starts are always bad. If you need more good starts, just cut one card for a 4th Trapinch.

  54. Davide Crisafulli

    I tried with my friend another diruptive flygon with giratina lv.x,nidoqueen RR and Mewtwo…AWESOME…just try

      •  → Power

        People have different tastes in the way how Flygon is played. So yeah, a Lock would do things better but hey, its depends on how common support pokemon are in the format as well as how many Warp points, switches, etc are in opponent’s decks on average. If one or two of them MAXED them out, it’ll be one heck of a tough battle…

  55. Graham Poteet

    That is completely Meta dependant. SP normall runs enough counters to Flylock (Turns, Warps, Unown G) but Flychamp gives it a much better run. Flylock though fairs well probably against everything else a little better

    • Power Swing  → Graham

      Thanks man
      I was going to use Flylock with Infernape 4 LV.X but Blazeray was big where Icame from and I figgured they would either Power Spray, Unown G, Turn, or Warp so I just went with champ

    • Power Swing  → Graham

      Thanks man
      I was going to use Flylock with Infernape 4 LV.X but Blazeray was big where Icame from and I figgured they would either Power Spray, Unown G, Turn, or Warp so I just went with champ

      • Mew Jadester  → Power

        Blaziken? lolwut. If Blaziken is HUGE in your area (same for Luxray, Infernape, and other SP’s), just try to fit some Uppers in the deck so you can Xtreme attack them away at a pinch.

      • Mew Jadester  → Power

        Blaziken? lolwut. If Blaziken is HUGE in your area (same for Luxray, Infernape, and other SP’s), just try to fit some Uppers in the deck so you can Xtreme attack them away at a pinch.

  56. Graham Poteet

    That is completely Meta dependant. SP normall runs enough counters to Flylock (Turns, Warps, Unown G) but Flychamp gives it a much better run. Flylock though fairs well probably against everything else a little better

  57. Graham Poteet

    That is completely Meta dependant. SP normall runs enough counters to Flylock (Turns, Warps, Unown G) but Flychamp gives it a much better run. Flylock though fairs well probably against everything else a little better

    •  → Graham

      Thanks man
      I was going to use Flylock with Infernape 4 LV.X but Blazeray was big where Icame from and I figgured they would either Power Spray, Unown G, Turn, or Warp so I just went with champ

      •  → Power

        Blaziken? lolwut. If Blaziken is HUGE in your area (same for Luxray, Infernape, and other SP’s), just try to fit some Uppers in the deck so you can Xtreme attack them away at a pinch.

  58. Kyle Morris

    Man this seems inconsistent, the bad starts are increased due to the alarming amount of basics not to mention early game this deck would have a lot of issues. I think the biggest problem is once you set up a particular tech it’s going to be too hard for you to set up your main attacker. I do like Flygon as a tech line but not a lot of techs used with flygon.

  59. Kyle Morris

    Man this seems inconsistent, the bad starts are increased due to the alarming amount of basics not to mention early game this deck would have a lot of issues. I think the biggest problem is once you set up a particular tech it’s going to be too hard for you to set up your main attacker. I do like Flygon as a tech line but not a lot of techs used with flygon.

    • Mew Jadester  → Kyle

      It’s depending on matchups tho, or possibly your luck at starts are always bad. If you need more good starts, just cut one card for a 4th Trapinch.

    • Mew Jadester  → Kyle

      It’s depending on matchups tho, or possibly your luck at starts are always bad. If you need more good starts, just cut one card for a 4th Trapinch.

  60. Davide Crisafulli

    I tried with my friend another diruptive flygon with giratina lv.x,nidoqueen RR and Mewtwo…AWESOME…just try

      • Mew Jadester  → Power

        People have different tastes in the way how Flygon is played. So yeah, a Lock would do things better but hey, its depends on how common support pokemon are in the format as well as how many Warp points, switches, etc are in opponent’s decks on average. If one or two of them MAXED them out, it’ll be one heck of a tough battle…

      • Mew Jadester  → Power

        People have different tastes in the way how Flygon is played. So yeah, a Lock would do things better but hey, its depends on how common support pokemon are in the format as well as how many Warp points, switches, etc are in opponent’s decks on average. If one or two of them MAXED them out, it’ll be one heck of a tough battle…

  61. Davide Crisafulli

    I tried with my friend another diruptive flygon with giratina lv.x,nidoqueen RR and Mewtwo…AWESOME…just try

  62. Power Swing

    Ya uppers can’t power up a LV.X but i think i’m gonna try the lock with Infernape 4 Lv.X because it seems more consistent. I’ll go ahead and give you my flychamp list so you can tell me if it at least looked right.

    4 Trapinch (3 sw,1 rr)
    2 Vibrava rr
    3 Flygon rr
    1 Flygon Lv.x
    2 Machop sf
    1 Machoke sf
    2 Machamp sf
    1 Machamp Lv.x
    2 baltoy ge
    2 claydol ge
    1 uxie la
    1 azelf la
    1 chatot md
    1 ditto la
    2 unown g ge
    1 relicanth sv

    4 bebe’s
    4 rosy’s
    2 cynthia’s feeling’s
    4 rare candy
    2 Night maintenence
    1 luxury ball
    1 premier ball
    2 memory berry

    4 call
    3 upper
    5 fighting
    1 psychic (in case of unown g start)

    • Mew Jadester  → Power

      it seems fine to me, but i’d like 1 unown G over 2 so the 2nd one can be for a bubble coat or something :P

    • Mew Jadester  → Power

      it seems fine to me, but i’d like 1 unown G over 2 so the 2nd one can be for a bubble coat or something :P

      • Power Swing  → Mew

        good point with the bubble coat that could really help out in the mirror
        also what do you think of Flygon Lock with Infernape 4 Lv.x

      • Power Swing  → Mew

        good point with the bubble coat that could really help out in the mirror
        also what do you think of Flygon Lock with Infernape 4 Lv.x

  63. Power Swing

    Ya uppers can’t power up a LV.X but i think i’m gonna try the lock with Infernape 4 Lv.X because it seems more consistent. I’ll go ahead and give you my flychamp list so you can tell me if it at least looked right.

    4 Trapinch (3 sw,1 rr)
    2 Vibrava rr
    3 Flygon rr
    1 Flygon Lv.x
    2 Machop sf
    1 Machoke sf
    2 Machamp sf
    1 Machamp Lv.x
    2 baltoy ge
    2 claydol ge
    1 uxie la
    1 azelf la
    1 chatot md
    1 ditto la
    2 unown g ge
    1 relicanth sv

    4 bebe’s
    4 rosy’s
    2 cynthia’s feeling’s
    4 rare candy
    2 Night maintenence
    1 luxury ball
    1 premier ball
    2 memory berry

    4 call
    3 upper
    5 fighting
    1 psychic (in case of unown g start)

    •  → Power

      it seems fine to me, but i’d like 1 unown G over 2 so the 2nd one can be for a bubble coat or something :P

      •  → Mad

        good point with the bubble coat that could really help out in the mirror
        also what do you think of Flygon Lock with Infernape 4 Lv.x

  64. Infernape 4 Lv.X wont creat the lock, your oppomemt would bring out their backup attacker and ready to attack or whatever next turn :P

    •  → Mad

      True that I guess I’ll just play palkia lv.x or luxray gl those seem to be the strongest options and i lost in top 4 BR’s to with the flychamp list i just gave you and was just wondering is there anyway to stop kingdra with flychamp

  65. if you wish to stop early kingdra spam, there’s Mr Mime.

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

    • Power Swing  → Mad

      ya mr.mime is a good techh that has it’s advantages over mewtwo lv.x such as it can also stop evolved pokemon if they don’t have high enough energy
      just watch out for dialga g :o)

  66. Mew Jadester

    Infernape 4 Lv.X wont creat the lock, your oppomemt would bring out their backup attacker and ready to attack or whatever next turn :P

    • Power Swing  → Mew

      True that I guess I’ll just play palkia lv.x or luxray gl those seem to be the strongest options and i lost in top 4 BR’s to with the flychamp list i just gave you and was just wondering is there anyway to stop kingdra with flychamp

    • Power Swing  → Mew

      True that I guess I’ll just play palkia lv.x or luxray gl those seem to be the strongest options and i lost in top 4 BR’s to with the flychamp list i just gave you and was just wondering is there anyway to stop kingdra with flychamp

  67. Mew Jadester

    Infernape 4 Lv.X wont creat the lock, your oppomemt would bring out their backup attacker and ready to attack or whatever next turn :P

  68. Mew Jadester

    if you wish to stop early kingdra spam, there’s Mr Mime.

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

  69. Mew Jadester

    if you wish to stop early kingdra spam, there’s Mr Mime.

    As I said earlier, There are some matchups that consistency can’t win. For everything else, there’s techs.

    • Power Swing  → Mew

      ya mr.mime is a good techh that has it’s advantages over mewtwo lv.x such as it can also stop evolved pokemon if they don’t have high enough energy
      just watch out for dialga g :o)

    • Power Swing  → Mew

      ya mr.mime is a good techh that has it’s advantages over mewtwo lv.x such as it can also stop evolved pokemon if they don’t have high enough energy
      just watch out for dialga g :o)

  70. kc

    ok i finally got my luxrey lvx just like last weekend and though of my own flygon/ luxray deck and i post it on the gym but noone gave me imput on it.
    one of my freinds told about 6p.com and i think it alot better then the gym

  71. kc

    ok i finally got my luxrey lvx just like last weekend and though of my own flygon/ luxray deck and i post it on the gym but noone gave me imput on it.
    one of my freinds told about 6p.com and i think it alot better then the gym

  72. kc

    ok i finally got my luxrey lvx just like last weekend and though of my own flygon/ luxray deck and i post it on the gym but noone gave me imput on it.
    one of my freinds told about 6p.com and i think it alot better then the gym

  73. jacob

    so this is a good deck? i’m new so idk a lot about everything i like the deck. :) but can someone tell me how you win free pokemon cards here?

  74. jacob

    so this is a good deck? i’m new so idk a lot about everything i like the deck. :) but can someone tell me how you win free pokemon cards here?

  75. jacob

    so this is a good deck? i’m new so idk a lot about everything i like the deck. :) but can someone tell me how you win free pokemon cards here?

  76. John Rea

    nice deck, y would u put mr. mime in. just wondering :D

  77. John Rea

    nice deck, y would u put mr. mime in. just wondering :D

  78. John Rea

    nice deck, y would u put mr. mime in. just wondering :D

  79. awesome deck
    the mrmine is brilliant as it prevents MOST pokemon from damaging it!

  80. CoMiT

    awesome deck
    the mrmine is brilliant as it prevents MOST pokemon from damaging it!

  81. CoMiT

    awesome deck
    the mrmine is brilliant as it prevents MOST pokemon from damaging it!

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