For the longest time, I’ve been told I should do a Tournament Report, and finally I decided Kansas States was worthy enough for it. My name is Charlene Clements and I’ve playing the Pokémon TCG for almost a year now, with my first major tournament being last year’s Regionals (I have lofty goals, it seems). Currently, I’m one of the few Masters in my area who’s a girl and has actually played consistently (winning a Battle Roads, top-cutting 3 Cities and winning one of those), so it’s painfully obvious that attending a States is in order. Since Collector’s Cache in Kansas is only a 40 minute drive from my home, I decided to attend the event. After playing DPL for so long, I’m taking a dangerous gamble in playing Lady Gaga (yes, I hate the name as well) consisting of Luxray GL/Dialga G/Garchomp C.
I get though all the crummy, snowy weather and meet up with my friends from league/Kansas, along with my good buddy and rival Jack L. (who’s the Number #1 player in Kansas at the time of this report). And, after much waiting, the first round pairings go up…
Round 1: vs. Scizor / Cherrim
For the first round of the tournament, I start terrible, opening with a Luxray GL. My hand consists of energy and Pokémon (no Uxie) with no Supporters or Trainers. I struggle at first, managing two KOs with Luxray GL before the Scizors starting coming out. I’m forced to give my opponent a few prizes, hoping to draw into something useful, which finally happens with a Cyrus’s Conspiracy. From there, I’m able to reverse the tides, getting out a Luxray GL X and Garchomp C X for bench sniping. I make sure to keep Scizor low on damage so Honeycomb Defender won’t pose a problem and score my last KO with a timely Dragon Rush.
Round 2: vs. Garchomp (SV) / Flygon (RR)
After surviving my first initial round, things start to improve. My opponent opens with a Gible and I start with Dialga G, having Dialga G LV.X, a Double Colorless Energy, and Metal Energy in my hand. I’m unable to get the first turn Deafen since I go first, but I attach an energy anyway and pass. My opponent gets a Broken Time Space out and evolves his Gible to Garchomp (SV) on turn two. He Premier Balls for a Garchomp LV.X, attaches an energy, and passes. I bench another Pokémon (Crobat G), level up to Dialga G X and attack with Second Strike. I can see that my opponent is drawing dead when he benches a Trapinich and passes, unable to attack.
I take the opportunity to Cyrus’s Conspiracy for another Metal Energy to get Dialga G LV.X to full strength, along with an Expert Belt. From there, I KO his Garchomp X and Trapinich in two turns. After the game, he revealed his hand to me: Broken Time Space, Flygon, and Claydol. I guess that’s how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
Round 3: vs. Derek with Mamoswine / Machamp [Mamochamp]
I’m the low 2-0, so I have to face off against a fellow league member, Derek, who’s sitting at 1-1. He’s playing Mamochamp, which is a deck my creative friend Q came up with. He opens with Swinub (LA) to my Dialga G, and I get to go second. He attaches a water energy and passes to me. I get lucky and place a E. Gain/Metal Energy on Dialga G via a Cyrus’s Conspiracy and attack with Deafen. He Bebe’s for Mamoswine (LA), plays Broken Time Space (I forgot to call him on this, because of Deafen) to double evolve the Swinub, and attaches a DCE to Ice Fang my Dialga G, failing to get the Paralyze/Discard effect. From here, it all goes downhill for him as I Roseanne’s for Lucario GL and Crobat G/Premier Ball for Dialga G LV.X, and manage to get enough damage on Mamoswine so I can KO it (due to x2 weakness,etc.) The game comes to an end when he can’t get another basic and I KO his lonely Baltoy. Sorry Derek.
Everyone gets to take a lunch break after round 3 and I recheck in with my other friends, including Jack, who informs me of his 1 loss to Jay Horning (3rd place 2009 Pokémon Worlds). I’m nervous because there’s a good chance I’ll have to face off against him in the 3-0 bracket. After discussing a few strategies, calming my anxious nerves and having lunch, fourth round pairings are announced and it’s just as I feared…
Round 4: vs. Jay Horning with Gardevoir/Gallade
When I sit down to face off against Jay, I’m a nervous wreck all over again. I know he’s an exceptional player in comparison to me and I don’t hide that fact at all. But in reality, Jay is a really nice guy, and that takes away some of my worries. I steel my wits and start off strong, gaining a small lead in prizes, but he’s quick to get a Gardevoir and Claydol out via Spirtomb. One of my critical moments in the game was when I was given a chance to Dragon Rush his powered Gardevoir or KO his Claydol. Trusting my gut, I went for his Claydol, which helped in the long run.
However, my lead was short-lived when Jay’s bench started overshadowing mine with Nidoqueen, two Gardevoirs (one being an X), and Azelf. After losing a Team Galactic’s Wager, I was forced into a corner, and the prize count leveled off to 1-1 before I knew it. I had one last chance in Garchomp C LV.X and potentially Dragon Rushing Azelf, but Jay saw right through my attempt and leveled the pixie up. With the lowest HP Pokémon being my Garchomp C (I hadn‘t leveled up yet), Gardevoir’s Bring Down brought down my perfect record.
Round 5: vs. LuxChomp
Near-mirror matches are both a pain and fun for me and this one is both. I can’t recall all the details, but I’m in the lead for the most of the game, however I lost steam toward the end. Both me and my opponent were running out of resources and we’re both 2 Prizes out when time is called. I have a benched Bronzong G and Uxie, with Uxie LV.X in my hand. I can’t recall what caused it (I think it was a Warp Point), but my opponent was forced to bring up his Bronzong G and I responded by bringing up Uxie, leveling up, and Galactic Switching a DCE to Uxie X for the Zen Blade KO.
Round 5: vs Gyarados w/ Pixie Techs
My last Swiss match of the day pairs me off against Gyarados. At first, I’m thinking I can get this game easily due to Luxray GL and Lucario GL, but I’m wrong. I get the first set of KOs within a few turns, Knocking Out a Crobat G and Sableye with Luxray GL and Garchomp C. However, my opponent pulls a fast move on me by using Pokémon Collector to grab Azelf (MT), Uxie (LA), and Mesprit (LA). When I see what’s going to happen, I can’t help but worry. I get Psychic Binded and slowed down by Downer Material, and finally, I get to face off against an Expert Belted Gyarados hitting me for 110 damage. I lose my Expert Belted Luxray GL X, and I have a chance to recover if I draw an Aaron’s Collection, but it doesn’t happen. With 2 Prizes left, Gyarados tears through my Pokémon, leaving me with no chance of coming back.
At the end of Swiss, I’ve somehow managed to make Top 8 cut, placing in at number 7. I have to play off against someone who I didn’t face in swiss, so I’m not 100 percent what to expect. But I want to Top 4 cut and win something, so my only option is to try.
My memory fails me for most of the game, but I know I’m facing off against a very similar deck to my own. Regrettably, the first game goes to my opponent, given my terrible starting hand. He’s able to get Garchomp C going for Dragon Rush sniping and Luxray GL tears through my weak Pokémon. I’m unable to get more than 2 Prizes. 0-1
The second game fairs a little better, but not by much. We trade off prizes between Garchomp C snipers, Luxray GL Bright Looking, Toxicroak G Promo revenge kills and the like. It’s down to 1-1 in prizes, and by some miracle I get the break I’m looking for. My opponent has a Energyless Garchomp C X active to my Crobat G, and I draw into a Double Colorless. With an Ambipom G in my hand, I’m able to Snap Attack for the last prize. 1-1
Game 3 is what all TCG players fear…time gets called after we finish Game 2, so Sudden Death with 1 Prize is inevitable. I get to start second with Ambipom G active (much to my dismay, since I’m holding a DCE, Crobat G, and an Uxie). I want to donk, but it’s not happening. My hand is mediocre and my opponent quickly gets two Luxray along with Brongong G. I know I’m in trouble when I can’t draw anything usable and by bench is full of weak Pokémon. The game ends horribly to a Flash Bite/Trash Bolt combo on my active pokemon. 1-2
So for my first States, my battle ends in the Top 8 cut. I walk away disappointed that I’m not taking home a trophy and that I came very close to Top 4. In a way, I noticed differences in my skill: I didn’t make mistakes that often and most of my bad luck came from crummy draws. I’m lucky though to have met some awesome people at Kansas States, have the support of friends and my league buddies, and to have done what I did. There’s always something to take from tournaments and one day I hope to be as good as the top players I respect. Until Saint Louis Regionals come up, I’m going to keep training and most certainly not give up on my goals/dreams.
This is Zach from Game Cafe. In Top 8, you say you go second with the Snap Attack in hand,
but it didn't work out. Is it because they had an energy attached? You could have attached, Flash Bite, and Set Up and drawn a Poketurn/Cyrus for the win if they didn't. Or done that stuff and Tail Code and Snap Attack T2.
Hey Zach, good to hear from you. :D
To clarify, he did attach a Call Energy on T1 to a Luxray GL and Call'd for Bronzong G and Garchomp C. So, it would've been a wasted attempt to Tail Code it off when Bronzong G could shift it right back. It did cross my mind, but Bronzong made it impossible.
Hey Charlene! I'm Christopher, I got to play you last round of swiss (Gyarados). It was a pleasure playing you and getting to know you. I got you this time, but hopefully we meet again at regionals so you can try and take your revenge. Congrats on top cutting!
Chris, I won't deny it, you got me really good w/the pixie trio. :D It was an honor to play you at States, and congrats on your victory in making the Top 4 cut. Like you said, I hope we get to meet again (in battle or just in person) at St. Louis Regionals.
I think it's awesome how people keep posting that they actually met or played against someone from the site at a tournament…too cool!
Awesome report Charlene! It sounded like you had some really close games in your later rounds and that you played really well. Tough loss in sudden death, if you could have gone first you would have had it!
Great finish especially for your first States though and I hope you do even better at Regionals. :)
Thanks Adam (for your kind words and posting my tourney report). I tried my best, and I have no shame in that, even if I did lose to close calls. As for that sudden death/going first…it'll be one of the rare moments where I wish I had gone first :3
Hearing you say that brings a smile to my face. I hope to do my best and play honorably during Regionals.
I just had my first state championships (only been to a few leagues) and i got top 8 losing to shuppet donk in California? used Ramchamp
Get your 'tail revenge', I suppose you should say. Bahahaha
Anywho, great job, I've always been intrigued by the Gaga varient of LuxChomp. I've always wanted to add the Dialga to my list, but have never had the room.
Nice job going top 8 in your first states! Wish I could say the same haha
Great report! We saw a lot of the deck you played with at Michigan States and a lot of them made top cut. Good job on being one of the few girls to put forth a lot of effort and time into Pokemon! Congrats!
Nice job going top 8 in your first states! Wish I could say the same haha
Great report! We saw a lot of the deck you played with at Michigan States and a lot of them made top cut. Good job on being one of the few girls to put forth a lot of effort and time into Pokemon! Congrats!
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