In Stores FEBRUARY 10, 2010
MSRP for Theme Decks: $11.99 / MSRP for Booster Packs: $3.79
Ultra-Cool Pokémon In All-New Card Designs Revealed in HeartGold & SoulSilver!
Pokémon are the heart and soul of any great Pokémon Trainer, and now is your chance to catch some of the greatest Pokémon of all time with the all-new Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG): HeartGold & SoulSilver! New kinds of cards will change the way you play-like Pokémon Prime and the astonishing Pokémon legends Ho-Oh and Lugia-plus you’ll find lots of Trainer cards that will accelerate your game and select Energy cards with a brand-new look. The HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion will get you started on your journey to greatness!
With more than 120 cards, the brand-new Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion will arrive in stores nationwide on February 10, 2010.
Features of the new Pokémon TCG:HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion:
· All-new card designs that give the set a unique look
· Introducing 2 dual-card Pokémon LEGENDS (Ho-Oh and Lugia)
· Discover 6 amazing Pokémon Prime (Ampharos, Blissey, Donphan, Feraligatr, Meganium, and Typhlosion)
For more information, visit
© 2010 Pokémon. © 1995-2010 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ®, and character names are trademarks of Nintendo.
f**k yer i love thsi series!!!
can’t wait it will be epic
Epic indeed. I just bought 2 Japanese Donphan Prime’s from eBay. ReDONKulous.
Not sure where you are from, but in the US Japanese cards after the Supreme Victors expansion are not tournament legal, just a heads up.
You can use up to 6 JPN cards in your deck (Including energies)
Yeah. I’m from Chicago. As of right now, 10% of your deck may be foreign. 6 cards. But I did here this is the last season they are allowing ANY foreign cards…
I also agree with Brandon on this. I cant wait a whole new wave a cards awesome.
This set is definatly interesting. If you ask me I think thay are trying to slow down the game a bit! I haven’t seen anything I really like yet but I might!
This set is definatly interesting. If you ask me I think thay are trying to slow down the game a bit! I haven’t seen anything I really like yet but I might!
Slow it down, DCE makes Garchomp C a beast
Slow it down, DCE makes Garchomp C a beast
You have to be very naive to think there won’t be a rotation of all the D/P/Pt cards after Worlds.
That would be insane. There is no way they will rotate all of those cards. They would lose so many players, including myself. It has to be more gradual.
Think about it, though:
By Worlds, we’ll have about 3 HG/SS sets, which will come to about 300-400 (450 if they do it right) cards. That’s enough to build a few good decks. Now, by NEXT year’s Worlds, we’ll have around 7 sets, which means we’ll have between 700-900 different cards to choose from. Not to mention that D/P/Pt cards thrash anything that came out before the Diamond and Pearl set, and the two most broken cards/effects are coming back (DCE and Raindance say hi).
Plus, how are they going to make money when people keep playing with old decks?
Also, transition from Gen II to Gen II says hi.
Slow it down, DCE makes Garchomp C a beast
This set is definatly interesting. If you ask me I think thay are trying to slow down the game a bit! I haven’t seen anything I really like yet but I might!
Slow it down, DCE makes Garchomp C a beast
You have to be very naive to think there won’t be a rotation of all the D/P/Pt cards after Worlds.
That would be insane. There is no way they will rotate all of those cards. They would lose so many players, including myself. It has to be more gradual.
Think about it, though:
By Worlds, we’ll have about 3 HG/SS sets, which will come to about 300-400 (450 if they do it right) cards. That’s enough to build a few good decks. Now, by NEXT year’s Worlds, we’ll have around 7 sets, which means we’ll have between 700-900 different cards to choose from. Not to mention that D/P/Pt cards thrash anything that came out before the Diamond and Pearl set, and the two most broken cards/effects are coming back (DCE and Raindance say hi).
Plus, how are they going to make money when people keep playing with old decks?
Also, transition from Gen II to Gen II says hi.
So I have a question, can I still use my lv.x cards when this new sets comes out or are all of my old cards void?
What decks are good also? I was thinking of using a garchomp donphan deck but idk…
I agree with Brandon. If you look at a lot of the cards, it is taking more energy to use moves. I wonder if this set will be a hit just because of the double colorless energy. Although I only see Ho-oh Legends getting played with the poke’body of every energy is fire energy…but with Dialga G running around…
True that moves do seem to be requiring more energy, but DCE is too crazy for Pokemon to keep the energy requirement low.
DCE is going to single-handedly revolutionize the game (once again) if you ask me.
Expect to see a TON of Flygon, Garchomp, and Gallade/Gardevoir.
Ampharos(HS) and Garchomp (SV) are going to own pretty soon. The sooner you get Ampharos out the sooner it does damage every turn.
Sadly no broken Ursaring or Crobat…yet ^_^ probably a good thing for now. Prime Ursaring is going to be best friends with colorless energy and Crobat G….Prime Crobat…is just very ugly…and wrong.
You can still use all Lv.Xs from all sets that are currety legal. Some sets may be rotated after Worlds, but until then everything is still good. Pokemon Prime are considered the same card, so you would only be able to have a total of 4 in any combination of, for example Blissey and Blissey Prime, and yes, you may Level Up pokemon prime. So, for Raichu, your list could be 1 Raichu, 2 Raichu Prime, and 1 Raichu Lv.X.
Looks like a few of the Supporters and Trainers(Goods) cards will be playable along with about half of the Pokemon Prime and Double Colorless, but not a whole lot else to like, but hey people will always find some combos that are hard to see at first. Feraligatr and Typhlosion Prime look to be great 1-0-1 or 2-1-2 techs.
Thank you for telling me that, no I can buy the garchomp tin with 0 fears!
Do you guys know if Double Colorless is supposed to have the same wording as the old ones?
Everything I’ve seen online about the new DCE is that it will have the same wording as the Base Set print. A lot of the cards from this new set need DCE because of the return to higher energy requirements and lower damage output that seems to be occuring. However, DCE really shine in that they are going to make Garchomp C Lv. X, Flygon Decks, Tank SP’s like Palkia/Dialga much faster and as such even more of a headache for those of us not playing them. They may even make cards like Regigigas SP/Snorlax/Turtwig Gl/etc. Possibly playable.
Will we be able to use the DCE’s that we have left over from base set?
Noel: Buy away!!!! You have no card rotation to worry about for quite awhile.
I cant w8 4 the ursiring it could make some very competetive decks with Weavile and DCE
For the next question, so I have the choice between, the garchomp tin,regigagas tin,darkrai or arceus lv x tins. I just want a good deck that won’t kill my pockets
Heck yes!!! I can’t wait for this to come out. I’m working with a prime donphan/prime blissey deck. Through testing it’s a beast. Donphan is a heck of a tank and blissey has an amazing power. I’ve already saved up some cash for up to four boxes!!! But as for the set… It’s gonna be ok. It brings a lot of new things to the table so we will just sit back and see what breaks the metagame!
Heck yes!!! I can’t wait for this to come out. I’m working with a prime donphan/prime blissey deck. Through testing it’s a beast. Donphan is a heck of a tank and blissey has an amazing power. I’ve already saved up some cash for up to four boxes!!! But as for the set… It’s gonna be ok. It brings a lot of new things to the table so we will just sit back and see what breaks the metagame!
Heck yes!!! I can’t wait for this to come out. I’m working with a prime donphan/prime blissey deck. Through testing it’s a beast. Donphan is a heck of a tank and blissey has an amazing power. I’ve already saved up some cash for up to four boxes!!! But as for the set… It’s gonna be ok. It brings a lot of new things to the table so we will just sit back and see what breaks the metagame!
Darkrai seems to be most useful as a tech in Tyranitar Decks, Weavile/Flygon decks and things like that. Garchomp C is great with Dialga G or Luxray GL, and I’ve seen some variants that run a 2-2 Garchomp C line and flints along with Skuntank g and a high Crobat g count to make a good deck around just that line. Regigigas Lv. X can be made into a very good deck, but its hurt badly by Machamp and anything that power locks. Finally competitive Arceus decks can be made, but in my small amount of experience with the deck type the tin Lv. X is not the one you want to use.
f**k yer i love thsi series!!!
can’t wait it will be epic
f**k yer i love thsi series!!!
can’t wait it will be epic
Epic indeed. I just bought 2 Japanese Donphan Prime’s from eBay. ReDONKulous.
Not sure where you are from, but in the US Japanese cards after the Supreme Victors expansion are not tournament legal, just a heads up.
You can use up to 6 JPN cards in your deck (Including energies)
Yeah. I’m from Chicago. As of right now, 10% of your deck may be foreign. 6 cards. But I did here this is the last season they are allowing ANY foreign cards…
Epic indeed. I just bought 2 Japanese Donphan Prime’s from eBay. ReDONKulous.
So I have a question, can I still use my lv.x cards when this new sets comes out or are all of my old cards void?
So I have a question, can I still use my lv.x cards when this new sets comes out or are all of my old cards void?
What decks are good also? I was thinking of using a garchomp donphan deck but idk…
What decks are good also? I was thinking of using a garchomp donphan deck but idk…
I agree with Brandon. If you look at a lot of the cards, it is taking more energy to use moves. I wonder if this set will be a hit just because of the double colorless energy. Although I only see Ho-oh Legends getting played with the poke’body of every energy is fire energy…but with Dialga G running around…
True that moves do seem to be requiring more energy, but DCE is too crazy for Pokemon to keep the energy requirement low.
DCE is going to single-handedly revolutionize the game (once again) if you ask me.
Expect to see a TON of Flygon, Garchomp, and Gallade/Gardevoir.
Ampharos(HS) and Garchomp (SV) are going to own pretty soon. The sooner you get Ampharos out the sooner it does damage every turn.
Sadly no broken Ursaring or Crobat…yet ^_^ probably a good thing for now. Prime Ursaring is going to be best friends with colorless energy and Crobat G….Prime Crobat…is just very ugly…and wrong.
True that moves do seem to be requiring more energy, but DCE is too crazy for Pokemon to keep the energy requirement low.
DCE is going to single-handedly revolutionize the game (once again) if you ask me.
Expect to see a TON of Flygon, Garchomp, and Gallade/Gardevoir.
True that moves do seem to be requiring more energy, but DCE is too crazy for Pokemon to keep the energy requirement low.
DCE is going to single-handedly revolutionize the game (once again) if you ask me.
Expect to see a TON of Flygon, Garchomp, and Gallade/Gardevoir.
I agree with Brandon. If you look at a lot of the cards, it is taking more energy to use moves. I wonder if this set will be a hit just because of the double colorless energy. Although I only see Ho-oh Legends getting played with the poke’body of every energy is fire energy…but with Dialga G running around…
You can still use all Lv.Xs from all sets that are currety legal. Some sets may be rotated after Worlds, but until then everything is still good. Pokemon Prime are considered the same card, so you would only be able to have a total of 4 in any combination of, for example Blissey and Blissey Prime, and yes, you may Level Up pokemon prime. So, for Raichu, your list could be 1 Raichu, 2 Raichu Prime, and 1 Raichu Lv.X.
I also agree with Brandon on this. I cant wait a whole new wave a cards awesome.
Looks like a few of the Supporters and Trainers(Goods) cards will be playable along with about half of the Pokemon Prime and Double Colorless, but not a whole lot else to like, but hey people will always find some combos that are hard to see at first. Feraligatr and Typhlosion Prime look to be great 1-0-1 or 2-1-2 techs.
Thank you for telling me that, no I can buy the garchomp tin with 0 fears!
Can’t wait!
Although the new series may be debatable, it’s still keeping Pokemon fresh and exciting! (As the expansion of SP Pokemon did from PL through PA).
Anyhow, it’s always nice to see our friends at PUMA creating new sets for us to enjoy :)
Do you guys know if Double Colorless is supposed to have the same wording as the old ones?
Everything I’ve seen online about the new DCE is that it will have the same wording as the Base Set print. A lot of the cards from this new set need DCE because of the return to higher energy requirements and lower damage output that seems to be occuring. However, DCE really shine in that they are going to make Garchomp C Lv. X, Flygon Decks, Tank SP’s like Palkia/Dialga much faster and as such even more of a headache for those of us not playing them. They may even make cards like Regigigas SP/Snorlax/Turtwig Gl/etc. Possibly playable.
Will we be able to use the DCE’s that we have left over from base set?
Will we be able to use the DCE’s that we have left over from base set?
Noel: Buy away!!!! You have no card rotation to worry about for quite awhile.
I cant w8 4 the ursiring it could make some very competetive decks with Weavile and DCE
I cant w8 4 the ursiring it could make some very competetive decks with Weavile and DCE
For the next question, so I have the choice between, the garchomp tin,regigagas tin,darkrai or arceus lv x tins. I just want a good deck that won’t kill my pockets
Darkrai seems to be most useful as a tech in Tyranitar Decks, Weavile/Flygon decks and things like that. Garchomp C is great with Dialga G or Luxray GL, and I’ve seen some variants that run a 2-2 Garchomp C line and flints along with Skuntank g and a high Crobat g count to make a good deck around just that line. Regigigas Lv. X can be made into a very good deck, but its hurt badly by Machamp and anything that power locks. Finally competitive Arceus decks can be made, but in my small amount of experience with the deck type the tin Lv. X is not the one you want to use.
Can’t wait!
Although the new series may be debatable, it’s still keeping Pokemon fresh and exciting! (As the expansion of SP Pokemon did from PL through PA).
Anyhow, it’s always nice to see our friends at PUMA creating new sets for us to enjoy :)
Can’t wait!
Although the new series may be debatable, it’s still keeping Pokemon fresh and exciting! (As the expansion of SP Pokemon did from PL through PA).
Anyhow, it’s always nice to see our friends at PUMA creating new sets for us to enjoy :)
Can’t wait!
Although the new series may be debatable, it’s still keeping Pokemon fresh and exciting! (As the expansion of SP Pokemon did from PL through PA).
Anyhow, it’s always nice to see our friends at PUMA creating new sets for us to enjoy :)
also, DCE is going to speed Ditto up so it can counter flygon and garchomp quicker. It might not be quicker all the time, but since it is a basic, it can just use a vibrava’s quick attack with an expert belt attached if they are off to a slower start and OHKO
also, DCE is going to speed Ditto up so it can counter flygon and garchomp quicker. It might not be quicker all the time, but since it is a basic, it can just use a vibrava’s quick attack with an expert belt attached if they are off to a slower start and OHKO
also, DCE is going to speed Ditto up so it can counter flygon and garchomp quicker. It might not be quicker all the time, but since it is a basic, it can just use a vibrava’s quick attack with an expert belt attached if they are off to a slower start and OHKO
DCE is going to speed up the game a bit, but overall they’re designing slower cards, so the game slows down in the long run.
This set’s got so much nice stuff, I can’t wait! No, me neither.
Donphan Prime’s gonna be great, Blissey Prime’s nice, Typhlosion Prime and Ninetales make a great combo, Feraligatr Prime is just pure awesomeness, especially if and when(knocks on wood) we get Blastoise… Yeah, it’s bye bye for my savings.
DCE is going to speed up the game a bit, but overall they’re designing slower cards, so the game slows down in the long run.
This set’s got so much nice stuff, I can’t wait! No, me neither.
Donphan Prime’s gonna be great, Blissey Prime’s nice, Typhlosion Prime and Ninetales make a great combo, Feraligatr Prime is just pure awesomeness, especially if and when(knocks on wood) we get Blastoise… Yeah, it’s bye bye for my savings.
This news post says that the set releases on February 10 but says March 14.
You DO know there’s a TCG set based on the games, right?
Lay off. He made a simple mistake.
Nope I didn’t know that. Guess I’m not a pokemaster like you.
this aggravates me like crazy, I’ve already had a deck with the Crobat Prime that just totally destroys anything I test against, oh well, it’ll be able to dominate battle roads then.
Poke beach reported Crobat to be in the next expansion along with Ursaring. I really wanted to play with Prime Crobat too…-_-
this aggravates me like crazy, I’ve already had a deck with the Crobat Prime that just totally destroys anything I test against, oh well, it’ll be able to dominate battle roads then.
this aggravates me like crazy, I’ve already had a deck with the Crobat Prime that just totally destroys anything I test against, oh well, it’ll be able to dominate battle roads then.
Poke beach reported Crobat to be in the next expansion along with Ursaring. I really wanted to play with Prime Crobat too…-_-
This news post says that the set releases on February 10 but says March 14.
You DO know there’s a TCG set based on the games, right?
Lay off. He made a simple mistake.
Nope I didn’t know that. Guess I’m not a pokemaster like you.
DCE <33.
And yes, Adam, they'll have the exact same wording.
DCE <33.
And yes, Adam, they'll have the exact same wording.
I’m from Italy and just gotta say that the most probable rotation, that will be verified after worlds will include only Diamond and Pearl sets, so, from Diamond and Pearl to Stormfront. It would be meaningless to make rotate sets like Supreme Victors or Arceus, in fact, in the TCG history, every set has been ”playable” at least for 1 year. However, it is also probable that Stormfront or even Legend Awakened, will still resist in the next format after worlds. My personal hope, is that DP-SF sets will rotate, I’m tired of seeing Gengar and Machamp decks, also tired of having to include Unown G almost everywhere!
I’m from Italy and just gotta say that the most probable rotation, that will be verified after worlds will include only Diamond and Pearl sets, so, from Diamond and Pearl to Stormfront. It would be meaningless to make rotate sets like Supreme Victors or Arceus, in fact, in the TCG history, every set has been ”playable” at least for 1 year. However, it is also probable that Stormfront or even Legend Awakened, will still resist in the next format after worlds. My personal hope, is that DP-SF sets will rotate, I’m tired of seeing Gengar and Machamp decks, also tired of having to include Unown G almost everywhere!
I agree about being tired of Unown G but you can forget about Gengar, I love him way too much lmao! Machamp is whatever…but Gengar, Gengar is special!
I agree about being tired of Unown G but you can forget about Gengar, I love him way too much lmao! Machamp is whatever…but Gengar, Gengar is special!
this is (bleeping) awesome
awesome cards
heartgold soulsilver is the best
soulgold ?
this is (bleeping) awesome
awesome cards
heartgold soulsilver is the best
soulgold ?
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Thank you for a great post
This is Awesome! Thank you so much.
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