Hey guys i hope you liked the first part of the Battle Roads Recap. Again this video will continue where i left off! Thanks!
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Hey guys i hope you liked the first part of the Battle Roads Recap. Again this video will continue where i left off! Thanks!
OK….Some sour grapes.
There are some people out there who cant hear a thing or have broken speakers so may I request that a transcript have to be added alongside it in the future? Thanks…
Joshua Hall
So you can’t hear any sound at all through your computer? Well, then, the purpose of a video is largely lost anyway…
I believe Ian’s right in that BlazeRay was one of the best choices for Battle Roads Fall, with Gyarados close behind.
Drew Stillwell
It seemed to me garchompC/luxray was a quality deck at BR, but I never saw its Flygon matchup, so that could be why it made the “bad” list :6
Nice vid(s)!
Mew Jadester
OK….Some sour grapes.
There are some people out there who cant hear a thing or have broken speakers so may I request that a transcript have to be added alongside it in the future? Thanks…
Joshua Hall
So you can’t hear any sound at all through your computer? Well, then, the purpose of a video is largely lost anyway…
I believe Ian’s right in that BlazeRay was one of the best choices for Battle Roads Fall, with Gyarados close behind.
Matthew Riddle
I understand that Garchomp C has weakness to Flygon but Flygon also has weakness to Garchomp C. I’m in the same boat as nardd, that I have never seen the matchup in person, but could someone quickly go over the key points of it?
I would think that SP would take the advantage quickly because of it’s speed and sniping, and that Flygon could come back with Upper Energies, but I think it’d be too easy to get 2 energy on Garchomp C Lv.X and OHKO the Flygon w/ Lucario GL on the bench or w/o Lucario GL if it’s a Flygon lv.X.
I could tell there was a bit of theorymon in this one.
Lux/Chomp is one of(if not) the best SP deck out there right now. It most assuredly beats Flygon, has a favorable Blaze/Ray match-up, and has an even match-up vs Gengar/Machamp. Calling it bad is pretty ridiculous.
I could tell there was a bit of theorymon in this one.
Lux/Chomp is one of(if not) the best SP deck out there right now. It most assuredly beats Flygon, has a favorable Blaze/Ray match-up, and has an even match-up vs Gengar/Machamp. Calling it bad is pretty ridiculous.
i like garchomp, luxray.. I guess i should have stated that i used luxray, blaziken, garchomp 1/1 tech vs the straight 3/1 luxray 2/1 garchomp c. garchomp c is good, i just like blaziken too. my bad…
blaziken fb lv.x is a strong card vs flygon. Its expendable, but you will be up on prizes regardless.
i like garchomp, luxray.. I guess i should have stated that i used luxray, blaziken, garchomp 1/1 tech vs the straight 3/1 luxray 2/1 garchomp c. garchomp c is good, i just like blaziken too. my bad…
blaziken fb lv.x is a strong card vs flygon. Its expendable, but you will be up on prizes regardless.
Power Swing
Is flygon/weavile still good or no and I recently put a 1-0-1 promo dusknoir line into my gengar deck to consistently look into my opponents hand to set up gengars second attack, tell me what you guys think .
Power Swing
Is flygon/weavile still good or no and I recently put a 1-0-1 promo dusknoir line into my gengar deck to consistently look into my opponents hand to set up gengars second attack, tell me what you guys think .
that sounds very interesting, i just don’t like the flippy part in a deck that isn’t completely consistent with that attack
great video, can we expect more after cities?
Power Swing
Hey, Its a lot better than lookers, and I’m liking it so far.
that sounds very interesting, i just don’t like the flippy part in a deck that isn’t completely consistent with that attack
great video, can we expect more after cities?
Power Swing
Hey, Its a lot better than lookers, and I’m liking it so far.
Drew Stillwell
It seemed to me garchompC/luxray was a quality deck at BR, but I never saw its Flygon matchup, so that could be why it made the “bad” list :6
Nice vid(s)!
Matthew Riddle
I understand that Garchomp C has weakness to Flygon but Flygon also has weakness to Garchomp C. I’m in the same boat as nardd, that I have never seen the matchup in person, but could someone quickly go over the key points of it?
I would think that SP would take the advantage quickly because of it’s speed and sniping, and that Flygon could come back with Upper Energies, but I think it’d be too easy to get 2 energy on Garchomp C Lv.X and OHKO the Flygon w/ Lucario GL on the bench or w/o Lucario GL if it’s a Flygon lv.X.
Joshua Hall
The problem about a Garchomp/Luxray deck is about it’s lack of options compared to the other SP decks. Both Luxray and Garchomp generally do the same thing…hit anything, 60-80 damage. Sure you can heal, but most SP’s are going to be OHKO’d anyway, there’s rarely much damage on the field, and it can be power sprayed. Really the main weakness is the lack of Blaziken Lv. X, the best SP with a core big damage attack. It’s nice just to be able to pop for a good 80 damage for generally one energy, along with the nice first attack of Blaziken, which can drag things out early game before unown G’s enter the field. Big stage 2’s are a problem if you don’t have a good base damage attack.
Joshua Hall
The problem about a Garchomp/Luxray deck is about it’s lack of options compared to the other SP decks. Both Luxray and Garchomp generally do the same thing…hit anything, 60-80 damage. Sure you can heal, but most SP’s are going to be OHKO’d anyway, there’s rarely much damage on the field, and it can be power sprayed. Really the main weakness is the lack of Blaziken Lv. X, the best SP with a core big damage attack. It’s nice just to be able to pop for a good 80 damage for generally one energy, along with the nice first attack of Blaziken, which can drag things out early game before unown G’s enter the field. Big stage 2’s are a problem if you don’t have a good base damage attack.
Don’t see how being able to hit anything signifies a “lack of options”. Blaziken takes two turns to work _some_ of the time, when trying to get a ohko on big stage 2 pokemon. Luring Flame’s use is usually greatly exaggerated by people. Two turns to get a “OHKO” through Blaziken basically equates to getting a two hit ko in Lux/Chomp without the burn gimmick/flips. With the increased play of flylock, people use more and more switching cards, making luring flame even less likely to stick. Not to mention they can just evolve/lvl up out of it.
Don’t see how being able to hit anything signifies a “lack of options”. Blaziken takes two turns to work _some_ of the time, when trying to get a ohko on big stage 2 pokemon. Luring Flame’s use is usually greatly exaggerated by people. Two turns to get a “OHKO” through Blaziken basically equates to getting a two hit ko in Lux/Chomp without the burn gimmick/flips. With the increased play of flylock, people use more and more switching cards, making luring flame even less likely to stick. Not to mention they can just evolve/lvl up out of it.
alex d
I swear you said “Hey guys, this is Ian Ryan from 6P.com” the exact same way in both vids. Ahaha.
power swing i like your idea to use dusky nice!
i agree with quaziko.
Chrome: I like garchomp lux that runs a big blaziken line and blazeray that runs a small garchomp line. Either way you think about it the three went together for brs. you never ohko with blaziken and rarely do you luring flame. You set up stage 2’s to be ko’d.
offtopic hey yoyo did you get my message of pokegym
Power Swing
I’m loving dusknoir. peeps who play gengar should run it.
power swing i like your idea to use dusky nice!
i agree with quaziko.
Chrome: I like garchomp lux that runs a big blaziken line and blazeray that runs a small garchomp line. Either way you think about it the three went together for brs. you never ohko with blaziken and rarely do you luring flame. You set up stage 2’s to be ko’d.
offtopic hey yoyo did you get my message of pokegym
Power Swing
I’m loving dusknoir. peeps who play gengar should run it.
alex d
I swear you said “Hey guys, this is Ian Ryan from 6P.com” the exact same way in both vids. Ahaha.
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