Speed Fossil Deck

Kabutops Arceus AR 4“Fossil” seems to be a word that immediately causes Pokémon players to run away in fear. In fear of what? In fear of a lack of Trainer cards which apply to fossils. In fear of a Trainer lock from the new Spiritomb. In fear of a primarily Stage-2 deck that requires much support and time to set up. Well, the Arceus set brings two new fearsome fossil fighters that will transform fossil decks from inevitable failures to ultra-powerful victories. The key lies in speed.

Kabutops, new from the Arceus set, has been hyped slightly over the weeks prior to its arrival. What is getting Kabutops attention is its Primal Scythe. For a single F Energy, it does 20 damage. If you discard a Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil, or Old Amber from your hand, that damage is increased to 70, taking Kabutops into the realm of those Pokémon that can get a potentially game-winning KO on their first turn. Dome Fossil even gives it a hand in getting set up on the game’s first turn as its Poké Power lets you evolve into Kabuto when you attach a F Energy. Kabuto from Majestic Dawn has a useful Power, benching Fossil Basics for you if you can flip heads and thus allowing you to get around a Trainer lock.

Omastar Arceus AR 23So what should be in a deck to power up Kabutops other than his own supportive family? Obviously it should be assisted with Arceus set Aerodactyl so you can search out a fossil card and put it in your hand. This also allows for Old Amber in the deck, available for discard to maximize Primal Scythe. Warp Point should be added, as it can be a game changing alternative to retreating using a high Retreat Cost. Since you will use Primal Scythe, which costs 1 F Energy, more than Kabutops’ other attack, you will need F Energies, but only a few, maybe 4-8.

One of the biggest issues with fossil decks is the lack of cards that let you search for fossils. For that, you need Fossil Excavator, which is a key card in any fossil deck. You’ll want four of these in your deck to maximize support.

Rampardos Platinum PL 13As long as you have Kabutops and Aerodactyl, why not have Omastar? The Omastar from Arceus is actually ideal in this deck, seeing as Omastar’s attack does more damage based on the number of fossils in your discard pile. The Omanyte from Majestic Dawn would probably be better here than the Arceus one, seeing as Majestic Omanyte has a Poké Power that lets you place fossils from your discard pile onto your bench, avoiding a Trainer lock. This also incorporates Helix Fossils into your deck, making it even easier to get the bonus damage from Primal Scythe. You shouldn’t have to base your deck around Omastar, though; you will only need to throw 1 or 2 W Energies in your deck.

Although Kabutops is the new card that makes fossil decks playable, it will not be your main attacker. Who will be, then? Rampardos, from Platinum. This card is undoubtedly the best fossil Pokémon around right now. The stats on this Pokémon are amazing. A Poké Body that doesn’t allow the attack to be affected by resistance, or any other effects on the defending Pokémon, makes this thing dominant. This allows it to destroy all those Flying Pokémon that have Fighting resistance.

Aerodactyl Arceus AR 13Then, you have an attack that is incredible; 80 damage for 1 F Energy! The only drawback is 40 self damage on a knockout. Finally, a 2 energy attack for 40 that reduces damage done to Rampardos by 20 until the end of your next turn, including self-damage from the first attack. This godly Pokémon is in every way superior on this individual card to Kingdra. You will want a 4-4-4 line of Skull Fossil – Cranidos – Rampardos, purely because this Pokémon is the best attacker out there now that fossils have become playable. As for Cranidos, the one from Mysterious Treasures is far superior to the Platinum one.

Now we get to the small cards, ones that are not are not part of the overall strategy, but assist in its support. Expert Belt would be nice to increase damage to 90 from Kabutops and 100 from Rampardos You’ll need 4 Bebe’s Search, 3-4 VS Seeker, and a few Felicity’s Drawing to discard fossils for Omastar’s attack. Broken Time-Space would be critical in this deck as well. Claydol probably should be played, with Baltoy (Great Encounters), Unown G, and Uxie.

Here’s what your deck should look like, with a few changes allowed depending on the player.

All comments and suggestions are appreciated!

4 Cranidos MT
4 Rampardos PL
3 Kabuto MD
2 Kabutops AR
1 Omanyte MD
1 Omastar AR
1 Aerodactyl AR
1 Baltoy GE
1 Claydol GE
1 Uxie LA
1 Unown G GE
2 Old Amber
4 Dome Fossil
2 Helix Fossil
4 Skull Fossil
2 Broken Time-Space
3 VS Seeker
1 Warp Point
4 Bebe’s Search
2 Felicity’s Drawing
4 Fossil Excavator
1 Expert Belt
8 F
3 W

Reader Interactions

49 replies

  1. Adam Capriola

    Hey everyone, I acknowledge that this isn’t the best deck list or strategy, but since our friend here took the time to write this detailed article, I think we can at least help fix it up!

  2. Adam Capriola

    Hey everyone, I acknowledge that this isn’t the best deck list or strategy, but since our friend here took the time to write this detailed article, I think we can at least help fix it up!

  3. Delcatty Luv

    I don’t know I myself thought this was very well put together.

  4. I don’t know I myself thought this was very well put together.

  5. jesus69

    Rampardos should not be played because you cant search it out with Aerodactyl or get a plus on either of the other two fossil attackers.
    So take out Rampardos and make the Kabutops line 4-2-3, Omastar Like 2-2-2 and Aerodactyl like a 4-2 or 4-3 line.
    Claydol should be a porygon two line so that you can play or normal supporter for the turn plus an Excavator.
    There is also no reason not to play Rosseanne reasearch to get the basic energy.
    It also wont be a waste with the porygon 2.
    Straegy for the deck would be go swinging with kabutops and follow up with omastar. The older Aerodactyl is also pretty good.
    Every time thay activate a power they take 20 damage.
    You can even tech in older fossil pokemon.
    Like the kabutops that shuts down trainers or the de-evolving Omastar.

  6. Pete Moss

    I agree with jesus69…focus on Kabutops with Omastar and Aerodactyl. Porygon 2 is also a good suggestion.

    I think the newer Omastar is a better choice though as it totally WRECKS late game when you have loads of fossils in the discard.

    You need at least 2 Expert Belts IMO.

    Time the attachment right and your Omastars become mid-late game killers. Dealiing massive damage.

  7. Saturn

    I like it is very good and wise to have decks up even if they are not the “best” decks. They still give options and ideas to others. I really really appreciate you just putting stuff up like this.

    About Omastar, wouldn’t it be good to run by itself with support and run it like Gyarados. Instead of throwing magikarps into the discard, throw all the fossils in there instead and you are not even limited by 3 carps either.

    • jesus69  → Saturn

      I dont understand. Do you want to run it with gyarados or like gyarados.
      I think heavy kabutops line and a lighter Omastar line is the best way to go with this idea of a deck.

  8. He said to run it like Gyrados. The problem there is that Omastar lacks the consistentcy Gyrados has, you can’t just Rosanne’s for 2 fossils and Felicity them. Also Gdos can do it for NO energy…

  9. Saturn

    Omastar can hit for 110 for 2 energies with only Dome and Old Amber alone in the discard. Instead of using Roseanne’s, your supporter would be Fossil Excavator. The fossil itself can find Omastar with one energy to have it set up by turn 2. Throw in Regice/Steel to get rid of the fossils and maybe Sableye as your starter for 2 supporters on one turn. Aerodactyl is good to have there as a tech and you could even throw in the MD Omastar as a good tech too.

    The thing is if you have 4 Omastars the damage continues to go up as your opponent knocks your pokemon out. (This is saying you are still hitting them too) So on your last Omastar you are dealing 110 plus 30 more for the other Helix fossils that went out screaming and kicking. That is 140 damage, and if you need more then that, throw a belt at it.

    There is potential for it, someone just needs to find it.

  10. jesus69

    Rampardos should not be played because you cant search it out with Aerodactyl or get a plus on either of the other two fossil attackers.
    So take out Rampardos and make the Kabutops line 4-2-3, Omastar Like 2-2-2 and Aerodactyl like a 4-2 or 4-3 line.
    Claydol should be a porygon two line so that you can play or normal supporter for the turn plus an Excavator.
    There is also no reason not to play Rosseanne reasearch to get the basic energy.
    It also wont be a waste with the porygon 2.
    Straegy for the deck would be go swinging with kabutops and follow up with omastar. The older Aerodactyl is also pretty good.
    Every time thay activate a power they take 20 damage.
    You can even tech in older fossil pokemon.
    Like the kabutops that shuts down trainers or the de-evolving Omastar.

  11. Renfield89

    No one has mentioned the lack of Rare Candy? In a stage 2 deck?

    This actually Top 4’d my last city, no Rampardos, no Claydol. Used Felicity/Volkner to get around Bright Look/Luring Flame ending its draw. Lost to FlyChamp.

  12. Renfield89

    No one has mentioned the lack of Rare Candy? In a stage 2 deck?

    This actually Top 4’d my last city, no Rampardos, no Claydol. Used Felicity/Volkner to get around Bright Look/Luring Flame ending its draw. Lost to FlyChamp.

  13. Pete Moss

    I agree with jesus69…focus on Kabutops with Omastar and Aerodactyl. Porygon 2 is also a good suggestion.

    I think the newer Omastar is a better choice though as it totally WRECKS late game when you have loads of fossils in the discard.

    You need at least 2 Expert Belts IMO.

    Time the attachment right and your Omastars become mid-late game killers. Dealiing massive damage.

  14. Zachary Slater

    This deck was pretty hyped before the release of the PA set.

    The main problem I have with this particular build is the inconsistency (in my opinion), because playing Rampardos, Kabutops, and Omastar without any Rare Candy can be detrimental to the deck.

    Not to mention the absence of Omastar MD, which I think is superior to the PA one if you aren’t using it as a main attacker.

    Anyways, in the end, I feel like this deck succumbs to Deafen/Pitch Dark/Keystone Seal once you K0 a Kabutops PA.

  15. Saturn

    I like it is very good and wise to have decks up even if they are not the “best” decks. They still give options and ideas to others. I really really appreciate you just putting stuff up like this.

    About Omastar, wouldn’t it be good to run by itself with support and run it like Gyarados. Instead of throwing magikarps into the discard, throw all the fossils in there instead and you are not even limited by 3 carps either.

    • jesus69  → Saturn

      I dont understand. Do you want to run it with gyarados or like gyarados.
      I think heavy kabutops line and a lighter Omastar line is the best way to go with this idea of a deck.

  16. Colin Peterik

    He said to run it like Gyrados. The problem there is that Omastar lacks the consistentcy Gyrados has, you can’t just Rosanne’s for 2 fossils and Felicity them. Also Gdos can do it for NO energy…

  17. Saturn

    Omastar can hit for 110 for 2 energies with only Dome and Old Amber alone in the discard. Instead of using Roseanne’s, your supporter would be Fossil Excavator. The fossil itself can find Omastar with one energy to have it set up by turn 2. Throw in Regice/Steel to get rid of the fossils and maybe Sableye as your starter for 2 supporters on one turn. Aerodactyl is good to have there as a tech and you could even throw in the MD Omastar as a good tech too.

    The thing is if you have 4 Omastars the damage continues to go up as your opponent knocks your pokemon out. (This is saying you are still hitting them too) So on your last Omastar you are dealing 110 plus 30 more for the other Helix fossils that went out screaming and kicking. That is 140 damage, and if you need more then that, throw a belt at it.

    There is potential for it, someone just needs to find it.

  18. David Earickson

    I’ve been working on a Omastar AR deck for a few weeks. The key to a deck that revolves around Omastar is Relicanth GE. Primal Calling for no energy allows you to grab three Fossil Trainers from your deck. All three can be discarded the next turn.

    A Relicanth start is a requirement for the deck to be consistent. You will usually get at least two Primal Callings before Relicanth is killed. Which allows for a quick 6-Fossils for the discard pile… at that point you are doing at least 90 damage for the rest of the game. Since it takes no energy, you can charge Omastar(s) on your bench to be ready to roll once Relicanth is gone.

    I don’t play Rare Candy. With Helix Fossil’s power Aqua Reaction, the deck plays like a stage 1. When attaching a water energy, you get to search your deck for a Omanyte and attach it; that means you can evolve it into Omastar the next turn.

    The deck is very Supporter heavy, I like the Porygon 2 idea. I’ve not tried that, but will test the build with it. My biggest issue has been the fact that I have extra supporters and not enough turns to play them. This may be the added piece the deck needs.

  19. Zachary Slater

    This deck was pretty hyped before the release of the PA set.

    The main problem I have with this particular build is the inconsistency (in my opinion), because playing Rampardos, Kabutops, and Omastar without any Rare Candy can be detrimental to the deck.

    Not to mention the absence of Omastar MD, which I think is superior to the PA one if you aren’t using it as a main attacker.

    Anyways, in the end, I feel like this deck succumbs to Deafen/Pitch Dark/Keystone Seal once you K0 a Kabutops PA.

  20. Ariadosguy

    why do people always forget that fossils can discard themselves? Omastar can easily be run by itself and DOES NOT need discard suppot to get it going.

  21. Ariadosguy

    why do people always forget that fossils can discard themselves? Omastar can easily be run by itself and DOES NOT need discard suppot to get it going.

  22. David Earickson

    I’ve been working on a Omastar AR deck for a few weeks. The key to a deck that revolves around Omastar is Relicanth GE. Primal Calling for no energy allows you to grab three Fossil Trainers from your deck. All three can be discarded the next turn.

    A Relicanth start is a requirement for the deck to be consistent. You will usually get at least two Primal Callings before Relicanth is killed. Which allows for a quick 6-Fossils for the discard pile… at that point you are doing at least 90 damage for the rest of the game. Since it takes no energy, you can charge Omastar(s) on your bench to be ready to roll once Relicanth is gone.

    I don’t play Rare Candy. With Helix Fossil’s power Aqua Reaction, the deck plays like a stage 1. When attaching a water energy, you get to search your deck for a Omanyte and attach it; that means you can evolve it into Omastar the next turn.

    The deck is very Supporter heavy, I like the Porygon 2 idea. I’ve not tried that, but will test the build with it. My biggest issue has been the fact that I have extra supporters and not enough turns to play them. This may be the added piece the deck needs.

  23. Jona Jeffords

    We have been testing a Kabutops/Omastar deck out since Arceus released and I have to say that you do not want Omastar by itself because it takes 2 energies for it to attack and it only has 120 HP.

    In today’s game, going fast is definitely a major advantage and so Kabutops is the choice for leading the charge in this deck. However, only doing 70 damage is not so great once you reach turn 5 or 6, so Omastar is the obvious follow-up option.

    Anyway, we abandoned our fossil deck because we just couldn’t get it to to be as consistent as we like.

  24. Jona Jeffords

    We have been testing a Kabutops/Omastar deck out since Arceus released and I have to say that you do not want Omastar by itself because it takes 2 energies for it to attack and it only has 120 HP.

    In today’s game, going fast is definitely a major advantage and so Kabutops is the choice for leading the charge in this deck. However, only doing 70 damage is not so great once you reach turn 5 or 6, so Omastar is the obvious follow-up option.

    Anyway, we abandoned our fossil deck because we just couldn’t get it to to be as consistent as we like.

  25. George Derr

    I built a fossil deck when Arceus came out, but I ran Kabutops, Rampardos, and Aerodactyl with Claydol.

    The Arceus Kabuto, I feel, is superior to the Majestic Dawn version. Running four Dome Fossils gives you a good chance of setting up with one as your active. Rock Reaction immediately evolves it to Kabuto. The Fast Evolution attack allows you to pull TWO evolution cards. So, this allows you to pull your stage twos out or your Claydols out! On Turn two you can potentially be set with 1-2 stage twos out (if you have that Rare Candy handy). I found the major problem with the deck was not set up, but how fast it could recover from a setback. There were times when the Fossil Excavator card was handy and others when it was absolutely AWOL!

    Fossils are usually weak to Grass and/or Water. With Gyrados still being a chosen deck and the variety of SP’s being played, I judged this deck to be risky at best at Cities and went with Salemance. I went 2-3, so maybe I should have tried the Fossil Deck?!?

    I’ll let you know how it makes out in January!

  26. George Derr

    I built a fossil deck when Arceus came out, but I ran Kabutops, Rampardos, and Aerodactyl with Claydol.

    The Arceus Kabuto, I feel, is superior to the Majestic Dawn version. Running four Dome Fossils gives you a good chance of setting up with one as your active. Rock Reaction immediately evolves it to Kabuto. The Fast Evolution attack allows you to pull TWO evolution cards. So, this allows you to pull your stage twos out or your Claydols out! On Turn two you can potentially be set with 1-2 stage twos out (if you have that Rare Candy handy). I found the major problem with the deck was not set up, but how fast it could recover from a setback. There were times when the Fossil Excavator card was handy and others when it was absolutely AWOL!

    Fossils are usually weak to Grass and/or Water. With Gyrados still being a chosen deck and the variety of SP’s being played, I judged this deck to be risky at best at Cities and went with Salemance. I went 2-3, so maybe I should have tried the Fossil Deck?!?

    I’ll let you know how it makes out in January!

  27. GreenAiden555

    While I like the Rampardos idea, I’d have to say drop it. That leaves 12 open spaces, which can be used to beef up Omastar/Kabutops. I’d also toss around the idea of beefing up Claydol and dropping Uxie. I also think it’d be a good idea to try and sneak Regice and Regirock in there: Ice for obvious reasons, and rock for discard, and if it’s late enough in the game and you have fighting energies in the discard, you can power up Omastar and take energy from the discard pile and attack for a potential 70 per turn, which isn’t exactly bad.

    Just my thoughts. overall, I like the idea.

  28. GreenAiden555

    While I like the Rampardos idea, I’d have to say drop it. That leaves 12 open spaces, which can be used to beef up Omastar/Kabutops. I’d also toss around the idea of beefing up Claydol and dropping Uxie. I also think it’d be a good idea to try and sneak Regice and Regirock in there: Ice for obvious reasons, and rock for discard, and if it’s late enough in the game and you have fighting energies in the discard, you can power up Omastar and take energy from the discard pile and attack for a potential 70 per turn, which isn’t exactly bad.

    Just my thoughts. overall, I like the idea.

  29. great idea but their ias room 4 improvement such as not just basing it mainly on fossils but incorperating them into (for exapmple) a defensive based deck where ou atrget the sidlines and build you bench to deal massive damage etc.
    i like the idea so well done but improvement is needed

  30. CoMiT

    great idea but their ias room 4 improvement such as not just basing it mainly on fossils but incorperating them into (for exapmple) a defensive based deck where ou atrget the sidlines and build you bench to deal massive damage etc.
    i like the idea so well done but improvement is needed

  31. dannybeast

    I like the idea of a of a potent fossil deck and have been waiting for one for my whole life. I think this article is written well and is very informative. But although I like the idea this deck would never work out. It is to dang SLOW!!!!!! You cannot play a deck that has 4 stage2 pokemon without some effort to speed it up. I mean at least put a rare candy or two in. I say ditch the omastar and claydol. Be wary of staking your whole strategy on either rampardos or kabutops. Reason being that the deck is to slow to even hope for them both to get out before ur opponent destroys u. Except it is so hard to choose whether kabutops or rampardos should be in here because one stage2 is enough. But i will unfortunately have to choose rampardos on this one. Better retreat cost, a great pokebody and 80 damage for 1 friggin energy.

  32. dannybeast

    I like the idea of a of a potent fossil deck and have been waiting for one for my whole life. I think this article is written well and is very informative. But although I like the idea this deck would never work out. It is to dang SLOW!!!!!! You cannot play a deck that has 4 stage2 pokemon without some effort to speed it up. I mean at least put a rare candy or two in. I say ditch the omastar and claydol. Be wary of staking your whole strategy on either rampardos or kabutops. Reason being that the deck is to slow to even hope for them both to get out before ur opponent destroys u. Except it is so hard to choose whether kabutops or rampardos should be in here because one stage2 is enough. But i will unfortunately have to choose rampardos on this one. Better retreat cost, a great pokebody and 80 damage for 1 friggin energy.

  33. CoMiT

    Fossil decks cannot compete anymore, simply because of spiritomb. A first turn spiritomb is an auto loss for this deck. I do think however it is important that articles like this do continue to be posted on sixprizes, after all we don’t always want to hear about SPs despite their popularity.

  34. I think your article was very informative and gives alot of hope to a potentially awesome fossil deck, i think your list and ideas probebly reflect a pretty decent deck given you achieve your set-up. Excellent work.

  35. CoMiT

    Fossil decks cannot compete anymore, simply because of spiritomb. A first turn spiritomb is an auto loss for this deck. I do think however it is important that articles like this do continue to be posted on sixprizes, after all we don’t always want to hear about SPs despite their popularity.

  36. Michael Randolph

    I think your article was very informative and gives alot of hope to a potentially awesome fossil deck, i think your list and ideas probebly reflect a pretty decent deck given you achieve your set-up. Excellent work.

  37. John Rea

    Great deck, can u evolve in to kabutops using Dome Fossils Rock Reaction

  38. John Rea

    Great deck, can u evolve in to kabutops using Dome Fossils Rock Reaction

  39. Luke Santos

    the fossils are good but you can't play a fossil at the begining of the game or your first turn and the other basics you have aren't good for starts.

  40. Luke Santos

    the fossils are good but you can't play a fossil at the begining of the game or your first turn and the other basics you have aren't good for starts.

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