Reader Interactions

98 replies

  1. RandomGuy

    I think everyone agrees that your shirt is pure awesome.
    Thanks for the report on the Oswego, Il CC. Very insightful. It’s a shame that you went first a few times. The T-1 shuppet deck looks very promising to me. Keep posting these up! I love profit.

  2. Landogriffen

    I had no idea that T1 Shuppet was that good. Now I fear it lol. But it seems like the most solid plays to me right now are Blazeray, Kingdra, Flygon, and Gyrados.

  3. Landogriffen

    I had no idea that T1 Shuppet was that good. Now I fear it lol. But it seems like the most solid plays to me right now are Blazeray, Kingdra, Flygon, and Gyrados.

  4. J-Wittz

    @soul– I figured you guys would like it :D. One of these days I’ll actually play gyarados so it will make sense : P.

    @randomguy– I’m glad you love the show so much! I’m pretty confident my next tournament report will be cool as heck when I bring my camera, so tune in for that about a week from now!

    @Landogriffen– thanks for the insight! I’ve been looking at gyarados for a while now, but I’m just not sure if I’m ready to compete with it. Flygon was strangely absent from out event! The only two copies ran didn’t go so well while SP variants took over

  5. J-Wittz

    @soul– I figured you guys would like it :D. One of these days I’ll actually play gyarados so it will make sense : P.

    @randomguy– I’m glad you love the show so much! I’m pretty confident my next tournament report will be cool as heck when I bring my camera, so tune in for that about a week from now!

    @Landogriffen– thanks for the insight! I’ve been looking at gyarados for a while now, but I’m just not sure if I’m ready to compete with it. Flygon was strangely absent from out event! The only two copies ran didn’t go so well while SP variants took over

  6. Clinton Chan

    Boo I wish I was included in the tournament report.

  7. Clinton Chan

    Also like they said that is a really nice shirt and still didn’t think you would have played Shuppet.

  8. Frank Diaz

    Pretty nice vid. A couple misplays, though. You want to sit unown R on the bench as long as possible. Playing unown R, then uxie, then discarding R grabs you more cards than discarding R immediately. The unown R draw is something that can be used at any time, so it should be used when it is most opportune. Just a nice little trick that can net a couple extra cards in the future. There were a couple other small things I noticed, but they’re pretty minor. Hope that helps.

  9. Eelis Peltola

    Really liked the playthrough vid, it was great. You just need a better cam…
    I got a strange carving to play Shuppet. :P And Kingdra, for some reason. Shirt by J-Wittz?

  10. J-Wittz

    @ Chan– you were included in my prototype footage when I had a section called “Quote of the Tournament”. Your line “I don’t play decks, I play techs” was at the top lol. Are you going down to the rantoul event? I’m bringing a recording camera down to each event I go to now, I’ll be sure to throw you an interview question or something along the way :D

    @Soul– as a stall option with shuppet? I haven’t yet, bet definitely will. The only thing I don’t like is having to wait a turn to play the evolution–one of the reasons why I don’t play banette as a mewtwo X counter.

    @ Entei– I’ll surely be getting an actual camcorder for Christmas– everything will look much nicer after that! Kingdra can function much better past T1 than shuppet, but no deck has the donk opportunity like shuppet does, plus walling can be really helpful. Try em both out!

    @diaz– your way is usually the best way of doing things, and usually the way I do it, I was just in a hurry to keep the turn under 10 minutes :P. I’m sure I made some weird misplays and such across the way, but thanks for pointing it out!


      • J-Wittz  → Clinton

        I understand–it’s pretty darn far away from everything else! I’m debating what deck I’m gonna take there. Shuppet again? Gyarados? Flygon something? SP Something?

    • Randy Branch  → J-Wittz

      There are other things you could have sacrificed which are less important than playing properly. You don’t want to teach someone how to play a deck incorrectly. Just because it’s unsripted doesn’t mean it can’t have a plan.

      1. Get a clock. It’s not that hard. Your video was plenty (1:55) from the limit.
      2. Shuffling on camera during the introduction. Is someone going to accuse of stacking? No, or they haven’t yet as your deck was off camera past your starting hand and prizes.

      Also, you didn’t take any prizes. Usually I count 60, 70, or 80 damage as a prize when playing solitare. Or I suppose you could place no prizes at all.

      • J-Wittz  → Randy

        It was a total spur of the moment thing, and if I do more of these in the future I’ll definitely professionalize it. I guess it’s hard to stack a deck when you’re shuffling after each search card you play, but to my defense, I outlined the main strategy of the deck while shuffling before playing it out.

        I usually take a prize card if I do 80 damage on the side, because SP is so prominent in my area. I think it’s much better practice to play with the prize cards out, because it lets you know how often you’re going to be missing something key (energy cards, shuppets, etc.), and then you can adjust the deck accordingly.

        Thanks for the advice!

      • J-Wittz  → Randy

        It was a total spur of the moment thing, and if I do more of these in the future I’ll definitely professionalize it. I guess it’s hard to stack a deck when you’re shuffling after each search card you play, but to my defense, I outlined the main strategy of the deck while shuffling before playing it out.

        I usually take a prize card if I do 80 damage on the side, because SP is so prominent in my area. I think it’s much better practice to play with the prize cards out, because it lets you know how often you’re going to be missing something key (energy cards, shuppets, etc.), and then you can adjust the deck accordingly.

        Thanks for the advice!

  11. J-Wittz

    @ Chan– you were included in my prototype footage when I had a section called “Quote of the Tournament”. Your line “I don’t play decks, I play techs” was at the top lol. Are you going down to the rantoul event? I’m bringing a recording camera down to each event I go to now, I’ll be sure to throw you an interview question or something along the way :D

    @Soul– as a stall option with shuppet? I haven’t yet, bet definitely will. The only thing I don’t like is having to wait a turn to play the evolution–one of the reasons why I don’t play banette as a mewtwo X counter.

    @ Entei– I’ll surely be getting an actual camcorder for Christmas– everything will look much nicer after that! Kingdra can function much better past T1 than shuppet, but no deck has the donk opportunity like shuppet does, plus walling can be really helpful. Try em both out!

    @diaz– your way is usually the best way of doing things, and usually the way I do it, I was just in a hurry to keep the turn under 10 minutes :P. I’m sure I made some weird misplays and such across the way, but thanks for pointing it out!


      • J-Wittz  → Clinton

        I understand–it’s pretty darn far away from everything else! I’m debating what deck I’m gonna take there. Shuppet again? Gyarados? Flygon something? SP Something?

    •  → J-Wittz

      There are other things you could have sacrificed which are less important than playing properly. You don’t want to teach someone how to play a deck incorrectly. Just because it’s unsripted doesn’t mean it can’t have a plan.

      1. Get a clock. It’s not that hard. Your video was plenty (1:55) from the limit.
      2. Shuffling on camera during the introduction. Is someone going to accuse of stacking? No, or they haven’t yet as your deck was off camera past your starting hand and prizes.

      Also, you didn’t take any prizes. Usually I count 60, 70, or 80 damage as a prize when playing solitare. Or I suppose you could place no prizes at all.

      • J-Wittz  → WDIF

        It was a total spur of the moment thing, and if I do more of these in the future I’ll definitely professionalize it. I guess it’s hard to stack a deck when you’re shuffling after each search card you play, but to my defense, I outlined the main strategy of the deck while shuffling before playing it out.

        I usually take a prize card if I do 80 damage on the side, because SP is so prominent in my area. I think it’s much better practice to play with the prize cards out, because it lets you know how often you’re going to be missing something key (energy cards, shuppets, etc.), and then you can adjust the deck accordingly.

        Thanks for the advice!

  12. quaziko

    I love the music in the first vid, especially the curb tune, nice choice. Of course you would rarely decide to do 140 damage first turn, but that’s pretty ridiculous that you can pull it off, probably fairly consistently. Interesting list with the victory medals, not sure I’d use them, but they seem to work okay.

    Also my avatar decided to randomly change…okay then

    • J-Wittz  → quaziko

      haha I’m glad you love it too! I’m a huge fan of instrumental music of all kinds (classical, osts, sountracks, themes, video game music, etc) so I try to include a wide variety.

      And yeah, in real life I’d probably be searching for more bench options instead of plus powers to go for a double-KO (twice I’ve gotten a triple KO by dispersing 150 damage across 3 50-hp basics), but it’s fun just to rack up the damage. I really like playing a mass of medals because it adds to the consistent trainer draw, but they’re hard to find if you haven’t won them! lol. I’d use quick balls instead of the medals if you don’t own them

  13. Joshua Hall

    I love the music in the first vid, especially the curb tune, nice choice. Of course you would rarely decide to do 140 damage first turn, but that’s pretty ridiculous that you can pull it off, probably fairly consistently. Interesting list with the victory medals, not sure I’d use them, but they seem to work okay.

    Also my avatar decided to randomly change…okay then

    • J-Wittz  → quaziko

      haha I’m glad you love it too! I’m a huge fan of instrumental music of all kinds (classical, osts, sountracks, themes, video game music, etc) so I try to include a wide variety.

      And yeah, in real life I’d probably be searching for more bench options instead of plus powers to go for a double-KO (twice I’ve gotten a triple KO by dispersing 150 damage across 3 50-hp basics), but it’s fun just to rack up the damage. I really like playing a mass of medals because it adds to the consistent trainer draw, but they’re hard to find if you haven’t won them! lol. I’d use quick balls instead of the medals if you don’t own them

  14. Hampus Eriksson

    Nice videos!
    Can you post your list? It seemed to work nice

    • J-Wittz  → Hampus

      My list shows up somewhere between the first and second minute of the tournament report.

      Although normally I don’t like giving lists because I invite people to explore their own deckbuilding options. Don’t let me tell you what to do! :P

  15. Joshua Pikka

    wow you have a lot to play against in your cities. I thought I had a tough road to victory, you have pooka, a guy who always goes to worlds, and then yourself.

    You did good with your shuppet deck. It is a good speed deck. Really does a lot when you go second. If a normal deck doesnt get a couple rare candies they could lose fast. Though a good SP deck should be able to withstand the inital blitz.

    • J-Wittz  → Joshua

      oh it used to be even tougher! We used to have Ness (2 time world champion) and Jimmy Ballard (2nd place worlds 06), and I think Rob downs got something like top 4 in worlds once. But yeah, it’s one of the hardest areas out there, comparable to the florida region.

      Aside from its auto-losses, SP is probably the toughest match. I just might take this one out again, I’m really having fun with the deck!

  16. RandomGuy

    I think everyone agrees that your shirt is pure awesome.
    Thanks for the report on the Oswego, Il CC. Very insightful. It’s a shame that you went first a few times. The T-1 shuppet deck looks very promising to me. Keep posting these up! I love profit.

  17. Clinton Chan

    Boo I wish I was included in the tournament report.

  18. Clinton Chan

    Also like they said that is a really nice shirt and still didn’t think you would have played Shuppet.

  19. Frank Diaz

    Pretty nice vid. A couple misplays, though. You want to sit unown R on the bench as long as possible. Playing unown R, then uxie, then discarding R grabs you more cards than discarding R immediately. The unown R draw is something that can be used at any time, so it should be used when it is most opportune. Just a nice little trick that can net a couple extra cards in the future. There were a couple other small things I noticed, but they’re pretty minor. Hope that helps.

  20. Matthew Riddle

    I catch something new in your rap each time I listen to it.

    Good videos! I SO wanted to see information about Shuppet Donk. I’m in the process of building the deck as I type this.


    On the topic of cool ideas for Shuppet Donk, how about these cards:
    – Mr. Mime SV: Has a sweet Poke-Body that as long as it’s getting hit for 70 or more, it stays a live. Might come in use against a big hitter that doesn’t have any other attackers ready, as a good stall.
    – Miasma Valley: All the basics in the deck are grass/psychic, so this is an extra 20 damage that can stacking up on opponent’s basics if you get it out turn 1 (going second).
    – Looker’s Investigation: If Uxie gets Power Sprayed or you run out of resources, and haven’t used a Roseanne, you could looker for 5, or disrupt the opponent’s hand.

    • J-Wittz  → Matthew

      Thanks for all the praise, man! Here’s what I think about each of your tech ideas:

      Miasma– Fantastic– just one in the deck really makes a huge difference, and being able to place those extra damage counters is a big advantage : D. I’ve got one in my current list

      Mr. Mime– not as good as the current mime– I don’t think I’d make space for him. There aren’t many decks that can only do a massive amount of damage and no small amount

      Lookers– I’d stay away from it because chances are it will just take up hand space T1 when all you want to play is the rosy, but I’m open to trying a single draw supporter if I have to. I’ll check it out.

      thanks again!

  21. Eelis Peltola

    Really liked the playthrough vid, it was great. You just need a better cam…
    I got a strange carving to play Shuppet. :P And Kingdra, for some reason. Shirt by J-Wittz?

  22. Adam Capriola

    Awesome videos as usual. I’m stoked to see your tournament coverage videos, they’ll be gnarly.

    I really need to get a better camera so I can do stuff like that. Right now I just use my digital camera for videos and I can only record up to 10 mins of suspect quality video.

  23. The Thunder

    I’m wonder how well Shuppet would do if the player that was first played a couple of strong HP basics, would it KO or Donk as much? Also, I think my Gengar and Nidoking deck would pwn a Shuppet because it has 2 Spiritomb PA and the extra support of Gastly SF!:P

  24. The Thunder

    Also awesome shirt and the tournament coverages will be awesome!

  25. Hampus Eriksson

    Nice videos!
    Can you post your list? It seemed to work nice

    • J-Wittz  → Hampus

      My list shows up somewhere between the first and second minute of the tournament report.

      Although normally I don’t like giving lists because I invite people to explore their own deckbuilding options. Don’t let me tell you what to do! :P

  26. Joshua Pikka

    wow you have a lot to play against in your cities. I thought I had a tough road to victory, you have pooka, a guy who always goes to worlds, and then yourself.

    You did good with your shuppet deck. It is a good speed deck. Really does a lot when you go second. If a normal deck doesnt get a couple rare candies they could lose fast. Though a good SP deck should be able to withstand the inital blitz.

    • J-Wittz  → Joshua

      oh it used to be even tougher! We used to have Ness (2 time world champion) and Jimmy Ballard (2nd place worlds 06), and I think Rob downs got something like top 4 in worlds once. But yeah, it’s one of the hardest areas out there, comparable to the florida region.

      Aside from its auto-losses, SP is probably the toughest match. I just might take this one out again, I’m really having fun with the deck!

  27. Landogriffen

    I’m surprised there wasn’t more Blazeray in your area. At the Coloumbus, Ohio CC the top 4 was Blazeray, Blazeray, Blazeray, and Flygon. The Flygon won lol. I wish there was more info on that Dialga G/Garchomp C/ Toxicroak deck though.

  28. Landogriffen

    I’m surprised there wasn’t more Blazeray in your area. At the Coloumbus, Ohio CC the top 4 was Blazeray, Blazeray, Blazeray, and Flygon. The Flygon won lol. I wish there was more info on that Dialga G/Garchomp C/ Toxicroak deck though.

  29. The Thunder

    yep I agree with Landogriffen, I would really like to see that Dialga G/Garchomp C/Toxicroak G Deck.

  30. Matthew Riddle

    I catch something new in your rap each time I listen to it.

    Good videos! I SO wanted to see information about Shuppet Donk. I’m in the process of building the deck as I type this.


    On the topic of cool ideas for Shuppet Donk, how about these cards:
    – Mr. Mime SV: Has a sweet Poke-Body that as long as it’s getting hit for 70 or more, it stays a live. Might come in use against a big hitter that doesn’t have any other attackers ready, as a good stall.
    – Miasma Valley: All the basics in the deck are grass/psychic, so this is an extra 20 damage that can stacking up on opponent’s basics if you get it out turn 1 (going second).
    – Looker’s Investigation: If Uxie gets Power Sprayed or you run out of resources, and haven’t used a Roseanne, you could looker for 5, or disrupt the opponent’s hand.

    • J-Wittz  → Matthew

      Thanks for all the praise, man! Here’s what I think about each of your tech ideas:

      Miasma– Fantastic– just one in the deck really makes a huge difference, and being able to place those extra damage counters is a big advantage : D. I’ve got one in my current list

      Mr. Mime– not as good as the current mime– I don’t think I’d make space for him. There aren’t many decks that can only do a massive amount of damage and no small amount

      Lookers– I’d stay away from it because chances are it will just take up hand space T1 when all you want to play is the rosy, but I’m open to trying a single draw supporter if I have to. I’ll check it out.

      thanks again!

  31. Adam Capriola

    Awesome videos as usual. I’m stoked to see your tournament coverage videos, they’ll be gnarly.

    I really need to get a better camera so I can do stuff like that. Right now I just use my digital camera for videos and I can only record up to 10 mins of suspect quality video.

  32. The Thunder

    I’m wonder how well Shuppet would do if the player that was first played a couple of strong HP basics, would it KO or Donk as much? Also, I think my Gengar and Nidoking deck would pwn a Shuppet because it has 2 Spiritomb PA and the extra support of Gastly SF!:P

  33. The Thunder

    Also awesome shirt and the tournament coverages will be awesome!

  34. alex d

    What do you do against Spiritomb?
    I’d think of a Regice here.

    • Landogriffen  → alex

      Haha ya. That kinda does shut down the deck. All your opponent would have to do is throw up spiritomb and get ppl powered up enough to take down the mimes.

  35. DUSK

    my god all that came out in a turn

    this deck is the best

    shuupet lol

  36. DUSK

    my god all that came out in a turn

    this deck is the best

    shuupet lol

  37. The Thunder

    yep I agree with Landogriffen, I would really like to see that Dialga G/Garchomp C/Toxicroak G Deck.

  38. J-Wittz

    @ the thunder– the deck has its auto-losses, those being Mr. Mime, Dialgia G, Spiritomb AoA, and Gengar. It has a pretty good matchup vs. everything else, in my opinion, and even has the chance of donking any of its auto-losses :P.

    @ Landogriffin– there were actually FOUR+ blazerays played. I lost to Kyle L who went to the columbus event and lost in top 4. Spadeace aka Chan was also in our top 4 with Blazeray. Flygon didn’t do too hot in our area, I was surprised!

    As for the Garchomp list, Pooka hates giving out lists because he likes to preserve the art of deckbuilding. However, I can tell you there were lots of things you’d never expect like conductive quarry, snowpoint temple, and plenty of special steel energy in the deck. Pooka’s one of the best deckbuilders of all time, so I don’t question his judgement

    @ yofosho– This is the option my brother suggests to me. However, if you’re under the spiritomb lock already, you’ll have to pray for a rosy in hand in order to get the regice out of the deck. He’s also fat with the 3 retreat. I don’t play him, but it’s definitely a possible route– you could also use him just for the switching if you wanted, I suppose

    @ Dusk– it’s a really bizarre deck, that’s for sure! It takes little skill and it’s lots of fun :P

  39. J-Wittz

    @ the thunder– the deck has its auto-losses, those being Mr. Mime, Dialgia G, Spiritomb AoA, and Gengar. It has a pretty good matchup vs. everything else, in my opinion, and even has the chance of donking any of its auto-losses :P.

    @ Landogriffin– there were actually FOUR+ blazerays played. I lost to Kyle L who went to the columbus event and lost in top 4. Spadeace aka Chan was also in our top 4 with Blazeray. Flygon didn’t do too hot in our area, I was surprised!

    As for the Garchomp list, Pooka hates giving out lists because he likes to preserve the art of deckbuilding. However, I can tell you there were lots of things you’d never expect like conductive quarry, snowpoint temple, and plenty of special steel energy in the deck. Pooka’s one of the best deckbuilders of all time, so I don’t question his judgement

    @ yofosho– This is the option my brother suggests to me. However, if you’re under the spiritomb lock already, you’ll have to pray for a rosy in hand in order to get the regice out of the deck. He’s also fat with the 3 retreat. I don’t play him, but it’s definitely a possible route– you could also use him just for the switching if you wanted, I suppose

    @ Dusk– it’s a really bizarre deck, that’s for sure! It takes little skill and it’s lots of fun :P

  40. alex d

    What do you do against Spiritomb?
    I’d think of a Regice here.

    • Landogriffen  → alex

      Haha ya. That kinda does shut down the deck. All your opponent would have to do is throw up spiritomb and get ppl powered up enough to take down the mimes.

  41. Sergio Ortiz

    hey j-wittz!
    nice report n.n!
    i like your t shirt too
    hope you got some better luck next time

  42. Sergio Ortiz

    hey j-wittz!
    nice report n.n!
    i like your t shirt too
    hope you got some better luck next time

  43. J-Wittz

    @absolution/davide– I’m glad you guys enjoyed the show! Common consensus seems to be that everybody loves the shirt ^_^. I wish they had more “cool” pokemon shirts! Maybe I’ll start designing some myself!

  44. J-Wittz

    @absolution/davide– I’m glad you guys enjoyed the show! Common consensus seems to be that everybody loves the shirt ^_^. I wish they had more “cool” pokemon shirts! Maybe I’ll start designing some myself!

  45. J-Wittz

    @absolution/davide– I’m glad you guys enjoyed the show! Common consensus seems to be that everybody loves the shirt ^_^. I wish they had more “cool” pokemon shirts! Maybe I’ll start designing some myself!

  46. William Gilbert

    I dig the idea of video reports, looking very forward to see that :)
    Also loved the background musics (especially curb your enthusiasm ones :P).

    On the “best deck right now” topic, I agree with you, I think SP is the play.

    • J-Wittz  → William

      yeah, if only I felt comfortable with those cards! The only SP I’ve ever run well is palkia G and Dialgia G– everything beyond those I kind of suck with :P

  47. wow awesome i love watching these but we could have learned more if you were actually playing someone because there are always going to be obstacles

    • J-Wittz  → Eeeon

      haha yeah– I’ll be sure to record the top table matches to my tournaments, or at least try to. That way you’ll get to see me playing in action!

  48. William Gilbert

    I dig the idea of video reports, looking very forward to see that :)
    Also loved the background musics (especially curb your enthusiasm ones :P).

    On the “best deck right now” topic, I agree with you, I think SP is the play.

    • J-Wittz  → William

      yeah, if only I felt comfortable with those cards! The only SP I’ve ever run well is palkia G and Dialgia G– everything beyond those I kind of suck with :P

  49. William Gilbert

    I dig the idea of video reports, looking very forward to see that :)
    Also loved the background musics (especially curb your enthusiasm ones :P).

    On the “best deck right now” topic, I agree with you, I think SP is the play.

  50. Ivan Garcia

    wow awesome i love watching these but we could have learned more if you were actually playing someone because there are always going to be obstacles

    • J-Wittz  → Ivan

      haha yeah– I’ll be sure to record the top table matches to my tournaments, or at least try to. That way you’ll get to see me playing in action!

  51. kwisdumb

    Best Pokemon videos on the internet? I think so.

    Those tournament coverage videos are EXACTLY what this community needs.

    Mind sharing that Shuppet list, btw? I don’t think it was ever included in the video.

    Great job.

  52. kwisdumb

    Best Pokemon videos on the internet? I think so.

    Those tournament coverage videos are EXACTLY what this community needs.

    Mind sharing that Shuppet list, btw? I don’t think it was ever included in the video.

    Great job.

  53. Mark Stroup

    Wow bro, good job with the Shuppet Donk and very informative report!
    I think those Victory Medals are a great idea, btw where did you find those Japanese?
    I’ve seen someone else with those and asked but he told me “Don’t worry about it”… >=/
    And then I looked them up on ebay, but all I manage to find when I look up “japanese battle road victory medals” are the ones they have with Giratina or Arceus and stuff (the one’s that actually look cool but cost a crap-load).

  54. Mark Stroup

    Wow bro, good job with the Shuppet Donk and very informative report!
    I think those Victory Medals are a great idea, btw where did you find those Japanese?
    I’ve seen someone else with those and asked but he told me “Don’t worry about it”… >=/
    And then I looked them up on ebay, but all I manage to find when I look up “japanese battle road victory medals” are the ones they have with Giratina or Arceus and stuff (the one’s that actually look cool but cost a crap-load).

  55. Grayce Bouler

    Thank you for another great article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such information.

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