The Ditto Trick

Ditto Legends Awakened LA 27 Pokemon CardWhat’s up everyone? I’m here to talk about something that I assumed everyone already knew about. However, after talking to a few esteemed players, I realized it wasn’t exactly something obvious. Of course I am talking about, The Ditto Trick.

The Ditto trick is an extremely simple way to get around Gengar SF’s annoying “Feinting Spell” PokéPower. All Ditto needs is 1 Psychic energy, and Gengar is toast. Sounds simple, right? But what makes it a trick?

Well, the trick is, your opponent can’t know what you’re up to. If he knows you play Ditto, he will GUARD Gengar like it’s hot. Here are some DO’s and DON’Ts:

DON’T bench Ditto if you aren’t going to KO Gengar in the same turn.

DON’T Roseanne’s Research for Ditto if you can’t KO Gengar the same turn. Even if you keep it in your hand, your opponent will know it’s there and GUARD Gengar anyway.

DON’T reveal Ditto my means of Azelf’s PokéPower “Time Walk” unless you know you can KO the same turn.

DO store a P Energy in your hand for just the right moment.

DO reveal Ditto ONLY if you can KO the same turn.

That’s it. After you’ve put at least 50 damage on Gengar with any of your attackers, you Roseanne’s for Ditto and (P), promote Ditto, and copy “Shadow Room” for a game changing KO. Since you are placing damage counters, “Feinting Spell” does not activate. I don’t know about you, but I am NEVER willing to risk losing a main attacker on Feinting Spell. The beautiful part about it is, “Ditto DNA” is a Body, not a Power, so if your opponent has another Gengar ready to go, he can’t do more than 30 with “Shadow Room”.

Of course, Ditto will be Knocked Out if he retreats or gets Warp Pointed away with 60 or more damage, but then that’s life. Losing a Basic with 1 energy is a small price to pay when you could have lost a loaded Stage 2.

Gengar Stormfront SF 18 Pokemon CardIf your opponent doesn’t know you play Ditto, or isn’t even familiar with the Ditto Trick, 9 times out of 10 they will GUARD Claydol, leaving Gengar vulnerable. And hey, if they choose to GUARD Gengar, then you can take advantage of Claydol, too!

Gengar is a deck that may never be the BDIF, but it is ALWAYS around. Chances are you will face at least 1 Gengar deck for every 2 tournaments you play. Isn’t that reason enough to find a space for Ditto in any deck? If you already run P Energy, then Ditto is a no brainer. Especially if you consider his multiple uses. He is a fantastic Flygon counter, and will definitely make your opponent think twice about Leveling Up. Although unlikely, if you are forced to open with Ditto, he is fantastic for copying Spiritomb (AR)’s “Darkness Grace”, which has been seeing 4 copies in a LOT of decks recently.

Well, I hoped I turned you on to this little trick, and maybe more players will see the Gengar-Crushing potential of our friend, Ditto, the new staple tech.

PS: By revealing this secret, I might be enticing Gengar players to start thinking twice about GUARDing Claydol, which is great for us “Flygon Lock” players.


Reader Interactions

78 replies

  1. Clinton Chan

    Although I like this but I think Uxie+expert Belt is more versatile.

    •  → Clinton

      @ Spadeace/Chan-
      Uxie+Expert Belt also works great, seeing as though Uxie is already in every deck, it doesn’t take up any room the way Ditto does. I would suggest Ditto because decks that don’t run Expert Belt will have to “Psychic Restore” for only 20, or simply because Ditto can do 60 whereas a belted Uxie can only do 40. There’s just a little bit more breathing room.

  2. Michael Randolph

    Wow thats a pretty awesome trick, being a gengar player myself i can see where it would be potentially dangerous to me. Especially seeing as how i dont play Claydol or Unown G.

  3. Chris

    Great tip thanks now I need to find a Ditto to use. Although very good post. ;)

  4. Kyle Melton

    great trick but i like the uxie trick because i play gyarados and i put in 2 uxie drops 4 if my hand gets low (harldy ever does) and i play 2 expert belts so its a no brainer

  5. Brandon

    Dialgo G Lv.X would take a Ditto right down, but it’s a good idea to take down Gengar SF!

  6. Brandon

    Dialgo G Lv.X would take a Ditto right down, but it’s a good idea to take down Gengar SF!

  7. kwisdumb

    We put this together after Ashley played a few Gengar mirrors a few weeks back, but haven’t gotten the chance to utilize it. Good thinking.

  8. kwisdumb

    We put this together after Ashley played a few Gengar mirrors a few weeks back, but haven’t gotten the chance to utilize it. Good thinking.

    •  → Collan

      If your opponent were to use Unown G to GUARD their active Gengar, you would still be able to copy “Shadow Room”, but Unown G would prevent the placement of damage counters, so the attack would simply fail. However, if you copied ?”Shadow Room” from a GUARDed Gengar, you COULD use it to place 6 damage counters on a benched unGUARDed Pokemon such as the Lake Trio or Claydol.

  9. Adam Capriola

    Another great article! Thanks for typing this up Colin. These kinds of articles are great, like todays and yesterdays…not long articles, but they focus on one specific helpful tip that anyone could use.

  10. Clinton Chan

    Although I like this but I think Uxie+expert Belt is more versatile.

    • Colin Peterik  → Clinton

      @ Spadeace/Chan-
      Uxie+Expert Belt also works great, seeing as though Uxie is already in every deck, it doesn’t take up any room the way Ditto does. I would suggest Ditto because decks that don’t run Expert Belt will have to “Psychic Restore” for only 20, or simply because Ditto can do 60 whereas a belted Uxie can only do 40. There’s just a little bit more breathing room.

  11. Michael Randolph

    Wow thats a pretty awesome trick, being a gengar player myself i can see where it would be potentially dangerous to me. Especially seeing as how i dont play Claydol or Unown G.

  12. Joshua Pikka

    good use of ditto.

    I thought he was going to fall off the face of the TCG after people stopped playing dark flygon.

    Man he was a good counter to Flgyon.

  13. Kyle Melton

    great trick but i like the uxie trick because i play gyarados and i put in 2 uxie drops 4 if my hand gets low (harldy ever does) and i play 2 expert belts so its a no brainer

  14. Chris

    Great tip thanks now I need to find a Ditto to use. Although very good post. ;)

    • Colin Peterik  → Collan

      If your opponent were to use Unown G to GUARD their active Gengar, you would still be able to copy “Shadow Room”, but Unown G would prevent the placement of damage counters, so the attack would simply fail. However, if you copied ?”Shadow Room” from a GUARDed Gengar, you COULD use it to place 6 damage counters on a benched unGUARDed Pokemon such as the Lake Trio or Claydol.

    • Colin Peterik  → Collan

      If your opponent were to use Unown G to GUARD their active Gengar, you would still be able to copy “Shadow Room”, but Unown G would prevent the placement of damage counters, so the attack would simply fail. However, if you copied ?”Shadow Room” from a GUARDed Gengar, you COULD use it to place 6 damage counters on a benched unGUARDed Pokemon such as the Lake Trio or Claydol.

  15. Colin Peterik

    To answer your question, no Unown G does not block Ditto.

  16. Colin Peterik

    To answer your question, no Unown G does not block Ditto.

  17. Adam Capriola

    Another great article! Thanks for typing this up Colin. These kinds of articles are great, like todays and yesterdays…not long articles, but they focus on one specific helpful tip that anyone could use.

  18. Adam Capriola

    Another great article! Thanks for typing this up Colin. These kinds of articles are great, like todays and yesterdays…not long articles, but they focus on one specific helpful tip that anyone could use.

  19. Joshua Pikka

    good use of ditto.

    I thought he was going to fall off the face of the TCG after people stopped playing dark flygon.

    Man he was a good counter to Flgyon.

  20. Joshua Pikka

    good use of ditto.

    I thought he was going to fall off the face of the TCG after people stopped playing dark flygon.

    Man he was a good counter to Flgyon.

  21. Chrome

    “Gengar is a deck that may never be the BDIF, but it is ALWAYS around.”

    Good line. It’s too true.

  22. Chrome

    “Gengar is a deck that may never be the BDIF, but it is ALWAYS around.”

    Good line. It’s too true.

  23. Chrome

    “Gengar is a deck that may never be the BDIF, but it is ALWAYS around.”

    Good line. It’s too true.

  24. Randy Branch

    It’s not blank against most SP. Sure most SP’s have Time Crystal shutting Ditto down, but decks with a 1-1 tech of it may put something active you can copy before they level up. And any SP deck that doesn’t have Claydol has Uxie Lv.X. Upperable Zen Blade… mmmmmm. (Which AFAIK you couldn’t use next turn.)

  25. eondusk

    The trick is to do that when there is a Pokemon of interest to use their attacks Flygon lv.x but not with all the dangers and dialga because they do not occupy a ditto for low and not already

  26. eondusk

    The trick is to do that when there is a Pokemon of interest to use their attacks Flygon lv.x but not with all the dangers and dialga because they do not occupy a ditto for low and not already

  27. Randy Branch

    It’s not blank against most SP. Sure most SP’s have Time Crystal shutting Ditto down, but decks with a 1-1 tech of it may put something active you can copy before they level up. And any SP deck that doesn’t have Claydol has Uxie Lv.X. Upperable Zen Blade… mmmmmm. (Which AFAIK you couldn’t use next turn.)

  28. Randy Branch

    It’s not blank against most SP. Sure most SP’s have Time Crystal shutting Ditto down, but decks with a 1-1 tech of it may put something active you can copy before they level up. And any SP deck that doesn’t have Claydol has Uxie Lv.X. Upperable Zen Blade… mmmmmm. (Which AFAIK you couldn’t use next turn.)

  29. ditto is a nice tech in every deck, specially if you are runing Psychic, i do believe ditto’s a GREAT game changer,
    nice done, you covered lot of the mistakes i’ve done for months :P
    hope u got some new tips for us sometime

  30. Thanks for the comments! I won a Gengar match-up just today @ Rockford CC’s thanks to this guy.
    Josh- if you’re reading- How did top cut go today? Also, check the forum under Pokemon Chit Chat…

  31. Sergio Ortiz

    ditto is a nice tech in every deck, specially if you are runing Psychic, i do believe ditto’s a GREAT game changer,
    nice done, you covered lot of the mistakes i’ve done for months :P
    hope u got some new tips for us sometime

  32. Colin Peterik

    Thanks for the comments! I won a Gengar match-up just today @ Rockford CC’s thanks to this guy.
    Josh- if you’re reading- How did top cut go today? Also, check the forum under Pokemon Chit Chat…

  33. Koay Ze Nian

    And if you are playing gyarados deck while you have a lot of gyarados decks in your area, Ditto’s your thing! After having 4 magikarps in your discard pile ( 3 discarded 1 assuming dead last turn ) roseanne’s for a ditto, simply retreat with crobat , and you can do 120 damage for 0 energy!

  34. Koay Ze Nian

    And if you are playing gyarados deck while you have a lot of gyarados decks in your area, Ditto’s your thing! After having 4 magikarps in your discard pile ( 3 discarded 1 assuming dead last turn ) roseanne’s for a ditto, simply retreat with crobat , and you can do 120 damage for 0 energy!

  35. CoMiT

    This has to be one of the best tech cards in the game. Great article. I would love to see a deck based around this guy!

  36. SMGausch

    I’ve been seeing a lot more of this lately seems like another great card that had not been utilized to it’s fullest for awhile.

  37. CoMiT

    This has to be one of the best tech cards in the game. Great article. I would love to see a deck based around this guy!

  38. CoMiT

    This has to be one of the best tech cards in the game. Great article. I would love to see a deck based around this guy!

  39. SMGausch

    I’ve been seeing a lot more of this lately seems like another great card that had not been utilized to it’s fullest for awhile.

  40. Mark Stroup

    I love your little reverse-psychological toss up at the end, provoking enlightened Gengar players to start GUARD’ing themselves. =p
    I DIDN’T know this, and it was VERY helpful, since I usually don’t do Poison Structure in my SP so I have a difficult time knocking out Gengar relying on Uxie, but now I may seriously tech in a little Ditto!

  41. Mark Stroup

    I love your little reverse-psychological toss up at the end, provoking enlightened Gengar players to start GUARD’ing themselves. =p
    I DIDN’T know this, and it was VERY helpful, since I usually don’t do Poison Structure in my SP so I have a difficult time knocking out Gengar relying on Uxie, but now I may seriously tech in a little Ditto!

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  50. Marco Codognotto

    Very interesting article! Thanks!
    If Ditto want to copy, for exemple, the Poltergeist attack, he needs two energy or he can attack without energy?
    Thank you.

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