Take a moment to thoroughly look over Dialga G LV.X’s scan. This article shouldn’t sway you toward this card, because any great Pokémon player can see it’s potential already with their own two eyes.
In my opinion, this card has been thrown into the closet ever since Rising Rivals came out, but why? It still has major potential in a meta where Poké-Body’s and Poké-Powers rule the format.
First off, Dialga G LV.X has it’s pros and cons like most cards (let’s save the discussion about Flygon LV.X for another day), it has a decent amount of 120 HP followed by a Weakness of x2 to Fire and a Resistance of -20 to Psychic. When dealing with SPs, you already know it’s going to have a x2 Weakness and most likely a -20 Resistance to one type of Pokémon, so all and all, Dialga G LV.X doesn’t look too bad already. Granted, a Fire Weakness in a format where Blaziken FB is extremely popular is not a good thing, but it can be countered if you pair Dialga G LV.X with other techs such as Palkia G or even a lesser known SP such as Empoleon FB / Quagsire GL.
Anyway, Dialga G LV.X truly shines through it’s Poké Body: Time Crystal. The cool name isn’t the most spectacular part about this Poké-Body because it allows no other Poké-Bodys (not including SPs) to function. Goodbye Flygon LV.X, Mewtwo LV.X, and Machamp LV.X. With this Poké-Body, you are shutting out several deck strategies such as the Flygon deck out, Machamp’s ‘No Guard’ if you have a Pokémon Guard’ed, or Mewtwo LV.X’s ‘Psybarrier’ to prevent you from attacking with SPs. This factor alone gives Dialga G LV.X some thought to be tech’ed into an SP deck.
Next, Dialga G LV.X’s ‘Remove Lost’ can grant the attacking player some pretty heavy damage as well as a great effect. Moving energies to the Lost Zone doesn’t sound so great on paper, but try playing Dialga G LV.X and see the chaos this attack brings. Although energy heavy itself, requiring 2 M Energies as well as 2 Colorless, Remove Lost definitely has the bang for it’s buck with an Energy Gain and a Special M Energy or two if you ask me.
This article hasn’t even covered the regular form of Dialga G yet, which helps against almost every deck in the format. ‘Deafen’ doesn’t allow the Defending player to play any trainers or stadiums from their hand during their next turn, which slows down almost any SP deck as well as Gyarados and Stage 2’s as well. The inability to play Rare Candys, Energy Gains, Poké Drawer + and Pokémon Rescue/Night Maintenance can give you the one almost automatically. If your opponent is playing a 1-0-1 line for a tech, they can’t set that tech up without the use of Rare Candy. This attack, followed by Second Strike, which can do up to 70 damage for 3 or 2 with an Energy Gain are overpowering reasons to play Dialga G LV.X.
Finally, if you’ve made it this far through this unnecessary novel, you’ll understand that Dialga G has a lot going for it. Pairing the card with other SPs such as Garchomp C, Luxray GL, or Palkia G can be great decks. You can even pair Dialga G LV.X with a Stage 2 deck if necessary, but be sure to watch out for Poké-Body reliant cards in those decks.
Here’s the shortened guide for you lazy folk:
No Poké-Bodies (excluding SP)
Moving energy’s to the Lost Zone
120 HP, Psychic Resistance, SP Card
Special M Energy’s can reduce amount taken
2 Energy Retreat (Nothing Poké Turn/Switch can’t take care of!)
Fire Weakness (Special Metals may help you here)
Could be slow setting up (Run 3-4 Call Energy as well as 3-4 Energy Gains to avoid this!)
Thanks for reading, hope some people play this card at the upcoming State’s / Regionals, otherwise – prepare to test against this beast!
Not to be a jerk, but the front page needs more interesting articles or none at all. Not to say this isn’t written well, but come on? Another Dialga analysis?
Yessir, Dialga G Lv.X is one of the best cards of 2009, and can fit into every SP deck. Deafen puts your opponent in a Trainer lock for 1 energy and an Energy Gain. Level Max for the Lv.X, and you know have them on a Body Lock. With Power Spray, you are stopping/limiting Trainers, Bodies, and Powers with one card! It’s not a great attacker, but just use Switch when it’s necessary.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing after I wrote the artile Colin haha. I just kind of wanted to write a Card of the Day article and I saw DGX didn’t have one yet. :x
Not to be a jerk, but the front page needs more interesting articles or none at all. Not to say this isn’t written well, but come on? Another Dialga analysis?
Not to be a jerk, but the front page needs more interesting articles or none at all. Not to say this isn’t written well, but come on? Another Dialga analysis?
“In my opinion, this card has been thrown into the closet ever since Rising Rivals came out, but why? It still has major potential in a meta where Poke-Body’s and Poke-Powers rule the format.”
How can you say that when Dialga G/Garchomp C is widely considered to be the bdif. (or at least, one of the best decks)
Yessir, Dialga G Lv.X is one of the best cards of 2009, and can fit into every SP deck. Deafen puts your opponent in a Trainer lock for 1 energy and an Energy Gain. Level Max for the Lv.X, and you know have them on a Body Lock. With Power Spray, you are stopping/limiting Trainers, Bodies, and Powers with one card! It’s not a great attacker, but just use Switch when it’s necessary.
Yessir, Dialga G Lv.X is one of the best cards of 2009, and can fit into every SP deck. Deafen puts your opponent in a Trainer lock for 1 energy and an Energy Gain. Level Max for the Lv.X, and you know have them on a Body Lock. With Power Spray, you are stopping/limiting Trainers, Bodies, and Powers with one card! It’s not a great attacker, but just use Switch when it’s necessary.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing after I wrote the artile Colin haha. I just kind of wanted to write a Card of the Day article and I saw DGX didn’t have one yet. :x
Yeah I was thinking the same thing after I wrote the artile Colin haha. I just kind of wanted to write a Card of the Day article and I saw DGX didn’t have one yet. :x
I mean’t like UNTIL now. I should have stated that clearly. After PA, it’s become big again, but I hadn’t heard of it at all before that (I started playing between PL and RR).
Very good report, Dialga G Lv.X is a great card.
Yeah, I mean no disrespect of course. And Dialga IS pretty epic.
Hah, yup. Lost to it with my Palkia Lock deck at the last CC.
If you look at the published threads waiting to be approved under the ‘Submit an Article’ section of the site though, there are barely any. So, as long as the article is well-written, he approves most I would say articles.
That’s why Adam keeps posting these Dialga G threads, because he wants to put out an article frequently enough for the community. We just need some more originality to spunk up the site :)
That’s what I’m going to try and do next – write a good article on an underrated deck.
“In my opinion, this card has been thrown into the closet ever since Rising Rivals came out, but why? It still has major potential in a meta where Poke-Body’s and Poke-Powers rule the format.”
How can you say that when Dialga G/Garchomp C is widely considered to be the bdif. (or at least, one of the best decks)
“In my opinion, this card has been thrown into the closet ever since Rising Rivals came out, but why? It still has major potential in a meta where Poke-Body’s and Poke-Powers rule the format.”
How can you say that when Dialga G/Garchomp C is widely considered to be the bdif. (or at least, one of the best decks)
I mean’t like UNTIL now. I should have stated that clearly. After PA, it’s become big again, but I hadn’t heard of it at all before that (I started playing between PL and RR).
I mean’t like UNTIL now. I should have stated that clearly. After PA, it’s become big again, but I hadn’t heard of it at all before that (I started playing between PL and RR).
Very good report, Dialga G Lv.X is a great card.
Very good report, Dialga G Lv.X is a great card.
Yeah, I mean no disrespect of course. And Dialga IS pretty epic.
Yeah, I mean no disrespect of course. And Dialga IS pretty epic.
Hah, yup. Lost to it with my Palkia Lock deck at the last CC.
If you look at the published threads waiting to be approved under the ‘Submit an Article’ section of the site though, there are barely any. So, as long as the article is well-written, he approves most I would say articles.
That’s why Adam keeps posting these Dialga G threads, because he wants to put out an article frequently enough for the community. We just need some more originality to spunk up the site :)
That’s what I’m going to try and do next – write a good article on an underrated deck.
Hah, yup. Lost to it with my Palkia Lock deck at the last CC.
If you look at the published threads waiting to be approved under the ‘Submit an Article’ section of the site though, there are barely any. So, as long as the article is well-written, he approves most I would say articles.
That’s why Adam keeps posting these Dialga G threads, because he wants to put out an article frequently enough for the community. We just need some more originality to spunk up the site :)
That’s what I’m going to try and do next – write a good article on an underrated deck.
Wait a second, dialga g was thrown in the closet when rr was released but after arceus, it came out of the closet (that sounds wrong). Dialga garchomp is tearing the format apart.
Haha, yeah that does sound awkward.
I apologize for the misunderstanding in my article, but above I responded to another user and re-worded what I meant.
I agree that Dialga G/Garchomp C is considered to be the BDIF at the moment, even though I don’t play it.
Haha, yeah that does sound awkward.
I apologize for the misunderstanding in my article, but above I responded to another user and re-worded what I meant.
I agree that Dialga G/Garchomp C is considered to be the BDIF at the moment, even though I don’t play it.
Wait a second, dialga g was thrown in the closet when rr was released but after arceus, it came out of the closet (that sounds wrong). Dialga garchomp is tearing the format apart.
Wait a second, dialga g was thrown in the closet when rr was released but after arceus, it came out of the closet (that sounds wrong). Dialga garchomp is tearing the format apart.
Haha, yeah that does sound awkward.
I apologize for the misunderstanding in my article, but above I responded to another user and re-worded what I meant.
I agree that Dialga G/Garchomp C is considered to be the BDIF at the moment, even though I don’t play it.
great card this is!
Awesome article!
Thanks! Even though it is getting quite trite, I must agree. Same goes to Palkia Lock articles.
great card this is!
Awesome article!
great card this is!
Awesome article!
Thanks! Even though it is getting quite trite, I must agree. Same goes to Palkia Lock articles.
Thanks! Even though it is getting quite trite, I must agree. Same goes to Palkia Lock articles.
I have to disagree with you calling Blaziken FB “extremely popular.” Maybe the first two weekends of CC’s, but since then it’s leveled out. I haven’t seen Blaziken FB in a while.
I don’t know, at my last CC (December 19th), I played my first 2 games against BlazeRay w/ different techs.
So out of 6 in Swiss, I versed 2. Although none got to the T8, which shows you that BlazeRay is not a Tier 1 deck by any means, or, at least not if it doesn’t have a special list.
I have to disagree with you calling Blaziken FB “extremely popular.” Maybe the first two weekends of CC’s, but since then it’s leveled out. I haven’t seen Blaziken FB in a while.
I have to disagree with you calling Blaziken FB “extremely popular.” Maybe the first two weekends of CC’s, but since then it’s leveled out. I haven’t seen Blaziken FB in a while.
I don’t know, at my last CC (December 19th), I played my first 2 games against BlazeRay w/ different techs.
So out of 6 in Swiss, I versed 2. Although none got to the T8, which shows you that BlazeRay is not a Tier 1 deck by any means, or, at least not if it doesn’t have a special list.
I don’t know, at my last CC (December 19th), I played my first 2 games against BlazeRay w/ different techs.
So out of 6 in Swiss, I versed 2. Although none got to the T8, which shows you that BlazeRay is not a Tier 1 deck by any means, or, at least not if it doesn’t have a special list.
I used this guy week 1 of states. Had a build with toxitank, 4 sp metals, and claydol. That was it. Almost a year later some people are seeing this card as good for the first time. He was just as valid back then, moreso because week 1 GeChamp wasn’t around, and it autowon gengar and machamp separately. Basically, I don’t see him as a secret weapon. He was my secret weapon when I was TESTING him 1 year ago (I tested DGX during CCs, and used Obama (my president :D) for CCs, but now he is not a secret weapon.
Team R’s Iron Hand of Justice.
the deck changed a total of 4 cards from last year (we tested with promocroak- we assumed we would get it) to current CCs. i would hardly call it a secret weapon. more like people not seeing the BDIF. martin moreno won TX regionals with it, we won numerous states with it- it has been out forever.
but yes, it is a great card.
willy g: i think level max is really really really bad for dialga g x. you don’t need a body lock that early. the only time you do is to shut off spiritomb, and you can’t stop spiritomb by trying to level max- you can’t play it down. level max is bad when you can use premier ball or sp radar and warp energy or just attack. he is one of the best attackers in the game.
Yup, totally agree with the Level Max idea. Which is why I didn’t include it in my article.
Anyways, the title was more of a figure of speech. I didn’t mean it’s a secret, because it is considered to be one of the BDIF at the moment, if not THE BDIF.
Anyhow, like I said earlier, I haven’t been playing prior to Rising Rivals. I stopped after Neo-Genesis came out and recently got back in between the PL-RR pre-releases.
Thanks though everyone who likes the article :)
Personally, I like Level Max just for its ability to get a one turn Lv.X, but I really really really like speed simply for the psychological advantage and I understand why many people disagree with me.
Vergel, I really disagree with Dialga being “one of the best attackers in the game.” Deafen is only good for the lock, but gives Dialga no credibility as an attacker because it only does 10 damage and is thus incredibly slow. Second strike is okay at best, taking 2-3 hits to KO a Pokkemon, and Remove Lost would only be good in the time of Base Set Charizard; it is one of the most overpriced attacks out there right now.
I agree that dialga g is a better defensive pokemon than an attacker with special metals attached and that it’s moves are overpriced. However, the effect of its attacks make it playable, energy gain can help take away some of the cost to its attacks, and with a stadium and Skuntank g in place as well as an expert belt attached you get a total of 50 damage to your opponents active(non sp) by the next turn. Yes it requires some set-up, but 50 and trainer locked is not mediocre. Support is key to Dialga.
I used this guy week 1 of states. Had a build with toxitank, 4 sp metals, and claydol. That was it. Almost a year later some people are seeing this card as good for the first time. He was just as valid back then, moreso because week 1 GeChamp wasn’t around, and it autowon gengar and machamp separately. Basically, I don’t see him as a secret weapon. He was my secret weapon when I was TESTING him 1 year ago (I tested DGX during CCs, and used Obama (my president :D) for CCs, but now he is not a secret weapon.
Team R’s Iron Hand of Justice.
I used this guy week 1 of states. Had a build with toxitank, 4 sp metals, and claydol. That was it. Almost a year later some people are seeing this card as good for the first time. He was just as valid back then, moreso because week 1 GeChamp wasn’t around, and it autowon gengar and machamp separately. Basically, I don’t see him as a secret weapon. He was my secret weapon when I was TESTING him 1 year ago (I tested DGX during CCs, and used Obama (my president :D) for CCs, but now he is not a secret weapon.
Team R’s Iron Hand of Justice.
the deck changed a total of 4 cards from last year (we tested with promocroak- we assumed we would get it) to current CCs. i would hardly call it a secret weapon. more like people not seeing the BDIF. martin moreno won TX regionals with it, we won numerous states with it- it has been out forever.
but yes, it is a great card.
willy g: i think level max is really really really bad for dialga g x. you don’t need a body lock that early. the only time you do is to shut off spiritomb, and you can’t stop spiritomb by trying to level max- you can’t play it down. level max is bad when you can use premier ball or sp radar and warp energy or just attack. he is one of the best attackers in the game.
the deck changed a total of 4 cards from last year (we tested with promocroak- we assumed we would get it) to current CCs. i would hardly call it a secret weapon. more like people not seeing the BDIF. martin moreno won TX regionals with it, we won numerous states with it- it has been out forever.
but yes, it is a great card.
willy g: i think level max is really really really bad for dialga g x. you don’t need a body lock that early. the only time you do is to shut off spiritomb, and you can’t stop spiritomb by trying to level max- you can’t play it down. level max is bad when you can use premier ball or sp radar and warp energy or just attack. he is one of the best attackers in the game.
Yup, totally agree with the Level Max idea. Which is why I didn’t include it in my article.
Anyways, the title was more of a figure of speech. I didn’t mean it’s a secret, because it is considered to be one of the BDIF at the moment, if not THE BDIF.
Anyhow, like I said earlier, I haven’t been playing prior to Rising Rivals. I stopped after Neo-Genesis came out and recently got back in between the PL-RR pre-releases.
Thanks though everyone who likes the article :)
Yup, totally agree with the Level Max idea. Which is why I didn’t include it in my article.
Anyways, the title was more of a figure of speech. I didn’t mean it’s a secret, because it is considered to be one of the BDIF at the moment, if not THE BDIF.
Anyhow, like I said earlier, I haven’t been playing prior to Rising Rivals. I stopped after Neo-Genesis came out and recently got back in between the PL-RR pre-releases.
Thanks though everyone who likes the article :)
Personally, I like Level Max just for its ability to get a one turn Lv.X, but I really really really like speed simply for the psychological advantage and I understand why many people disagree with me.
Vergel, I really disagree with Dialga being “one of the best attackers in the game.” Deafen is only good for the lock, but gives Dialga no credibility as an attacker because it only does 10 damage and is thus incredibly slow. Second strike is okay at best, taking 2-3 hits to KO a Pokkemon, and Remove Lost would only be good in the time of Base Set Charizard; it is one of the most overpriced attacks out there right now.
I agree that dialga g is a better defensive pokemon than an attacker with special metals attached and that it’s moves are overpriced. However, the effect of its attacks make it playable, energy gain can help take away some of the cost to its attacks, and with a stadium and Skuntank g in place as well as an expert belt attached you get a total of 50 damage to your opponents active(non sp) by the next turn. Yes it requires some set-up, but 50 and trainer locked is not mediocre. Support is key to Dialga.
“Thrown into the closet”? REALLY where do u play cause I’d love to play in an area where DGX is still underapreciated. Sorry but u really lost me with that line. I can’t begin to believe anyone would think Dialga G (& its level X)is ” thrown into the closet. I’ve seen non sp decks play this guy as a tech just to shut off powers. Way to drop the (poke)ball with this one.
Once again (3rd time now if you guys would just read the comments), I apologize for stating that. I had meant before the Dialga G/Garchomp C deck became popular. From Rising Rivals through the start of Platinum Arceus I hadn’t heard much of Dialga G at tournaments.
Either way, I wasn’t playing prior to the Rising Rivals pre-release, so if it was really popular back then than excuse me.
“Thrown into the closet”? REALLY where do u play cause I’d love to play in an area where DGX is still underapreciated. Sorry but u really lost me with that line. I can’t begin to believe anyone would think Dialga G (& its level X)is ” thrown into the closet. I’ve seen non sp decks play this guy as a tech just to shut off powers. Way to drop the (poke)ball with this one.
Once again (3rd time now if you guys would just read the comments), I apologize for stating that. I had meant before the Dialga G/Garchomp C deck became popular. From Rising Rivals through the start of Platinum Arceus I hadn’t heard much of Dialga G at tournaments.
Either way, I wasn’t playing prior to the Rising Rivals pre-release, so if it was really popular back then than excuse me.
Do you think you could tank up a bastiodon (metal trait) with an expert belt attached?
150 hp-
special metal energy-
Expert belt heals him between turns-
First attack has 50% chance of blocking an attack-
Instead of expert belt you could equip him with memory berry and use shieldon’s (mysterious treasures) hard face to block even more damage, combined with 2 special metal you could block 40 damage and heal between turns!
good idea jimbo!!
thanks, can u think of any other combos?
Bastiodon is hard to make work because it lacks three traits that diagla g has. 1: it is not a basic it is a stage 2 so it suffers in speed. 2: it evolves from a fossil in a format with numerous trainer locking cards. 3: it has no cheap attacks so it needs multiple turns to charge up even if you can turn 1 rare candy evolve. If you are a fan of metal pokemon dialga g seems to be your only playable option as a main attacker.
Do you think you could tank up a bastiodon (metal trait) with an expert belt attached?
150 hp-
special metal energy-
Expert belt heals him between turns-
First attack has 50% chance of blocking an attack-
Instead of expert belt you could equip him with memory berry and use shieldon’s (mysterious treasures) hard face to block even more damage, combined with 2 special metal you could block 40 damage and heal between turns!
good idea jimbo!!
thanks, can u think of any other combos?
Bastiodon is hard to make work because it lacks three traits that diagla g has. 1: it is not a basic it is a stage 2 so it suffers in speed. 2: it evolves from a fossil in a format with numerous trainer locking cards. 3: it has no cheap attacks so it needs multiple turns to charge up even if you can turn 1 rare candy evolve. If you are a fan of metal pokemon dialga g seems to be your only playable option as a main attacker.
2 for 50 or 2 for 70 with an energy gain- those are great energy to damage ratios
nice resistance
good weakness (only 2 playable fire pokemon, and they are SP)
remove lost is one of the most devestating attacks in the game. maybe you havent been at the receiving end of one of these? it might be a 2HKO, but a simple heads can deny your opponent a turn.
it is a GREAT attacker. deafen is one of the best attacks in the game- second strike has some of the strongest damage:energy ratio, and remove lost is one of the most crippling disruptive attacks- all on a high HP basic with good weakness/resistance and amazing support possibilities.
not a good attacker? yeah right- then why does he completely run the deck for 80% of its attacks?
2 for 50 or 2 for 70 with an energy gain- those are great energy to damage ratios
nice resistance
good weakness (only 2 playable fire pokemon, and they are SP)
remove lost is one of the most devestating attacks in the game. maybe you havent been at the receiving end of one of these? it might be a 2HKO, but a simple heads can deny your opponent a turn.
it is a GREAT attacker. deafen is one of the best attacks in the game- second strike has some of the strongest damage:energy ratio, and remove lost is one of the most crippling disruptive attacks- all on a high HP basic with good weakness/resistance and amazing support possibilities.
not a good attacker? yeah right- then why does he completely run the deck for 80% of its attacks?
Well one of the two fire Pokemon it’s weak to happens to be the centerpiece of probably one of the top three decks right now (BlazeRay), so its definitely not a great weakness. Luxray GL Lv.X, probably the most popular card right now, is very resistant to this guy.
Dialga cannot afford to stop using Deafen in this metagame. Allowing trainer play for even one turn will defeat the entire point of the deck. Letting your opponent play all those trainers theyve been keeping in their hand really isnt worth it for a 2HKO.
To me, a great attacker is a Pokemon that can dish out the damage. In the current metagame, Dialga G Lv.X is just not as capable as alot of good attackers out there, and while it is GREAT for stalling, which seems to be the base of its deck, it cannot deal the damage quickly enough or in a large enough quantity to be a great attacker. While Dialga/Garchomp is a great deck right now, I believe that as soon as a card is released that has any way around the trainer lock, even a little bit, this deck will collapse due to lack of true attack power.
Well one of the two fire Pokemon it’s weak to happens to be the centerpiece of probably one of the top three decks right now (BlazeRay), so its definitely not a great weakness. Luxray GL Lv.X, probably the most popular card right now, is very resistant to this guy.
Dialga cannot afford to stop using Deafen in this metagame. Allowing trainer play for even one turn will defeat the entire point of the deck. Letting your opponent play all those trainers theyve been keeping in their hand really isnt worth it for a 2HKO.
To me, a great attacker is a Pokemon that can dish out the damage. In the current metagame, Dialga G Lv.X is just not as capable as alot of good attackers out there, and while it is GREAT for stalling, which seems to be the base of its deck, it cannot deal the damage quickly enough or in a large enough quantity to be a great attacker. While Dialga/Garchomp is a great deck right now, I believe that as soon as a card is released that has any way around the trainer lock, even a little bit, this deck will collapse due to lack of true attack power.
by playing mismagius gl lvx you could first play energy gain with a metal energy. next turn pick up the energy gain with mismagius gl lvx and replace it with expert belt and play another enrgy. it would be hard to get it going but it seems viable
by playing mismagius gl lvx you could first play energy gain with a metal energy. next turn pick up the energy gain with mismagius gl lvx and replace it with expert belt and play another enrgy. it would be hard to get it going but it seems viable
by playing mismagius gl lvx you could first play energy gain with a metal energy. next turn pick up the energy gain with mismagius gl lvx and replace it with expert belt and play another enrgy. it would be hard to get it going but it seems viable
Deafen is intense that’s an awesome move, to be use with time crystal. great combo.
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