Speedrill will always be (while legal, that is) a fairly dominant deck in the format. While it does have it’s flaws, and isn’t exactly “tier one” in every locale, it’s fast and fun. I’ve been experimenting with different additions to the standard Beedrill line, and I feel I’ve finally found a deck that works, with an interesting twist: Shaymin LV.X. Here’s the list:
Pokémon 2 Beedrill GE 2 Beedrill RR 3 Kakuna 4 Weedle 2 Claydol GE 2 Baltoy GE 1 Shaymin PL (Ground form) 1 Shaymin PL LV.X (Ground form) 1 Uxie LA 1 Azelf LA 1 Unown G GE |
Supporters/Trainers/Stadiums 4 Roseanne’s Research 4 Bebe’s Search 1 Cynthia’s Feelings 4 Rare Candy 4 Pokédex Handy 4 Super Scoop Up 4 Night Maintenance 2 Expert Belt 1 Luxury Ball 3 Broken-time Space 3 Warp Point |
Energy 6 G |
Don’t get me wrong, the main strategy for this deck is and always will be to get all four Beedrill out. I’ve seen some decks only run a single Rising Rivals Beedrill, but I find having the ability to use his “Flutter Wings” Poké-body two times per turn is an easy way to get a full Beedrill set up in one turn if you happen to lose one. The Shamin tech is a secondary thought; one you only tamper with if you have all of your Beedrill set up. Your bench should normally consist of three Beedrill and a Claydol (with Unown G attached), and odds are the last bench spot will be taken by an Azelf or an Uxie. Only once you either use Super Scoop Up to get them back would you lay down a Shaymin and work toward getting the LV.X out.
The reason I feel Shaymin LV.X is a perfect Beedrill tech is for it’s synergy. One of the biggest downfalls of Beedrill is that once you loose one, you’re doing a fourth of the damage you could be. And lets face it, 110HP for a main attacker isn’t as high as it could be. What Shaymin LV.X brings is an additional 40HP for each of your Beedrill. That, combined with an Expert Belt, gives Beedrill 170HP! There are very few attacks that can hit for 170 in one turn. The coolest part: you can search for Shaymin AND Shaymin LV.X with Beedrill’s Flutter Wings Poké-power! That means once your Beedrill’s are all set up, you can get both Shaymin and Shaymin LV.X in your hand in one turn.
Why use Expert Belt? Well, the Shaymin tech adds HP, and so does Expert Belt, so that adds to the strategy as a whole. I understand some people use PlusPower with their Beedrill deck, but my problem with that is you can only use 4, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. Nervous about losing 2 Prizes? That’s exactly what Super Scoop Up is for! Nothing frustrates an opponent more than getting heads on a Super Scoop Up, picking up a nearly dead Beedrill, and using Broken Time Space to play him right back onto your bench.
The downfall: Shaymin’s Retreat Cost. My basic way around this is to retreat Beedrill (as your attacking Beedrill has free retreat) for Shaymin, play the LV.X, and Warp Point it back. Other methods include using Super Scoop Up to pick up a Beedrill, put the Shaymin out, play the LV.X, and then retreat him back by discarding an energy. This, however, necessitates that you have a Beedrill or Weedle with an energy on your bench.
So there you go, my Beedrill variant. What’s better than a Beedrill with 170HP? I managed to top-cut at a Cities Tournament this year with it once, and might end up bringing it to States, too. But who knows, once Double Colorless Energy come out, the format might get turned on it’s head.
Joshua Pikka
Beedrill for some reason has lost popularity after it won worlds. It is weird. Yes the recent use of Dialga G does hurt the deck. But not everyone runs dialga G.
The idea of Shaymin is nice and makes it harder to kill beedrill, but it takes up bench space. You need 3 bench spaces for beedrills, and then the other 2 usually go to drawing pokemon.
But then again the deck that won worlds ran another pokemon, so I guess you could work with this.
you’re absolutely right, there are games I don’t even both with the Shaymin because of bench space. But in those long games where I’ve lost a bee or two it helps to get it out.
looks like a good varient however i think a couple of call energy’s wouldnt go amiss here! I love the idea though and wouldnt be surpries if someone used a similar deck to this in the near future!
Great article!
Call energy just doesn’t work in decks like this where you use one energy to attack, although I’d love to get some extra weedles out, it just doesn’t work
Yeah especially since weedle GE has a move that helps make not running call less of a hindrance.
Cam Graybill
I would reccomend poke radars instead of pokedex
to get around shaymin’s R C use unknown Q
I would also reccommend teching 2-3 bench shields, or a 1-0-1 line of Bastiodon MT
also, if you have some space you can put a miasma valley in to drop 20 dmg on basics
I’d love to use radars, but the Pokedex helps me get expert belts, rare candy, etc. things that radar can’t, and it helps mill through my deck faster to find what I need. adding bench shield or unown q would be great if there were any space for any other cards, but everything in there is fairly crucial to playing the deck. And if I took out BTS for Miasma valley, I wouldn’t be able to get the beedrill out as fast, thus slowing the deck down completely.
Ed Mandy
I think your Beedrill donked my Uxie Donk at cities last month.
haha yeah that was silly. you went first and had a crap start, i got lucky
I think your missing Weedle.
I think you should add Warp Point.
Oops, yeah, I forgot to type in the 4 weedle and 3 warp point
Joshua Pikka
Beedrill for some reason has lost popularity after it won worlds. It is weird. Yes the recent use of Dialga G does hurt the deck. But not everyone runs dialga G.
The idea of Shaymin is nice and makes it harder to kill beedrill, but it takes up bench space. You need 3 bench spaces for beedrills, and then the other 2 usually go to drawing pokemon.
But then again the deck that won worlds ran another pokemon, so I guess you could work with this.
you’re absolutely right, there are games I don’t even both with the Shaymin because of bench space. But in those long games where I’ve lost a bee or two it helps to get it out.
Clayton H
looks like a good varient however i think a couple of call energy’s wouldnt go amiss here! I love the idea though and wouldnt be surpries if someone used a similar deck to this in the near future!
Great article!
Call energy just doesn’t work in decks like this where you use one energy to attack, although I’d love to get some extra weedles out, it just doesn’t work
Yeah especially since weedle GE has a move that helps make not running call less of a hindrance.
Zachary Slater
I don’t like this Beedrill variant too much for a few reasons.
1) Weakness to fire is horrible when dealing with Infernape E4/Blaziken FB.
2) Dialga G cancels Shaymin, making it a waste of space (Dialga G is extremely popular at the moment).
3) Speedrill works on speed, and with Shaymin, can slow the whole process down.
Nevertheless, it’s intuitive, but I just don’t think it can work in a format where speed is what wins.
Good article though :)
True, Dialga is seeing more play lately, and that is a pretty big shut down of the tech. The thing about this deck is it’s almost card for card a standard speedrill deck, the shaymin tech is only 2 cards. So when it comes to speed, it sets up just as fast as ever.
But it is true, the current meta is pretty tough to play against with it, as sometimes even speedrill isn’t fast enough. thanks for the insight!
Cam Graybill
I would reccomend poke radars instead of pokedex
to get around shaymin’s R C use unknown Q
I would also reccommend teching 2-3 bench shields, or a 1-0-1 line of Bastiodon MT
also, if you have some space you can put a miasma valley in to drop 20 dmg on basics
I’d love to use radars, but the Pokedex helps me get expert belts, rare candy, etc. things that radar can’t, and it helps mill through my deck faster to find what I need. adding bench shield or unown q would be great if there were any space for any other cards, but everything in there is fairly crucial to playing the deck. And if I took out BTS for Miasma valley, I wouldn’t be able to get the beedrill out as fast, thus slowing the deck down completely.
Sergio Ortiz
I’ve seen this deck since 1st BR this season, i’ve faced it twice, Pretty good, IMO it’s better than the little SP engine brought to us by Silvestro, this is lots consistent, beedrill became a tank, and it has no mercy (if u got powers)
Nice coverage!
alex d
The SP variant is WHY Silvestro won, so no.
Beedrill was outdated without the SP.
Sergio Ortiz
Yeah everyone knows that, point now on this deck, is more consistent than silvestro’s was, have you tried it out?
Great strategy with the Beedrills getting 150 or 170 hp, although setting up the shaymin is slow and which means it’s vulnerable to a Blaziken FB’s Jet Shoot! But otherwise great deck!!!!
Great strategy with the Beedrills getting 150 or 170 hp, although setting up the shaymin is slow and which means it’s vulnerable to a Blaziken FB’s Jet Shoot! But otherwise great deck!!!!
Ed Mandy
I think your Beedrill donked my Uxie Donk at cities last month.
haha yeah that was silly. you went first and had a crap start, i got lucky
I see no problem with the shaymin tech, as to be honest even though dialga is popular its not like you will be playing against it every other game. My only issue is does it add enough to be worth the spaces in the deck. If you usually don’t get it out when you are behind or have a slow start and only get it out when you are set-up and going to win regardless does it actually help. If the answer is yes use it, if not maybe those spaces can be used for something more critical. I’ve found this with a lot of different techs, yes they are fun, and can be useful, but if they are not game changing, they can go.
Well yes Dialga does shut this tech down. But dialga G shuts down the entire deck at the start of the game.
So it wont matter if dialga G can take away pokebodies mid or late game, because if a beedrill deck sees a dialga G its an auto loss anyway.
dialga g isn’t an auto win. deafen? if you happen to get the cards right. that’s the only thing that hurts beedrill and even then, you’re doing 10 dmg a turn. frankly, the best SP decks I see around now aren’t even running dialga anymore.
Gregory Minklei
I think your missing Weedle.
Gregory Minklei
I think you should add Warp Point.
Oops, yeah, I forgot to type in the 4 weedle and 3 warp point
Sergio Ortiz
True all the way pikkdogs
Although speed is what wins, this deck could become quite fast. Perhaps faster than other speedrill decks. All it takes is a bad start on someone’s end and it’s a win. And all fail to Spiritomb anyway. XD
I personally find this deck idea awesome, like you said earlier, it’s just two cards and i think the potential for it being more helpful late game is far greater then it being more hurtful. I also like the name “beemin” lol thats the greatest! Excellent job and well done on the report…
EW!! the new background is hideous!! adam, you made my computer cry…
Zachary Slater
I don’t like this Beedrill variant too much for a few reasons.
1) Weakness to fire is horrible when dealing with Infernape E4/Blaziken FB.
2) Dialga G cancels Shaymin, making it a waste of space (Dialga G is extremely popular at the moment).
3) Speedrill works on speed, and with Shaymin, can slow the whole process down.
Nevertheless, it’s intuitive, but I just don’t think it can work in a format where speed is what wins.
Good article though :)
True, Dialga is seeing more play lately, and that is a pretty big shut down of the tech. The thing about this deck is it’s almost card for card a standard speedrill deck, the shaymin tech is only 2 cards. So when it comes to speed, it sets up just as fast as ever.
But it is true, the current meta is pretty tough to play against with it, as sometimes even speedrill isn’t fast enough. thanks for the insight!
Adam Capriola
You don’t like Colin???
Well written article, I’ll fix your list up.
I think Beedrill is decent, maybe with the right list it could compete in States. It’s too bad that it doesn’t benefit from Double Colorless though (if it definitely is coming out). Maybe something else will come out to help it. Shaymin is a neat idea, I’ll have to try it out sometime.
Sergio Ortiz
I’ve seen this deck since 1st BR this season, i’ve faced it twice, Pretty good, IMO it’s better than the little SP engine brought to us by Silvestro, this is lots consistent, beedrill became a tank, and it has no mercy (if u got powers)
Nice coverage!
alex d
The SP variant is WHY Silvestro won, so no.
Beedrill was outdated without the SP.
Sergio Ortiz
Yeah everyone knows that, point now on this deck, is more consistent than silvestro’s was, have you tried it out?
I see no problem with the shaymin tech, as to be honest even though dialga is popular its not like you will be playing against it every other game. My only issue is does it add enough to be worth the spaces in the deck. If you usually don’t get it out when you are behind or have a slow start and only get it out when you are set-up and going to win regardless does it actually help. If the answer is yes use it, if not maybe those spaces can be used for something more critical. I’ve found this with a lot of different techs, yes they are fun, and can be useful, but if they are not game changing, they can go.
Joshua Pikka
Well yes Dialga does shut this tech down. But dialga G shuts down the entire deck at the start of the game.
So it wont matter if dialga G can take away pokebodies mid or late game, because if a beedrill deck sees a dialga G its an auto loss anyway.
dialga g isn’t an auto win. deafen? if you happen to get the cards right. that’s the only thing that hurts beedrill and even then, you’re doing 10 dmg a turn. frankly, the best SP decks I see around now aren’t even running dialga anymore.
Sergio Ortiz
True all the way pikkdogs
Although speed is what wins, this deck could become quite fast. Perhaps faster than other speedrill decks. All it takes is a bad start on someone’s end and it’s a win. And all fail to Spiritomb anyway. XD
Michael Randolph
I personally find this deck idea awesome, like you said earlier, it’s just two cards and i think the potential for it being more helpful late game is far greater then it being more hurtful. I also like the name “beemin” lol thats the greatest! Excellent job and well done on the report…
Colin Peterik
EW!! the new background is hideous!! adam, you made my computer cry…
Adam Capriola
You don’t like Colin???
Well written article, I’ll fix your list up.
I think Beedrill is decent, maybe with the right list it could compete in States. It’s too bad that it doesn’t benefit from Double Colorless though (if it definitely is coming out). Maybe something else will come out to help it. Shaymin is a neat idea, I’ll have to try it out sometime.
I’m stuck on making a pokemon deck. What would go good with Blaziken FB Lv x, i got all my trainers down but i don’t know what other pokemon i should add??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
I’m stuck on making a pokemon deck. What would go good with Blaziken FB Lv x, i got all my trainers down but i don’t know what other pokemon i should add??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
My friend jake beat pooka with sp tool box in 1 turn with 4 power plus 1 expert with victory metal
PS. his version of sp tool box
My friend jake beat pooka with sp tool box in 1 turn with 4 power plus 1 expert with victory metal
PS. his version of sp tool box
Shaymin is a neat idea but I think Beedrill has trouble when you start adding more stuff in.
I also play a much more trainer and recovery based list, but that’s down to style.
Good article!
Shaymin is a neat idea but I think Beedrill has trouble when you start adding more stuff in.
I also play a much more trainer and recovery based list, but that’s down to style.
Good article!
A Beedrill with 170 HP is just scary!
A Beedrill with 170 HP is just scary!
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