Hey guys – this is my first article on SixPrizes.com, but I’ve been lurking for around 2 or 3 months now. There is one prominent card in my area – Gengar. I’ve seen all types of Gengar decks… Mother Gengar (Nidoqueen RR/Gengar SF), Metal Gengar (Metagross SV/Gengar SF), and GeChamp (Gengar SF/Machamp SF). Personally, I think the most destructive out of those decks is GeChamp; but I haven’t been able to construct a good decklist, so I went on to create – STRAIGHT GENGAR!
Pokémon – 20 4 Gastly SF 2 Haunter SF 2 Gengar SF 1 Gengar AR 1 Gengar LV.X AR 1 Nidoran + RR 1 Nidoqueen RR 3 Uxie LA 2 Unown G GE 2 Crobat G PL 1 Mr. Mime MT |
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums – 33 4 Roseanne’s Research 4 Rare Candy 4 Poké Drawer + 4 Poké Turn 4 SSU (Super Scoop Up) 2 Bebe’s Search 2 Looker’s Investigation 2 BTS (Broken Time Space) 2 Warp Points 2 Night Maintenance 1 Cynthia’s Feelings 1 Luxury Ball 1 Premier Ball |
Energy – 7 7 P |
The main strategy of this deck is to set up a quick Gengar SF and start Shadow Room’ing and Poltergeist’ing your opponent. Shadow room is used primarily on 60-70-80HP Pokémon with Poké-Powers followed by 1 or 2 Crobat Drops. These are easy K0s focused on sniping your opponent’s bench. After you’ve got 1 or 2 easy prizes, you should start focusing on setting up your back-up Gengar – the ‘Shadow Skip’ one from Platinum: Arceus!
This Gengar can be a hit-or-miss blitzkrieg attack… It’s Poké-Power is useful for spreading damage by allowing you to transfer 1 damage counter from one of your opponent’s Pokémon to another of their Pokémon. This can be done once per turn, and then afterward, you can utilize ‘Shadow Skip’ to transfer another 10 damage to a benched Pokémon. The main objective is to get out Gengar LV.X and use ‘Compound Pain’ to spread 30 damage to each Pokémon on your opponent’s bench that has any damage counters on it. Crobat drops, ‘Curse’, and ‘Shadow Skip’ to put damage on the bench is a great way to set up ‘Compound Pain.’ After that, it’s straight spreadin’ until you Knock Out Pokémon after Pokémon.
This list is extremely fast due to the use of Poké Turn, SSU, and the Poké Drawer +. Without the use of a Claydol, SSU allow me to pick up my Uxie LA when I put them down, or I can use the SSU on Nidoqueen/Crobat G. Poké Turns are used inclusively on Crobat G, and Poké Drawer + is a great card to search your deck for 2 valuable cards.
Use 3 Gengar SF instead of 2 and a Gengar PA – Faster method, but doesn’t spread damage like Gengar PA does. Less energy requirement, another ‘Fainting Spell,’ and more consistency could be the better option…
Mr. Mime may not be the best choice, instead you could use Mewtwo LV.X to protect from SP decks. Benefits of Mr. Mime are protecting against Gyarados, Beedrill, and SP decks… But it has no effective attack and can be moved by a Warp Point/Switch/Cyclone Energy. Mewtwo LV.X can obliterate with it’s attacks.
So, what do you think? Could Straight Gengar be an effective deck at this year’s City Championships? If so, are there any changes that could be made to make it more efficient?
This deck would get destroyed by dark type. Considering many people still use Weavile (Dark Engage) ANYTHING can be dark, I think you may have some trouble.
Well Bradley took the words right out of my mouth.
Besides why use gengar to spread.
There is such better cards to do it with. abomasnow and manetric
One to two energy requirments instead of three like the gengars.
a personal idea i have had that i havent tested is
electrode g with abomasnow.
blow the trode then attach an upper tp aboma and go to work.
play gengar with a crazy cress X line.
that seems to be the most effective.
I think bradley said what needed to be said. One combo for gengar that works for me is manectric/gengar. Its really good you should try it.
I think bradley said what needed to be said. One combo for gengar that works for me is manectric/gengar. Its really good you should try it.
Manectric/Gengar? I don’t know about that.
Yeah, it isn’t the best Gengar deck I’ll give it that… I prefer GeChamp when using Gengar, but this deck does work if you give it a go.
I really can’t see Dark being an effective deck Weavile/Flygon is the less played Flygon variant if you ask me. I haven’t seen one since before World’s now that I think about it. Darkrai/Shiftry shouldn’t be a problem anymore either, there are a lot better combos to deal with.
I would not feel at all confident against SP using an Uxie-based draw.
Its not hard to imagine a scenario in which one Power Spray early cuts off your draw completely.
I don’t see much reason not to use Claydol in Gengar, unless you don’t own any.
The spread strategy is kindof gimmicky here; other cards do the job better.
The use of Mime without some type of free retreat mechanism and only 7 energy is questionable here.
Overall, the speed this list MAY provide T1/T2 will fall short, and doesn’t justify cutting the consistency provided all game by Claydol.
I would not feel at all confident against SP using an Uxie-based draw.
Its not hard to imagine a scenario in which one Power Spray early cuts off your draw completely.
I don’t see much reason not to use Claydol in Gengar, unless you don’t own any.
The spread strategy is kindof gimmicky here; other cards do the job better.
The use of Mime without some type of free retreat mechanism and only 7 energy is questionable here.
Overall, the speed this list MAY provide T1/T2 will fall short, and doesn’t justify cutting the consistency provided all game by Claydol.
Wouldn’t taking 4 pokedrawers out for a 2-2 claydol line make more consistency? And then you wouldn’t have to run 3 uxies, and give your opposing gengars free prizes and any kind of DP dusknoir tech more bench space to work with. With 1 Lv.X you really don’t need a premier ball. Although instead of running an AR gengar you could run cresselia Lv.X. To counter warp points in a mr.mime tech, people will run two, so that you can just send up the other one when they play it. Also this deck needs something to counter opposing nidoqueens, I would suggest running dialga G as a counter if you see it, and then just ignore setting up your own nidoqueen. In this case I could see running a few premier balls. As for the early game, I suggest setting up Gallade 4 as your main attacker. It only takes 1 energy to set up, and if you find the room maybe since crobat g and dialga g’s in you could put in an sp base.
Having the 4 Poke Drawer+ is actually really beneficial for the deck list I was running (I took this apart for a GeChamp deck). With only 3 Uxie and 4 SSU, Poke Drawer+ filled in the gap of NOT having a 2-2 Claydol line.
I’m currently trying out a Gengar LV.X deck using Gallade 4 LV.X to spread for Compound Pain. Chop Up comes in handy too to spread early game. It works okay, but can be a bit rough at the start. It’s still a work in progress, though. I’m thinking maybe the deck would be better with the increased consistency (but less overall spread potential) of just using Crobat like this list does (I do play Crobat and PokéTurns, but only one Bat since Blade Storm is my main method of spread). Thoughts?
Also, since I already have 2 Energy Gain so Gallade can attack, I’m trying out Drifblim FB as a tech for opposing Nidoqueen. Shadow Ball 2HKOs her on the bench thanks to weakness, even with Maternal Comfort factored in.
I’m currently trying out a Gengar LV.X deck using Gallade 4 LV.X to spread for Compound Pain. Chop Up comes in handy too to spread early game. It works okay, but can be a bit rough at the start. It’s still a work in progress, though. I’m thinking maybe the deck would be better with the increased consistency (but less overall spread potential) of just using Crobat like this list does (I do play Crobat and PokéTurns, but only one Bat since Blade Storm is my main method of spread). Thoughts?
Also, since I already have 2 Energy Gain so Gallade can attack, I’m trying out Drifblim FB as a tech for opposing Nidoqueen. Shadow Ball 2HKOs her on the bench thanks to weakness, even with Maternal Comfort factored in.
I didn’t even notice that Claydol isn’t in this…I think you definitely need a 2/2 line. The only deck I feel can get away not playing it is SP. I would take the SSU out for the Dol.
Unless the 3 Uxie are really enough, but I just don’t feel like they are. I’d at least play Uxie Lv.X then.
This deck would get destroyed by dark type. Considering many people still use Weavile (Dark Engage) ANYTHING can be dark, I think you may have some trouble.
Well Bradley took the words right out of my mouth.
Besides why use gengar to spread.
There is such better cards to do it with. abomasnow and manetric
One to two energy requirments instead of three like the gengars.
a personal idea i have had that i havent tested is
electrode g with abomasnow.
blow the trode then attach an upper tp aboma and go to work.
play gengar with a crazy cress X line.
that seems to be the most effective.
This right here is my only problem with pokemon as a whole, there is only one match, and making sure your deck can beat the rest of the field all in one build. It just isn’t very skill intensive when you get stuck on uxie and they blow you out. So I have to agree with these guys the only way to get ahead right now is building a deck that beats sp decks so machamp, and a deck that can hold up to gyarados, and flygon. So from this new set do we have any new feelings about current decks?
I’m a little confused on few things that you said. One, you can never build a deck to beat the entire field. Everyone would be using that then yes? With a format so big without rotation, it’s nearly impossible to think of a deck that does not have 1 or 2 bad matchups. Also it is pretty skill intensive when you have to be able to build a deck or adjust in a game against a card like power spray. It’s all metagame study and in game knowledge.
As for Gengar….going to go with Reinfield here. The idea of spreading with just Gengar is to gimmicky. There ARE to many other better spreaders that you can focus a deck around or create combos with it.
2-2 Claydol is needed….mr mime can go, if you go away from the spread I think the SF Gengar count should be upped to three, the SF Gengar is just THE Gengar in my humble opinion…
Oh I was saying every other game plays a two out of three match with the ability to move cards in and out of there deck, Pokemon doesn’t allow this which is kind of annoying. That is what I was referring to. Of course no one deck beats all the decks in the field it’s actually impossible because if there was one best deck some one would make a deck to beat it specifically and so on and so forth.
Agreed about playing 3 Gengar SF. If AR could move damage from your Pokemon to your opponent’s it would be better, but it can’t, so I don’t like it nearly as much.
Although it does suck to have to pay 3 Energy for Gengar AR’s attack, “Curse” has come in handy for my many times. Let’s say my opponent has 2 Pokemon that are almost knocked out; 1 at 20HP remaining and the other at 40HP remaining. Curse over a damage counter and BAM! Instant double prize! Or if they have Expert Belt then its 3-4 prizes. :)
Manectric/Gengar? I don’t know about that.
Yeah, it isn’t the best Gengar deck I’ll give it that… I prefer GeChamp when using Gengar, but this deck does work if you give it a go.
I really can’t see Dark being an effective deck Weavile/Flygon is the less played Flygon variant if you ask me. I haven’t seen one since before World’s now that I think about it. Darkrai/Shiftry shouldn’t be a problem anymore either, there are a lot better combos to deal with.
Wouldn’t taking 4 pokedrawers out for a 2-2 claydol line make more consistency? And then you wouldn’t have to run 3 uxies, and give your opposing gengars free prizes and any kind of DP dusknoir tech more bench space to work with. With 1 Lv.X you really don’t need a premier ball. Although instead of running an AR gengar you could run cresselia Lv.X. To counter warp points in a mr.mime tech, people will run two, so that you can just send up the other one when they play it. Also this deck needs something to counter opposing nidoqueens, I would suggest running dialga G as a counter if you see it, and then just ignore setting up your own nidoqueen. In this case I could see running a few premier balls. As for the early game, I suggest setting up Gallade 4 as your main attacker. It only takes 1 energy to set up, and if you find the room maybe since crobat g and dialga g’s in you could put in an sp base.
Having the 4 Poke Drawer+ is actually really beneficial for the deck list I was running (I took this apart for a GeChamp deck). With only 3 Uxie and 4 SSU, Poke Drawer+ filled in the gap of NOT having a 2-2 Claydol line.
He should be playing 2 AR 1 SF, shadow skip into the SF Gegnar, the opponent has to take the fainting spell hit. This deck also needs an answer to nidqueen. Pokeblowers for spreading and targeting something would work.
He should be playing 2 AR 1 SF, shadow skip into the SF Gegnar, the opponent has to take the fainting spell hit. This deck also needs an answer to nidqueen. Pokeblowers for spreading and targeting something would work.
3 energy for 60 is a terrible damage output ratio, there really isn’t any reason to use it. Why not just attack with Fainting Spell for 1 energy? Your opponent will likely be able to get around the power anyway.
Attack with Fainting Spell?
“3 energy for 60 is a terrible damage output ratio.” In todays format, that ratio is pretty sstandard on stage 2 and even some stage 1 pokemon. In addition, some attacks come with added effects, take leafeon or shitfry for example…
Fainting Spell Gengar, you knew what I meant man ;)
I didn’t even notice that Claydol isn’t in this…I think you definitely need a 2/2 line. The only deck I feel can get away not playing it is SP. I would take the SSU out for the Dol.
Unless the 3 Uxie are really enough, but I just don’t feel like they are. I’d at least play Uxie Lv.X then.
hey woodstock i like your nickname lol, quite good article i really apreciate it, IMO it should run at least a 2/2 claydol GE lines, i’m not a big fan of gengar lvx but it surely become a top cut soon!
This right here is my only problem with pokemon as a whole, there is only one match, and making sure your deck can beat the rest of the field all in one build. It just isn’t very skill intensive when you get stuck on uxie and they blow you out. So I have to agree with these guys the only way to get ahead right now is building a deck that beats sp decks so machamp, and a deck that can hold up to gyarados, and flygon. So from this new set do we have any new feelings about current decks?
I’m a little confused on few things that you said. One, you can never build a deck to beat the entire field. Everyone would be using that then yes? With a format so big without rotation, it’s nearly impossible to think of a deck that does not have 1 or 2 bad matchups. Also it is pretty skill intensive when you have to be able to build a deck or adjust in a game against a card like power spray. It’s all metagame study and in game knowledge.
As for Gengar….going to go with Reinfield here. The idea of spreading with just Gengar is to gimmicky. There ARE to many other better spreaders that you can focus a deck around or create combos with it.
2-2 Claydol is needed….mr mime can go, if you go away from the spread I think the SF Gengar count should be upped to three, the SF Gengar is just THE Gengar in my humble opinion…
Oh I was saying every other game plays a two out of three match with the ability to move cards in and out of there deck, Pokemon doesn’t allow this which is kind of annoying. That is what I was referring to. Of course no one deck beats all the decks in the field it’s actually impossible because if there was one best deck some one would make a deck to beat it specifically and so on and so forth.
Agreed about playing 3 Gengar SF. If AR could move damage from your Pokemon to your opponent’s it would be better, but it can’t, so I don’t like it nearly as much.
Although it does suck to have to pay 3 Energy for Gengar AR’s attack, “Curse” has come in handy for my many times. Let’s say my opponent has 2 Pokemon that are almost knocked out; 1 at 20HP remaining and the other at 40HP remaining. Curse over a damage counter and BAM! Instant double prize! Or if they have Expert Belt then its 3-4 prizes. :)
yes definately
3 energy for 60 is a terrible damage output ratio, there really isn’t any reason to use it. Why not just attack with Fainting Spell for 1 energy? Your opponent will likely be able to get around the power anyway.
Attack with Fainting Spell?
“3 energy for 60 is a terrible damage output ratio.” In todays format, that ratio is pretty sstandard on stage 2 and even some stage 1 pokemon. In addition, some attacks come with added effects, take leafeon or shitfry for example…
Fainting Spell Gengar, you knew what I meant man ;)
I think this list is actually very similar to the pre-RR Gengar, only with some minor tweaks. It didn’t work especially well then, but I guess the newer techs make some difference.
One thing I noticed, though, you said that you plan to use Shadow Skip at some point. If that requires 3 Energy, then why are you using only 7?
Yeah, good point. It’s one of those things that I can build off of I guess. I tried running Lucian’s Assignment in the deck, but it really is a waste of a card when in your starting hand. I didn’t want to add Call Energy because I don’t think it’s really needed in this deck, so I just stayed with 7 Psychic.
Personally 7 psychic is not enough for any deck except in a yanmega prime deck
I think this list is actually very similar to the pre-RR Gengar, only with some minor tweaks. It didn’t work especially well then, but I guess the newer techs make some difference.
One thing I noticed, though, you said that you plan to use Shadow Skip at some point. If that requires 3 Energy, then why are you using only 7?
Yeah, good point. It’s one of those things that I can build off of I guess. I tried running Lucian’s Assignment in the deck, but it really is a waste of a card when in your starting hand. I didn’t want to add Call Energy because I don’t think it’s really needed in this deck, so I just stayed with 7 Psychic.
hey woodstock i like your nickname lol, quite good article i really apreciate it, IMO it should run at least a 2/2 claydol GE lines, i’m not a big fan of gengar lvx but it surely become a top cut soon!
I agree with the idea of adding 2-2 Claydol instead of SSU, as a matter of fact, it seems stupid to take back a gengar given Fainting Spell.
Then, I think that the idea of Mr.Mime is very good. And if you add a shuckle from SW, it is very good for the Gyarados matchup because, once they will have attached enough energy to gyarados, you’ll just have to send shuckle so that he can’t attack you exepted if he does a SSU…but it has to work and it would have make loose 2 turns to your opponent during which ones you would be able to attack with Gengar from AR… Do you think the idea can be exploited ? (but you can’t base all the strategy on this because SP decks will beat you with Bright looks or other Honchkrows).
For the idea of putting Cresselia, I don’t really think it is a good one for several reasons :
Sure it will be destroyed by a dark deck. But does anyone run a dark deck?
Oh one person runs a tyranitar deck.
A deck will always lose to something, that doesnt mean you should give up on it. I think that if you run 3 sf gengars and are able to make 4 lines of Gengars with the level x (by pokemon rescuing a gengar) you can do really well.
Toxicroak Promo or Mankey SV could be a tech against a Dark deck (especially if it’s Darkrai).
Thank you pikkdogs. I’m kinda surprised that everyone’s jumping on me with this deck. Sure it has a few flaws, but this deck can work perfectly fine with 3 Uxie’s and 4 SSU. Just try it before you hate it. I guess a 2/2 Claydol would work better, but I tried to diversify a little bit rather than just throwing out the BlazeRay/FlyChamp article.
Anyone can do that. Anyways… sure it’s weak to Dark, but Gengar SF needs to be knocked out anyways to activate Fainting Spell… so yeah.
Yeah I guess the SSU could work with Uxie, I Just don’t know if it’s worth the risk. I’d have to test it out sometime.
Did you try Claydol out or just Uxies?
Ray, please make constructive comments. I don’t mind you not liking a deck, but it’s only worthwhile commenting if you back up your opinions with logical points.
I apologize, sorry for being a troll; I’ll be more insightful in the future!
Thanks for being understanding Ray. :)
Thanks for posting that Dave, I saw the comment and deleted it.
Ray, please make constructive comments. I don’t mind you not liking a deck, but it’s only worthwhile commenting if you back up your opinions with logical points.
I apologize, sorry for being a troll; I’ll be more insightful in the future!
Thanks for being understanding Ray. :)
Thanks for posting that Dave, I saw the comment and deleted it.
I agree with the idea of adding 2-2 Claydol instead of SSU, as a matter of fact, it seems stupid to take back a gengar given Fainting Spell.
Then, I think that the idea of Mr.Mime is very good. And if you add a shuckle from SW, it is very good for the Gyarados matchup because, once they will have attached enough energy to gyarados, you’ll just have to send shuckle so that he can’t attack you exepted if he does a SSU…but it has to work and it would have make loose 2 turns to your opponent during which ones you would be able to attack with Gengar from AR… Do you think the idea can be exploited ? (but you can’t base all the strategy on this because SP decks will beat you with Bright looks or other Honchkrows).
For the idea of putting Cresselia, I don’t really think it is a good one for several reasons :
The only reason I would even think about using gengar is for its power. Its attack is to costly.
The only reason I would even think about using gengar is for its power. Its attack is to costly.
cool deck, I love to play with gengers
nice deck woodstock.
Another thing I want to throw out there.
What is your general strategy for a deck that can quickly G their Power users (Let’s say 2), and runs the uber common tech Nidoqueen RR to heal off the 30 spread from the LV. X fairly easily? You could probably nab a quick KO off of a pixie or two, but that pretty much ends your offense.
I know of a few decks that can pull that off quickly and consistently, and it seems like that would basically neuter the attacking strength of the deck to where you are relying mostly on Fainting Spell to get prizes. Especially with such a low Energy count making your drops extremely important.
Another thing I want to throw out there.
What is your general strategy for a deck that can quickly G their Power users (Let’s say 2), and runs the uber common tech Nidoqueen RR to heal off the 30 spread from the LV. X fairly easily? You could probably nab a quick KO off of a pixie or two, but that pretty much ends your offense.
I know of a few decks that can pull that off quickly and consistently, and it seems like that would basically neuter the attacking strength of the deck to where you are relying mostly on Fainting Spell to get prizes. Especially with such a low Energy count making your drops extremely important.
Where is call?
-4 Drawer
+4 Call
-1 Mr. Mine
+1 Azelf
-4 SSU
+ 2-2 Claydol
-1 Premier
+1 Looker
This is my list :)
Mach – there is always stuff on the bench to snipe even after the Pixies are gone. Mother Gengar doesn’t rely on Nidoqueen to attack either, and that deck has done very well from what I hear (although I’m not sure if it even made top at World’s)…
Darok – There’s no need to run 4 Call Energy in this deck. It’s straight Gengar. 2-3 at most but not 4, because Gastly SF relies on ‘Pitch Dark’ to make sure your opponent doesn’t use Trainer cards.
Also, if you’re going to add in a 2-2 Claydol you also have to take out 1-2 Uxie because 3 is ridiculous with a Claydol line in play. I wouldn’t put in an Azelf either… Just clogs the bench up and the only card that would be prized is Gengar Lv. X, which doesn’t really make much of a difference if you can’t play him 1 turn.
What are you going to do when you dont start with gastly?
Sure it will be destroyed by a dark deck. But does anyone run a dark deck?
Oh one person runs a tyranitar deck.
A deck will always lose to something, that doesnt mean you should give up on it. I think that if you run 3 sf gengars and are able to make 4 lines of Gengars with the level x (by pokemon rescuing a gengar) you can do really well.
Toxicroak Promo or Mankey SV could be a tech against a Dark deck (especially if it’s Darkrai).
umm u cant run 4 lines because to run a lvx u can only have 3 normal gengars
Yeah, I’ve considered that and acknowledged the +2 Call Energy, but I’m still debating whether that would be a good move… What to take out without adding the Claydol would be my question (I like the idea of working around Claydol and using the Uxie method instead for this particular build).
Thank you pikkdogs. I’m kinda surprised that everyone’s jumping on me with this deck. Sure it has a few flaws, but this deck can work perfectly fine with 3 Uxie’s and 4 SSU. Just try it before you hate it. I guess a 2/2 Claydol would work better, but I tried to diversify a little bit rather than just throwing out the BlazeRay/FlyChamp article.
Anyone can do that. Anyways… sure it’s weak to Dark, but Gengar SF needs to be knocked out anyways to activate Fainting Spell… so yeah.
Yeah I guess the SSU could work with Uxie, I Just don’t know if it’s worth the risk. I’d have to test it out sometime.
Did you try Claydol out or just Uxies?
cool deck, I love to play with gengers
nice deck woodstock.
Where is call?
-4 Drawer
+4 Call
-1 Mr. Mine
+1 Azelf
-4 SSU
+ 2-2 Claydol
-1 Premier
+1 Looker
This is my list :)
Mach – there is always stuff on the bench to snipe even after the Pixies are gone. Mother Gengar doesn’t rely on Nidoqueen to attack either, and that deck has done very well from what I hear (although I’m not sure if it even made top at World’s)…
Darok – There’s no need to run 4 Call Energy in this deck. It’s straight Gengar. 2-3 at most but not 4, because Gastly SF relies on ‘Pitch Dark’ to make sure your opponent doesn’t use Trainer cards.
Also, if you’re going to add in a 2-2 Claydol you also have to take out 1-2 Uxie because 3 is ridiculous with a Claydol line in play. I wouldn’t put in an Azelf either… Just clogs the bench up and the only card that would be prized is Gengar Lv. X, which doesn’t really make much of a difference if you can’t play him 1 turn.
What are you going to do when you dont start with gastly?
Yeah, I’ve considered that and acknowledged the +2 Call Energy, but I’m still debating whether that would be a good move… What to take out without adding the Claydol would be my question (I like the idea of working around Claydol and using the Uxie method instead for this particular build).
I think any Gengar list that even wants to think about using Compound Pain needs to run maybe 11 or 12 energy…
Which would give you plenty of room for 4 calls…..
I think any Gengar list that even wants to think about using Compound Pain needs to run maybe 11 or 12 energy…
Which would give you plenty of room for 4 calls…..
i dont think gengar lv x is actually that good, i think it is more efficient to run 4 SF gengar or 3 sf 1 pa. Also, add 1 uxie lv x for 1 uxie, it works better!
i dont think gengar lv x is actually that good, i think it is more efficient to run 4 SF gengar or 3 sf 1 pa. Also, add 1 uxie lv x for 1 uxie, it works better!
i like gengar lvx and i think it a GREAT CARD.
it can help u set up a few ko at one time.
it can send back an lvx.
and it free retreat cost. expert built make it a 160 tank.
i like gengar lvx and i think it a GREAT CARD.
it can help u set up a few ko at one time.
it can send back an lvx.
and it free retreat cost. expert built make it a 160 tank.
its bad matchups is GG
its bad matchups is GG
i think gengar lvl x good for beat any sp pokemon
i think gengar lvl x good for beat any sp pokemon
I finally got around to testing this deck out.
The LvX is a handy tech and solves alot of matchup problem that the deck has experienced in the past.
The fact that you can level up, free retreat, attach just ONE energy to a fresh Gengar and Shadow room/Fainting spell until your heart’s content makes this deck a problem to deal with. If you’re able to pop in at least a 1-0-1 Metagross line, you’re golden.
I finally got around to testing this deck out.
The LvX is a handy tech and solves alot of matchup problem that the deck has experienced in the past.
The fact that you can level up, free retreat, attach just ONE energy to a fresh Gengar and Shadow room/Fainting spell until your heart’s content makes this deck a problem to deal with. If you’re able to pop in at least a 1-0-1 Metagross line, you’re golden.
great deck but i would have about10 neergy in it!
i would give this 8-9/10
great deck but i would have about10 neergy in it!
i would give this 8-9/10
I run Gengar SF/Lv. X with Tangrowth SF/Lv X and i get laughed at all the time and ridiculed because i run two cards that seem to not work together at all and because i dont use anything for draw power except a single Uxie, Masquerain, and 4 Poke Drawer +. I do excellent everytime i play because tangrowth keeps the damage off so i dont have to risk rolling on a fainting spell and my real draw support can attack for 30 or 50 with an expert belt so it doesnt just sit on my bench and risk sudden death. It can also reduce all attacks by 20 which i find to be a great trade off for running Claydol. I almost always set up with no problems. People laugh at my deck allot too but i wonder if they think Masquerain will still be a stupid play when uxie/claydol are no longer tournament legal?
Anyways excellent deck and i merit your breaking away from claydol, not everyone has to run it to be successful!
I run Gengar SF/Lv. X with Tangrowth SF/Lv X and i get laughed at all the time and ridiculed because i run two cards that seem to not work together at all and because i dont use anything for draw power except a single Uxie, Masquerain, and 4 Poke Drawer +. I do excellent everytime i play because tangrowth keeps the damage off so i dont have to risk rolling on a fainting spell and my real draw support can attack for 30 or 50 with an expert belt so it doesnt just sit on my bench and risk sudden death. It can also reduce all attacks by 20 which i find to be a great trade off for running Claydol. I almost always set up with no problems. People laugh at my deck allot too but i wonder if they think Masquerain will still be a stupid play when uxie/claydol are no longer tournament legal?
Anyways excellent deck and i merit your breaking away from claydol, not everyone has to run it to be successful!
Recently after upgrading to GEN D3, I have been faced with an annoying (but not critical) bug were the X and O buttons swap. On the XMB it is normal where X is to confirm and O is to cancel, but as soon as the game launches, they swap and I don’t know why.
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