Hello all, this is my first article and I welcome any and all criticism (constructive please). Now onto the article.
The deck that I will explaining to you is yes, another Flygon variant. The deck am I talking about, well, I like to call this variant Dumbo. This deck is a lot like the infamous FlyChamp except it utilizes the somewhat quicker Donphan Prime instead of Machamp. The reason that Donphan is so much quicker than Machamp is the fact that is a Stage 1, so you don’t have to search out that Rare Candy or Broken Time Space and you just evolve on turn 2. Well I think that’s enough chatter…let’s meet our key Pokémon.
Wow, Flygon an amazing card and a big part of the meta. This beast of Pokémon has found it’s way into a huge amount of decks that have been winning BattleRoad’s and CityChampionship’s and you can be sure it isn’t going anywhere soon. Let’s take a look at the stats. First of all Flygon has average amount of HP for a stage 2, 120. It’s + 30 weakness to Colorless isn’t the best with Garchomp C running around all over the place but we can deal. Next it’s resistance of -20 to Lightning is amazing with Luxray GL a big part of a lot of meta decks, and it’s 0 Retreat Cost is great.
Its Poké-Body “Rainbow Float” gives each of your Pokémon free retreat if there is a basic energy of the same type on Flygon; this can be extremely helpful in this particular variant since Donphan has such a high Retreat Cost. “Sand Wall” is a great attack against SP decks that utilize the Toxi-Tank engine since they need to have a Stadium in play. “Power Swing” is the main attack used doing 60+10 for each evolved Pokémon on your bench for Colorless Colorless Colorless maxing out at 110.
Flygon LV.X is a great card and 1 should be run at least. The changes Flygon goes through when it Levels Up are that it’s Hp goes up by 20 which helps tremendously. The Weakness becomes x2 to Colorless now and the Resistance and Retreat Cost stay the same. It also gains 1 more sweet attack and an awesome Poké-Body. Let’s talk about the Body “Wind Erosion” lets you discard the top card of your opponents deck in between turns this means you discard 2 cards per turn. That attack is just amazing it lets you do 150 Damage to any 1 LV.X your opponent has in play for Colorless Colorless Colorless.
You have two options for the Vibrava and Trapinch that you play,for Vibrava the RR one is far superior to the SW one. It has an amazing late game attack to use after you Knock Out a few of your opponents Pokémon, it lets you do 20× the number of energy cards in their discard and you put them back their deck. The Trapinch that like to use is from SW It’s first attack let’s YOU switch the defending Pokémon with 1 of your oppenent’s bench Pokémon. It’s second attack does 10 damage and keeps the defending Pokémon from retreating.
Donphan the 2nd half of the deck and an important one. This Tank has 120 HP which is amazing for a stage 1. It’s x2Water weakness isn’t that great with Gyardos and the soon to be released Feraligatr Prime. It has the same Resistance as Flygon, and it’s Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Retreat Cost is utterly horrid but Flygon’s Body takes care of that. Donphan has a Poké-Body and 2 attacks the Body is great, it makes so that all damage done to it is reduced by 20 this makes it a great wall Pokémon. The first attack is “Earthquake” this will be used the most during a game, for Fighting it does 60 and 10 your bench. It’s 2nd attack does 90 for Fighting Fighting Fighting it can be used occasionally but I wouldn’t waste the energy attachments.
The best Phanphy to use is the HGSS one and is pretty good because if your Donphan is heavily damaged you can just attach a Memory Berry and use flail for massive damage.
There are a number of techs that could be used to help this deck but I can only list a few
Staple Techs
Unown G
The above are some techs that should be used no matter what in most decks.
Nidoqueen is possibly the best tech in this deck because it heals the recoil damage from earthquake and it just heals in general.
Exploud SV
Exploud is another tech to consider it gets rid of all the weaknesses on your Pokémon. This helps because both your attackers have bad weaknesses. The bad thing about this guy is that there is no such thing a basic C energy so he can never have free retreat.
Spiritomb AR
This annoying ghost can be a tricky guy, he stops you and your opponent from playing any trainers while he is active and he also helps you set-up using his attack you can search your deck for a Pokémon that evolves from 1 of your Pokémon and evolve it, that can really help you out.
Palkia LV.X
Palkia can really help you because it gives you control of what your opponent has active, but it also lets your opponent switch your Pokémon too. The reason it gives you complete control is Because Flygon gives you free retreat.
Dialga G LV.X
Dialga can be really fun because locks all Poké-Body’s, but he can be a hard tech to pull off since he locks your Body’s too. This means you have to use TGI Poké Turn to bring him back to your hand during your turn, and he is a LV.X making him that much harder to get out.
Mewtwo LV.X
Mewtwo will act as your counter to all basic Pokémon especially SP’s and Shuppet. He can also act as a great staller if you also have Palkia LV.X out, as you can restructure a basic out and stall while you recover from a Knock Out.
Dusknoir DP
Dusknoir is really good against decks that need lots of Pokémon in play (ie. Beedrill, Jumpluff, Charizard). This ghoulish ghost lets you shuffle one of your opponent’s benched Pokémon back into their deck if they have at least 4 Poké’s on their bench.
The List
This the list I use for fun and is by no means competitive.
Pokémon-26 4-2-3-1 Flygon LV.X 3-3 Donphan Prime 1-0-1 Nidoqueen RR 1-1 Mewtwo LV.X 1-1 Palkia LV.X 2-2 Claydol GE 1 Unown G |
T/S/S-23 4 Roseanne’s Research 4 Bebe’s Search 1 Palmer’s Contribution 1 Cynthia’s Feelings 4 Rare Candy 1 Premier Ball 1 Luxury Ball 2 Memory Berry 2 Night Maintenance 1 Warp point 2 Broken Time-Space |
Energy-10 5 F 3 P 2 W |
I cannot post many match ups as I haven’t tested against many Meta-game decks with this deck but I will post some that have tested against.
DialgaChomp – Very Unfavorable
This a match that Spiritomb would really help since SP’s use so many trainers. Dialga stopping your body’s is really bad and they have Garchomp which 1HKOs you with Lucario GL in play. The best strategy would be to lock something like Claydol up front or go heavy attacking with Donphan.
Gengar (with LV.X) – Unfavorable
Gengar LV.X is a huge threat to the deck out strategy that Flygon uses and he has resistance making power swing max at 90 DMG. The best thing to do is get out Donphan quickly and get some damage out, then use Flygon to lock their Claydol. If they break out of the lock then just risk the KO from fainting spell and attack as much as possible.
Gengar (without LV.X) – Highly Favorable
This is one of the easiest match ups for you, as long as you can get out your Nidoqueen, Unown G your Claydol, and keep your hand low on trainers you should be good to just lock their Claydol or Azelf for a few turns until they deck out.
Well that was my article I hope you liked it, and hope you try out this Dumbo deck.
Between Donphan’s self-damage and Garchomp C, it would be wise to play a 1-1 or so.
manectic isnt even needed
Yeah menetric isn’t needed because he already has nidoqueen teched. I would take out queen and add tric though.
Great deck,
Amazing deck! You should definitely add some double colorless. :)
Amazing deck! You should definitely add some double colorless. :)
Amazing deck! You should definitely add some double colorless. :)
Lol nifty idea, but gengar would have a hay day with this. Compoundpain and shadow room would take kills almost everyturn unless nido was present. But if the gengar play nido you might have trouble keeping damage on your opponent as well. Excellent article!
yer but its still a great deck plan
Nice deck you evened it out nicely .It will be good aganist fast and slow evolving decks!!!
Between Donphan’s self-damage and Garchomp C, it would be wise to play a 1-1 or so.
Between Donphan’s self-damage and Garchomp C, it would be wise to play a 1-1 or so.
manectic isnt even needed
Yeah menetric isn’t needed because he already has nidoqueen teched. I would take out queen and add tric though.
Great deck,
Great deck,
Seems like a solid deck to me. I really like how Flygon gives Donphan free retreat so you can let it heal on the bench.
Awesome article overall. :) List looks good and you explained everything very well.
I wonder if playing a 1/0/1 Machamp line would be helpful or if it would be stretching things too much.
yer it makes it a good roundhouse deck!the machamp might be streching it but its wortth a try
Thanks everybody I completely blanked on Manetric. I think the 1-0-1 line of Machamp could help since Dialga G wrecks this deck.
great plan m8!! keep up the articles like this top notch one
If you would play tech Machamp against Dialga G, you would need at least 1-1-1 line since you cannot play Trainers (such as Rare Candy) when in trainer lock. :P
Lol nifty idea, but gengar would have a hay day with this. Compoundpain and shadow room would take kills almost everyturn unless nido was present. But if the gengar play nido you might have trouble keeping damage on your opponent as well. Excellent article!
yer but its still a great deck plan
Lol nifty idea, but gengar would have a hay day with this. Compoundpain and shadow room would take kills almost everyturn unless nido was present. But if the gengar play nido you might have trouble keeping damage on your opponent as well. Excellent article!
Nice deck you evened it out nicely .It will be good aganist fast and slow evolving decks!!!
Nice deck you evened it out nicely .It will be good aganist fast and slow evolving decks!!!
I would play at least one Exp Belt so you could OHKO pixies and other starters with Donphan with one energy attached to it. Also, Flygon lvX, 1-0-1 Nidoqueen, 1-1 Mewtwo, 1-1 Palkia and 1 Unown G really yields for Azelf in this deck.
Seems like a solid deck to me. I really like how Flygon gives Donphan free retreat so you can let it heal on the bench.
Awesome article overall. :) List looks good and you explained everything very well.
I wonder if playing a 1/0/1 Machamp line would be helpful or if it would be stretching things too much.
Seems like a solid deck to me. I really like how Flygon gives Donphan free retreat so you can let it heal on the bench.
Awesome article overall. :) List looks good and you explained everything very well.
I wonder if playing a 1/0/1 Machamp line would be helpful or if it would be stretching things too much.
yer it makes it a good roundhouse deck!the machamp might be streching it but its wortth a try
yer it makes it a good roundhouse deck!the machamp might be streching it but its wortth a try
Thanks everybody I completely blanked on Manetric. I think the 1-0-1 line of Machamp could help since Dialga G wrecks this deck.
great plan m8!! keep up the articles like this top notch one
If you would play tech Machamp against Dialga G, you would need at least 1-1-1 line since you cannot play Trainers (such as Rare Candy) when in trainer lock. :P
Thanks everybody I completely blanked on Manetric. I think the 1-0-1 line of Machamp could help since Dialga G wrecks this deck.
I would play at least one Exp Belt so you could OHKO pixies and other starters with Donphan with one energy attached to it. Also, Flygon lvX, 1-0-1 Nidoqueen, 1-1 Mewtwo, 1-1 Palkia and 1 Unown G really yields for Azelf in this deck.
great article! and btw anyone of you guys know a good tech with donphan prime except flygon?
um, the Phanpy from SW is much much better. It still has:
1 Retreat
Flail for 1 Colorless
Take Down for 1 Fighting and 1 Colorless
and weakness to Water +10.
um, the Phanpy from SW is much much better. It still has:
1 Retreat
Flail for 1 Colorless
Take Down for 1 Fighting and 1 Colorless
and weakness to Water +10.
great article! and btw anyone of you guys know a good tech with donphan prime except flygon?
great article! and btw anyone of you guys know a good tech with donphan prime except flygon?
A decent idea, but I dont know if this deck will last.
Donphan is okay but 1 for 60 can only bring you so far.
Once the rotation comes it will be interesting to see what will happen to flygon. It is likely that we will lose machamp, palkia x, and trapinch sw. So this deck si an idea of what may come in the future.
– 1-1 Mewtwo LV.X
– 1-1 Palkia LV.X
– 1 Unown G
– 1 Warp point
– 2 Broken Time-Space
– 3 Psychic
– 2 Water
+ 1 Azelf
+ 1 Uxie
+ 2 Cynthia’s Feelings
+ 4 DCE
+ 3 Call Energy
+ 2 Spiritomb AR
great idea gabe but i dont think those would fit into the deck’s style but great thoughts
great idea gabe but i dont think those would fit into the deck’s style but great thoughts
great idea gabe but i dont think those would fit into the deck’s style but great thoughts
– 1-1 Mewtwo LV.X
– 1-1 Palkia LV.X
– 1 Unown G
– 1 Warp point
– 2 Broken Time-Space
– 3 Psychic
– 2 Water
+ 1 Azelf
+ 1 Uxie
+ 2 Cynthia’s Feelings
+ 4 DCE
+ 3 Call Energy
+ 2 Spiritomb AR
great idea gabe but i dont think those would fit into the deck’s style but great thoughts
A decent idea, but I dont know if this deck will last.
Donphan is okay but 1 for 60 can only bring you so far.
Once the rotation comes it will be interesting to see what will happen to flygon. It is likely that we will lose machamp, palkia x, and trapinch sw. So this deck si an idea of what may come in the future.
A decent idea, but I dont know if this deck will last.
Donphan is okay but 1 for 60 can only bring you so far.
Once the rotation comes it will be interesting to see what will happen to flygon. It is likely that we will lose machamp, palkia x, and trapinch sw. So this deck si an idea of what may come in the future.
You should concider playing 1-2 Expert Belts in this deck, so Donphan can kill stuff more easily. F + Belt does for 80 (ands spread to your bench) which is enough to OHKO most of the basic Pokémons in this game and some Stage 1’s such as Weavile, Claydol, etc. Belted Donphan would have 140 HP and Buffer Piece Body which makes is even harder to get OHKO/2HKO. SSUs can bring the Belt and Donphan back to your hand so you wouldn’t lose 2 Prizes every time.
You should concider playing 1-2 Expert Belts in this deck, so Donphan can kill stuff more easily. F + Belt does for 80 (ands spread to your bench) which is enough to OHKO most of the basic Pokémons in this game and some Stage 1’s such as Weavile, Claydol, etc. Belted Donphan would have 140 HP and Buffer Piece Body which makes is even harder to get OHKO/2HKO. SSUs can bring the Belt and Donphan back to your hand so you wouldn’t lose 2 Prizes every time.
You should concider playing 1-2 Expert Belts in this deck, so Donphan can kill stuff more easily. F + Belt does for 80 (ands spread to your bench) which is enough to OHKO most of the basic Pokémons in this game and some Stage 1’s such as Weavile, Claydol, etc. Belted Donphan would have 140 HP and Buffer Piece Body which makes is even harder to get OHKO/2HKO. SSUs can bring the Belt and Donphan back to your hand so you wouldn’t lose 2 Prizes every time.
You should concider playing 1-2 Expert Belts in this deck, so Donphan can kill stuff more easily. F + Belt does for 80 (ands spread to your bench) which is enough to OHKO most of the basic Pokémons in this game and some Stage 1’s such as Weavile, Claydol, etc. Belted Donphan would have 140 HP and Buffer Piece Body which makes is even harder to get OHKO/2HKO. SSUs can bring the Belt and Donphan back to your hand so you wouldn’t lose 2 Prizes every time.
Some great ideas I’ll try the belts they can help alot and what about reversals too so that I can bring up a pixie or claydol an OHKO it
Some great ideas I’ll try the belts they can help alot and what about reversals too so that I can bring up a pixie or claydol an OHKO it
Some great ideas I’ll try the belts they can help alot and what about reversals too so that I can bring up a pixie or claydol an OHKO it
Some great ideas I’ll try the belts they can help alot and what about reversals too so that I can bring up a pixie or claydol an OHKO it
Huge problem I see with this is too many lines and too few Energies and T/S/S. Flygon definitely can’t run on 10 Energies, even if Donphan can. The Nidoqueen is alright, but it causes consistency problems when you’re running a 1-0-1. Mewtwo Lv.X is great if you can get it out, and only against SPs, but having to run those Psychic energies really isn’t worth it IMO.
Huge problem I see with this is too many lines and too few Energies and T/S/S. Flygon definitely can’t run on 10 Energies, even if Donphan can. The Nidoqueen is alright, but it causes consistency problems when you’re running a 1-0-1. Mewtwo Lv.X is great if you can get it out, and only against SPs, but having to run those Psychic energies really isn’t worth it IMO.
Huge problem I see with this is too many lines and too few Energies and T/S/S. Flygon definitely can’t run on 10 Energies, even if Donphan can. The Nidoqueen is alright, but it causes consistency problems when you’re running a 1-0-1. Mewtwo Lv.X is great if you can get it out, and only against SPs, but having to run those Psychic energies really isn’t worth it IMO.
Huge problem I see with this is too many lines and too few Energies and T/S/S. Flygon definitely can’t run on 10 Energies, even if Donphan can. The Nidoqueen is alright, but it causes consistency problems when you’re running a 1-0-1. Mewtwo Lv.X is great if you can get it out, and only against SPs, but having to run those Psychic energies really isn’t worth it IMO.
DCE’S and ex.belts are a must in this deck i highly reccomend them because they give more speed and more donkage and power i mean 80 damage for 1 energy t1 and later on up to 130 with a developed bench thats insane
DCE’S and ex.belts are a must in this deck i highly reccomend them because they give more speed and more donkage and power i mean 80 damage for 1 energy t1 and later on up to 130 with a developed bench thats insane
DCE’S and ex.belts are a must in this deck i highly reccomend them because they give more speed and more donkage and power i mean 80 damage for 1 energy t1 and later on up to 130 with a developed bench thats insane
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