Mankey Business – The One Hit Wonder

Mankey Supreme Victors SV 112 Pokemon CardA guy I know at league has been playing a Darkrai LV.X deck that I keep losing to. Unwilling to totally scrap the deck that I have been playing, I went looking for a tech. And that’s when I came upon Mankey SV. For 1 F Energy he can hit Level Xs for 60 damage. But it gets better. Darkrai LV.X has a x2 weakness to Fighting, effectively giving Mankey a 1HKO against my arch nemesis Darkrai.

So here’s the plan. Because it only takes 1 F Energy, I can keep Mankey in my hand with a F Energy, or get both on my turn with Roseanne’s Research. Once the Darkrai LV.X is up in the Active Spot, I can drop Mankey on the Bench and put the Energy on him. Next, play a Switch or retreat for the 1HKO. My deck already runs two Switchs and has mostly low cost retreaters. Even if Mankey gets taken out next turn, its a trade off I’m willing to make.

Luxray GL LV.X Rising Rivals RR 109 Pokemon CardThat got me thinking about what other Level Xs the little monkey could take down in one fell swoop. Here’s the list, starting with arguably the most popular LV.X in the format right now:

Luxray GL LV.X, Raichu LV.X, both Electivire LV.Xs, and Absol G LV.X. Additionally, Snorlax LV.X and Porygon Z LV.X could be 1HKO’d with Mankey plus a Crobat drop or a PlusPower.

Now while Darkrai is my own local metagame problem, Luxray GL LV.X is much more widely popular opponent. What do you think, is Mankey SV worth becoming a staple tech in many decks, or is there just too little room for the little guy?

Reader Interactions

56 replies

  1. George Derr

    Not only is the SV Mankey a great tech, the stage one Primeape has two great attacks – Top Drop and Brick Break. Top Drop works like Flygon Lv X’s “Wind Erosion” body – discarding the top card from your opponent’s deck. If the card is a pokemon, the HP becomes the damage done to the active. Brick Break is a 40 damage attack that is not affected by resistance, poke-powers, poke bodies, or any other effects on the defending pokemon.

    The stage one Primeape adds another dimension to the Mankey’s Lv X takeout power!

  2. alex d

    This was CotD on PokeGym a few days ago… and at first I thought to myself, “Whaaaaat?”
    But it does look pretty good. It’s just that with such tight decks out there, a lot of the time Relicanth would be better.

  3. Richard Lee

    It is a poor man’s version of Toxicroak G Promo =)

  4. PokePockets

    Pretty much. If you play SP, stick with the frog. But if you don’t, then Mankey makes a mighty fine tech

    • Dave Hueglin  → PokePockets

      I disagree. Not that Toxicroak is not good in it’s own right, but I don’t think it is better than Mankey for the job I described. First of all it only works after you have already had a Pokemon knocked out, so it is reactive not proactive. Second, it takes two Energy or one Energy and an Energy Gain to work. Either way you look at it, that is two cards to make an attack instead of one.

      I don’t think Toxicroak has anywhere near the surprise factor that Mankey has, and is slightly harder to put into play.

      • renfield89  → Dave

        I’ll disagree with your disagreement. Toxicroak G should be played where it can be over Mankey. Mankey can be proactive, but the only Lv.X that really matters in this debate is Luxray GL, and when Luxray “Bright Look”s, I’d wager that 90% of the time its for a KO. After your (insert pokemon here) is KO’d, you’ll pull your neat Roseanne trick and trade prizes.
        I, and I assume most good players, never fail to return-KO that Mankey, but Croak is a different story. 90 HP is a significant difference from 50. “Leap Away” is a built in Super Scoop Up, and if it fails, most decks running it still have PokeTurn, and may even conserve the energy via Bronzong G’s “Galactic Switch.” Another brilliant fact about Toxicroak G is that it works against ANY Pokemon. 60+poison is nothing to scoff at. And not only does it KO Luxray GL Lv.X after a knockout, but it also KO’s Blaziken FB Lv.X after a “Jet Shoot” KO.

        Even with the extra “card-in-hand” requirement, Toxicroak G PR > Mankey SV where applicable. End of story.

        • Dave Hueglin  → renfield89

          I disagree with your disagreement of my disagreement – just kidding! I can see your point about Luxray Lv.X usually KOing a Pokemon when it comes into play. You have convinced me that Toxicroak is the better play for a pure SP deck. I do think the little monkey will find a place in some decks though.

          I wonder what is the actual percentage of times that Luxray Lv.X gets a KO when he comes into play. Do players only play him when they can get a OHKO?

  5. Sergio Ortiz

    “a poor man’s version of toxicroak G promo” LOL
    Nowadays mankey could be mean, at my area it’s not quite popular playing luxray absol or raichu and so, while many players abuse on flygon stall ability and mother/gengar, mankey became useless, many players who play this as tech may start with it and became donked right on turn 1 by shuppet w/crobat, sableye, or by Uxie donk fest.

    For a competitive play it should be considered, 60 damage comming with rossane’s it’s not quite cool for you

  6. George Derr

    Not only is the SV Mankey a great tech, the stage one Primeape has two great attacks – Top Drop and Brick Break. Top Drop works like Flygon Lv X’s “Wind Erosion” body – discarding the top card from your opponent’s deck. If the card is a pokemon, the HP becomes the damage done to the active. Brick Break is a 40 damage attack that is not affected by resistance, poke-powers, poke bodies, or any other effects on the defending pokemon.

    The stage one Primeape adds another dimension to the Mankey’s Lv X takeout power!

  7. alex d

    This was CotD on PokeGym a few days ago… and at first I thought to myself, “Whaaaaat?”
    But it does look pretty good. It’s just that with such tight decks out there, a lot of the time Relicanth would be better.

  8. benjamin c

    I think mankey is a little bit overrated. What happens if you don´t play against a deck which didn´t use any X like gengar? Its a dead card and the fighting energy is also useless(except you play a fight deck)

    Promocroak helps against every deck. Relicanth is also a better choice because every deck runs stadiums and tools(unown g). Besides it can snipe.

    • Dave Hueglin  → benjamin

      Goods points, but: pretty soon Gengar will probably be using a Level X, and what happens if you play against a deck that doesn’t run Stadiums or Tools, or they decide not to play them when they see your Relicanth?

      • Joshua Hall  → Dave

        The key is that you’re really not getting much of an edge with Mankey, purely because there’s a significant chance it will immediately die the following turn, a trading of prizes.

        Toxicroak G is much better in all cases as described by others above.

        •  → Joshua

          On the surface, yes, you are probably just trading prizes. But I think you also need to consider the investment that the player had to put into setting up that Pokemon. With Luxray Lv.X you have the Luxray GL, plus the Level X, plus 2-3 Energy/Energy Gain. If you consider that that Luxray has the potential for 2-4 prize KOs, then a one for one trade is not that bad, especially since you are only losing 1 Basic and 1 Energy.

  9. Richard Lee

    It is a poor man’s version of Toxicroak G Promo =)

  10. PokePockets

    Pretty much. If you play SP, stick with the frog. But if you don’t, then Mankey makes a mighty fine tech

    • Dave Hueglin  → PokePockets

      I disagree. Not that Toxicroak is not good in it’s own right, but I don’t think it is better than Mankey for the job I described. First of all it only works after you have already had a Pokemon knocked out, so it is reactive not proactive. Second, it takes two Energy or one Energy and an Energy Gain to work. Either way you look at it, that is two cards to make an attack instead of one.

      I don’t think Toxicroak has anywhere near the surprise factor that Mankey has, and is slightly harder to put into play.

      • renfield89  → Dave

        I’ll disagree with your disagreement. Toxicroak G should be played where it can be over Mankey. Mankey can be proactive, but the only Lv.X that really matters in this debate is Luxray GL, and when Luxray “Bright Look”s, I’d wager that 90% of the time its for a KO. After your (insert pokemon here) is KO’d, you’ll pull your neat Roseanne trick and trade prizes.
        I, and I assume most good players, never fail to return-KO that Mankey, but Croak is a different story. 90 HP is a significant difference from 50. “Leap Away” is a built in Super Scoop Up, and if it fails, most decks running it still have PokeTurn, and may even conserve the energy via Bronzong G’s “Galactic Switch.” Another brilliant fact about Toxicroak G is that it works against ANY Pokemon. 60+poison is nothing to scoff at. And not only does it KO Luxray GL Lv.X after a knockout, but it also KO’s Blaziken FB Lv.X after a “Jet Shoot” KO.

        Even with the extra “card-in-hand” requirement, Toxicroak G PR > Mankey SV where applicable. End of story.

        • Dave Hueglin  → renfield89

          I disagree with your disagreement of my disagreement – just kidding! I can see your point about Luxray Lv.X usually KOing a Pokemon when it comes into play. You have convinced me that Toxicroak is the better play for a pure SP deck. I do think the little monkey will find a place in some decks though.

          I wonder what is the actual percentage of times that Luxray Lv.X gets a KO when he comes into play. Do players only play him when they can get a OHKO?

        • Adam Capriola  → renfield89

          Great points, I agree with you. You want to avoid trading prizes against SP decks if possible just because they are such good front-runners.

  11. Joshua Pikka

    Wow what a good find, I hadnt thought about this guy before. Thats an excellent find there. Too bad darkrai isnt played too much, but luxray sure is. Hopefully everyone will start playing Mankey so that Luxray is no longer a threat.

  12. Sergio Ortiz

    “a poor man’s version of toxicroak G promo” LOL
    Nowadays mankey could be mean, at my area it’s not quite popular playing luxray absol or raichu and so, while many players abuse on flygon stall ability and mother/gengar, mankey became useless, many players who play this as tech may start with it and became donked right on turn 1 by shuppet w/crobat, sableye, or by Uxie donk fest.

    For a competitive play it should be considered, 60 damage comming with rossane’s it’s not quite cool for you

  13. William Gilbert

    Did someone here had any luck using the following “combo” in a deck ?
    Mankey SV + Primeape GE + Memory Berry
    (plus a card that damages, like rainbow energy, unown p or even magnezone SF)

    Been wanting to play this for a while but couldn’t really find a deck that could use it well. Flygon would probably be the easiest but you already have the Extreme attack to kill lvxs so it’s a bit pointless…

    • Alex Williams  → William

      Double Colorless Energy (I can’t believe they are bringing this card BACK) will make him a viable option. However, having only 90 hp, 80 or less after placing damage counters on him, kinda sucks, but 90 damage on a possible turn 2 is pretty serious.

      DC, however will make a lot of cards playable. I think the much talked about “Gardellade” deck will make some sort of return, even though I don’t know much about it because I wasn’t playing pokemon while I was in undergrad.

  14. benjamin c

    I think mankey is a little bit overrated. What happens if you don´t play against a deck which didn´t use any X like gengar? Its a dead card and the fighting energy is also useless(except you play a fight deck)

    Promocroak helps against every deck. Relicanth is also a better choice because every deck runs stadiums and tools(unown g). Besides it can snipe.

    • Dave Hueglin  → benjamin

      Goods points, but: pretty soon Gengar will probably be using a Level X, and what happens if you play against a deck that doesn’t run Stadiums or Tools, or they decide not to play them when they see your Relicanth?

      • Joshua Hall  → Dave

        The key is that you’re really not getting much of an edge with Mankey, purely because there’s a significant chance it will immediately die the following turn, a trading of prizes.

        Toxicroak G is much better in all cases as described by others above.

        • Dave Hueglin  → Joshua

          On the surface, yes, you are probably just trading prizes. But I think you also need to consider the investment that the player had to put into setting up that Pokemon. With Luxray Lv.X you have the Luxray GL, plus the Level X, plus 2-3 Energy/Energy Gain. If you consider that that Luxray has the potential for 2-4 prize KOs, then a one for one trade is not that bad, especially since you are only losing 1 Basic and 1 Energy.

  15. Ziffles

    Sure it has a nice attack, but other than that it is dead weight. Simply, go with Relicanth or Promocroak, Mankey just fails as a substitution for either.

  16. Sure it has a nice attack, but other than that it is dead weight. Simply, go with Relicanth or Promocroak, Mankey just fails as a substitution for either.

  17. Joshua Pikka

    Wow what a good find, I hadnt thought about this guy before. Thats an excellent find there. Too bad darkrai isnt played too much, but luxray sure is. Hopefully everyone will start playing Mankey so that Luxray is no longer a threat.

  18. Ivan Garcia

    awesome this is so true it can also be a replacement for promocroak

  19. William Gilbert

    Did someone here had any luck using the following “combo” in a deck ?
    Mankey SV + Primeape GE + Memory Berry
    (plus a card that damages, like rainbow energy, unown p or even magnezone SF)

    Been wanting to play this for a while but couldn’t really find a deck that could use it well. Flygon would probably be the easiest but you already have the Extreme attack to kill lvxs so it’s a bit pointless…

    • Alex Williams  → William

      Double Colorless Energy (I can’t believe they are bringing this card BACK) will make him a viable option. However, having only 90 hp, 80 or less after placing damage counters on him, kinda sucks, but 90 damage on a possible turn 2 is pretty serious.

      DC, however will make a lot of cards playable. I think the much talked about “Gardellade” deck will make some sort of return, even though I don’t know much about it because I wasn’t playing pokemon while I was in undergrad.

  20. Power Swing

    Random question, does anyone have the lists for the world championships 09 decks? jw

  21. Power Swing

    Random question, does anyone have the lists for the world championships 09 decks? jw

  22. Ivan Garcia

    awesome this is so true it can also be a replacement for promocroak

  23. kwisdumb

    Neat idea, but I’d say that Toxicroak G or Relicanth are the better plays at almost any time.

  24. kwisdumb

    Neat idea, but I’d say that Toxicroak G or Relicanth are the better plays at almost any time.

  25. PokeChamp

    While I agree that Promocroak is the better play here, I disagree on the fact that Relicanth SV is more useful than it. Relicanth is too reliant on tools to be in play. How many Tools is the opponent going to put into play? For a knockout, we’re looking at two Tools at the minimum, or possibly one Tool and one Stadium (which aren’t very common in SP decks, but there are exceptions). Is it just me, or does that seem a little Farfetch’d (and the pun was extremely intended)? Luxray GL (the most popular SP out there, and Relicanth’s only one-hit KO) can attack without any Energy Gain if needed, and any other SP attacker does fine with one. In other words, Relicanth SV is so easy to play around, quite frankly it’s not even funny! Mankey SV, on the other hand, is near impossible to play around. You drop it and a Fighting Energy onto the bench (Roseanne’s Research comes to mind), and you one-shot Luxray GL Lv.X, no exceptions. You have to retreat, of course, but then again the same holds true for Relicanth. The issue with Mankey is that it is going to get one-hit KO’d as well. Relicanth will also be knocked out incredulously simply. It will take more resources, but the opponent will knock out Relicanth, one way or another. There are exceptions, of course, as is the case with Gengar, who appreciates the backup from Relicanth. But in the long run, if Promocroak is not an option in your deck, Mankey SV will do miles better than Relicanth. It may take more resources to KO Relicanth, but if you’re playing against a good, strong opponent who knows what he/she is doing, Relicanth will be unable to one-hit KO in the first place. Just my opinions, feel free to agree or disagree.

  26. While I agree that Promocroak is the better play here, I disagree on the fact that Relicanth SV is more useful than it. Relicanth is too reliant on tools to be in play. How many Tools is the opponent going to put into play? For a knockout, we’re looking at two Tools at the minimum, or possibly one Tool and one Stadium (which aren’t very common in SP decks, but there are exceptions). Is it just me, or does that seem a little Farfetch’d (and the pun was extremely intended)? Luxray GL (the most popular SP out there, and Relicanth’s only one-hit KO) can attack without any Energy Gain if needed, and any other SP attacker does fine with one. In other words, Relicanth SV is so easy to play around, quite frankly it’s not even funny! Mankey SV, on the other hand, is near impossible to play around. You drop it and a Fighting Energy onto the bench (Roseanne’s Research comes to mind), and you one-shot Luxray GL Lv.X, no exceptions. You have to retreat, of course, but then again the same holds true for Relicanth. The issue with Mankey is that it is going to get one-hit KO’d as well. Relicanth will also be knocked out incredulously simply. It will take more resources, but the opponent will knock out Relicanth, one way or another. There are exceptions, of course, as is the case with Gengar, who appreciates the backup from Relicanth. But in the long run, if Promocroak is not an option in your deck, Mankey SV will do miles better than Relicanth. It may take more resources to KO Relicanth, but if you’re playing against a good, strong opponent who knows what he/she is doing, Relicanth will be unable to one-hit KO in the first place. Just my opinions, feel free to agree or disagree.

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