Hi everyone, my name is Gonçalo. I’m from Portugal and trying to present a new Flylock variant.
After testing a bit the deck against Expert Gyarados I decided to post it here. The list consists of the following:
Pokémon: 24 3 Trapinch SW 2 Vibrava RR 3 Flygon RR 1 Flygon LV.X RR 2 Baltoy GE 2 Claydol GE 2 Palkia MD 2 Palkia LV.X GE 1 Unown G GE 1 Uxie LA 1 Azelf LA 1-1 Slowking HS 1 Unown K 1 Spiritomb AR |
T/S/S: 24 4 Roseanne’s Research 4 Bebe’s Search 4 Rare Candy 2 Premier Ball 1 Night Maintenance 1 Palmer’s Contribution 2 Switch 3 Memory Berry 1 Luxury Ball 1 Broken Time Space 1 Department Store Girl |
Energy: 12 3 Call 4 F 3 P 2 W |
First of all the main Pokémon:
– Trapinch
The lock Pokémon, attach an Energy along with Memory Berry and the lock starts here. Attack for 10 and lock the Pokémon from retreating or switch the opponent’s Pokémon to let him discarding Energy or Trainers to retreat it.
Just let it stay active and discard top card of oponent’s deck between turns.
– Palkia LV.X
This is the Pokémon who let you change defending Pokémon without attacking with Trapinch so you can switch and lock on one turn.
– Slowking
The new addition, Slowking from HS lets you reorder the top 3 cards of either players deck allowing to choose what to discard. This lets discard useful cards like Switch, warp points, Warp Energies, etc…
– Unown K
New addition too, if you are almost KO one Claydol or other locked Pokémon just remove 2 damage counters from him and let it be locked again and again. :)
– Spiritomb
This is a early game locker for Trainers. I think its more useful then Chatot as you can quickly evolve stage 2 Pokémon or Claydol as you lock opponent’s Trainers.
Second the key trainer:
This cards will let Flygon LV.X use Trapinch attacks…that’s the objective of the deck.
– Department Store Girl
The only objective of this cards is search for 3 Memory Berry as there is not any other way of searching them.
Third energies:
Bad hand, no starter Pokémon but one Unown G…ohhh!!
Just attach a Call Energy and search for useful Pokémon while you will can retreat with Unown G next turn. This is an example to use Call Energy on this deck. After turn 1 or 2 they are useless.
– Other energies
The other types of Energy are just to give retreat 0 to all Pokémon in this deck while attached to Flygon.
I think this deck can became a meta deck since it has good matchups against all deck that don’t use many switch cards and don’t have terrible matchups against deck that have lots of switch cards like Gyarados since we can discard them with combo Flygon LV.X + Memory with Slowking HS.
Hope you enjoy.
i like the idea but i think deckout decks are not worth playing it just gets rid of the fun of playing if you just get locked and watch your deck just wittle down
GREAT JOB, the Slowking idea is great.
Slowking idea is inspired. Good luck!
Slowking was an amazing idea!
Slowking was an amazing idea!
Slowking was an amazing idea!
This would be a great deck idea except luxray gl l v x and garchomp c lv x are going to be a very popular combo and will be a really bad matchup for flygon lock. Good deck in theory just not good in curent metagame IMHO.
true and also machamp
There is a counter for everything; your point? And besides the SP’s have plenty to worry about at states.
How is nobody mentioning Double Colorless Energy? I’m totally shocked that it isn’t included.
Also, I’d max out the Call Energy. It doesn’t hurt anything and only improves consistency.
Also, 1 or 2 Pokemon Communicator would work great with all the little techs.
great idea
Call energy’s at limit are vital!!!
but i like use of slowking
i like the use of slowking and unown k
The Slowking idea is really cool!
I agree with MatthewR, you should play a few DCE even though your strategy is mainly to lock. You might not be able to do that every game.
i’ve been thinking in slowking too!, but it seems (at least to me) that flytrap variants aren’t doing so well by the time, the great renovation of many decks with Warp energy (such as gyarados,Dialgatank,and many palkia LvX + X thing Variants) force people to include 1 warp or 2 instead of switchs or warp points plus the 1 or 2 unown G, the seek and lock idea it’s very clever! discard one crucial card via wind erosion, i use a 3-2-2-2 lines of flygon, and people around the globe where impressed at that time (worlds 2009),IMO it helps lots if your main strategy is the deckout
nice article man :D
Can u use cards that the leagues give out in the BR’S/States/CC’s/worlds.
i like the idea but i think deckout decks are not worth playing it just gets rid of the fun of playing if you just get locked and watch your deck just wittle down
i like the idea but i think deckout decks are not worth playing it just gets rid of the fun of playing if you just get locked and watch your deck just wittle down
GREAT JOB, the Slowking idea is great.
GREAT JOB, the Slowking idea is great.
Slowking idea is inspired. Good luck!
Slowking idea is inspired. Good luck!
This would be a great deck idea except luxray gl l v x and garchomp c lv x are going to be a very popular combo and will be a really bad matchup for flygon lock. Good deck in theory just not good in curent metagame IMHO.
This would be a great deck idea except luxray gl l v x and garchomp c lv x are going to be a very popular combo and will be a really bad matchup for flygon lock. Good deck in theory just not good in curent metagame IMHO.
true and also machamp
true and also machamp
There is a counter for everything; your point? And besides the SP’s have plenty to worry about at states.
There is a counter for everything; your point? And besides the SP’s have plenty to worry about at states.
How is nobody mentioning Double Colorless Energy? I’m totally shocked that it isn’t included.
Also, I’d max out the Call Energy. It doesn’t hurt anything and only improves consistency.
Also, 1 or 2 Pokemon Communicator would work great with all the little techs.
How is nobody mentioning Double Colorless Energy? I’m totally shocked that it isn’t included.
Also, I’d max out the Call Energy. It doesn’t hurt anything and only improves consistency.
Also, 1 or 2 Pokemon Communicator would work great with all the little techs.
great idea
Call energy’s at limit are vital!!!
but i like use of slowking
great idea
Call energy’s at limit are vital!!!
but i like use of slowking
i like the use of slowking and unown k
i like the use of slowking and unown k
yes actually they are from previous sets in modified,
Also many of the promos since DP are still playable nowadays,
check your tournament decklist and find if the format in wich you’re playing allows you to do so,
Good Luck!
The Slowking idea is really cool!
I agree with MatthewR, you should play a few DCE even though your strategy is mainly to lock. You might not be able to do that every game.
The Slowking idea is really cool!
I agree with MatthewR, you should play a few DCE even though your strategy is mainly to lock. You might not be able to do that every game.
i’ve been thinking in slowking too!, but it seems (at least to me) that flytrap variants aren’t doing so well by the time, the great renovation of many decks with Warp energy (such as gyarados,Dialgatank,and many palkia LvX + X thing Variants) force people to include 1 warp or 2 instead of switchs or warp points plus the 1 or 2 unown G, the seek and lock idea it’s very clever! discard one crucial card via wind erosion, i use a 3-2-2-2 lines of flygon, and people around the globe where impressed at that time (worlds 2009),IMO it helps lots if your main strategy is the deckout
nice article man :D
i’ve been thinking in slowking too!, but it seems (at least to me) that flytrap variants aren’t doing so well by the time, the great renovation of many decks with Warp energy (such as gyarados,Dialgatank,and many palkia LvX + X thing Variants) force people to include 1 warp or 2 instead of switchs or warp points plus the 1 or 2 unown G, the seek and lock idea it’s very clever! discard one crucial card via wind erosion, i use a 3-2-2-2 lines of flygon, and people around the globe where impressed at that time (worlds 2009),IMO it helps lots if your main strategy is the deckout
nice article man :D
Can u use cards that the leagues give out in the BR’S/States/CC’s/worlds.
Can u use cards that the leagues give out in the BR’S/States/CC’s/worlds.
yes actually they are from previous sets in modified,
Also many of the promos since DP are still playable nowadays,
check your tournament decklist and find if the format in wich you’re playing allows you to do so,
Good Luck!
yes actually they are from previous sets in modified,
Also many of the promos since DP are still playable nowadays,
check your tournament decklist and find if the format in wich you’re playing allows you to do so,
Good Luck!
Thanks to all comments will consider the DCE and increase calls, have to test a bit more the deck too. About the second LvX i have thought of it too but havent tried yet. :)
Ya, I would play Doble Colorless energy and also maybe Spiritomb (AR)!
Ya, I would play Doble Colorless energy and also maybe Spiritomb (AR)!
Ya, I would play Doble Colorless energy and also maybe Spiritomb (AR)!
Thanks to all comments will consider the DCE and increase calls, have to test a bit more the deck too. About the second LvX i have thought of it too but havent tried yet. :)
Thanks to all comments will consider the DCE and increase calls, have to test a bit more the deck too. About the second LvX i have thought of it too but havent tried yet. :)
This is epic. No DCE, you will LOCK your opponent not attack them!!
when spiritomb is played you want to play a dark energy.
Mewtwo lv X is needed VS SP, because you can’t lock a smart SP player.
Pokemon: 27
4 Trapinch SW
2 Vibrava RR
3 Flygon RR
1 Flygon Lv.X RR
2 Baltoy GE
2 Claydol GE
1 Palkia MD
1 Palkia Lv.X GE
1 Unown G GE
1 Azelf LA
1 Slowpoke HS
1 Slowking HS
1 Unown K
1 Spiritomb AR
1 Mewtwo MD
1 Mewtwo Lv X LA
1 Nidoran [F] RR
1 Nidoqueen RR
1 Mr Mime
T/S/S: 24
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Bebe’s Search
4 Rare Candy
2 Premier Ball
2 Night Maintenance
1 Warp point
3 Memory Berry
1 Luxury Ball
Energy: 11
4 Call Energy
2 Fighting Energy
3 Psychic Energy
1 Water Energy
1 Dark Energy
Looooove the slowking idea, it’s really good. I’d max out on Call energy, though. No reason not to. One amazing thing with this deck is that if the opponent drops a Spiritomb, you can Restructure it to your opponent’s bench, drop a memory berry, and then later on in the game, restrcuture/sand tomb the spiritomb. you opponent can’t play warp point/switch because of Keystone Seal and it resist’s flygon so it doesn’t take any damage, so you deck out your opponent until you win. :-D
Looooove the slowking idea, it’s really good. I’d max out on Call energy, though. No reason not to. One amazing thing with this deck is that if the opponent drops a Spiritomb, you can Restructure it to your opponent’s bench, drop a memory berry, and then later on in the game, restrcuture/sand tomb the spiritomb. you opponent can’t play warp point/switch because of Keystone Seal and it resist’s flygon so it doesn’t take any damage, so you deck out your opponent until you win. :-D
Hah that’s a nice idea! I’d love to see someone pull that off.
Hah that’s a nice idea! I’d love to see someone pull that off.
Looooove the slowking idea, it’s really good. I’d max out on Call energy, though. No reason not to. One amazing thing with this deck is that if the opponent drops a Spiritomb, you can Restructure it to your opponent’s bench, drop a memory berry, and then later on in the game, restrcuture/sand tomb the spiritomb. you opponent can’t play warp point/switch because of Keystone Seal and it resist’s flygon so it doesn’t take any damage, so you deck out your opponent until you win. :-D
Hah that’s a nice idea! I’d love to see someone pull that off.
i like the slowking idea alot!
This is epic. No DCE, you will LOCK your opponent not attack them!!
when spiritomb is played you want to play a dark energy.
Mewtwo lv X is needed VS SP, because you can’t lock a smart SP player.
Pokemon: 27
4 Trapinch SW
2 Vibrava RR
3 Flygon RR
1 Flygon Lv.X RR
2 Baltoy GE
2 Claydol GE
1 Palkia MD
1 Palkia Lv.X GE
1 Unown G GE
1 Azelf LA
1 Slowpoke HS
1 Slowking HS
1 Unown K
1 Spiritomb AR
1 Mewtwo MD
1 Mewtwo Lv X LA
1 Nidoran [F] RR
1 Nidoqueen RR
1 Mr Mime
T/S/S: 24
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Bebe’s Search
4 Rare Candy
2 Premier Ball
2 Night Maintenance
1 Warp point
3 Memory Berry
1 Luxury Ball
Energy: 11
4 Call Energy
2 Fighting Energy
3 Psychic Energy
1 Water Energy
1 Dark Energy
This is epic. No DCE, you will LOCK your opponent not attack them!!
when spiritomb is played you want to play a dark energy.
Mewtwo lv X is needed VS SP, because you can’t lock a smart SP player.
Pokemon: 27
4 Trapinch SW
2 Vibrava RR
3 Flygon RR
1 Flygon Lv.X RR
2 Baltoy GE
2 Claydol GE
1 Palkia MD
1 Palkia Lv.X GE
1 Unown G GE
1 Azelf LA
1 Slowpoke HS
1 Slowking HS
1 Unown K
1 Spiritomb AR
1 Mewtwo MD
1 Mewtwo Lv X LA
1 Nidoran [F] RR
1 Nidoqueen RR
1 Mr Mime
T/S/S: 24
4 Roseanne’s Research
4 Bebe’s Search
4 Rare Candy
2 Premier Ball
2 Night Maintenance
1 Warp point
3 Memory Berry
1 Luxury Ball
Energy: 11
4 Call Energy
2 Fighting Energy
3 Psychic Energy
1 Water Energy
1 Dark Energy
i like the slowking idea alot!
i like the slowking idea alot!
You should have Mr. Mime in their to because it will help against Gyrados.
Nice Article!!
Good idea on Slowking HGSS. You can have a Flygon X up with 1 DC and 1 of any other NRG then have the Flygon X and Memory Berry on it and keep doing Sand Tomb whille picking what you discard.
You should have Mr. Mime in their to because it will help against Gyrados.
Nice Article!!
Good idea on Slowking HGSS. You can have a Flygon X up with 1 DC and 1 of any other NRG then have the Flygon X and Memory Berry on it and keep doing Sand Tomb whille picking what you discard.
Why do you have Slowbro on the list and Slowking isn’t but you still use him???
That was a typo, I’ll fix it now…
Why do you have Slowbro on the list and Slowking isn’t but you still use him???
Why do you have Slowbro on the list and Slowking isn’t but you still use him???
That was a typo, I’ll fix it now…
That was a typo, I’ll fix it now…
I'd throw a couple Double Colorless & Pokemon Communications in there just to be safe.
I believe so, as long as they're not signed or have a World championship backing.
I believe so, as long as they're not signed or have a World championship backing.
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