Regigigas: The Tank is Back

Regigigas LV.X Stormfront SF 100 Pokemon CardThe year is 2008: Regigigas has just become popular; different people running different lists. Now the year is 2009 and Regigigas isn’t as popular as it used to be. Now I am being the brave person running it again. But what is the strategy behind this huge legendary?

Regigigas LV.X is the main attacker in the deck. If you look, its attack “Giga Blaster” takes 1 W Energy, 1 F Energy, 1 M Energy, and one of any kind of Energy. It does 100 damage and its side effect lets you discard the top card of your opponent’s deck and discard another card from their hand. But then you can’t use “Giga Blaster” next turn.

This attack was the main attack people would use in a Regigigas deck. Then if you look at its Poké-Power, “Sacrifice”, it reads: “Once during your turn (before your attack), you may choose 1 of your Pokémon in play and that Pokémon is Knocked Out. Then, search your discard pile for up to 2 Basic Energy cards, attach them to Regigigas, and remove 8 damage counters from Regigigas. This power can’t be used if Regigigas is affected by a Special Condition.”

Some beast Poké-Power right? Well this was a good way to speed up Regigigas. By using a Supporter such as Felicity’s Drawing to discard Energy, and then using “Sacrifice” to attach the Energy to Regigigas, you could get him set-up by turn two or three.

Palkia LV.X Great Encounters GE 106 Pokemon CardOf course, you’re limited to using “Giga Blaster” only once every two turns; or are you? Players who played Regigigas would often play Palkia LV.X Great Encounters. Its Poké-Power “Restructure” basically lets you bring up one of your opponent’s Pokémon from the Bench to the Active slot. But they get to do the same to you. Using this would allow your Regigigas LV.X to use “Giga Blaster” again. Because you have to switch Pokémon as well, most Regigigas players would then play a Switch card, to return Regigigas to the Active Spot. This was the deck’s main strategy. “Sacrifice” to power up your Regigigas, “Giga Blast”, “Restructure” and repeat.

Now, of course, you cannot run Regigigas LV.X without the regular Regigigas. Most people ran Regigigas from Legends Awakened #37. This one had a Poké-Body called “Recover Mechanism”, which when you attached an Energy Card from your hand to Regigigas, you removed all Special Conditions from of Regigigas. The regular Regigigas has an attack called “Gigaton Punch”; it takes 3 of any kind of Energy and does 60 damage. The side effect is you flip a coin, if it’s heads the attack does 20 more damage and you can hit one of your opponent’s benched Pokémon for 20 damage as well. This attack works well when you don’t have Palkia LV.X in play yet and you don’t want to waste your “Giga Blaster”.

Regigigas Legends Awakened LA 37 Pokemon CardBesides Palkia LV.X, Regigigas ran the Pixies Engine. The Pixies Engine consists of Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit from Legends Awakened. Uxie would be your main source of draw-power. Azelf is for grabbing Palkia LV.X or Regigigas LV.X out of your Prize cards.

Mesprit would be used for stopping your opponent from setting up. With “Sacrifice”, you could Knock Out one of your pixies to make room for another Regigigas or Palkia. You wouldn’t run Claydol Great Encounters for your draw power; your bench is very limited in Regigigas, and you would need space for the pixies. That is the main strategy of Regigigas.

I hope I helped with your better understanding of this not so popular deck. I believe if played right, this deck could do well. Just for your information, this deck has one near impossible matchup: Machamp SF. His “Take Out” attack has an effect that will 1HKO unevolved Pokémon for 1 F Energy. Of course, you would run Unown G in the deck to prevent this attack effect.

But with having a times two weakness to Fighting, Machamp only needs to do 80 damage to 1HKO Regigias LV.X. The best strategy I have heard is to “Guard” your Uxies, attach Energy and just keep doing “Psychic Restore” to the Machamp, who has a +30 weakness to Psychic.

Some Regigigas decks would run Crobat Gs so you could use “Flash Bite” to get the extra 10 damage for a 1HKO on those 110HP Pokémon. So you would Play down Uxie, attach Energy, Uxie, use “Psychic Restore” and put Uxie at the bottom of your deck, and then bring up Crobat G. (Crobat G should be “Guarded” with Unown G.)

Reader Interactions

33 replies

  1. Graham Poteet

    I feel like for modern Regi’s pokehealers are a must. Helps against any power locking which is huge when you’re giving prizes with Sacrifice. You can’t let them get too many others.

    Uxie Level X also helps a bit with the Machamp matchup. A guarded Crobat if played as said is a great machamp staller with resistance and the ability to be turned.

    Also as was shown in Palkia G, you can utilize the Azelf with Downer Material to slow down SPs and make other players start ups a little slower…

    Regi can still be good in this format, not amazing, but the right build in the right meta could land you in top cut.

  2. Brandon

    your deck seems like it would work niceely i used to have a regi deck it was ok it had two of the regigigases wit the slow start body and two of the LV.X’s but to stall i would try to start eith a hapiny and then use baby evolution to remove the damage it was a good stall then when two of them got knoked out i would use a gallade to attack with witch was really good i thought then as a last resorth i used regigigas hope your deck works out!

  3. Brandon

    your deck seems like it would work niceely i used to have a regi deck it was ok it had two of the regigigases wit the slow start body and two of the LV.X’s but to stall i would try to start eith a hapiny and then use baby evolution to remove the damage it was a good stall then when two of them got knoked out i would use a gallade to attack with witch was really good i thought then as a last resorth i used regigigas hope your deck works out!

  4. Graham Poteet

    I feel like for modern Regi’s pokehealers are a must. Helps against any power locking which is huge when you’re giving prizes with Sacrifice. You can’t let them get too many others.

    Uxie Level X also helps a bit with the Machamp matchup. A guarded Crobat if played as said is a great machamp staller with resistance and the ability to be turned.

    Also as was shown in Palkia G, you can utilize the Azelf with Downer Material to slow down SPs and make other players start ups a little slower…

    Regi can still be good in this format, not amazing, but the right build in the right meta could land you in top cut.

  5. Adam Capriola

    Randy, thanks for the article. You gave a really good background on the deck.

    Machamp LV.X is the biggest problem for Gigas in my opinion. They only need to hit 1 out of 4 flips with “Hurricane Punch” to get an OHKO on Gigas LV.X.

    The Uxie / Crobat G strategy is awesome and definitely the way to combat Machamp, but it still sucks that they can OHKO Gigas so easily.

  6. Soul

    Nice article, but do you really think this could do well..still?
    I mean, Gliscor, Machamp, Toxicroak G Promo, Kabutops, Rampardos, Flygon Lv.X, Lucario GL or Flygon SW can all easily OHKO you or at least give you a critical hit…and Regigigas is really slow, Powerspray will slow you down even more and giving your opponent a free prize just for two energies and some healing isn’t that good in the current format. It could be a nice fun deck though.

  7. Adam Capriola

    Randy, thanks for the article. You gave a really good background on the deck.

    Machamp LV.X is the biggest problem for Gigas in my opinion. They only need to hit 1 out of 4 flips with “Hurricane Punch” to get an OHKO on Gigas LV.X.

    The Uxie / Crobat G strategy is awesome and definitely the way to combat Machamp, but it still sucks that they can OHKO Gigas so easily.

  8. Power Swing

    Great Article. I think you described the deck styles very nicely. I think regigas could do decent, with expert belt attached you could be hitting around 120 each turn with palkia. Palkia lock will destroy this deck along with multiple other decks. I would like to see this being played but there us just to many cards that can counter it.

  9. Power Swing

    Great Article. I think you described the deck styles very nicely. I think regigas could do decent, with expert belt attached you could be hitting around 120 each turn with palkia. Palkia lock will destroy this deck along with multiple other decks. I would like to see this being played but there us just to many cards that can counter it.

  10. The Thunder

    I dont think Gigas will be very good in the current format because of the speed for decks right now. But, I wonder if it would do good with a speedy card teched in and Gigas for the metagame to win. It still might not do good against mainly focused speed decks. Like Luxdrill and BlazeRay.

  11. Soul

    Nice article, but do you really think this could do well..still?
    I mean, Gliscor, Machamp, Toxicroak G Promo, Kabutops, Rampardos, Flygon Lv.X, Lucario GL or Flygon SW can all easily OHKO you or at least give you a critical hit…and Regigigas is really slow, Powerspray will slow you down even more and giving your opponent a free prize just for two energies and some healing isn’t that good in the current format. It could be a nice fun deck though.

  12. Randy

    Thank you for all the nice comments. Have going 4-2 today and seeing the real meta. I’ve decided Gigas is so too slow for this format.

  13. Thank you for all the nice comments. Have going 4-2 today and seeing the real meta. I’ve decided Gigas is so too slow for this format.

  14. The Thunder

    I dont think Gigas will be very good in the current format because of the speed for decks right now. But, I wonder if it would do good with a speedy card teched in and Gigas for the metagame to win. It still might not do good against mainly focused speed decks. Like Luxdrill and BlazeRay.

  15. John Rea

    Cool deck. Once u get regigigas gets up and running it is good.

  16. John Rea

    Cool deck. Once u get regigigas gets up and running it is good.

  17. great idea but you need an anti machamp lv.x!!! otehrwise you’ll get creamed but love the regi!

  18. CoMiT

    great idea but you need an anti machamp lv.x!!! otehrwise you’ll get creamed but love the regi!

  19. sagefire

    Why would anyone try to rely on Machamp Lv. X when The Rampardos with Head Smash takes less time to get out, especially with fossil excavators etc.

    One energy and he kills regigigas AND his attacks are not affected by anything affecting the defending pokemon so no trainers, pokepowers, pokebodies etc. will be able to stop him. Taking 40 recoil is a lot better than boosting the enemies attack by 60; Rampardos might be able to actually stick around where as Machamp Lv. X is a sitting duck after he attacks.

    Donphan from Heart Gold is another great option. He can 2HKO Regigigas and survive a gigablaster with only 1 fighting energy or 1HKO regigigas with 3 fighting energies.

    Also I think the (very old but attainable) Sprout Tower Stadium would help a lot. That changes gigablaster into a more managable 90 attack power move (70 if you're using Donphan w/Exoskeleton) that a lot of strong pokemon can survive and strike back.

    Also Machamp Lv. X is STILL Unnecessary if you're using machamp. Just use the machamp with take-out. It 1HKO's any pokemon that isn't evolved so Regigas, who is a basic, would die instantly with 1 energy and absolutely no negative effects on Machamp.

    You could also use that old Mightyena with Bite On. He's a stage 1 so he'll come out fast and bite on's effect is “If the defending pokemon isn't an Evolved pokemon, that pokemon can't attack, retreat or use any Poke-Powers during your opponents next turn.”

    It would take forever to kill him but it would stop gigablaster and sacrifice and at least force the opponent to switch him out with a trainer.

    Just my thoughts on some counters. My friend still kills me every time with his Regigigas deck, I can't seem to get the right cards out fast enough.

  20. Austin

    Hey, this deck is awesome, but one thing. Could you maybe give out the decklist? This deck is AWESOME!

  21. Austin

    Hey, this deck is awesome, but one thing. Could you maybe give out the decklist? This deck is AWESOME!

  22. mbt chapa

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