Gliscor Spiritomb Lock

Gliscor LV.X Legends Awakened LA 141 Pokemon CardWelcome ladies and gentlemen to my newest article I’ve decided to post on

It’s about a pretty new deck that should be seen at some Cities. As you may have realized because of the title, it’s the Gliscor-Spiritomb Lock. The main strategy of this deck is to paralyze your opponent’s active Pokémon with Gliscor LV.X’s Poké-Power “Shoot Poison” and return it to your hand with the regular Gliscor’s “Burning Poison” attack to do it again and again. You may think you won’t do any actual damage by doing this, but the paralyzing special condition comes along with Poison and “Burning Poison” can Burn your opponent’s active Pokémon.

There are two things that definitely hurt this deck, first being TGI Power Spray or any Power-lock in general. Secondly, Unown G or basically anything that can avoid Special Conditions (Xatu SW, Recover Energy GE). There are some other cards which can be awful for Gliscor/Spiritomb players too; I’m talking about field manipulation cards which either switch out your opponent’s active Pokémon or yours. Cyclone Energy or Warp Energy are two really good examples, there’s nothing you can do against them (except if you tech in Empoleon SF, but it’d be rather slow), so beware of them.

Gliscor Legends Awakened LA 5 Pokemon CardThe only thing that comes into my mind what could defeat this is Scizor MD. It hits for 80 damage against Pokémon with any Special Energies attached for just one Metal Energy. Besides that it does really well against one of this decks worst matchups: Plox! They play many Special Energy cards like Call or Upper Energy, plus Scizor has Psychic resistance which is pretty good against Gardevoir because of her already low damage output.

Other annoying cards for Gliscor are Warp Point and Switch, but that’s were this decks techs hit the floor. Spiritomb from the brand new set Platinum: Arceus prevents both players from playing normal Trainer cards, like Switch and Warp Point. Spiritomb’s “Darkness Grace” attack also can help you setup, but he’s mainly there for “Keystone Seal”.

Spiritomb Arceus AR 32Another nice tech for Gliscor decks are either Palkia LV.X from Great Encounters or Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals. Both have the ability to pull in one of your opponent’s benched Pokémon. Also both have their own advantage; while Palkia LV.X can’t be Power Sprayed, Luxray GL LV.X can dish out a fair amount of damage for low cost. This is just personal preference, but I like Palkia LV.X better because it can’t be Sprayed which is really good in case you need to pull in something weak for a prize or even your final prize.

Palkia LV.X Great Encounters GE 106 Pokemon CardThis deck has some good matchups along with a few bad ones. For example against decks like Venusaur, which can’t even be effected by Special Conditions, you’ll fail badly. Also, with really fast decks like SP-Toolbox / Variants, Kingdra, or Gyarados you may have problems, but it depends all on your techs. If you have a Mr.Mime MT in your hand you can easily stall around against them since they don’t need much energy to attack. All in all this is a pretty decent deck and it should do well at some cities.

[Editor’s Note: Just in case it is unclear, the combo is that you send Spiritomb out after returning Gliscor to you hand, which prevents your opponent from removing the Paralyze special condition with a card like Switch or Warp Point. You then retreat Spiritomb (for free if you have an Unown Q attached) and Level Up a second Gliscor that was on your Bench from last turn to repeat the process. Your opponent will never be able to attack unless they evolve or play a Cyclone or Warp Energy.]

Reader Interactions

189 replies

  1. Renfield89

    “while Palkia Lv.X can’t be Power Sprayed”

    Avoid misconceptions like this. Palkia CAN be Power Sprayed; you meant that you can use it every turn, however, should it be Sprayed the first time, until like Luxray GL.

    I personally don’t see these decks doing very well, or at least being top tier.
    Too many outs for the popular decks: speed and type advantage (Kingdra), Power Spray, Level Up/Evolution (which you forgot to mention, as is often overlooked, lol), NIDOQUEEN (which you also forgot to mention, and forces you to get lucky on burn flips or to merely hit-and-run), and the growing popularity of Cyclone Energy.

  2. Renfield89

    “while Palkia Lv.X can’t be Power Sprayed”

    Avoid misconceptions like this. Palkia CAN be Power Sprayed; you meant that you can use it every turn, however, should it be Sprayed the first time, until like Luxray GL.

    I personally don’t see these decks doing very well, or at least being top tier.
    Too many outs for the popular decks: speed and type advantage (Kingdra), Power Spray, Level Up/Evolution (which you forgot to mention, as is often overlooked, lol), NIDOQUEEN (which you also forgot to mention, and forces you to get lucky on burn flips or to merely hit-and-run), and the growing popularity of Cyclone Energy.

  3. alex d

    “Just in case it is unclear, the combo is that you send Spiritomb out after returning Gliscor to you hand, which prevents your opponent from removing the paralyze special condition with a card like Switch or Warp Point.”

    My main strategy when using this deck is using Gliscor Lv X’s attack mostly to hit and run, NOT to rely on special conditions. With Expert Belt, you can do 80 without Expert Belt’s drawback of 2 prizes affecting you, and

    • Brandon  → alex

      but if you rely on the special condition you can return the gliscor x to your hand and re-paralize next turn how do you re-paralize them without replaying gliscor X. I do understand the hit and run stratagy thow just not the parilization part it’s not realy a lock if the defending pokemon isint paralizes is it?

  4. Soul

    It was just a quick deck article, I could go more in depth, but I didn’t.

  5. Power Swing

    Fairly nice article. I was testing gliscor with shuckle and mr.mime and it was working pretty well.

  6. Power Swing

    Fairly nice article. I was testing gliscor with shuckle and mr.mime and it was working pretty well.

  7. Adam Capriola

    Cool deck idea!

    I think you should play Crobat G in this so that you can keep your opponent from attacking the whole game. Using Crobat G, you can make sure your opponent is knocked out from poison at the end of THEIR turn, so that you can keep the combo going.

  8. Soul

    There are two good versions for this deck, Palkia Lv.X along with Switchs and Warp Energies and Luxray GL Lv.X along with Pokéturn and Crobat G.

  9. Kyle mitchell

    cool deck. i was looking at this type of deck for the cites

  10. Jeremy Wauchek

    Seems like quite a solid deck concept, of course it’s going to fall short to something, but with a metagame like the one we have now, everyone will fall to someone. Despite the strength of your combo and despite how well your deck is built, this game is always based, to a certain degree, on luck. I think a lot of people who are quick to criticize deck articles are equally quick to forget that. It seems like fun, rarely there are things more satisfying than total manipulation and seeing the depair of an opponent powerless to multiple status conditions.

  11. alex d

    “Just in case it is unclear, the combo is that you send Spiritomb out after returning Gliscor to you hand, which prevents your opponent from removing the paralyze special condition with a card like Switch or Warp Point.”

    My main strategy when using this deck is using Gliscor Lv X’s attack mostly to hit and run, NOT to rely on special conditions. With Expert Belt, you can do 80 without Expert Belt’s drawback of 2 prizes affecting you, and

    • Brandon  → alex

      but if you rely on the special condition you can return the gliscor x to your hand and re-paralize next turn how do you re-paralize them without replaying gliscor X. I do understand the hit and run stratagy thow just not the parilization part it’s not realy a lock if the defending pokemon isint paralizes is it?

  12. Soul

    It was just a quick deck article, I could go more in depth, but I didn’t.

  13. Adam Capriola

    Cool deck idea!

    I think you should play Crobat G in this so that you can keep your opponent from attacking the whole game. Using Crobat G, you can make sure your opponent is knocked out from poison at the end of THEIR turn, so that you can keep the combo going.

  14. Soul

    There are two good versions for this deck, Palkia Lv.X along with Switchs and Warp Energies and Luxray GL Lv.X along with Pokéturn and Crobat G.

  15. coheed1337

    Me and Shen have been working on this for quite some time. Let me get you some constructive criticism. This deck ONLY loses to Palkia Lock and SP’s that run 4 Power Sprays, and the latter is barely in their favor. First off you dont ever burn your opponent. It gives you the inability to control when they die. Using Crobat G if they have an odd number of HP you make it so they always die on your opponents turn. Also you dont run Palkia because you will rarely have the bench space, you have to run Pokeblowers. Lastly youre forgetting the only card that makes this deck top tier, Unown K. You blower out something that cant evolve then lock them every turn while healing the Poison damage with Unown K. They literally cant move and you kill them after time is called. Im using it in a tournament tomorrow and Shen used it today and won Kalamazoo MI cities with it. Sure there are random techs that can be used to give it problems but those are dead cards in almost every other matchup. Xatu? Seriously? you just blower it out and then lock it, they cant heal the special conditions when they have one of their own.

    • Mach  → coheed1337

      How are you going to blower it when your Spiritomb is paralyzed, and can’t retreat out of the Active? Your trainer-lock works against you there.

      But it’s a moot point, since I highly doubt Xatu SW would actually see play, since it’s basically crap anywhere else. You don’t generally see random status based decks running around.

    • Mach  → coheed1337

      You can’t Blower up the Xatu if Spiritomb’s trapped in the Active. Keystone Seal works both ways, remember?

      But it’s a moot point. I don’t see Xatu being any help anywhere else, so it won’t be too much of a problem.

  16. coheed1337

    Me and Shen have been working on this for quite some time. Let me get you some constructive criticism. This deck ONLY loses to Palkia Lock and SP’s that run 4 Power Sprays, and the latter is barely in their favor. First off you dont ever burn your opponent. It gives you the inability to control when they die. Using Crobat G if they have an odd number of HP you make it so they always die on your opponents turn. Also you dont run Palkia because you will rarely have the bench space, you have to run Pokeblowers. Lastly youre forgetting the only card that makes this deck top tier, Unown K. You blower out something that cant evolve then lock them every turn while healing the Poison damage with Unown K. They literally cant move and you kill them after time is called. Im using it in a tournament tomorrow and Shen used it today and won Kalamazoo MI cities with it. Sure there are random techs that can be used to give it problems but those are dead cards in almost every other matchup. Xatu? Seriously? you just blower it out and then lock it, they cant heal the special conditions when they have one of their own.

    • Mach  → coheed1337

      How are you going to blower it when your Spiritomb is paralyzed, and can’t retreat out of the Active? Your trainer-lock works against you there.

      But it’s a moot point, since I highly doubt Xatu SW would actually see play, since it’s basically crap anywhere else. You don’t generally see random status based decks running around.

    • Mach  → coheed1337

      You can’t Blower up the Xatu if Spiritomb’s trapped in the Active. Keystone Seal works both ways, remember?

      But it’s a moot point. I don’t see Xatu being any help anywhere else, so it won’t be too much of a problem.

  17. Jeremy Wauchek

    Seems like quite a solid deck concept, of course it’s going to fall short to something, but with a metagame like the one we have now, everyone will fall to someone. Despite the strength of your combo and despite how well your deck is built, this game is always based, to a certain degree, on luck. I think a lot of people who are quick to criticize deck articles are equally quick to forget that. It seems like fun, rarely there are things more satisfying than total manipulation and seeing the depair of an opponent powerless to multiple status conditions.

  18. Tony Smith

    Actually palkia can’t be power sprayed if spiritomb is active and palkia lv x is on your bench since power spray is a trainer.

  19. jason beck

    i just read on the gym that shen one a cities with a version of this already

  20. Sergio Ortiz

    Yeah that’s a heavy FACT, like Kabutops Md does, when it’s active your opponent cannot P-spray your powers, It’s NICE!
    Great Idea, IMO even Nidoqueen become useless w/mr mime…
    Palkia seems to be a GREAT tech after all
    Nice article!
    hope it does perform well at cities GL man

  21. Soul

    Thanks, I’m definately gonna play this at one of my three cities ^.^

  22. Tony Smith

    Actually palkia can’t be power sprayed if spiritomb is active and palkia lv x is on your bench since power spray is a trainer.

  23. jason beck

    i just read on the gym that shen one a cities with a version of this already

  24. Oh man, this deck…
    Played against it for fun at league before cities… It is a beast.

    This deck VS Mother Gengar is a very, VERY Difficult game. The only thing that saved me was the fact that I had crobat drops on his only Spiritomb [due to me having DP DUsknoir] and from there I could KO something else… Still, Its really hard to get out of the lock.

    Also, another way to escape is to risk and let them kill a Pokemon with HP ending in 50, 70, 90 and so on. This will cause the poison/burn to KO your active during their turn. That get rid of the Paralysis, but if they send the Tomb, no Trainers.

    Surprisingly enough, Metal Gengar has the upper hand on this deck, easy kills and using the PA Haunter to poison their stuff is a HUGE Advantage.

    Also, Unown G is kinda useless since they Poison and Paralyze via PokePower, gotta be careful.

  25. Sergio Ortiz

    Yeah that’s a heavy FACT, like Kabutops Md does, when it’s active your opponent cannot P-spray your powers, It’s NICE!
    Great Idea, IMO even Nidoqueen become useless w/mr mime…
    Palkia seems to be a GREAT tech after all
    Nice article!
    hope it does perform well at cities GL man

  26. Soul

    Thanks, I’m definately gonna play this at one of my three cities ^.^

  27. Brandon

    I think the deck is pretty good bhut if it were me i would put in two Mr.mine and two spiritomb just in case because the one might be better than the other depending on the deck you play for example if you are against a sp deck most only have two energy and an energy gain attached then you should bring up Mr.mime hope it helped

  28. Brandon

    I think the deck is pretty good bhut if it were me i would put in two Mr.mine and two spiritomb just in case because the one might be better than the other depending on the deck you play for example if you are against a sp deck most only have two energy and an energy gain attached then you should bring up Mr.mime hope it helped

  29. Jaime Cortes

    Oh man, this deck…
    Played against it for fun at league before cities… It is a beast.

    This deck VS Mother Gengar is a very, VERY Difficult game. The only thing that saved me was the fact that I had crobat drops on his only Spiritomb [due to me having DP DUsknoir] and from there I could KO something else… Still, Its really hard to get out of the lock.

    Also, another way to escape is to risk and let them kill a Pokemon with HP ending in 50, 70, 90 and so on. This will cause the poison/burn to KO your active during their turn. That get rid of the Paralysis, but if they send the Tomb, no Trainers.

    Surprisingly enough, Metal Gengar has the upper hand on this deck, easy kills and using the PA Haunter to poison their stuff is a HUGE Advantage.

    Also, Unown G is kinda useless since they Poison and Paralyze via PokePower, gotta be careful.

  30. Chris

    Regigigas SF #37 could get around this with it’s Recover Mechanism. You put an energy down onto Reg and it clears all special conditions. You would probably be hitting Spiritomb which has a resistance of -20 but at least you’re not locked.

    The metal Arceus’ Metal Barrier attack could get around it if it was used first and with the Arceus Lv. X 94/99 being able to use any/all in play Arecus attacks this could be made easier.

    Would the Mewtwo Lv. X get around Spiritomb’s Pokebody? I do get confused as to how this works seeing the Keystone Seal affects the players and not the pokemon.

  31. Chris

    Regigigas SF #37 could get around this with it’s Recover Mechanism. You put an energy down onto Reg and it clears all special conditions. You would probably be hitting Spiritomb which has a resistance of -20 but at least you’re not locked.

    The metal Arceus’ Metal Barrier attack could get around it if it was used first and with the Arceus Lv. X 94/99 being able to use any/all in play Arecus attacks this could be made easier.

    Would the Mewtwo Lv. X get around Spiritomb’s Pokebody? I do get confused as to how this works seeing the Keystone Seal affects the players and not the pokemon.

  32. Mach

    So I really like this deck concept, but what is this thing’s answer to a tech’d Nidoqueen? You can’t really rely on poison for damage, since they’re getting healed at the same time. Maybe a Weezing GE to increase the poison damage?

  33. Mach

    So I really like this deck concept, but what is this thing’s answer to a tech’d Nidoqueen? You can’t really rely on poison for damage, since they’re getting healed at the same time. Maybe a Weezing GE to increase the poison damage?

  34. Heres another idea to break the lock:
    Warp Energy, Cyclone Energy, Recover Energy go good in any deck…
    Mespirit, Alakazam, Xatu, Gardevoir are very situational…
    Palkia Lv X MIGHT Work… =D

    If you play with one spiritomb, be careful… Kingra decks will use Regice to get out, so be sure to drop two of them.

  35. William Gilbert

    I’m surprised no one mentioned dialga g lvx as an obvious counter to this strategy.
    It’s a very nice deck though (and a nice article with that). I’ve been toying a bit with that idea since I first saw the english scans of Arceus. It’s a really frustrating deck to play against, because even if you manage to get out something that counters the lock, you still have to deal with the alternate strategy of Gliscor + Expert Belt. And to cover both these angles is not an easy task for every deck.

  36. Soul

    After a lot of testing today, I realized you’ll have hard times against Plox and SPs. So I though of some techs, I thought of Scizor (MD) against Plox or Relicanth (SV) / Machamp (SF) against SPs, what’ya think?

  37. Jaime Cortes

    Heres another idea to break the lock:
    Warp Energy, Cyclone Energy, Recover Energy go good in any deck…
    Mespirit, Alakazam, Xatu, Gardevoir are very situational…
    Palkia Lv X MIGHT Work… =D

    If you play with one spiritomb, be careful… Kingra decks will use Regice to get out, so be sure to drop two of them.

  38. William Gilbert

    I’m surprised no one mentioned dialga g lvx as an obvious counter to this strategy.
    It’s a very nice deck though (and a nice article with that). I’ve been toying a bit with that idea since I first saw the english scans of Arceus. It’s a really frustrating deck to play against, because even if you manage to get out something that counters the lock, you still have to deal with the alternate strategy of Gliscor + Expert Belt. And to cover both these angles is not an easy task for every deck.

  39. Soul

    After a lot of testing today, I realized you’ll have hard times against Plox and SPs. So I though of some techs, I thought of Scizor (MD) against Plox or Relicanth (SV) / Machamp (SF) against SPs, what’ya think?

  40. Rishwyn singh

    i was at a tournament nt br’s n i met this deck gliscor/tomb but it was actually Gengar/Gliscor/spiritomb.

  41. Rishwyn singh

    i was at a tournament nt br’s n i met this deck gliscor/tomb but it was actually Gengar/Gliscor/spiritomb.

  42. Sai C

    Played against this today,no offence soul,but fast decks getting an early lead relly hurt you and also when the lock breaks for just one turn,its nearly game over for you.

  43. Sai C

    Played against this today,no offence soul,but fast decks getting an early lead really hurt you and also when the lock breaks for just one turn,its nearly game over for you.

  44. Soul

    @ TDA:
    I got a bad start, my setup started when you already drew 3 prizes :/

    • Sai C  → Soul

      Exactly what im trying to say soul,this deck is prone to have bad starts due to atleast 6/7 different basics,and i feel nidoqueen too would kill it.

  45. Soul

    I need either one Bebe, Call, Rosy, Luxury Ball etc. to get my setup, so it isn’t that hard. Nidoqueen? Well, great, let me deckout you!

  46. Sai C

    Played against this today,no offence soul,but fast decks getting an early lead relly hurt you and also when the lock breaks for just one turn,its nearly game over for you.

  47. Sai C

    Played against this today,no offence soul,but fast decks getting an early lead really hurt you and also when the lock breaks for just one turn,its nearly game over for you.

  48. Soul

    @ TDA:
    I got a bad start, my setup started when you already drew 3 prizes :/

  49. Soul

    @ TDA:
    I got a bad start, my setup started when you already drew 3 prizes :/

    • Sai C  → Soul

      Exactly what im trying to say soul,this deck is prone to have bad starts due to atleast 6/7 different basics,and i feel nidoqueen too would kill it.

    • Sai C  → Soul

      Exactly what im trying to say soul,this deck is prone to have bad starts due to atleast 6/7 different basics,and i feel nidoqueen too would kill it.

  50. Soul

    I need either one Bebe, Call, Rosy, Luxury Ball etc. to get my setup, so it isn’t that hard. Nidoqueen? Well, great, let me deckout you!

  51. Soul

    I need either one Bebe, Call, Rosy, Luxury Ball etc. to get my setup, so it isn’t that hard. Nidoqueen? Well, great, let me deckout you!

  52. jesus69

    I watched this deck go 2-0 drop by two different people.
    because deck loses to warp energy and dialga g.
    They knew this deck isnt going to beat the good players who acn play around their lock so easily.

  53. jesus69

    I have the best answer to brekin the lock.
    then powewr lock them or kill that claydol.

  54. Sai C

    @jesus:That is the exact tech i use,lol.TGW seems to be making a comeback of sorts,what with the amount of gyara,shuppet and glistomb being played…..
    @soul:lookers too breaks you up,and maybe even another tech which im not saying until we play again.
    Basically we just need to break the lock for one turn,to snag the win.

  55. jesus69

    I watched this deck go 2-0 drop by two different people.
    because deck loses to warp energy and dialga g.
    They knew this deck isnt going to beat the good players who acn play around their lock so easily.

  56. jesus69

    I watched this deck go 2-0 drop by two different people.
    because deck loses to warp energy and dialga g.
    They knew this deck isnt going to beat the good players who acn play around their lock so easily.

  57. jesus69

    I have the best answer to brekin the lock.
    then powewr lock them or kill that claydol.

  58. jesus69

    I have the best answer to brekin the lock.
    then powewr lock them or kill that claydol.

  59. Sai C

    @jesus:That is the exact tech i use,lol.TGW seems to be making a comeback of sorts,what with the amount of gyara,shuppet and glistomb being played…..
    @soul:lookers too breaks you up,and maybe even another tech which im not saying until we play again.
    Basically we just need to break the lock for one turn,to snag the win.

  60. Sai C

    @jesus:That is the exact tech i use,lol.TGW seems to be making a comeback of sorts,what with the amount of gyara,shuppet and glistomb being played…..
    @soul:lookers too breaks you up,and maybe even another tech which im not saying until we play again.
    Basically we just need to break the lock for one turn,to snag the win.

  61. Alexander Stewart

    Im just throwing this out here, but how does this beat Flytrap? You Start with tomb, I start with Pinch… I just Sand Tomb then eventually get Flygon X going and Boom im decking you, sure after Tomb is Killed you can start attacking but thats the beauty of Palkia X on my side, I just drag up another Tomb and do more decking.

  62. Adam Capriola

    Haha I was thinking about how bad Wager would hurt Gyarados when I was playing it during BR’s, it does seem like it could hurt this deck pretty badly too.

    What about a tech Mesprit? Do you guys think that would also work? I haven’t gotten to play this deck yet but it would also buy you a turn to work with.

    @alex: Not sure really, Flygon Lv.X does seem like it could be an issue tho.

  63. Soul

    Flygon can’t deck me constantly. Mesprit would hurt though, but the only deck that plays Mesprit is Legoes..and maybe Amu. That’s why I have a bad matchup against Legoes. Wager is really bad, I’d lose all my Gliscors then :/ But if I’m lucky with Claydol everything’s fine again :)
    @ Adam:
    Have you seen my testing results article yet?

  64. Alexander Stewart

    Im just throwing this out here, but how does this beat Flytrap? You Start with tomb, I start with Pinch… I just Sand Tomb then eventually get Flygon X going and Boom im decking you, sure after Tomb is Killed you can start attacking but thats the beauty of Palkia X on my side, I just drag up another Tomb and do more decking.

  65. Adam Capriola

    Haha I was thinking about how bad Wager would hurt Gyarados when I was playing it during BR’s, it does seem like it could hurt this deck pretty badly too.

    What about a tech Mesprit? Do you guys think that would also work? I haven’t gotten to play this deck yet but it would also buy you a turn to work with.

    @alex: Not sure really, Flygon Lv.X does seem like it could be an issue tho.

  66. Soul

    Flygon can’t deck me constantly. Mesprit would hurt though, but the only deck that plays Mesprit is Legoes..and maybe Amu. That’s why I have a bad matchup against Legoes. Wager is really bad, I’d lose all my Gliscors then :/ But if I’m lucky with Claydol everything’s fine again :)
    @ Adam:
    Have you seen my testing results article yet?

  67. Robert Hall

    I saw this deck too. But the only difference is the guy played it with unown k so he could heal your pokemon and keep you in check until the time ran out. Then when time ran out he finishes the one pokemon and wins by time/and one prize!

    evil very evil

    • SMGausch  → Robert

      I tried to read all the posts, and may have missed someone already saying this, but doesn’t Chatot MD do a great job of counter locking spiritomb? You chatter away and all they can do is use its attack to KO itself or warp energy. Throw in an unown k and you can “lock” all game and take the first prize before time is called.

  68. Soul

    Instead of Unown K, you could just pull in another Pokémon.

    • coheed1337  → Soul

      whats the point? Thats too easy to play around. When you bring up a claydol and K-Lock it for 40 minutes they just sit there unable to do anything

  69. Soul

    The problem is, that they can play Warp Energy to escape the lock. Also a single Mesprit can break the lock, same for Powersprays and/or Alakazam MT. I’d rather let their Pokémon die at the end of your opponent’s turn instead of locking them just for 40 minutes. Against Mesprit you could tech an own Alakazam (Like I do), Alakazam can be countered by Spiritomb because we don’t have any Kadabra and..Power Spray..urmm just hope not to play against a SP Deck or let them get unlucky so they won’t draw them. Besides that you can try Looker’s Investigation or for the lucky people: Cyrus’ Initative.

  70. Robert Hall

    I saw this deck too. But the only difference is the guy played it with unown k so he could heal your pokemon and keep you in check until the time ran out. Then when time ran out he finishes the one pokemon and wins by time/and one prize!

    evil very evil

    • SMGausch  → Robert

      I tried to read all the posts, and may have missed someone already saying this, but doesn’t Chatot MD do a great job of counter locking spiritomb? You chatter away and all they can do is use its attack to KO itself or warp energy. Throw in an unown k and you can “lock” all game and take the first prize before time is called.

  71. Soul

    Instead of Unown K, you could just pull in another Pokémon.

    • coheed1337  → Soul

      whats the point? Thats too easy to play around. When you bring up a claydol and K-Lock it for 40 minutes they just sit there unable to do anything

  72. Soul

    The problem is, that they can play Warp Energy to escape the lock. Also a single Mesprit can break the lock, same for Powersprays and/or Alakazam MT. I’d rather let their Pokémon die at the end of your opponent’s turn instead of locking them just for 40 minutes. Against Mesprit you could tech an own Alakazam (Like I do), Alakazam can be countered by Spiritomb because we don’t have any Kadabra and..Power Spray..urmm just hope not to play against a SP Deck or let them get unlucky so they won’t draw them. Besides that you can try Looker’s Investigation or for the lucky people: Cyrus’ Initative.

  73. Meganium45

    Quite a fascinating combo. I have heard rumbles of its success, so I am anxious to see how it goes at cities this week.

    Nice to see from the judge’s chair. A real Gliscor Combo deck coming out.


  74. Meganium45

    Quite a fascinating combo. I have heard rumbles of its success, so I am anxious to see how it goes at cities this week.

    Nice to see from the judge’s chair. A real Gliscor Combo deck coming out.


  75. Soul

    I got another Gliscor deck running, it features Blaziken FB Lv.X for some early prizes and extra damage with Burning Spirit. What do you guys think?
    Here’s the list:

    1-0-1 Dusknoir (SF/–/DP)
    3-3-1 Gliscor Lv.X (LA/LA/LA)
    3-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X (SV/SV)
    2-2 Claydol (GE/GE)
    3 Spiritomb (AA)
    1 Relicanth (SV)
    1 Unown G (GE)
    1 Unown Q (MD)
    1 Mr.Mime (MT)
    1 Azelf (LA)
    1 Uxie (LA)

    4 Bebe’s Search (RR)
    3 Roseanne’s Research (SW)
    2 Broken Time-Space (PL)
    2 Cyrus’ Conspiracy (PL)
    2 Cynthia’s Feelings (LA)
    2 Night Maintenance (SW)
    2 Rare Candy (GE)
    1 TGI-101 Energy Gain (PL)
    1 Volkner’s Philosophy (RR)
    1 Warp Point (MD)
    1 Luxury Ball (SF)
    1 Premier Ball (SF)
    1 Expert Belt (AA)

    4 Call Energy (MD)
    3 Fighting Energy (DP)
    3 Fire Energy (DP)
    1 Cyclone Energy (SF)

  76. Clinton Chan

    I like the idea and goal of the deck to actually try to take prizes and not gay out and just setup and hope for a tied continuously loop until time is called and then you take the prize. That to me is a sign of something really bad for the game.

  77. Jeremy Wauchek

    ok guys, we all know what breaks the lock, we’re not all new to this game… the unown k thing is genius, but not my style… i’m looking to tech a 1-1 palkia x, pokeblower, crobat and relicanth… the problem i’m running into is proper manipulation of the field, i like the blaziken x varient, and palkia can totally help get rid of dawn stadium among others to help keep your lock… props to adam for posting your list, i’m also wondering if anyone has access to shen’s list so we can see his side of the story too…

  78. Koay Ze Nian

    I have been testing Flygon/GLiscor lately and it was consistent. But I am figuring what are the odds of winning Salamence variants / gengar variants. Anyone tested Flygon/ Gliscor? And do you think Flygon/ Gliscor can actually take cities down?

  79. Mach

    You know, just because it evolves doesn’t mean it should be played with Flygon. What’s the strategy behing Flygon/Gliscor, and maybe we could tell you how well it would do against those varients.

  80. Mach

    You know, just because it evolves doesn’t mean it should be played with Flygon. What’s the strategy behing Flygon/Gliscor, and maybe we could tell you how well it would do against those varients.

  81. Soul

    I got another Gliscor deck running, it features Blaziken FB Lv.X for some early prizes and extra damage with Burning Spirit. What do you guys think?
    Here’s the list:

    1-0-1 Dusknoir (SF/–/DP)
    3-3-1 Gliscor Lv.X (LA/LA/LA)
    3-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X (SV/SV)
    2-2 Claydol (GE/GE)
    3 Spiritomb (AA)
    1 Relicanth (SV)
    1 Unown G (GE)
    1 Unown Q (MD)
    1 Mr.Mime (MT)
    1 Azelf (LA)
    1 Uxie (LA)

    4 Bebe’s Search (RR)
    3 Roseanne’s Research (SW)
    2 Broken Time-Space (PL)
    2 Cyrus’ Conspiracy (PL)
    2 Cynthia’s Feelings (LA)
    2 Night Maintenance (SW)
    2 Rare Candy (GE)
    1 TGI-101 Energy Gain (PL)
    1 Volkner’s Philosophy (RR)
    1 Warp Point (MD)
    1 Luxury Ball (SF)
    1 Premier Ball (SF)
    1 Expert Belt (AA)

    4 Call Energy (MD)
    3 Fighting Energy (DP)
    3 Fire Energy (DP)
    1 Cyclone Energy (SF)

  82. Clinton Chan

    I like the idea and goal of the deck to actually try to take prizes and not gay out and just setup and hope for a tied continuously loop until time is called and then you take the prize. That to me is a sign of something really bad for the game.

  83. Jeremy Wauchek

    ok guys, we all know what breaks the lock, we’re not all new to this game… the unown k thing is genius, but not my style… i’m looking to tech a 1-1 palkia x, pokeblower, crobat and relicanth… the problem i’m running into is proper manipulation of the field, i like the blaziken x varient, and palkia can totally help get rid of dawn stadium among others to help keep your lock… props to adam for posting your list, i’m also wondering if anyone has access to shen’s list so we can see his side of the story too…

  84. Soul

    Flygon/Gliscor have won when their Warp Points/Switchts etc. are out. Also Flygon is a nice second attack.

  85. Koay Ze Nian

    I have been testing Flygon/GLiscor lately and it was consistent. But I am figuring what are the odds of winning Salamence variants / gengar variants. Anyone tested Flygon/ Gliscor? And do you think Flygon/ Gliscor can actually take cities down?

  86. Soul

    Flygon/Gliscor have won when their Warp Points/Switchts etc. are out. Also Flygon is a nice second attack.

  87. Koay Ze Nian

    The flygon is used to counter Dialga Lock / Anything that is stadium/LvX reliant.
    Gliscor is used to paralyze/whack with EX belt and switch spiritomb out with it.Its typically a counter deck, It doesn’t actually have s real strategy in behind , many ppl say it was used to paralyze/ night slash and send flygon out to wind erosion. But in my version I used spiritomb. And Soul whats the meaning of Flygon/GLiscor have won when their Warp Points/Switch are out?? I am confused @@

  88. Soul

    You can just paralyze lock them each turn and let them die slowly via Wind Erosion.

  89. Koay Ze Nian

    The flygon is used to counter Dialga Lock / Anything that is stadium/LvX reliant.
    Gliscor is used to paralyze/whack with EX belt and switch spiritomb out with it.Its typically a counter deck, It doesn’t actually have s real strategy in behind , many ppl say it was used to paralyze/ night slash and send flygon out to wind erosion. But in my version I used spiritomb. And Soul whats the meaning of Flygon/GLiscor have won when their Warp Points/Switch are out?? I am confused @@

  90. Soul

    You can just paralyze lock them each turn and let them die slowly via Wind Erosion.

  91. The Thunder

    I wonder how good Gliscor would do with a 1-0-1 Machamp tech for a 2nd attacker? Also, try adding in Ivysaur SV, its pokepower is good for sleeping to get some time or paralyze or set up.

  92. Soul

    Machamp is pretty kewl, I already tried it and it really helps for my worst matchup: Legos. Ivysaur isn’t that good, you can just make him asleep once and then it’s a bench space waster, if you want to put him asleep, try Wigglytuff GE instead.

  93. The Thunder

    I wonder how good Gliscor would do with a 1-0-1 Machamp tech for a 2nd attacker? Also, try adding in Ivysaur SV, its pokepower is good for sleeping to get some time or paralyze or set up.

  94. Soul

    Machamp is pretty kewl, I already tried it and it really helps for my worst matchup: Legos. Ivysaur isn’t that good, you can just make him asleep once and then it’s a bench space waster, if you want to put him asleep, try Wigglytuff GE instead.

  95. John Rea

    I am trying to make a gliscor deck but I need some help.

  96. John Rea

    I am trying to make a gliscor deck but I need some help.

  97. Tombstoner

    Why are people using Wager over Looker’s? Looker’s seems superior to me, as you see their hand, and if they win on Wager they get 6 cards instead of 5.

  98. Why are people using Wager over Looker’s? Looker’s seems superior to me, as you see their hand, and if they win on Wager they get 6 cards instead of 5.

    • Randy Branch  → Tombstoner

      Wager shuffles your hand as well which is always good if you have a Claydol regardless of whether you win or lose R-P-S. Wager gives your opponent 4.5 cards on average, Looker’s gives 5. Under power lock this cripples your opponent more.

    • Randy Branch  → Tombstoner

      Wager shuffles your hand as well which is always good if you have a Claydol regardless of whether you win or lose R-P-S. Wager gives your opponent 4.5 cards on average, Looker’s gives 5. Under power lock this cripples your opponent more.

  99. Soul

    Because Wager gives you the chance of reducing their hand cards to 3. Also what do you do if you play Looker and they have a crappy hand? You have to shuffle your hand away which may include cards you need.

  100. Soul

    Yeah, that’s probably the reason. Also playing RPS is kinda fun.

  101. Soul

    Because Wager gives you the chance of reducing their hand cards to 3. Also what do you do if you play Looker and they have a crappy hand? You have to shuffle your hand away which may include cards you need.

  102. Soul

    Yeah, that’s probably the reason. Also playing RPS is kinda fun.

  103. great idea!!! you just need a powerhouse to protect some of the weakers like spiritomb! or eveen a bench shield

  104. CoMiT

    great idea!!! you just need a powerhouse to protect some of the weakers like spiritomb! or eveen a bench shield

  105. CoMiT

    If you added in a ‘powerhouse’ it would break your lock allowing your opponent to play round it. And by the way what powerhouse would u add to the deck?

  106. SMGausch

    Yeah this deck is about finesse not power, a powerhouse or tank in this list would just make a crappy mash-up. My question to anyone playing this deck do you find yourself trying to lock the entire game and keep bouncing the cards to your hand or doing 60 and switching to a walling Pokemon?

  107. CoMiT

    If you added in a ‘powerhouse’ it would break your lock allowing your opponent to play round it. And by the way what powerhouse would u add to the deck?

  108. SMGausch

    Yeah this deck is about finesse not power, a powerhouse or tank in this list would just make a crappy mash-up. My question to anyone playing this deck do you find yourself trying to lock the entire game and keep bouncing the cards to your hand or doing 60 and switching to a walling Pokemon?

  109. Pokeman

    I played a match todaY and a effective card is dugtrio his poke body sinkhole puts two gamage counters on that pokemon every time it retreats

  110. Pokeman

    I played a match todaY and a effective card is dugtrio his poke body sinkhole puts two gamage counters on that pokemon every time it retreats

  111. CoMiT

    If i played burning poison with plus power/ expert belt would it do any damage?

  112. CoMiT

    If i played burning poison with plus power/ expert belt would it do any damage?

  113. Adam Capriola

    Nope, you have to do some sort of base damage to get the added affect of those cards.

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