Hey guys – Woodstock reporting here again, with a new article concerning Typhlosion (PRIME) and Ninetales HG/SS.
First off, since my latest article (Dialga G LV.X CotD review), I’ve looked at the comments you guys posted about what you liked/didn’t like and tried to write this article based on those suggestions. Also, it’s good to proof-read your creations before you post them I unfortunately realized after posting last time. ^_^
Anyway, today I will be discussing some of the new cards from our latest TCG Expansion – HeartGold/SoulSilver!
Pokémon – 24 4-2-3 Typhlosion (2 PRIME, 1 Regular Rare – ALL HG/SS) 3-3 Ninetales HG/SS (2 HG/SS, 1 MT) 2-1-2 Nidoqueen RR 2 Unown G GE 1 Uxie LA 1 Chatot MD |
T/S/S: 23 3 Roseanne’s Research 4 Rare Candy 4 Poké-Drawer + 2 Bebe’s Search 2 Professor Elm’s Training Method 2 Warp Point 2 Expert Belt 1 Professor Oak’s New Theory 2 Night Maintenance |
Energy: 13 4 Call 6 R 3 P |
Before people start getting excited about how their going to shoot this article down in the comments, I HAVE NOT PLAY-TESTED THIS DECK AT ALL. I just realized this afternoon that 6P is getting less and less articles contributed, so I thought I’d put together an idea that hasn’t been posted about and share it with the community. Next, I would not classify this deck as a Tier 1 deck either, probably a Tier 1.5 or 2. It’s just too slow for this format (unless someone thinks of an amazing combo that speeds it up). With the abundance of decks able to power lock and attack for 1 energy (or an energy and an e-gain), they’ll slaughter you before you can even set-up. Anyhow, without further ado, enjoy! :)
NOW, the moment we’ve all been waiting for… The strategy!
- Typhlosion (PRIME). The main attacker of this deck, and every card revolves around it for the strategy to be implemented. By first glance, Typhlosion is a Stage 2 with 140 HP which is decent and a x2 Weakness to Water which isn’t the worst, but not the best either. It’s 2 star Retreat Cost is not so pleasant, but it really doesn’t matter too much for the strategy to be fully executed. Where this card truly shines is it’s Poké-Power ‘Afterburner’ – allowing you to pick an energy from the discard pile and attach it to one Pokémon on your side of the field, also putting a damage counter on that Pokémon. It’s one attack ‘Flare Destroy’ is decent as well, which does 70 damage for 2 Fire Energy and a Colorless and discards an energy from both active Pokémon.
Ninetales. This card is Typhlosion’s main sidekick and the only card that can actually make Typhlosion viable in my opinion. It is a Stage 1 with the same weakness as our main attacker, one star Retreat Cost, and a suitable 90 HP. It will mostly be on the bench though and has 10 HP more than Claydol, which makes it much better when being dragged out. Speaking of Claydol, this Pokémon’s Poké-Power ‘Roast Reveal’ (For which this deck is appropriately named, and sounded a lot better than Ninephlosion in my opinon) allows the player to discard a Fire Energy and draw 3 cards. It works as a deck’s engine as Claydol does, but is newer and for that reason will not be cut from the format in September. Nevertheless, it works perfectly for this deck. Ninetales’ attack is horrible though, and only under dire circumstances should you eve have to use it. I added one Ninetales MT for the ability to 1HKO a Flygon RR and a Mewtwo LV.X with it’s Poké-Power ‘Color Shift.’
- Nidoqueen. This card is really a situational choice. I enjoy having a little diversity in decks, not just sticking to one energy choice, and that’s primarily the reason I added it here. It’s Poké-Power ‘Maternal Comfort’ allows for you to take 1 damage counter off all your Pokémon between turns (this works with Typhlosion’s Poké-Power which adds a damage counter each time you take an energy from the discard). In addition to this, it is a Psychic Pokémon and can do 40 damage for one Psychic energy. Psychic Pokémon usually have Psychic weaknesses, so this card can come in handy in these circumstances (Uxie LV.X, Mewtwo LV.X, as well as Machamp SF).
I don’t really want to discuss my T/S/S choices too much because I’m the type of person who can type for hours to justify myself. If you have a question or a counter to something I added in that section though, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll discuss it with you. Broadly though, I wanted to incorporate some of the new Supporters and Trainers that I think will replace common staples in decks once the format is changed.
As for the energy, I always consider adding in 3-4 Call Energy just for the instance that I could get T-2 Donked. They also supply a C energy which Typhlosion needs anyhow. The 6 Fire Energy could be bumped up more because of the constant discarding of Fire Energy’s, but like I said, I haven’t playtested so I think 6-8 should be fine. The 3 Psychic Energy are specifically for Nidoqueen in case I have to use her. 2 Psychic Energy is entirely reasonable as well.
+/- (You could add these cards if you chose to…)
Moo Moo Milk (2-3)
-Has the ability to heal your Pokémon by 6 if you land 2 heads, or 3 if you land one heads. Like I said earlier though, not a big fan of flipping, maybe that’s just my luck though. These could replace Nidoqueen RR entirely if you chose to use them.
Poké Healer + (4)
-This was another trainer I was thinking about, but the inability to search them out and the chance that you’ll not have them at the right time is disheartening. On the positive side though, they do heal 1 damage counter and a special condition if you play 1 at a time, and heal 8 and all special conditions if you play them in pairs. This would be my second choice to Nidoqueen.
Pokémon Reversal (2-4)
– I actually really like this card. It’s ability can be used just like Luxray GL’s ‘Bright Look’ which comes in handy A LOT. It’s also a trainer, which allows you to play as many as you’d like during your turn. The only problem I have with it though is the flipping. As I described before, my coin flipping skills are HORRIBLE. All in all though, expect to see a lot more of this card in decks that cannot bring up the opponent’s bench.
Fisherman (1)
-I thought about this possibility when I was establishing a decklist, but ruled against it when I decided to add in 2 Night Maintenance instead. It’s a great card overall, basically a Palmer’s Contribution with 1 less Pokémon, but the ability to bring the cards to your hand rather than your deck from the discard pile. In the end though, I decided to have the option of Pokémon/Energy rather than just Energy. If I do play-test this deck though, I will highly consider it because of this deck’s energy-needed strategy.
Alright guys, that’s my fun deck idea using Typhlosion PRIME and Ninetales HG/SS to discard and re-attach energy through energy acceleration. Although it most likely won’t be first at World’s, it’s always entertaining to take what you get from the new sets and have fun with the game! I’m sure I need to grammar check this article as well as make sure I haven’t missed anything, but I’m staring at the daunting 1230 word Count I just typed and realize also that I just put off homework for the past hour. Oops!
Hope you guys enjoyed, leave any type of comment below! I love reading constructive criticism.
I need help say I have a few Rare Candys from older sets can I still use them
I need help say I have a few Rare Candys from older sets can I still use them
Torry Chen: Absolutely Can
Wood Stock: I like the article and I’ve been testing Typhlosion Prime and Ninetales GS for months now. They can be a great combo, but I think you are missing the best main attacker for a deck with these two in it, Charizard AR!!!!
run a 2-2 ninetales line, 2-2 Typhlosion Prime, and 4-3-4 Charizard mix in the right techs and you have a tank hitting for 80 for 1 130 for 3 and very quickly. Ninetales/Ty Prime could also be used with Flygon, though double colorless and RR trapinch already give it energy acceleration, you could also use if with SV Garchomp and Infernape 4 to hopefully prey on energy less bench sitters for 120 every turn.
I like your idea of using it with Charizard PA, which I am starting to see more of lately. I’m creating a deck list now using that with the combo I have here.
What doz PA stand 4.
Platinum Arceus
@Torry Chen
You can still use the rare candies!
@Torry Chen
You can still use the rare candies!
thank you so much the sad thing is I gave away two for free now I only have 2
@Torry Chen
You can still use the rare candies!
thank you so much the sad thing is I gave away two for free now I only have 2
In my opinion, definetly take out 1 Night’s Maintenance for 1 Fisherman. While it is true that Typlosion can bring back energies from discard onto your pokemon, it does not do so to your hand. With no energies in your hand, your main draw engine (Ninetails) just cannot discard in order to draw 3 extra.
And I’m not so sure on the Expert Belts and the Pokedrawer probably should go. Since you only have 2 Bebe’s , I think Pokemon Communication will be a great addition. Maybe even 3-4. I’d definitely drop to 2 Psychic Energies and up Fire to 7. Anyways, that’s all I have to say and this looks like a fun deck to play :P
I’m taking out the PokeDrawer+ with my updated list including Charizard PA (if 6P is more attracted to that strategy), but I’m keeping the Exper Belts for Charizard. I do like your 1 Night Maintenance for 1 Fisherman idea though, I forgot about the fact that none of the energies go to your hand. It should be a great card for late game.
It may not be the best list, but here’s a refined version with Charizard PA as the main attacker and Typhlosion PRIME as a second attacker.
Pokemon: 23
3-2-3 Charizard PA
2-1-2 Typhlosion PRIME
3-3 Ninetales (2 HG/SS, 1 MT)
2 Unown G
1 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
T/S/S: 27
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Healer +
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 Expert Belt
2 Bebe’s Search
2 Professor Elm’s Training Method
2 Warp Point
1 Professor Oak’s New Theory
1 Night Maintenance
1 Fisherman
Energy: 10
8 Fire Energy
2 Psychic Energy
I think u should put 2-4 call energys.
Well, Charmander PA can search out for basic pokemon with his first attack for one colorless energy so I thought it wasn’t that necessary. Maybe though, if anything I would put in 3 or 4, never 2.
GREAT POST, when are the HGSS packs comeing out in stores.
I love seeing the new deck lists! I’m excited to see what they do with the rest of this series.
Excellent Post, Ninetails is cool if you run fire but im hoping for something that can be run in any deck, hopefully they have another sort of draw engine in the newer sets that can be played similar to Uxie/Claydol.
Awesome article Zach! I’m sure the list could use some tinkering, but you’re making me think about more ways that Typhlosion could be used (which is good!).
I really like the Ninetales MT tech, it could definitely turn out to be a game changer in some matchups.
I’ll try to come up with some more things that could be used with the card. :)
cool deck!!! i cannot wait for the new cards!!!
It sounds nice but I think it needs a BIT more energy..
Yeah, I agree, doing a revised deck list now and will post in a few minutes.
It sounds nice but I think it needs a BIT more energy..
It sounds nice but I think it needs a BIT more energy..
Yeah, I agree, doing a revised deck list now and will post in a few minutes.
Yeah, I agree, doing a revised deck list now and will post in a few minutes.
Torry Chen: Absolutely Can
Wood Stock: I like the article and I’ve been testing Typhlosion Prime and Ninetales GS for months now. They can be a great combo, but I think you are missing the best main attacker for a deck with these two in it, Charizard AR!!!!
run a 2-2 ninetales line, 2-2 Typhlosion Prime, and 4-3-4 Charizard mix in the right techs and you have a tank hitting for 80 for 1 130 for 3 and very quickly. Ninetales/Ty Prime could also be used with Flygon, though double colorless and RR trapinch already give it energy acceleration, you could also use if with SV Garchomp and Infernape 4 to hopefully prey on energy less bench sitters for 120 every turn.
I like your idea of using it with Charizard PA, which I am starting to see more of lately. I’m creating a deck list now using that with the combo I have here.
I like your idea of using it with Charizard PA, which I am starting to see more of lately. I’m creating a deck list now using that with the combo I have here.
What doz PA stand 4.
What doz PA stand 4.
Platinum Arceus
Platinum Arceus
In my opinion, definetly take out 1 Night’s Maintenance for 1 Fisherman. While it is true that Typlosion can bring back energies from discard onto your pokemon, it does not do so to your hand. With no energies in your hand, your main draw engine (Ninetails) just cannot discard in order to draw 3 extra.
And I’m not so sure on the Expert Belts and the Pokedrawer probably should go. Since you only have 2 Bebe’s , I think Pokemon Communication will be a great addition. Maybe even 3-4. I’d definitely drop to 2 Psychic Energies and up Fire to 7. Anyways, that’s all I have to say and this looks like a fun deck to play :P
I’m taking out the PokeDrawer+ with my updated list including Charizard PA (if 6P is more attracted to that strategy), but I’m keeping the Exper Belts for Charizard. I do like your 1 Night Maintenance for 1 Fisherman idea though, I forgot about the fact that none of the energies go to your hand. It should be a great card for late game.
I’m taking out the PokeDrawer+ with my updated list including Charizard PA (if 6P is more attracted to that strategy), but I’m keeping the Exper Belts for Charizard. I do like your 1 Night Maintenance for 1 Fisherman idea though, I forgot about the fact that none of the energies go to your hand. It should be a great card for late game.
It may not be the best list, but here’s a refined version with Charizard PA as the main attacker and Typhlosion PRIME as a second attacker.
Pokemon: 23
3-2-3 Charizard PA
2-1-2 Typhlosion PRIME
3-3 Ninetales (2 HG/SS, 1 MT)
2 Unown G
1 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
T/S/S: 27
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Healer +
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 Expert Belt
2 Bebe’s Search
2 Professor Elm’s Training Method
2 Warp Point
1 Professor Oak’s New Theory
1 Night Maintenance
1 Fisherman
Energy: 10
8 Fire Energy
2 Psychic Energy
It may not be the best list, but here’s a refined version with Charizard PA as the main attacker and Typhlosion PRIME as a second attacker.
Pokemon: 23
3-2-3 Charizard PA
2-1-2 Typhlosion PRIME
3-3 Ninetales (2 HG/SS, 1 MT)
2 Unown G
1 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
T/S/S: 27
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Healer +
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 Expert Belt
2 Bebe’s Search
2 Professor Elm’s Training Method
2 Warp Point
1 Professor Oak’s New Theory
1 Night Maintenance
1 Fisherman
Energy: 10
8 Fire Energy
2 Psychic Energy
I think u should put 2-4 call energys.
Well, Charmander PA can search out for basic pokemon with his first attack for one colorless energy so I thought it wasn’t that necessary. Maybe though, if anything I would put in 3 or 4, never 2.
In my opinion, definetly take out 1 Night’s Maintenance for 1 Fisherman. While it is true that Typlosion can bring back energies from discard onto your pokemon, it does not do so to your hand. With no energies in your hand, your main draw engine (Ninetails) just cannot discard in order to draw 3 extra.
And I’m not so sure on the Expert Belts and the Pokedrawer probably should go. Since you only have 2 Bebe’s , I think Pokemon Communication will be a great addition. Maybe even 3-4. I’d definitely drop to 2 Psychic Energies and up Fire to 7. Anyways, that’s all I have to say and this looks like a fun deck to play :P
GREAT POST, when are the HGSS packs comeing out in stores.
GREAT POST, when are the HGSS packs comeing out in stores.
I love seeing the new deck lists! I’m excited to see what they do with the rest of this series.
I love seeing the new deck lists! I’m excited to see what they do with the rest of this series.
Excellent Post, Ninetails is cool if you run fire but im hoping for something that can be run in any deck, hopefully they have another sort of draw engine in the newer sets that can be played similar to Uxie/Claydol.
Excellent Post, Ninetails is cool if you run fire but im hoping for something that can be run in any deck, hopefully they have another sort of draw engine in the newer sets that can be played similar to Uxie/Claydol.
Awesome article Zach! I’m sure the list could use some tinkering, but you’re making me think about more ways that Typhlosion could be used (which is good!).
I really like the Ninetales MT tech, it could definitely turn out to be a game changer in some matchups.
I’ll try to come up with some more things that could be used with the card. :)
Awesome article Zach! I’m sure the list could use some tinkering, but you’re making me think about more ways that Typhlosion could be used (which is good!).
I really like the Ninetales MT tech, it could definitely turn out to be a game changer in some matchups.
I’ll try to come up with some more things that could be used with the card. :)
cool deck!!! i cannot wait for the new cards!!!
cool deck!!! i cannot wait for the new cards!!!
I LOVE the idea of this deck with the Charizard from Arceus. That could really do some major damage. Great report! I’m looking forward to seeing this in action.
I believe Feb. 10th is the release date for the set.
I LOVE the idea of this deck with the Charizard from Arceus. That could really do some major damage. Great report! I’m looking forward to seeing this in action.
I LOVE the idea of this deck with the Charizard from Arceus. That could really do some major damage. Great report! I’m looking forward to seeing this in action.
I believe Feb. 10th is the release date for the set.
i love the new ninetales tech!!!!
also mayb sum rare candy’s?
but i love the tech it’ll probs be a staple in most fire decks from now on
i love the new ninetales tech!!!!
also mayb sum rare candy’s?
but i love the tech it’ll probs be a staple in most fire decks from now on
i love the new ninetales tech!!!!
also mayb sum rare candy’s?
but i love the tech it’ll probs be a staple in most fire decks from now on
Nice deck what does pro elms training method do i have not seen it???
It’s just like the old one.
Nice deck what does pro elms training method do i have not seen it???
Nice deck what does pro elms training method do i have not seen it???
It’s just like the old one.
Decent deck for after the roation. But before the rotation, even the current typhlosion we have is better, and claydol is much better than ninetails.
So keep this deck list for a couple of months.
Decent deck for after the roation. But before the rotation, even the current typhlosion we have is better, and claydol is much better than ninetails.
So keep this deck list for a couple of months.
Decent deck for after the roation. But before the rotation, even the current typhlosion we have is better, and claydol is much better than ninetails.
So keep this deck list for a couple of months.
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