Gengar SF / Metagross SV – Deck Analysis

Gengar Stormfront SF 18 Pokemon CardGengar is either loved or hated. The cards existence alone modifies the way decks are built, and when facing a deck containing this Pokémon card, you modify your strategy in order to avoid the deadly (pun intended) “Fainting Spell”.

This is a deck I’ve been working on for a few weeks, ever since I came across the idea of combining Metagross SV and Gengar SF. “Gravitation” is a very unique Poké-Body, which pretty much acts as +20 damage for every single attack, both for yourself and your opponent. Now how does Gengar take advantage of this unique Poké-Body? Well most of the support Pokémon being used in today’s metagame, normally have 80 or 70 HP, namely Uxie LA, Mesprit LA, Azelf LA, Crobat G PL and Claydol GE. Reducing the HP of all these Pokémon by 20, allows Gengar to target them with “Shadow Room” and get immediate 1HKOs. Not only this, but now 50 HP Basic Pokémon are also 1HKO’d, and 60 HP Basic Pokémon are too with a single Crobat G’s “Flash Bite”.

The main strategy I have developed for the deck so far is to target all the support Pokémon your opponent is using, and let the laws of probability with “Fainting Spell” handle the Active Pokémon that threatens to KO Gengar SF.

Now you may be thinking a single Unown G ruins your plans for this main strategy, but Platinum: Supreme victors also provided Gengar SF with a new weapon to get by them. Relicanth SV is a huge asset to Gengar SF, as 2 Unown G’s in play means Relicanth SV can do the same damage as “Shadow Room” on Pokémon such as Claydol GE, which are probably one of the Pokémon that have an Unown G GE attached to them. With all of this in mind, I now present to you the list that I will continue to improve upon on Apprentice and most likely at my next autumn Battle Road.

4 Gastly SF
2 Haunter SF
4 Gengar SF
2 Beldum LA
1 Metang SV
2 Metagross SV
2 Baltoy GE
2 Claydol GE
2 Crobat G PL
2 Relicanth SV
1 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
1 Unown G GE
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Bebe’s Search
2 Cynthia’s Feelings
2 Looker’s Investigation
4 Rare Candy
3 TGI Poké Turn
2 Night Maintenance
2 Switch
1 Broken Time-Space
1 Luxury Ball
2 F
4 P
3 Multi

Metagross Supreme Victors SV 7 Pokemon CardThe list is very straightforward and focuses on consistency, what I consider the most important aspect when building a deck. Unfortunately at my Battle Road, I did not do as well as I expected. Unown G’s where everywhere, I think some decks were even running 3, but I always had bad luck when trying to use Relicanth SV effectively, due to bench issues or not having a F Energy or Multi Energy in my hand. The list I used at the Battle Road only had a single F Energy, and now I have added a second one, as Relicanth SV is a very vital support Pokémon in this deck.

Relicanth Supreme Victors SV 79 Pokemon CardAlso going against this deck was the heavy use of both Nidoqueen RR and Palkia LV.X GE. Nidoqueen RR proved to be a problem as if I didn’t 1HKO Pokémon on the bench; both “Shadow Room” and “Poltergeist” become relatively weak attacks as your opponent can easily manage the damage output from both attacks. Palkia LV.X GE really made this deck cringe, as both Metagross SV and Claydol GE have heavy Retreat Costs, and aside from the 2 Switch (previously 2 Warp Points) means after using them both, it will be very hard to retreat either of them and will grant your opponent’s a lot of free turns.

I still really like the deck, and my testing has shown it is a very clear favorite over any and all Gyarados SF decks so far, and another plus for pairing Gengar SF with Metagross SV is that it may ruin plans your opponent has to get around “Fainting Spell” by making your own Gengar’s more vulnerable and easy to KO with less powerful attacks.

So what do you think? Can this deck be a dominant force or is Gengar SF better being paired with Machamp SF as its main companion? Let me know what you think of this deck!

Reader Interactions

106 replies

  1. Ivan Garcia

    ha! i am also creating a deck with similar strategy to this one

  2. William Gilbert

    Wow that’s creepy, I had the exact same list in my notepad :P
    It’s a nice deck, I’m not sure how reliable it would be in a major event though…

    •  → William

      Exact same one? Haha nice! I tried it out at a BR, and I was unsuccesful seeing how Palkia and other big Stage 2 decks were very popular, and my list was subpar. I think it could definately contend though.

  3. Adam Yusuf

    Ya, this deck is a beast, I know first hand lol. FlyChampLock was screwed against this guy. gg’s Pablo. Ya the 2 fighting energys vs the solo one is the right choice. The only thing i would possibly suggest is to drop the lone BTS for the 4th Poketurn, but i think it’s more personal preference and gets you out a jam if Metagross or Gengar gets knocked out somehow.

    •  → Adam

      Yeah that’s personal preference I guess, but it’s always nice to have an alternative to Rare Candy’s late in the game.

  4. PokePockets

    While I like Metagross, I dunno if this is the best combo. Then again, I just don’t think Gengar is THAT great.

  5. iScoop

    Just personal preference, but:
    -1 Bebe’s Search
    +1 Looker’s Investigation

    -1 Chatot MD
    -1 Cynthia’s Feelings
    -1 Relicanth
    -1 Multi
    +4 Pokeblower

    -1 Switch
    +1 Warp Point

    -2 Multi Energy
    +2 Energy

    • Pablo Meza  → iScoop

      IMO those changes, specially the -1 Bebe’s, would make the deck less consistant, specially by removing Chatot, and the second Relicanth without Azelf LA to fish it out (pun!) of the prizes in case your single one got stuck there.

      I also don’t see the advantage of Poke Blowers, since you can target anything on the bench with both “Shadow Room” and “Grand Swell”.

    • Pablo Meza  → iScoop

      IMO those changes, specially the -1 Bebe’s, would make the deck less consistant, specially by removing Chatot, and the second Relicanth without Azelf LA to fish it out (pun!) of the prizes in case your single one got stuck there.

      I also don’t see the advantage of Poke Blowers, since you can target anything on the bench with both “Shadow Room” and “Grand Swell”.

  6. iScoop

    Just personal preference, but:
    -1 Bebe’s Search
    +1 Looker’s Investigation

    -1 Chatot MD
    -1 Cynthia’s Feelings
    -1 Relicanth
    -1 Multi
    +4 Pokeblower

    -1 Switch
    +1 Warp Point

    -2 Multi Energy
    +2 Energy

    •  → iScoop

      IMO those changes, specially the -1 Bebe’s, would make the deck less consistant, specially by removing Chatot, and the second Relicanth without Azelf LA to fish it out (pun!) of the prizes in case your single one got stuck there.

      I also don’t see the advantage of Poke Blowers, since you can target anything on the bench with both “Shadow Room” and “Grand Swell”.

  7. Power swing

    Gengar is loosing its popularity but i think it still has some potential. I would try putting in a mismagius from sf to get rid of those stupid unown g’s so you can make sure you get that ohko.

    • Pablo Meza  → Power

      I had never thought of Mismagius as a Unown G counter in Gengar decks, that could definately work, although it would definately compete for a spot with Relicanth, I don’t think I could fit a 1-1 Mismagius line in my list.

    • Pablo Meza  → Power

      I had never thought of Mismagius as a Unown G counter in Gengar decks, that could definately work, although it would definately compete for a spot with Relicanth, I don’t think I could fit a 1-1 Mismagius line in my list.

  8. Power swing

    Gengar is loosing its popularity but i think it still has some potential. I would try putting in a mismagius from sf to get rid of those stupid unown g’s so you can make sure you get that ohko.

    •  → Power

      I had never thought of Mismagius as a Unown G counter in Gengar decks, that could definately work, although it would definately compete for a spot with Relicanth, I don’t think I could fit a 1-1 Mismagius line in my list.

  9. Adam Capriola

    I really don’t like Looker’s and would try to fit Poke Drawer in instead, but I am not sure what else to take out!

    I would also play a few Call Energy, I just don’t feel comfortable running any deck without it, but again I am not sure what I’d take out.

    I gotta find some time to test…

  10. Ivan Garcia

    ha! i am also creating a deck with similar strategy to this one

  11. Ivan Garcia

    ha! i am also creating a deck with similar strategy to this one

  12. William Gilbert

    Wow that’s creepy, I had the exact same list in my notepad :P
    It’s a nice deck, I’m not sure how reliable it would be in a major event though…

    • Pablo Meza  → William

      Exact same one? Haha nice! I tried it out at a BR, and I was unsuccesful seeing how Palkia and other big Stage 2 decks were very popular, and my list was subpar. I think it could definately contend though.

    • Pablo Meza  → William

      Exact same one? Haha nice! I tried it out at a BR, and I was unsuccesful seeing how Palkia and other big Stage 2 decks were very popular, and my list was subpar. I think it could definately contend though.

  13. Joshua Hall

    I considered this deck when I saw Metagross, but I’ve grown to dislike Gengar.

    I think Metagross can be used in many decks as a nice tech, though.

  14. Adam Yusuf

    Ya, this deck is a beast, I know first hand lol. FlyChampLock was screwed against this guy. gg’s Pablo. Ya the 2 fighting energys vs the solo one is the right choice. The only thing i would possibly suggest is to drop the lone BTS for the 4th Poketurn, but i think it’s more personal preference and gets you out a jam if Metagross or Gengar gets knocked out somehow.

  15. PokePockets

    While I like Metagross, I dunno if this is the best combo. Then again, I just don’t think Gengar is THAT great.

      • PokePockets  → Power

        oh geez…

        I didn’t say it wasn’t good, I just said I don’t think it is that great. Personal preference my good friend

        cough Unown G/Burning Trainers cough

        • PokePockets  → Power

          If Unown G wasn’t so heavily played in this format I really think this guy could be better. Fainting Spell is quite nice though

        • PokePockets  → Power

          If Unown G wasn’t so heavily played in this format I really think this guy could be better. Fainting Spell is quite nice though

        • PokePockets  → Power

          If Unown G wasn’t so heavily played in this format I really think this guy could be better. Fainting Spell is quite nice though

  16. Graham Poteet

    The problem now with playing Gengar in the format is that its missing a huge suprise factor. To abuse fainting spell properly you need to run a 4-x-4 Gengar line, not leaving much room for techs.

    I think that’s why maybe with Metagross you can lose the whole Crobats and PokeTurns to leave the deck. With Metagross you’re still koing multiple support pokemon, and even if they’re attempting to G them you have Relincath who I believe should take the place of Crobats.

    With a pokemon line like:
    4-2-4 Gengar
    2-1-2 Metagross
    2-2 Claydol
    2 Relincath
    1 Uxie
    1 Unown G

    I think you would find more consitency and would open up multiple sniping options with Gengar and Relincath

    Just my two cents but I feel Metagross does what Crobat did cleaner and more efficient in todays meta

  17. Graham Poteet

    The problem now with playing Gengar in the format is that its missing a huge suprise factor. To abuse fainting spell properly you need to run a 4-x-4 Gengar line, not leaving much room for techs.

    I think that’s why maybe with Metagross you can lose the whole Crobats and PokeTurns to leave the deck. With Metagross you’re still koing multiple support pokemon, and even if they’re attempting to G them you have Relincath who I believe should take the place of Crobats.

    With a pokemon line like:
    4-2-4 Gengar
    2-1-2 Metagross
    2-2 Claydol
    2 Relincath
    1 Uxie
    1 Unown G

    I think you would find more consitency and would open up multiple sniping options with Gengar and Relincath

    Just my two cents but I feel Metagross does what Crobat did cleaner and more efficient in todays meta

  18. Adam Capriola

    I really don’t like Looker’s and would try to fit Poke Drawer in instead, but I am not sure what else to take out!

    I would also play a few Call Energy, I just don’t feel comfortable running any deck without it, but again I am not sure what I’d take out.

    I gotta find some time to test…

  19. Graham Poteet

    Wow I butchered a lot of grammar there. I guess that’s what I get for typing on my phone at work. In case it wasn’t obvious what I was saying is Metagross accomplishes basiacally two flash bites just sitting on the bench. Also making any power locking useless.

    That is all. Just wanted to clarify

  20. Graham Poteet

    Wow I butchered a lot of grammar there. I guess that’s what I get for typing on my phone at work. In case it wasn’t obvious what I was saying is Metagross accomplishes basiacally two flash bites just sitting on the bench. Also making any power locking useless.

    That is all. Just wanted to clarify

  21. Joshua Hall

    I considered this deck when I saw Metagross, but I’ve grown to dislike Gengar.

    I think Metagross can be used in many decks as a nice tech, though.

  22. Simon Peter

    Just wanted to point out that Mismagius SF does not get rid of the opponent’s Unown G (although it can get rid of your own). You can never remove Unown G from a Pokemon with an attack, be it Pachirisu’s Smash Short, Mismagius’ Crash Chant, or Electivire lv. X’s Pulse Barrier. Therefore it counters nothing.

    As for the list, I would consider dropping one of the SV Metagross for one from LA, or possibly just adding one in and not dropping any of the SV so you still have 2 for consistency. Being able to do your own Gust tricks is great with Gengar because you can get more easy prizes that way, bringing up a heavy retreater and, under immunity, taking out as many Pokemon as you can before they Warp/Switch/retreat. (And when they do, you’ll just try another Magnetic Reversal on the same Pokemon.)

    I actually don’t think max Crobat G abuse is as necessary here anymore with Metagross SV in the mix; you’re already getting the OHKO on all of the stuff you would need Crobat G for usually, and right now you’re devoting 5 spots to borderline redundancy (borderline because I do realize there will always be SOME occasion where Flash Bite is useful in every deck). You could probably cut the Poketurn and keep the Crobat G just for those special instances.

    I also feel that Call energy is important here, even though you will usually be going for Pitch Dark turn 1. Too many decks have ways to donk you even without trainers (thanks to BTS mainly), and Call is, as always, such good insurance against that.

    I have been experimenting with Unown Q as a way to get Relincanth in and out without wasting your energy. You might try one here. If you expect a lot of Gengar mirrors, I would also run a second Unown G. As for the lone BTS, I would experiment with Miasma (and possibly up it to 2). It has always been good with Gengar, but it is even better with Metagross SV also involved. A lot of SP decks have no counter for it once it drops and will end up losing Pokemon a lot sooner because of it.

  23. Power Swing

    Why doesn’t mismagius discard unown g
    I mean after you attach it it’s no longer a pokemon but a pokemon tool

  24. Power Swing

    Why doesn’t mismagius discard unown g
    I mean after you attach it it’s no longer a pokemon but a pokemon tool

  25. Adam Capriola

    “Guard” prevents all effects of attacks, and discarding it is considered an effect. The only way to get rid of Unown G is through Hippowdon LV.X, to the best of my knowledge. No attacks can get rid of it.

  26. Dave Hueglin

    Just to add to Adam’s comment, here’s the ruling from the Pokegym Compendium:

    Crash Chant

    Q. If Unown-G is attached as a tool to a Pokemon and the opponent uses Mismagius’ “Crash Chant” attack, would Unown-G be discarded or not?
    A. No, Unown-G’s GUARD would prevent it from being discarded and you don’t get to add 20 for that tool to Crash Chant’s damage either. (Nov 20, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

    • Power Swing  → Dave

      Oh ok thanks guys I had seen people get rid of unown g using mismagius before so I figured it was a decent tech but now i’m gonna run relicanth

    • Power Swing  → Dave

      Oh ok thanks guys I had seen people get rid of unown g using mismagius before so I figured it was a decent tech but now i’m gonna run relicanth

  27. Just to add to Adam’s comment, here’s the ruling from the Pokegym Compendium:

    Crash Chant

    Q. If Unown-G is attached as a tool to a Pokemon and the opponent uses Mismagius’ “Crash Chant” attack, would Unown-G be discarded or not?
    A. No, Unown-G’s GUARD would prevent it from being discarded and you don’t get to add 20 for that tool to Crash Chant’s damage either. (Nov 20, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

    • Power Swing  → Dave

      Oh ok thanks guys I had seen people get rid of unown g using mismagius before so I figured it was a decent tech but now i’m gonna run relicanth

  28. Simon Peter

    Just wanted to point out that Mismagius SF does not get rid of the opponent’s Unown G (although it can get rid of your own). You can never remove Unown G from a Pokemon with an attack, be it Pachirisu’s Smash Short, Mismagius’ Crash Chant, or Electivire lv. X’s Pulse Barrier. Therefore it counters nothing.

    As for the list, I would consider dropping one of the SV Metagross for one from LA, or possibly just adding one in and not dropping any of the SV so you still have 2 for consistency. Being able to do your own Gust tricks is great with Gengar because you can get more easy prizes that way, bringing up a heavy retreater and, under immunity, taking out as many Pokemon as you can before they Warp/Switch/retreat. (And when they do, you’ll just try another Magnetic Reversal on the same Pokemon.)

    I actually don’t think max Crobat G abuse is as necessary here anymore with Metagross SV in the mix; you’re already getting the OHKO on all of the stuff you would need Crobat G for usually, and right now you’re devoting 5 spots to borderline redundancy (borderline because I do realize there will always be SOME occasion where Flash Bite is useful in every deck). You could probably cut the Poketurn and keep the Crobat G just for those special instances.

    I also feel that Call energy is important here, even though you will usually be going for Pitch Dark turn 1. Too many decks have ways to donk you even without trainers (thanks to BTS mainly), and Call is, as always, such good insurance against that.

    I have been experimenting with Unown Q as a way to get Relincanth in and out without wasting your energy. You might try one here. If you expect a lot of Gengar mirrors, I would also run a second Unown G. As for the lone BTS, I would experiment with Miasma (and possibly up it to 2). It has always been good with Gengar, but it is even better with Metagross SV also involved. A lot of SP decks have no counter for it once it drops and will end up losing Pokemon a lot sooner because of it.

  29. Adam Capriola

    “Guard” prevents all effects of attacks, and discarding it is considered an effect. The only way to get rid of Unown G is through Hippowdon LV.X, to the best of my knowledge. No attacks can get rid of it.

  30. Adam Yusuf

    One of my friends was also playing this and I had to deal with it in T4… but his had Miasma Valley and Devoluter…They worked wonders against me, but then you have to play the SV Baltoys instead of the GE. but with Beldum, if you have to start off with it, you can get the Miasma out turn 2 and if they are playing Flygon/Gyarados/Sp they’ll be taking damage and they are either a flash bite away from an easy KO or a Shadow Room away from the KO.
    Relicanth> Mismagius for this deck, since Mismagius really completely destroys Porygon Z which Gengar already is a heavy favorite over to begin with.

  31. Adam Yusuf

    One of my friends was also playing this and I had to deal with it in T4… but his had Miasma Valley and Devoluter…They worked wonders against me, but then you have to play the SV Baltoys instead of the GE. but with Beldum, if you have to start off with it, you can get the Miasma out turn 2 and if they are playing Flygon/Gyarados/Sp they’ll be taking damage and they are either a flash bite away from an easy KO or a Shadow Room away from the KO.
    Relicanth> Mismagius for this deck, since Mismagius really completely destroys Porygon Z which Gengar already is a heavy favorite over to begin with.

  32. Adam Yusuf

    One of my friends was also playing this and I had to deal with it in T4… but his had Miasma Valley and Devoluter…They worked wonders against me, but then you have to play the SV Baltoys instead of the GE. but with Beldum, if you have to start off with it, you can get the Miasma out turn 2 and if they are playing Flygon/Gyarados/Sp they’ll be taking damage and they are either a flash bite away from an easy KO or a Shadow Room away from the KO.
    Relicanth> Mismagius for this deck, since Mismagius really completely destroys Porygon Z which Gengar already is a heavy favorite over to begin with.

  33. Adam Yusuf

    One of my friends was also playing this and I had to deal with it in T4… but his had Miasma Valley and Devoluter…They worked wonders against me, but then you have to play the SV Baltoys instead of the GE. but with Beldum, if you have to start off with it, you can get the Miasma out turn 2 and if they are playing Flygon/Gyarados/Sp they’ll be taking damage and they are either a flash bite away from an easy KO or a Shadow Room away from the KO.
    Relicanth> Mismagius for this deck, since Mismagius really completely destroys Porygon Z which Gengar already is a heavy favorite over to begin with.

  34. PokeChamp

    I prefer pairing Gengar with Nidoqueen. While the idea is good in theory, Gengar with only 90HP makes it even easier to get around “Fainting Spell”, which is arguably the best (and most luck-based) weapon in your arsenal. As opposed to something like Nidoqueen which almost always forces your opponent to trigger “Fainting Spell”, which can be devastating at times. Really, I could see something like Mother Gengar working with a Metagross SV tech. Metagross is undeniably good in this deck, it is just the fact that “Fainting Spell” can be neutralized easier that makes me shy on playing it.

  35. I prefer pairing Gengar with Nidoqueen. While the idea is good in theory, Gengar with only 90HP makes it even easier to get around “Fainting Spell”, which is arguably the best (and most luck-based) weapon in your arsenal. As opposed to something like Nidoqueen which almost always forces your opponent to trigger “Fainting Spell”, which can be devastating at times. Really, I could see something like Mother Gengar working with a Metagross SV tech. Metagross is undeniably good in this deck, it is just the fact that “Fainting Spell” can be neutralized easier that makes me shy on playing it.

  36. hobusu

    I love this! I think this combo is really good.
    I’m going to test this deck ASAP with 1 modification: Replace 1 Gengar (SF) with a Gengar Lv.X (AR).
    The Lv.X has very good – if not perfect – synergy with this deck.
    It increases the HP (Making it harder to knock it out – People have teched solutions to Fainting Spell), It can use Level-Down to lower the Defending Pokemon’s HP further, and it can possibly get multiple KOs with Compound Pain.
    I really, really like this. Keep up the good work!

  37. I love this! I think this combo is really good.

    I’m going to test this deck ASAP with 1 modification: Replace 1 Gengar (SF) with a Gengar Lv.X (AR).

    The Lv.X has very good – if not perfect – synergy with this deck.
    It increases the HP (Making it harder to knock it out – People have teched solutions to Fainting Spell), It can use Level-Down to lower the Defending Pokemon’s HP further, and it can possibly get multiple KOs with Compound Pain.

    I really, really like this. Keep up the good work!

  38. CoMiT

    just needs pokedrawer and call energy in it!!!!
    great deck

  39. Vincenzo Rotunda

    I should say, as very much as I enjoyed reading what you had to express, I couldnt aid but lose interest following a although. Its as should you had a great grasp on the topic matter, but you forgot to consist of your readers. Perhaps you must take into consideration this from much more than 1 angle. Or maybe you shouldnt generalise so very much. Its much better in the event you think of what other people may well have to say rather than just going for any gut reaction for the theme. Think of adjusting your own thought process and giving other people who might understand this the benefit from the doubt.

  40. Joseph Badamo

    What I would like to know is why should I care? I mean, not to say that what youve got to convey isn’t critical, but I mean, its so generic. Everybody’s talking about this man. Give us some thing extra, some thing that we can get behind so we can feel as zealous about it as you do.

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