Being my very first CC, as you could imagine I was a bit apprehensive about going, but also wanting to see what exactly the experience would merit I found myself wanting to go more so then not. So that very morning I loaded the car as myself and another group set out on the three hour drive to Hot Springs Arkansas. I will spare you the details of the drive but let’s just say it was less then spectacular.
We arrive more early then we hoped so we decided to go across the street and replenish our caffeine levels at the local star bucks, seeing as how McAlister’s wasn’t opened yet. An hour later the doors open and we make our way in to signup and deck registration. As I await the parings I am approached by a kid that looks to be playing in the seniors division and he of course challenges me to a quick game.
I accept and start to regret accepting it almost immediately. Seeing as how I have only been playing for a month, I’m almost positive this kid is going to cream me. Turns out he is playing Torterra / Sceptile, and I happen to start with Blaziken FB and Tangela. He rolls and I get to go first. I attach an energy and luring flame one Treecko for another. He sets a tadium (Contest Hall), rolls for it, gets tails, so he searches for Grovyle with Luxury Ball, attaches an Energy to his benched Treecko and passes. I draw a card, level up Blaziken FB, roll for the stadium get a heads and so I pull out Infernape 4 and attach an Expert Belt, add an Energy to Blaziken LV.X and proceed to KO his Treecko.
He sends up Treecko with an Energy, then evolves to Grovyle, rolls for the stadium, gets another tails, seeing as how he doesn’t have any trainers to pull a basic and no basics on his bench he tries to use Grovyle’s “Detect” attack it also fails so he concedes.
Round 1: Strange Fellow with Garchomp / Dragonite
He starts with a lonely Gible, I start with Tangela, Surskit, and another Surskit up front. I go first, and attach an Energy to Surskit and attack for 10 plus another ten because I rolled a heads. He draws and adds another Gible to his bench. Sand Attacks with Gible and ends his turn. I draw, evolve Surskit to Masquerain, and Tangela to Tangrowth attach an energy to Tangrowth and attack with “Skim Attack”, roll for the attack and get heads Knocking Out his Gible and drawing two cards and a prize.
He sends up Gible from his bench evolves into Gabite, attaches an Energy, sets Dratini on the bench, and uses Gather up, to pull the energy from the discard. I draw, attach an Energy to Tangrowth, Roseanne’s Research a Paris and a Energy, set Paris on the bench and attach an Expert Belt to Masquerain and Skim Attack for 50 and draw two cards. After that everything went pretty quickly. He tried to cheat a couple of times and the judges caught him; I didn’t mind because I don’t think he even drew a prize on me.
Round 2: Giratina
It’s sad I can’t remember this guys name because he was by far my favorite match. He played extremely well and was an excellent sport. He started off really strong and ended up leveling up his Giratina quickly and had me discarding cards every time I wanted to attack. I ended up getting out Parasect and putting him to sleep where he had to roll two heads in order to wake up, which didn’t happen, then I proceeded to send out Tangrowth and level him up and pretty much cleaned up after that. He never could keep damage on me long enough to do anything so I took my final prize and won. Excellent game, I hated winning against him because the match was just awesome.
Round 3: Robert Long with Luxray
Robert Long is a great friend of mine that rode up with us from Oklahoma. Poor guy wasn’t having much luck that day but played very well despite only being a first time player like me. I started really well again and pretty much mopped him up before he could establish anything. At one point he almost took out my Tangrowth with a Manectric with too much Energy on it to count and an Expert Belt but I recovered for the win.
Round 4: Hariyama / Flygon
I don’t remember this guys name either but he started horrible with a single Trapinch and I immediately got my Tangrowth out and my Masquerain was helping my draw out the rest of my set up when he turned it around with Hariyama. I was down to my last prize after I KO’d two of his Flygon and two of his Hariyama, and one stray Trapinch. He still had another Flygon and another Hariyama. I attacked with Tangrowth and used Stick and Absorb to keep him from retreating, but forgot to enforce it on his turn and he retreated Hariyama and Knocked Out my Tangrowth with an Expert Belt drawing his last 2 Prizes. All I really had to do was either remember to tell him he couldn’t retreat or stall out for the last minute before time would have been called, but I didn’t want to stall and I forgot he couldn’t retreat so I ended up suffering my first loss of the day.
Round 5: Machamp / Leafeon
This match was won 100% by Machamp. There was nothing I could do and being the first time I had ever seen that particular Machamp I had no way of knowing what was about to happen. He took out everything in the first five minutes and won. I asked him to play again for fun and he agreed. This time I got down to my last prize but he still ended up taking the win. Excellent playing on his part and I was glad to have learned from the match.
So I didn’t make the top cut because one of the other guys in the master’s went 5-0 but I learned a lot about what other people were running, and that I needed many more trainers in my deck in order to set up quicker. All in all it was really fun and I look forward to playing in every other tournament I can travel too. Since this day I have completely changed my deck around and I now run Gengar SF / Tangrowth SF. I do well for myself but it would be nice if I could get a Claydol in there to draw with instead of using Masquerain and Uxie.
Here is the deck I was running for the tournament in Hot Springs:
Deck Name: Giant Growth
Pokémon: 3 Tangela AR 3 Tangrowth (1 AR, 1 GE, 1 SF) 1 Tangrowth LV.X AR 3 Surskit (1 SV, 2 MT) 2 Masquerain SV 2 Paras (1 SV, 1 MT) 1 Parasect SV 2 Bulbasaur (1 SV, 1 SW) 1 Ivysaur SV 1 Venusaur SV 1 Camerupt G SV 1 Infernape 4 RR 1 Infernape 4 LV.X RR 1 Arceus AR2 1 Arceus LV.X AR 1 Roserade GL RR 1 Blaziken FB SV 1 Blaziken FB LV.X SV |
Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums: 4 Bebe’s Search 2 Expert Belt 2 Roseanne’s Research 2 Potion 2 Professor Oak’s Visit 1 Cynthia’s Feelings 1 Luxury Ball |
Energy: 13 G 5 R |
A very interesting and well presented report. Considering its your first CC 3-2 is very good. I like the idea of the deck but it doesn’t look very consistent. Like you said you need more trainers, I hope that in the future I read another of your reports. I recommend rare candy and/or BTS to speed up the deck, especially with the addition of Gengar. I like reading articles about different deck ideas, I didn’t even know about that masquerain but it looks interesting. Well done.
Well Masquerain was a nifty little draw engine for me then because i didnt have any Claydol or Uxie, but as of lately i have removed him from the deck in place of a 2-2 Claydol line and a single Uxie, but when Claydol/Uxie ever gets rotated out and are no longer tournament legal i will return to Masquerain lol. thanks for your help and your comment was much appreciated!
You may want to remove some of the SPs and replace them with draw cards such as Uxie and Claydol
Michael Randolph
Well as of lately i have added in a 2-2 Claydol line and a Uxie, i dont run any more SP’s and i only run Tangrowth SF instead of all the different types. I also run Rare Candy and BTS. And my deck is comprised of more trainers then pokemon. Gengar SF has helped alot and my deck runs much smoother. Tangrowth keeps the damage off of Gengar and when my Gengar’s have been KOed Tangrowth is usually fully loaded with energy and he can finish off all of the previously damaged pokemon that Gengar was un-able to knock out with “Shadow Room”!
You may want to remove some of the SPs and replace them with draw cards such as Uxie and Claydol
Well as of lately i have added in a 2-2 Claydol line and a Uxie, i dont run any more SP’s and i only run Tangrowth SF instead of all the different types. I also run Rare Candy and BTS. And my deck is comprised of more trainers then pokemon. Gengar SF has helped alot and my deck runs much smoother. Tangrowth keeps the damage off of Gengar and when my Gengar’s have been KOed Tangrowth is usually fully loaded with energy and he can finish off all of the previously damaged pokemon that Gengar was un-able to knock out with “Shadow Room”!
well done! you did your best!
but the deck looks nice but has nt enough trainers and with all the stage 1’s you need bts or rare candy vitally if not then if you cant evolve quickly your srewed and a uxie la wouldn go a miss either!
but i like the idea
Eelis Peltola
Nice report, there seems to be lots of rogues at you area!
3-2 for your first CC is very good. :D
Posting that deck to the 6P forums would do wonders for it, there’s much to improve.
Eelis Peltola
Nice report, there seems to be lots of rogues at you area!
3-2 for your first CC is very good. :D
Posting that deck on the 6P forums would do wonders for it, there’s much to improve…
Clinton Chan
Nice first experience, also you probably didn’t need to roll to try to attack with the Masquerain since you evolved.
Yeah, good job for your first CCs, but the list is messy. Post it in the forums and well help you!
Thank you and i never realized how sloppy it really was until the match with Machamp, i had too many basics and i never drew an evolved form until after the basic for it was already knocked out lol. I have changed alot of things in the deck and i have had alot more success with it because of the changes. And i will try and post my new deck in the forums, i would really appreciate all of yours/other members help on making my deck run better!
rare deck strategy
well be happy
rare deck strategy
well be happy
A very interesting and well presented report. Considering its your first CC 3-2 is very good. I like the idea of the deck but it doesn’t look very consistent. Like you said you need more trainers, I hope that in the future I read another of your reports. I recommend rare candy and/or BTS to speed up the deck, especially with the addition of Gengar. I like reading articles about different deck ideas, I didn’t even know about that masquerain but it looks interesting. Well done.
Clayton H
Michael Randolph
Well Masquerain was a nifty little draw engine for me then because i didnt have any Claydol or Uxie, but as of lately i have removed him from the deck in place of a 2-2 Claydol line and a single Uxie, but when Claydol/Uxie ever gets rotated out and are no longer tournament legal i will return to Masquerain lol. thanks for your help and your comment was much appreciated!
Clayton H
well done! you did your best!
but the deck looks nice but has nt enough trainers and with all the stage 1’s you need bts or rare candy vitally if not then if you cant evolve quickly your srewed and a uxie la wouldn go a miss either!
but i like the idea
Eelis Peltola
Nice report, there seems to be lots of rogues at you area!
3-2 for your first CC is very good. :D
Posting that deck to the 6P forums would do wonders for it, there’s much to improve.
Eelis Peltola
Nice report, there seems to be lots of rogues at you area!
3-2 for your first CC is very good. :D
Posting that deck on the 6P forums would do wonders for it, there’s much to improve…
Clinton Chan
Nice first experience, also you probably didn’t need to roll to try to attack with the Masquerain since you evolved.
Colin Peterik
Yeah, good job for your first CCs, but the list is messy. Post it in the forums and well help you!
Michael Randolph
Thank you and i never realized how sloppy it really was until the match with Machamp, i had too many basics and i never drew an evolved form until after the basic for it was already knocked out lol. I have changed alot of things in the deck and i have had alot more success with it because of the changes. And i will try and post my new deck in the forums, i would really appreciate all of yours/other members help on making my deck run better!
Try adding Claydol GE, Rare candy BTS and 2 more Roseanne’s
Yeah thus far i have added a 2-2 Claydol line and a Uxie, rare candy as well as BTS have been added and have helped allot, thanks for the pointers.
Nice article!! Your list reminds and my buddies a lot of ours a few months back. Refine that list a bit and you’ll be winning some CC’s before you know it.
D-bo Shizzle
FYI if you have a league nearby, (you said ur from OK so I assume you’re not too far from OKC)They have claydols FOR FREE !!!! YAY!!!
Michael Randolph
I’m actually 3 hours away from OKC but i traded online and got 2 Claydols and another Uxie!
D-bo Shizzle
FYI if you have a league nearby, (you said ur from OK so I assume you’re not too far from OKC)They have claydols FOR FREE !!!! YAY!!!
I’m actually 3 hours away from OKC but i traded online and got 2 Claydols and another Uxie!
Just as a note, when you were sand-attacked in game one, you evolved into masquerain, which I believe would remove the effect, if I’m not mistaken. Any input on that particular ruling?
Mark Stroup
Yes, I thought so too because of the ruling of ANY EFFECTS on the existing active pokemon are removed once evolved.
But hey, as long as it’s a win!
Michael Randolph
Well thanks for telling me, i should have known that but i think at the time i was really nervous, it was my first match and i wasnt thinking straight, thanks for the heads up i will remember that next time!
Just as a note, when you were sand-attacked in game one, you evolved into masquerain, which I believe would remove the effect, if I’m not mistaken. Any input on that particular ruling?
Mark Stroup
Yes, I thought so too because of the ruling of ANY EFFECTS on the existing active pokemon are removed once evolved.
But hey, as long as it’s a win!
Well thanks for telling me, i should have known that but i think at the time i was really nervous, it was my first match and i wasnt thinking straight, thanks for the heads up i will remember that next time!
Gregory Minklei
Try adding Claydol GE, Rare candy BTS and 2 more Roseanne’s
Michael Randolph
Yeah thus far i have added a 2-2 Claydol line and a Uxie, rare candy as well as BTS have been added and have helped allot, thanks for the pointers.
Nice article!! Your list reminds and my buddies a lot of ours a few months back. Refine that list a bit and you’ll be winning some CC’s before you know it.
Mark Stroup
Good job at your first tourney, my first tourney was a pretty horrible experience, as I think most people’s are more or less.
Mark Stroup
Good job at your first tourney, my first tourney was a pretty horrible experience, as I think most people’s are more or less.
Hey, I was at that tournament! I didn’t play, because a friend was sick and I stayed at the hotel room with him, but I remember that guy that went 5-0 in Swiss eventually won.
Michael Randolph
Yeah i believe he and some of the other players came from mississippi, the whole group was pretty tough.
Yeah, he’s actually a friend of mine from down here in MS.
Hey, I was at that tournament! I didn’t play, because a friend was sick and I stayed at the hotel room with him, but I remember that guy that went 5-0 in Swiss eventually won.
Yeah i believe he and some of the other players came from mississippi, the whole group was pretty tough.
Yeah, he’s actually a friend of mine from down here in MS.
Joshua Pikka
good job at the tourney, and I gotta hand it to you for being original.
But, if you were asking my advice I would tell you to try to stick to 1 or 2 things. It seems like you are trying to cram about 3 decks into one. If you want to stick with your original idea of grass and fire, I would stick with tangrowth and a 2-2 or 3-1 line of either blaziken fb or infernape 4. Then you can make room for claydol and some more trainers by getting ride of everything else.
You can also lose the potion and a couple energies.
Joshua Pikka
good job at the tourney, and I gotta hand it to you for being original.
But, if you were asking my advice I would tell you to try to stick to 1 or 2 things. It seems like you are trying to cram about 3 decks into one. If you want to stick with your original idea of grass and fire, I would stick with tangrowth and a 2-2 or 3-1 line of either blaziken fb or infernape 4. Then you can make room for claydol and some more trainers by getting ride of everything else.
You can also lose the potion and a couple energies.
Nice deck!
Gregory Minklei
Nice deck!
Robert Long
LoL that was fun.. out of our group michael’s deck was best of them all i made it a point to help him with whatever i posibly can deck wise. it was bad luck for me on that match and the 2 matches before him. i drew nothing but enegys and only had a shinx eletrike and manetric (MT) with like 5 energys and a belt was doing about 120 with lighting twister and almost had his tangrowth lv X dead but not quite enough he managed to remover and cleaned me out rather good. going to the CC was rather interesting learned alot and i cant wait for the next one we go to. ^ ^
Robert Long
LoL that was fun.. out of our group michael’s deck was best of them all i made it a point to help him with whatever i posibly can deck wise. it was bad luck for me on that match and the 2 matches before him. i drew nothing but enegys and only had a shinx eletrike and manetric (MT) with like 5 energys and a belt was doing about 120 with lighting twister and almost had his tangrowth lv X dead but not quite enough he managed to remover and cleaned me out rather good. going to the CC was rather interesting learned alot and i cant wait for the next one we go to. ^ ^
You guys should probably come to MS states, unless you’re going to TN states.
Michael Randolph
Actually we live in Oklahoma so it’s my guess that we will probebly be going to oklahoma’s states.
You guys should probably come to MS states, unless you’re going to TN states.
Actually we live in Oklahoma so it’s my guess that we will probebly be going to oklahoma’s states.
Hi Michael, it's Jessie from Team Moon Shadow in Hot Springs. I really liked your Cities Report, nice job!! How's the OP scene in OK? ^^
Oh and your opponent in R2 was Roger Price and in R5 it was Tyler Brown. (his deck is *evillllll*) Not sure about R4; I'll ask Mike for ya. ^^
Michael Randolph
Hey whats going on and thanks a million, Roger Price was an awesome player and I'm glad to finaly know his name! I am loving Organized Play so much more since i have learned allot about the game from this site. I'm going to states in Oklahoma and i look forward to playing everyone there, maybe i can make it up to Hot Springs again for future tournaments.
Tyler Brown's deck at the tournament was very impressive at the time, I had never seen Machamp before so it was a slaughterfest for me but ever since that day I have done really well against it (probebly because I no longer play tangrowth lol but instead have moved on to a gengar varient). Anyways have a great day and thanks for the heads up. Email me sometime at
Michael Randolph
Hey whats going on and thanks a million, Roger Price was an awesome player and I'm glad to finaly know his name! I am loving Organized Play so much more since i have learned allot about the game from this site. I'm going to states in Oklahoma and i look forward to playing everyone there, maybe i can make it up to Hot Springs again for future tournaments.
Tyler Brown's deck at the tournament was very impressive at the time, I had never seen Machamp before so it was a slaughterfest for me but ever since that day I have done really well against it (probebly because I no longer play tangrowth lol but instead have moved on to a gengar varient). Anyways have a great day and thanks for the heads up. Email me sometime at
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