SixPrizes T-Shirt Design Contest Poll: Cast Your Vote!

Entries are listed in no particular order.

You may vote for up to 3 designs.

Mid-day on Saturday I will create a new poll with the top 4 voted designs from this poll, and you will be able to vote for your number 1 favorite.

On Monday morning, the winner will be announced and I will (hopefully) place the order with the printing company that day, provided we get enough pre-orders for me to be able to do so.

If you think you will end up purchasing a shirt, please pre-order so that we can place the order for the shirts as soon as possible. (Even if you’re a contestant, I will refund your order if you end up winning.)

Click here to pre-order

And without further adieu…the field of 25:
































[poll id=”9″]

These designs are not finalized, so if you voted for a design but have an idea as to how to make it even better, please leave a comment.

And also please pre-order by clicking the link below…

SixPrizes T-Shirt Pre-orders: Now Open! click here

If we can get 100 pre-orders by Monday I will be able to place the order.

Thanks for voting!


Reader Interactions

78 replies

  1. robert law

    #21 and #22 are neat, clean, and simple…but, a font with a little more character might give the logo some pop.

  2. just my opinion

    while #29 has the pokeball look which i like very much to be incorporated and is cool….the fact that there are 2 flaming balls just isn't cool. It is an image ready for some crude comments. Make it one ball or 3 or 4 and it will be fine.

  3. JWittz

    Hey adam, is something up with the page, or is it required that you be a member now? All of my colleagues said they can no longer click check boxes to vote : (

  4. jordan baker

    They just jumped from 11 votes to 94 votes in 3 minutes

  5. Jared

    Although the url needs to be made clearer on it, #2 is without a doubt the strongest, funniest entry featured.

  6. Joshua Pikka

    Okay so maybe Adam's idea of having us vote isnt working out.

    Spammers are coming and wrecking the ballots, plus theres a couple dimpled chads.

    I like 31, but as mentioned before ya cant have Gengar and unown Q on shirts (I cant find Azelf), but ya can fix that. And 2 is good but needs “six prizes” on it somewhere.

    So if its getting real bad adam, just pick a design based on your thoughts and the comments here, since the voting system isnt working.

  7. Matt

    You might want to be careful about the shirts with pokeballs on them. The pokeball is a trademark and copyrighted by pokemon. I don't think you can adapt it for your own use without their legal permission.

    There are some cool designs with the pokeballs on them but I think that selling a pokemon trademarked logo for profit will get you into trouble.

  8. Matt

    Same goes for #31. All pokemon characters are copyrighted. you can obviously make out Gengar, unown q, and Azelf on the cards. Gotta be careful about copyright laws.

  9. Brandon Bittinger

    I am sorry but I absolutely hate T-shirt design #2 and it is winning. I don't think I am going to get a shirt if that one wins, It also wouldn't good advertisement because you can barely see were it says

  10. Matthew Tidman

    I think that the designs with balls on them should be fine. I mean, it's toeing a fine line between being a Pokéball and being something that reminds you of a Pokéball, but with the different coloration and such, they might be able to get away with it.

  11. Daniel Norton

    I'm sorry but if Number 2 wins I am not buying a shirt.
    I don't mind if mine doesn't win as there are some fantastic designs up there, but using 4chan to spam on a really bad design (I mean, I get the idea of it being six prizes, but if you enter a contest and win a moose head or a shark you entered a bad contest) is just wrong.

    And I agree about ebing careful with some of the designs. On 31 I can clearly make out Gengar, Claydol, part of Uxie and Unown Q and as much as I like 29 it does have PokeBalls. If they are different enough to be allowed to use then great.

    If you look they've been posted all over forums asking for votes. Kinda undermines the whole thing when people say “please vote for mine” rather than “please vote”. I asked one or two close friends on MSN but that's it.
    Kinda sucks really. Coulda had a good thing going.

  12. just my opinion

    #2 is ridiculous! And clearly either one person or a small group of people are multi-voting. No way it is getting minimum of 2 to 1 vote advantage on others without a poll manipulation.

  13. Jared

    Not just 4chan, but everyone else who would enjoy the design.

    4chan itself probably netted only ~20 votes, since their credo is “we are NOT your personal army,” but between the other places, it's possible.

  14. Drew Stillwell

    I don't think #2 is that bad, it has a nice, subtle design, but I do like 27-29.

    Here's to hoping we get enough preorders to get shirts and that a decent design wins top 4.

  15. Drew Stillwell

    agreed, but the design is solid. I'd be ok with dropping the phrase and keeping the rest if I had a choice.

  16. Daniel Norton

    Actually it just expressed my distate at people using other sites for promotion to win, it should be limited to just members, we'll be the ones buying the shirts.

    If i'd said “I won't buy one if mine doesn't win” that would be me being an arsehole, but I simply said that that one design didn't deserve to win. There are plenty of designs which aren't mine which I would happily wear.

  17. Adam Capriola

    The Pokeball submission was last minute and I didn't really analyze it too much. I am kinda worried about copyright infringement there, I may have to take it down. I will think about it tonight. I apologize if I end up taking it down and you voted for it, my fault.

    31 is ok by me, the characters are distorted and covered up enough for me. Personally I think it's an incredible job of getting around the copyright infringement…and it's my favorite design. :)

  18. Adam Capriola

    Will most likely make the final vote top 6 because of things like this…don't worry we'll get things sorted out.

  19. Adam Capriola

    I'm ok with it, characters are distorted and covered up. Pokeball one I have to reconsider, it was a late submission and I didn't think about it enough.

  20. Adam Capriola

    Yeah I'm upset that this voting isn't working out. Live and learn I guess…I wasn't sure the best way to go about this.

    Don't worry I'll make sure things work out in the end, gotta think about what to do for a few hours tonight.

  21. Joshua Pikka

    It matter if nintendo and a judge think that that resembles Gengar. Thats a chance Adam shouldn't have to take.

    Just change the gengar, uxie, and unown Q cards to a picture of a dog or something and then make it the shirt choice.

  22. Adam Capriola

    Haha nice Colin, it's really a genius job of getting around the rules. props to you.

  23. Ian Szewczyk

    Each vote should also take into account the referrer. That would reveal where the votes are coming from (although 4ch doesn't have direct linking :/ )

  24. Jared

    Your “I won't buy a shirt if X wins!” thing would hold much more weight if you weren't…you know, actually competing in the contest.

  25. drapion45

    I think it's important for members to be able to vote since they're the ones who will be buying the shirts. I think there is nothing wrong with promoting yourself, however, I think voting should be limited to members. Number 2 is horrible. I would definitely not buy a shirt if that one won. Personally, I think 23 and 28 are the best.

  26. death to spam votes

    I think 23 is kinda cheesy, the whole “are you prepared” sounds like a saying that would be on a third graders shirt. just m.o.

  27. drapion45

    Except he never said to vote for his and he even said he wouldn't mind if his lost. And he is right. There are some fantastic designs up. Number 2 isn't one of them. It seems to me like you have some ulterior motives for pushing number 2 so much. You're in the exact same boat that you are putting djgigabyte in.

  28. JWittz

    As Adam stated, the designs aren't final. I could easily take the “are you prepared” part off of the shirt and I think it'd still be a fine design.

  29. Ian Szewczyk

    If they look too much like pokeballs I could take the white out of the bottom sides. Then they could just be billiard balls with a 6 and a p. I dont think Nintendo has a complete copyright on anything spherical :p

  30. ryan

    31 is the best. it's funny and creative. do you realize how many things look like gengar…? Just because YOU can tell what it is doesn't mean ANY non tcg player would.

  31. death to spam votes

    Yea I would definitely prefer the shirt with the saying dropped.

    I also like number 7 a lot, its the only design I could see myself wearing outside of an organized pokemon event.

  32. Colin Peterik

    Hey Guys-
    I am the designer of #31. Did you notice the strategically place dice over the Pokemon's faces? My fiance is a business law major at DePaul University here is Chicago and she has re-insured me that it is totally legal. I have obscured the likeness of such Pokemon just enough to not infringe on any copyrights.

    Who ever is 4chan-ing their way to victory… that is just not cool. This seriously needs to be decided by the sixprizes/Pokemon community, after all, we are the ones FUNDING IT!!!
    That being said… #2 is kind of in the category “So stupid it's funny”.. wouldn't mind seeing hundreds of these shirts at Regionals.
    Thanks for the votes guys!

  33. Cam Graybill

    ik, what does this have anything to do with pokemon, or six prizes? it dosen't hav the 6p logo, or anything?!?!?! #2 ftl ;(

  34. Colin Peterik

    Hey Adam-
    It might be a smart idea to add some sort of in-depth 'Captcha' before you can vote. This will discourage people who don't care about the contest and are only voting because of a thread, etc… But it won't be too annoying where people who actually want to vote wont find filling out the Captcha. Just an idea.

  35. dude

    I like #2 personally… It has a really nice design, it's not pokemon related, but it is cool and literally accurate, and it does say sixprizes on the swordfish.

    I wouldn't mind if 31 won either.

  36. Joshua Pikka

    I also like #14 but those 0's must change. Whats up witht he 0'S?

  37. cvramen

    #21 and #22 clearly don't abide by the fourth rule “Only 2 to 3 colors max.”
    #14 has 8 colors in it (white, black, and six colors of blue) or 7 if you assume that black or white is one of the shirt colors.
    #9 contains a gradient that fades from gray to white. Do such gradients violate the “only 2 to 3 colors” rule?
    #3 contains various shades of yellow, which means that there are more than 3 colors.

    @Adam: Given the list of violators I mentioned, are there any entries that you rejected?

    I really like #27's creative use of 2 colors the create the illusion of a gradient.
    I don't believe in intellectual property, but just a heads up to #29, I know from personal experience that using the Pokéball isn't going to turn out well, if the Pokémon Company finds out about it and you intend to comply with their silly legal demands. Otherwise, great use of the Pokéball, great design overall.

  38. cvramen

    “I dont think Nintendo has a complete copyright on anything spherical”
    I don't know, given some of the things that Nintendo has claimed intellectual property ownership of (such as any controller that vibrates) I wouldn't be surprised if they did have such a copyright.

  39. Adam Capriola

    I let some in even if they violated the rules just because I didn't think they had a real shot at winning, and if they did, I would make them fix the design. Should have made them fix it before hand (like I did tell many people). My bad on all of that, I apologize. I rushed things too much.

    Going to shoot a video in a couple minutes and explain what I am doing….

  40. Eric Lari

    I'm the artist of #14 if need be I can remove the excess colors. The white is meant as the color of the shirt, constituting it as not a color. The others are just shadows with the same colors but they can just as easily be removed. (probably doesn't matter though haha).

  41. Brandon Bittinger

    I number 2 is still in the lead I am not buying a shirt at all liek they said above what does it have to do with Pokemon or 6p in general?

  42. cvramen

    It's cool, It's cool, I know you wanted to get this all done before Regionals.

  43. Michael Randolph

    I created Image #3, and actually I fixed the different shades of yellow problem, I submitted it the one you see was actually my rough draft, unfortunately I dropped from the competition and my designs must have accidently been added. My apologies for this error. I'm sure Adam was just overwhelmed with submissions and must have overlooked this.

  44. cvramen

    “I dont think Nintendo has a complete copyright on anything spherical”
    I don't know, given some of the things that Nintendo has claimed intellectual property ownership of (such as any controller that vibrates) I wouldn't be surprised if they did have such a copyright.

  45. Adam Capriola

    I let some in even if they violated the rules just because I didn't think they had a real shot at winning, and if they did, I would make them fix the design. Should have made them fix it before hand (like I did tell many people). My bad on all of that, I apologize. I rushed things too much.

    Going to shoot a video in a couple minutes and explain what I am doing….

  46. Eric Lari

    I'm the artist of #14 if need be I can remove the excess colors. The white is meant as the color of the shirt, constituting it as not a color. The others are just shadows with the same colors but they can just as easily be removed. (probably doesn't matter though haha).

  47. Brandon Bittinger

    I number 2 is still in the lead I am not buying a shirt at all liek they said above what does it have to do with Pokemon or 6p in general?

  48. cvramen

    It's cool, It's cool, I know you wanted to get this all done before Regionals.

  49. Michael Randolph

    I created Image #3, and actually I fixed the different shades of yellow problem, I submitted it the one you see was actually my rough draft, unfortunately I dropped from the competition and my designs must have accidently been added. My apologies for this error. I'm sure Adam was just overwhelmed with submissions and must have overlooked this.

  50. Tedl1999

    i'm only replying to jwitz because i don't see any other way to post.

    #2 is 6 prizes that you can win. I can't believe none of you see that.

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