Hello guys! This is shinichigo (also known as Chinigo), from the Philippines!
I’ve been playing Pokémon since I was 3 (I’m not joking), and I’ve been playing for 10 years now. I’m more of a deck/card tester and analyser than a collector, but I do both. I help kids (and adults too!) in my place build their decks and I discuss strategies and tips with them.
Okay, let’s get down to business.
Let’s take a look first at Spiritomb’s Poké-Body: “Keystone Seal”. “Keystone Seal” prohibits each player to play Trainer cards. Now, this Poké-Body only works when Spiritomb is the Active Pokémon. This is both a nuisance and a blessing. Since majority of the players out there use certain Trainer Cards for either set-up, attack boost, etc., Spiritomb can shut them off, slowing your opponent’s gameplay. However, YOU can’t play Trainer Cards too! So, you get a bit slowed as well. T_T.
“Keystone Seal” can be paired with Gengar SF’s “Poltergeist”. Trainer Cards would get stuck in your opponent’s hand, courtesy of Spiritomb, and that’s where “Poltergeist” comes in! You can deliver as much as 90+ damage to your opponent, and for only 2 P Energy, that’s an efficient move!
“Keystone Seal” also pairs with Gliscor, but I won’t discuss that because there’s already an article on that…
Now, let’s take a look at Spiritomb’s attacks. “Darkness Grace” evolves one of your Pokémon, but at a cost; 10 damage to Spiritomb. When you really need to speed your game, “Darkness Grace” can aid you in setting up. Just be wise at using it; that 10 damage may give your opponent a chance to make a move against you (ex. Gengar LV.X’s “Compound Pain”). “Will-o’-the-wisp” is just a basic attack that does 10 damage for one Darkness energy. Nothing special. Actually, Spiritomb can fit in any deck. “Darkness Grace” does not demand any Energy at all, so it’s versatile.
Claydol GE – “Cosmic Power” ruins the “Poltergeist”-“Keystone Seal” combo. You opponent can put all his Trainer Cards back to his deck to lessen the damage “Poltergeist” will do.
Dialga G LV.X – “Time Crystal” completely shuts down “Keystone Seal”. The “Poltergeist”-“Keystone Seal” combo will do no good here. Your opponent now can play those Trainer Cards stuck in his hand.
So far, this is what I have observed. Feel free to post comments or suggestions! That would be a great aid for this article to be helpful to others.
If you let your Spiritomb to KO while setupping your game, it also triggers Upper Energy for you and some other effects as well (Machamp DP’s Revenge, Minun’s Power, Slowking’s Power, etc). Also, even if you’re on your own Spiritomb’s Trainer lock; when you have all needed trainers on your hand, you can retreat to get rid of the Trainer lock and start spamming Trainers to get your Pokémons out. Unless you play Switch or some other card with similar changing effect, your opponent can use Trainers on next turn.
Offtopic – Where abouts in the Philipines? I live in Australia, but have lots of filipino relatives. What’s the scene like over there? Are there any kind of organised play events?
That is a very good analysis. It is a good wall that can help you set up and can be sacrificed for upper energy. Good writing too.
I disagree. This is a below-average article with too many mistakes and a lack of focus. Don’t accept bad advice.
Chatot Lv.30 HP60
– Mimic
CC Chatter 20
The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
Weakness L+20
Resistance F-20
Retreat 0
55/100 MD
Surprised no one has mentioned it yet.
In short — Chatot attacks with Chatter. Spiritomb takes no damage because of resistance and is unable to retreat.
Chatot is a great counter to this, and has been at least relatively common in stage two decks since its release, if you play spiritomb AR you need to have a way around this just for the odd chance someone decides to try to lock you. Double colorless coming back will make chatter much more playable as a counter too.
Chatot is a great counter to this, and has been at least relatively common in stage two decks since its release, if you play spiritomb AR you need to have a way around this just for the odd chance someone decides to try to lock you. Double colorless coming back will make chatter much more playable as a counter too.
yer cant wait for double colourless to be released :)!!!!! it will totally reform curent decks and how game is played AGAIN
yer cant wait for double colourless to be released :)!!!!! it will totally reform curent decks and how game is played AGAIN
Chatot Lv.30 HP60
– Mimic
CC Chatter 20
The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
Weakness L+20
Resistance F-20
Retreat 0
55/100 MD
Surprised no one has mentioned it yet.
In short — Chatot attacks with Chatter. Spiritomb takes no damage because of resistance and is unable to retreat.
Chatot Lv.30 HP60
– Mimic
CC Chatter 20
The Defending Pokemon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
Weakness L+20
Resistance F-20
Retreat 0
55/100 MD
Surprised no one has mentioned it yet.
In short — Chatot attacks with Chatter. Spiritomb takes no damage because of resistance and is unable to retreat.
Chatot is a great counter to this, and has been at least relatively common in stage two decks since its release, if you play spiritomb AR you need to have a way around this just for the odd chance someone decides to try to lock you. Double colorless coming back will make chatter much more playable as a counter too.
yer cant wait for double colourless to be released :)!!!!! it will totally reform curent decks and how game is played AGAIN
^ unless you play some Warp Energies or have Skuntank G & Stidium in play, attach Unown G to it or evolve 6 Pokémon to get rid of your Spiritomb. xP
Spiritomb can be great as a starter the only hesitation I have with it is that it does damage to itself and thus is an easy KO for many cards in the format. Use it to stall and possibly set-up if you have room for it in your deck, but don’t rely on it because if you do you may just be giving your opponent the edge. Like most newer starters Jirachi RR, Spiritomb, etc. its very luck dependent whether it be having basics on the bench or supporters in your hand I just think the old standbys in Sableye and Pachirishu are better bets because you know exactly what you are getting. Good article and this card will be played a lot to see what it works in, and someone will find the perfect list to exploit its benefits while minimizing its shortcomings.
Hey, I forgot Chatot MD, but yes, Warp Energy will do it. XD
Thanks LaprasLover! I’m a perfectionist at writing, you see. XD
where are you in the Philippines?? Im in Manila…
Oh no. DCE would even boost Chatot. We need to find new ways to go around with it and make Spiritomb triumph! :D
Lol, we’ll have to watch out for all the rogue chatot decks!!!
Ok, that I think would be my next article; Countering Chatot. :D
If you let your Spiritomb to KO while setupping your game, it also triggers Upper Energy for you and some other effects as well (Machamp DP’s Revenge, Minun’s Power, Slowking’s Power, etc). Also, even if you’re on your own Spiritomb’s Trainer lock; when you have all needed trainers on your hand, you can retreat to get rid of the Trainer lock and start spamming Trainers to get your Pokémons out. Unless you play Switch or some other card with similar changing effect, your opponent can use Trainers on next turn.
If you let your Spiritomb to KO while setupping your game, it also triggers Upper Energy for you and some other effects as well (Machamp DP’s Revenge, Minun’s Power, Slowking’s Power, etc). Also, even if you’re on your own Spiritomb’s Trainer lock; when you have all needed trainers on your hand, you can retreat to get rid of the Trainer lock and start spamming Trainers to get your Pokémons out. Unless you play Switch or some other card with similar changing effect, your opponent can use Trainers on next turn.
Offtopic – Where abouts in the Philipines? I live in Australia, but have lots of filipino relatives. What’s the scene like over there? Are there any kind of organised play events?
Offtopic – Where abouts in the Philipines? I live in Australia, but have lots of filipino relatives. What’s the scene like over there? Are there any kind of organised play events?
That is a very good analysis. It is a good wall that can help you set up and can be sacrificed for upper energy. Good writing too.
I disagree. This is a below-average article with too many mistakes and a lack of focus. Don’t accept bad advice.
I disagree. This is a below-average article with too many mistakes and a lack of focus. Don’t accept bad advice.
That is a very good analysis. It is a good wall that can help you set up and can be sacrificed for upper energy. Good writing too.
^ unless you play some Warp Energies or have Skuntank G & Stidium in play, attach Unown G to it or evolve 6 Pokémon to get rid of your Spiritomb. xP
Spiritomb can be great as a starter the only hesitation I have with it is that it does damage to itself and thus is an easy KO for many cards in the format. Use it to stall and possibly set-up if you have room for it in your deck, but don’t rely on it because if you do you may just be giving your opponent the edge. Like most newer starters Jirachi RR, Spiritomb, etc. its very luck dependent whether it be having basics on the bench or supporters in your hand I just think the old standbys in Sableye and Pachirishu are better bets because you know exactly what you are getting. Good article and this card will be played a lot to see what it works in, and someone will find the perfect list to exploit its benefits while minimizing its shortcomings.
Hey, I forgot Chatot MD, but yes, Warp Energy will do it. XD
Thanks LaprasLover! I’m a perfectionist at writing, you see. XD
Hey, I forgot Chatot MD, but yes, Warp Energy will do it. XD
Thanks LaprasLover! I’m a perfectionist at writing, you see. XD
where are you in the Philippines?? Im in Manila…
where are you in the Philippines?? Im in Manila…
Oh no. DCE would even boost Chatot. We need to find new ways to go around with it and make Spiritomb triumph! :D
Oh no. DCE would even boost Chatot. We need to find new ways to go around with it and make Spiritomb triumph! :D
Nice analysis.
Lol, we’ll have to watch out for all the rogue chatot decks!!!
Lol, we’ll have to watch out for all the rogue chatot decks!!!
Ok, that I think would be my next article; Countering Chatot. :D
Ok, that I think would be my next article; Countering Chatot. :D
Nice analysis.
Nice analysis.
This card really helps out Stage 2 Decks in this format. Shutting down trainers means no Sp Radar, Power Spray, Poke Turns and other Galactic Inventions ( Well there really aren’t any more besides damage porter -,- ) . Darkness Grace , as you mentioned, is an extra boost to speed up evolving your Baltoy and other Pokemon. With the High Energy cost in Stage 2 Decks, Upper can be used if you are willing to sacrifice the Spiritomb. Unown Q is an amazing tech to give spiritomb free retreat.
All in all, This card SLOWS down SP decks, Speeds up Stage 2 Decks. I LIKE :)
This card really helps out Stage 2 Decks in this format. Shutting down trainers means no Sp Radar, Power Spray, Poke Turns and other Galactic Inventions ( Well there really aren’t any more besides damage porter -,- ) . Darkness Grace , as you mentioned, is an extra boost to speed up evolving your Baltoy and other Pokemon. With the High Energy cost in Stage 2 Decks, Upper can be used if you are willing to sacrifice the Spiritomb. Unown Q is an amazing tech to give spiritomb free retreat.
All in all, This card SLOWS down SP decks, Speeds up Stage 2 Decks. I LIKE :)
This card really helps out Stage 2 Decks in this format. Shutting down trainers means no Sp Radar, Power Spray, Poke Turns and other Galactic Inventions ( Well there really aren’t any more besides damage porter -,- ) . Darkness Grace , as you mentioned, is an extra boost to speed up evolving your Baltoy and other Pokemon. With the High Energy cost in Stage 2 Decks, Upper can be used if you are willing to sacrifice the Spiritomb. Unown Q is an amazing tech to give spiritomb free retreat.
All in all, This card SLOWS down SP decks, Speeds up Stage 2 Decks. I LIKE :)
I can’t wait until Resistance 3 comes out!
Post Bookmarked.
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