An Apology

Forgot to mention this in the video, but if we had more time we would do a revote on this current contest…just don’t have enough time to do so right now if t-shirts are going to be out for Regionals. Again, sorry things didn’t work out as I hoped they would.

Reader Interactions

21 replies

  1. Andrew Metziere

    Dont take it too hard Adam. If other people are going to abuse voting privileges, thats not your fault. Thanks for the awesome work you do with 6p. Besides, i think 31 is a good choice :). Thanks again Adam.

  2. Alex domini

    Yeah good try man,
    Dont worry about iMO you should only give 3 votes to the people who pre-order or buy the shirt cause seriously why should people that have nothing to do with the shirts have a say or give more votes to the people who buy or pre-order the shirts imo imo…

  3. Brandon Bittinger

    Wait a second when are you placing the order tomorrow I may be able to buy one but I would have to wait till like 4:30(PM) to get it because that's when my dad gets of work. I would really like one of the shirts. Also there right don't beat yourself up it's not your fault if people abuse the system.

  4. Zachary Slater

    That was my favorite design, so I'm happy with that choice :)

    Although I'm not gonna buy a shirt… Lol :

  5. Ian Szewczyk

    Personally I would hold the contest by having a normal vote, cheaters or not. Then once you've weeded down a little to the best designs ask permissions to sell the designs on an on-demand site like . The winner would be the top seller after the month is over, and that person would have his shirt mass printed so you can offer the shirt cheaper, and with the proceeds that you got from the rest of the shirts buy some packs and distribute them as consolation prizes to everyone that sold. Win/Win for everyone.

  6. Michael Randolph

    Dewd that was my favorite design anyways I couldn't be more pleased! I'm definately getting a shirt now!

  7. drapion45

    Hey no worries man. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's not your fault, it's just the people who abused the system. You're awesome for holding the contest in the first place and getting people involved. you do a lot for the pokemon community. Keep it up. everyone appreciates it.

  8. Kenny Wisdom

    No worries dude.

    Maybe next time you can make it so people have to register on the site (or use FB connect, etc.) and leave a comment with their votes? It'd be more work for you but would boost registration and make everything as fair as possible (as least, seemingly, I'm still confused about what actually happened in the original contest).

    Glad I'm getting my shirt by Regis now. :)

  9. Colin Peterik

    He is just ordering the shirts. He isn't getting exactly how many pre-orders there are. You will be able to purchase a shirt after tomorrow. (I believe).

  10. Mad jew

    i do not want to wear a joke one as a shirt… so i prefer no. 31 or anything reasonably cool and advertisable for a site.

  11. Dave Hueglin

    I'm with the others Adam,
    You did your best to serve the community fairly. Mistakes happen and it shows a lot of character to admit when they do. I'm sure you'll come up with a better system for the next ccontest.

  12. Cam Graybill

    Yeah Adam, you made the right decision, I guess I'll c you at regionals!

  13. Brandon Bittinger

    Ya, you could e-mail a form to the newsletter subscribers that would work better.

  14. Don Hollen

    I agree with your method, but not the madness.

    Why would i want to wear a shirt that glorifies defeat?

    Great artwork, but seems an odd choice. I really like the swirly one, #28.

  15. Adam Capriola

    I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be from your opponent's perspective.

    Going to head out and get the order place in a couple hours. With the amount of pre-orders we've gotten so far, I will probably be able to order about 150-200 shirts.

  16. Joshua Hall

    I like the design, my next choice would've been 28.

    When your opponent is about to lose, just say: “Read the shirt.”

  17. Christopher Orr

    If we don't like the design you picked how to we get our refund?

  18. Herpa Derpa

    No need to apologize so much. When you see art that is not that good and somehow it is in the top vote, you are pretty sure who is cheating. I saw the pools and though “This is rigged”. Not by Sixprizes, but by cheaters. Maybe you can ban IP's from registering twice?

    The “Yeah I scoop” is an awesome shirt! I kicks ass and I'm probably going to order it. The artist did an awesome job on it! There where a few other designs that I liked as well.

    Are you planning on holding any other contests?

  19. Mark Stroup

    IMO I think that you should be the one in the first place to pick what shirts we wear since you are the one who owns this site, and should actually have the power to decide that.
    All the shirts look very generic and boring to me, #31 is the most creative and obnoxious by far, I just ordered mine!!! =)

  20. Mark Stroup

    IMO I think that you should be the one in the first place to pick what shirts we wear since you are the one who owns this site, and should actually have the power to decide that.
    All the shirts look very generic and boring to me, #31 is the most creative and obnoxious by far, I just ordered mine!!! =)

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