Yesterday, my friends and I decided that we needed to establish the best card in the Modified format. We gathered 32 of our favorites, scrambled them, and pitted them against each other. Here are our results:
Game 1: Luxray GL LV.X vs. Cynthia’s Feelings
A fairly easy pick. Cynthia’s Feelings does provide incredible draw power when it really counts, but Luxray GL LV.X has been one of the top cards this year for its revolutionary gusting ability. WINNER: Luxray GL LV.X
Game 2: SP Radar vs. Dialga G LV.X
Wow, a very very difficult pick was made here. Search for any Pokémon SP, or block all non-SP bodies. The vote was 5-4 in favor of SP Radar. WINNER: SP Radar
Game 3: Rare Candy vs. Bronzong G
The decision was almost immediate, in favor of Rare Candy. This card always has been a crucial staple and anlawys will be, as great as Galactic Switch is. WINNER: Rare Candy
Game 4: Aaron’s Collection vs. Spiritomb (Arceus)
An easy victory for the ghost. Aaron’s collection is nice for getting SPs back, but it barely belongs in the top 32. Spiritomb is still a dominant force today, easily the best starter out there. WINNER: Spiritomb
Game 5: Cyrus’s Conspiracy vs.Unown G (Great Encounters)
This one sparked a huge argument. Cyrus is a staple, and made SP decks as playable as they are today. Unown G however, has been revolutionary, being the best tool around for a very long time. After a heated debate, one card was left standing. WINNER: Cyrus’s Conspiracy
Game 6: Gengar (Stormfront) vs. Uxie (Legends Awakened)
Two big names in the TCG world. Gengar is still a very threatening deck; Uxie is a draw engine and donker. Ultimately, Uxie won due to its versatility and re-usability. WINNER: Uxie
Game 7: Moonlight Stadium vs. Poké Turn
Not a very difficult decision. While Moonlight Stadium gives free retreat, which is always wanted, Poké Turn is at the center of all SP decks along with Cyrus, for its ability to make SPs reusable. WINNER: Poké Turn
Game 8: Power Spray vs. Azelf (Legends Awakened)
An interesting debate, but a short one. Azelf is beginning to fade as a tech, and Power Spray is huge with SP decks in their prime. WINNER: Power Spray
Game 9: Energy Gain vs. Kingdra (Legends Awakened)
A very intense debate surrounded this matchup. Ultimately though, while Kingdra was incredible in its time, it has faded mostly, and Energy Gain is still a key card in SP decks.
GAME 10: Bebe’s Search vs. Claydol (Great Encounters)
Wow, two staples of most decks, facing off! Claydol was the obvious decision, though. Refreshing your hand in the middle of a turn is just incredible, as great as it is that Bebe gives you any Pokémon. WINNER: Claydol
GAME 11: Galactic HQ vs. Garchomp C LV.X
Relatively easy. Galactic HQ is great against Flygon and Gengar, but SP Decks rule, and a full heal on all SPs, just fantastic from Garchomp C LV.X. WINNER: Garchomp C LV.X
GAME 12: Expert Belt vs. Conductive Quarry
Not even close. Conductive Quarry only appears in Dialga / Garchomp these days, while Expert Belt is still finding new uses in many different decks played today. WINNER: Expert Belt
GAME 13: Snowpoint Temple vs. Broken Time-Space
This is a very epic face-off. The two best Stadiums. The SP Stadium vs. the Stage 2 Stadium. In the end, it was Broken Time-Space, because of its ability to allow evolving decks to speed up significantly. WINNER: Broken Time-Space
GAME 14: Luxury Ball vs. Dialga G
A hard decision to make, but really not too difficult when you think about it. Dialga G does significantly block your opponent, but in a format that revolves around speed, getting whatever Pokémon you like whenever you like is just too crucial. WINNER: Luxury Ball
GAME 15: Roseanne’s Research vs. Toxicroak G Promo
Pretty darn easy. Roseanne has been the best supporter in many decks for a long time now, and while Promocroak has found its way into many SP decks, Roseanne is essential in every deck. WINNER: Roseanne’s Research
GAME 16: Relicanth (Supreme Victors) vs. Crobat G
A very quick decision. Relicanth is good for a strong snipe or two, but when he’s a couple HP off, who ya gonna call? Crobat G. WINNER: Crobat G
GAME 17: Luxray GL LV.X vs. SP Radar
Pretty much a unanimous decision. Considering that SP Radars were primarily used on this guy and Crobat G. Luxray was a large part of the reason that SP decks are playable. WINNER: Luxray GL LV.X
GAME 18: Rare Candy vs. Spiritomb
A painfully difficult decision. Rare candy is THE card in all Stage 2 decks, but Spiritomb won’t allow you to play Rare Candy, and thus will crush Stage 2 decks. WINNER: Spiritomb
GAME 19: Cyrus’s Conspiracy vs. Uxie
Another toughie. The centerfold of SP decks taking on the draw engine used in most SPs. Uxie once again pulled through because of its usefulness in EVERY SINGLE DECK, except Scizor decks. WINNER: Uxie
GAME 20: Poké Turn vs. Power Spray
Oh no! Your opponent just Power Sprayed your Crobat G, which was going to add the last damage counter to your opponent’s Claydol! What can you do? Poké Turn. WINNER: Poké Turn
GAME 21: Energy Gain vs. Claydol
One of the only easy decisions in Round 2. Drawing up to six cards is simply fantastic, as great as two Energies in one turn is. WINNER: Claydol
GAME 22: Garchomp C LV.X vs. Expert Belt
I was pushing for Expert Belt on this one, but Garchomp was the victor. I understand though, because a full heal on every single SP is just too good to pass up, and it comes at little risk, unlike Expert Belt. WINNER: Garchomp C LV.X
GAME 23: Broken Time-Space vs. Luxury Ball
A nail-biter. Both of these cards became essential in every Stage 2 deck. However, the speed provided by BTS is nearly unmatched anywhere else in a Stage 2 build, including Luxury Ball. WINNER: Broken Time-Space
GAME 24: Roseanne’s Research vs. Crobat G
A fairly easy choice, considering that Crobat G was probably sought more with Roseanne than any other Pokémon, especially with a hand full of Poké Turns. WINNER: Crobat G
GAME 25: Luxray GL LV.X vs. Spiritomb
Two great cards, but one clearly better, considering that the easiest way to get rid of a Spiritomb that was stopping you from playing Trainers was to use Bright Look. WINNER: Luxray GL LV.X
GAME 26: Uxie vs. Poké Turn
A terribly difficult one on which to agree. Poké Turn, however, was used best in large quantities, which are very difficult to obtain without a fantastic draw engine, like Uxie. WINNER: Uxie
GAME 27: Claydol vs. Garchomp C LV.X
This one was somewhat easy, because Claydol is such an efficient draw engine, and is almost impossible to leave out of your deck, Claydol belongs in almost every deck. WINNER: Claydol
GAME 28: Broken Time-Space vs. Crobat G
Pretty simple. No matter how fast you build up your Stage 2 monster, the fast-attacking Pokémon SP will get close enough for Crobat G to bring it down. WINNER: Crobat G
GAME 29: Luxray GL LV.X vs. Uxie
This one caused a great deal of commotion. When everything is taken into account though, Luxray is only good if you have him right when you need him. And it takes a fantastic draw engine to make this possible. WINNER: Uxie
GAME 30: Claydol vs. Crobat G
The tension in the air was incredible. This was a very very difficult decision. Crobat won in the end, with this reasoning: everybody is trying to snipe to hit Claydol. Cards like Garchomp C LV.X, Relicanth, and Crobat G as well are bringing it down. However, with enough Crobats, nothing can stop you. WINNER: Crobat G
The argument to end all arguments. The argument used to guide Crobat to victory in the semis does not apply to Uxie, because of Psychic Restore being able to remove the damage counters. We eventually decided to look at the place each card had in a Shuppet deck. Uxie provided an alternative donker and a draw engine. Crobat provided a way to Knock Out even the strongest beasts. In the end, when all was said and done and the dust had cleared, there was only one true champion. WINNER: Crobat G
Very fun to read, but I think Relicanth got knocked out of the bracket way too early. A single Roseanne’s research and “Grand Swell” can be extremely devastating to your opponent.
Clinton Chan
I disagree why Luxray GL Lv.X is not the champion. “Luxray is only good if you have him right when you need him,” can’t you say that about every card on this list. How does Roseanne’s Research the only card that is played in more multiples in every deck lose this argument when your supposed top 2 are basic Pokemon.
Adam Capriola
My issue with Crobat is that you need Poke Turn to make it most effective; it’s really not that awesome by itself. It’s only good in combination with other cards.
Not sure what I would put at the top of the list myself (maybe Uxie), but this was a very entertaining article. :) Cool idea to match cards up against each other like that.
sooo true adam!
i would put uxie if i had choice as its a staple in all decks
awesome idea putting cards vs each other! love it!
great article
Are you kidding me? SP Radar beating Dialga G LV X? Crobat G the best card over Luxray GL LV X? I suppose the rest of it is decent, but you guys are really underestimating Dialga G seeing as both the LV X and regular form lost in the first round to cards they should have beat.
Are you kidding me? SP Radar beating Dialga G LV X? Crobat G the best card over Luxray GL LV X? I suppose the rest of it is decent, but you guys are really underestimating Dialga G seeing as both the LV X and regular form lost in the first round to cards they should have beat.
Are you kidding me? SP Radar beating Dialga G LV X? Crobat G the best card over Luxray GL LV X? I suppose the rest of it is decent, but you guys are really underestimating Dialga G seeing as both the LV X and regular form lost in the first round to cards they should have beat.
While fun to read, it is really strange the way everything was matched up against each other. I would have put pokemon and trainers in separate categories, they’re too different to compare. Roseanne’s Research is easily the BCIF because 99% of decks run 4 of them–whist only 50-70% of decks use crobat G.
Yeah, that makes the most sense. You should have picked best Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy in the format.
While fun to read, it is really strange the way everything was matched up against each other. I would have put pokemon and trainers in separate categories, they’re too different to compare. Roseanne’s Research is easily the BCIF because 99% of decks run 4 of them–whist only 50-70% of decks use crobat G.
While fun to read, it is really strange the way everything was matched up against each other. I would have put pokemon and trainers in separate categories, they’re too different to compare. Roseanne’s Research is easily the BCIF because 99% of decks run 4 of them–whist only 50-70% of decks use crobat G.
Yeah, that makes the most sense. You should have picked best Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy in the format.
Good idea!
simply not gonna agree with most of those, you didn’t even mention machamp or call energy
simply not gonna agree with most of those, you didn’t even mention machamp or call energy
simply not gonna agree with most of those, you didn’t even mention machamp or call energy
Uxie is a major part of any deck that is even relatively close to being competitive. END OF STORY. WINNER UXIE.
Uxie is a major part of any deck that is even relatively close to being competitive. END OF STORY. WINNER UXIE.
Uxie is a major part of any deck that is even relatively close to being competitive. END OF STORY. WINNER UXIE.
Joshua Pikka
how can claydol not win?
If used effectivly yes crobat G is a game changer, and a format changer. But there is no bigger format changer than claydol.
Like adam said crobat G is great, but you need lots of poketurns to really do anything. While claydol makes every deck go round. There would be no speed in pokemon without claydol.
Sure uxie is speed too, but not to the extent claydol is. You have to have ssu’s to really use uxie.
And also how did Claydol get two spots in round 2?
I agree with a lot of the match-ups, but cannot agree with Crobabt G as the winner or even making it that far. Roseanne’s also bowed out too early. Rosy and Uxie are basically the only two cards that you can find at least one of each in every deck if not multiples. Crobat G is great in a few, but not used in nearly every deck probably not even half. Also how are so many stadiums in this(like conductive quarry which is flippy and used in 1 deck) and Kingdra with no Flygon or call energy. Great article, but some of this stuff is a little on the obscure side.
I see Crobat G as an improved PlusPower. I don’t think the flying Pluspower would have made it out of my Round 2. However, I did like the rest of your Final Four (man I can’t wait for March Madness).
It also seemed like you were inconsistent in how you picked the winner. I think you choose winners in Round 1 by whichever card was more useful or had more versatility. Then it seems like you paired the two against each other. Perhaps it would be better to separate Pokemon and T/S/S when comparing (like J-Wittz mentioned).
Besides we all know the BCIF is the last prize card you take in a game. Why else would we work so hard to get it?
Colin Peterik
Very fun to read, but I think Relicanth got knocked out of the bracket way too early. A single Roseanne’s research and “Grand Swell” can be extremely devastating to your opponent.
Colin Peterik
Very fun to read, but I think Relicanth got knocked out of the bracket way too early. A single Roseanne’s research and “Grand Swell” can be extremely devastating to your opponent.
Clinton Chan
I disagree why Luxray GL Lv.X is not the champion. “Luxray is only good if you have him right when you need him,” can’t you say that about every card on this list. How does Roseanne’s Research the only card that is played in more multiples in every deck lose this argument when your supposed top 2 are basic Pokemon.
Clinton Chan
I disagree why Luxray GL Lv.X is not the champion. “Luxray is only good if you have him right when you need him,” can’t you say that about every card on this list. How does Roseanne’s Research the only card that is played in more multiples in every deck lose this argument when your supposed top 2 are basic Pokemon.
Adam Capriola
My issue with Crobat is that you need Poke Turn to make it most effective; it’s really not that awesome by itself. It’s only good in combination with other cards.
Not sure what I would put at the top of the list myself (maybe Uxie), but this was a very entertaining article. :) Cool idea to match cards up against each other like that.
Clayton H
sooo true adam!
i would put uxie if i had choice as its a staple in all decks
Clayton H
sooo true adam!
i would put uxie if i had choice as its a staple in all decks
Adam Capriola
My issue with Crobat is that you need Poke Turn to make it most effective; it’s really not that awesome by itself. It’s only good in combination with other cards.
Not sure what I would put at the top of the list myself (maybe Uxie), but this was a very entertaining article. :) Cool idea to match cards up against each other like that.
Zachary Slater
Yeah, I don’t think that Luxray GL Lv. X should have won, but I don’t agree with the Crobat G pick either.
In my opinion, the winner should definitely be an engine card (Claydol, Uxie, Roseanne’s Research, Cyrus’s Conspiarcy) because they are the reason decks can be as fast and efficient as they are.
Either way, reading the first sentence of this article got me thinking of how much controversy was gonna be in the comments, so I had to join the debate!
Clayton H
awesome idea putting cards vs each other! love it!
great article
Clayton H
awesome idea putting cards vs each other! love it!
great article
This looks a little to much like Jason K.’s new article on Pojo:
Just throwin’ that out there.
This looks a little to much like Jason K.’s new article on Pojo:
Just throwin’ that out there.
I noticed this, too, along with the same notion that crobat G is at the top.
Willy Goebel
Yeah we used that article as the basis for which cards were in the tournament. As far as the actual matchups though, they were all picked by me and my friends. Personally, I was gunning for Uxie, but they all wanted Crobat G. Maybe they were basing their picks off the article, but I don’t think so and really hope not.
Willy Goebel
Yeah we used that article as the basis for which cards were in the tournament. As far as the actual matchups though, they were all picked by me and my friends. Personally, I was gunning for Uxie, but they all wanted Crobat G. Maybe they were basing their picks off the article, but I don’t think so and really hope not.
I noticed this, too, along with the same notion that crobat G is at the top.
This looks a little to much like Jason K.’s new article on Pojo:
Just throwin’ that out there.
I noticed this, too, along with the same notion that crobat G is at the top.
Yeah we used that article as the basis for which cards were in the tournament. As far as the actual matchups though, they were all picked by me and my friends. Personally, I was gunning for Uxie, but they all wanted Crobat G. Maybe they were basing their picks off the article, but I don’t think so and really hope not.
This article is ridicullous, seriously.
It seems that OP choose his cards by personal preference, rather than its usefullness.
Here is a list i’d belive would be more apropriated:
1- Claydoll (There is absolute no competitive deck without at least one of them, that says enoiuthg for itself)
2- Uxie (Another insanely strong card witch we see in almost competitive deck, as it not only make your game flow faster, it is also a great atacker as it won’t die if you play it right)
3- Rosanne’s research and Bebe’s Search (Again you see both in almost every deck)
4- Azelf (Even though many people are stopping using it, it’s still great to deal with your lvx in the prize and to see what prize you will be getting after killing each pokemon)
5- Call Energy (Awesome to deal with first turns and against new treats like spirtbomb or the old gastly)
6- Rare Candy (Present in every Stage 2 decks it can’t be ignored)
7- Unown G (Awesome for many reasons, and present in almost every deck)
8- Cyntia’s Felling (Change gamming card, if your in trouble and just lost your active, this card can put you back into the game)
9- Luxury Ball (Searching for any pokemon without being a supporter)
Ps. Yes i know i
This article is ridicullous, seriously.
It seems that OP choose his cards by personal preference, rather than its usefullness.
Here is a list i’d belive would be more apropriated:
1- Claydoll (There is absolute no competitive deck without at least one of them, that says enoiuthg for itself)
2- Uxie (Another insanely strong card witch we see in almost competitive deck, as it not only make your game flow faster, it is also a great atacker as it won’t die if you play it right)
3- Rosanne’s research and Bebe’s Search (Again you see both in almost every deck)
4- Azelf (Even though many people are stopping using it, it’s still great to deal with your lvx in the prize and to see what prize you will be getting after killing each pokemon)
5- Call Energy (Awesome to deal with first turns and against new treats like spirtbomb or the old gastly)
6- Rare Candy (Present in every Stage 2 decks it can’t be ignored)
7- Unown G (Awesome for many reasons, and present in almost every deck)
8- Cyntia’s Felling (Change gamming card, if your in trouble and just lost your active, this card can put you back into the game)
9- Luxury Ball (Searching for any pokemon without being a supporter)
Ps. Yes i know i
This article is ridicullous, seriously.
It seems that OP choose his cards by personal preference, rather than its usefullness.
Here is a list i’d belive would be more apropriated:
1- Claydoll (There is absolute no competitive deck without at least one of them, that says enoiuthg for itself)
2- Uxie (Another insanely strong card witch we see in almost competitive deck, as it not only make your game flow faster, it is also a great atacker as it won’t die if you play it right)
3- Rosanne’s research and Bebe’s Search (Again you see both in almost every deck)
4- Azelf (Even though many people are stopping using it, it’s still great to deal with your lvx in the prize and to see what prize you will be getting after killing each pokemon)
5- Call Energy (Awesome to deal with first turns and against new treats like spirtbomb or the old gastly)
6- Rare Candy (Present in every Stage 2 decks it can’t be ignored)
7- Unown G (Awesome for many reasons, and present in almost every deck)
8- Cyntia’s Felling (Change gamming card, if your in trouble and just lost your active, this card can put you back into the game)
9- Luxury Ball (Searching for any pokemon without being a supporter)
Ps. Yes i know i
Great Article, although I don’t 100% agree. Good Job making this ^^
I still think Uxie should of won o,o.
And Roseanne’s Research Vs Crobat G isn’t exactly easy.. You say that People use Roseanne’s Research usually to search out Crobat G, but without Roseanne’s, what will you use to get the stupid crobat in your hand? And, thats obviously not Roseanne’s only use o,o
Gregory Minklei
Good idea!
Gregory Minklei
Good idea!
alex d
The top 4 brackets were both Backwards. Claydol and Crobat G Should have won. Uxie is just a supplement to Claydol in most decks.
Plenty of SP decks and decks like shuppet run no claydol while all decks with claydol usually run uxie.
Joshua Pikka
how can claydol not win?
If used effectivly yes crobat G is a game changer, and a format changer. But there is no bigger format changer than claydol.
Like adam said crobat G is great, but you need lots of poketurns to really do anything. While claydol makes every deck go round. There would be no speed in pokemon without claydol.
Sure uxie is speed too, but not to the extent claydol is. You have to have ssu’s to really use uxie.
And also how did Claydol get two spots in round 2?
I agree with a lot of the match-ups, but cannot agree with Crobabt G as the winner or even making it that far. Roseanne’s also bowed out too early. Rosy and Uxie are basically the only two cards that you can find at least one of each in every deck if not multiples. Crobat G is great in a few, but not used in nearly every deck probably not even half. Also how are so many stadiums in this(like conductive quarry which is flippy and used in 1 deck) and Kingdra with no Flygon or call energy. Great article, but some of this stuff is a little on the obscure side.
I see Crobat G as an improved PlusPower. I don’t think the flying Pluspower would have made it out of my Round 2. However, I did like the rest of your Final Four (man I can’t wait for March Madness).
It also seemed like you were inconsistent in how you picked the winner. I think you choose winners in Round 1 by whichever card was more useful or had more versatility. Then it seems like you paired the two against each other. Perhaps it would be better to separate Pokemon and T/S/S when comparing (like J-Wittz mentioned).
Besides we all know the BCIF is the last prize card you take in a game. Why else would we work so hard to get it?
Ouch, compeltely disagree with the crobat decision. It flat out shouldn’t have beaten Roseanne’s Research. My top 4 Cards in this order are:
1. Uxie
2. Roseanne’s Research
3. Luxray Lv. X
4. Dialga G Lv. X
Ouch, compeltely disagree with the crobat decision. It flat out shouldn’t have beaten Roseanne’s Research. My top 4 Cards in this order are:
1. Uxie
2. Roseanne’s Research
3. Luxray Lv. X
4. Dialga G Lv. X
Zachary Slater
Yeah, I don’t think that Luxray GL Lv. X should have won, but I don’t agree with the Crobat G pick either.
In my opinion, the winner should definitely be an engine card (Claydol, Uxie, Roseanne’s Research, Cyrus’s Conspiarcy) because they are the reason decks can be as fast and efficient as they are.
Either way, reading the first sentence of this article got me thinking of how much controversy was gonna be in the comments, so I had to join the debate!
Sergio Ortiz
Crobat G better than Uxie?
No way IMO, uxie must be the best card and deserves the award lulz!
nice article,
Willy G’s Top!
Great Article, although I don’t 100% agree. Good Job making this ^^
I still think Uxie should of won o,o.
And Roseanne’s Research Vs Crobat G isn’t exactly easy.. You say that People use Roseanne’s Research usually to search out Crobat G, but without Roseanne’s, what will you use to get the stupid crobat in your hand? And, thats obviously not Roseanne’s only use o,o
Great Article, although I don’t 100% agree. Good Job making this ^^
I still think Uxie should of won o,o.
And Roseanne’s Research Vs Crobat G isn’t exactly easy.. You say that People use Roseanne’s Research usually to search out Crobat G, but without Roseanne’s, what will you use to get the stupid crobat in your hand? And, thats obviously not Roseanne’s only use o,o
alex d
The top 4 brackets were both Backwards. Claydol and Crobat G Should have won. Uxie is just a supplement to Claydol in most decks.
Plenty of SP decks and decks like shuppet run no claydol while all decks with claydol usually run uxie.
Sergio Ortiz
Crobat G better than Uxie?
No way IMO, uxie must be the best card and deserves the award lulz!
nice article,
Willy G’s Top!
Christopher Orr
What!? No Call energy!? Sorry man, gonna sing it to the choir, crobat g is not the best card in the format. Uxie and Roseanne’s Research. They are in every deck.
Christopher Orr
What!? No Call energy!? Sorry man, gonna sing it to the choir, crobat g is not the best card in the format. Uxie and Roseanne’s Research. They are in every deck.
Patrick McKee
I like the idea for the article. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That is what makes this game fun.
I did however have a serious Scooby moment when I saw Dialga G X get bested by SP Radar…ruh roh.
Thanks for all the hard work on the article and an interesting read.
Patrick McKee
I like the idea for the article. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That is what makes this game fun.
I did however have a serious Scooby moment when I saw Dialga G X get bested by SP Radar…ruh roh.
Thanks for all the hard work on the article and an interesting read.
Pitting unrelated cards against each other isn’t going to determine the best cards. You need to compare trainers against trainers, supporters agaisnt supporters, pokemon against pokemon, etc.
Pitting unrelated cards against each other isn’t going to determine the best cards. You need to compare trainers against trainers, supporters agaisnt supporters, pokemon against pokemon, etc.
I’m not a city championship winner, and I don’t always understand the format, but some of these choices were just…..wrong.
You should not have made unrelated cards duke it out. I barely saw any correlation besides a few effects. What do Garchomp C and Expert Belt have in common? And, how can Luxray Gl Lv.X beat Sp Radar, but not Dialga G?
Crobat G is not the best card in the format. It only shines when in an Sp deck. Otherwise, it’s just a bench sitting plus power. I would’ve voted for Claydol, Roseanne’s, Uxie or the techs that are in every deck. And Relicanth should have pwned Crobat G, because once Crobat is done, it has no use whatsoever.
*end rant* It was a cool idea, I hope you do it again with HG/SS. :)
I’m not a city championship winner, and I don’t always understand the format, but some of these choices were just…..wrong.
You should not have made unrelated cards duke it out. I barely saw any correlation besides a few effects. What do Garchomp C and Expert Belt have in common? And, how can Luxray Gl Lv.X beat Sp Radar, but not Dialga G?
Crobat G is not the best card in the format. It only shines when in an Sp deck. Otherwise, it’s just a bench sitting plus power. I would’ve voted for Claydol, Roseanne’s, Uxie or the techs that are in every deck. And Relicanth should have pwned Crobat G, because once Crobat is done, it has no use whatsoever.
*end rant* It was a cool idea, I hope you do it again with HG/SS. :)
Really fun article to read! Crobat G For The Win!
Really fun article to read! Crobat G For The Win!
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Theo Seeds
uxie should have won.