EDIT: All items are gone, sorry!
Hey everyone,
Sorry that this is somewhat of a bogus post, but I’ve got a few Pokémon items I am trying to sell and thought somebody out there might be interested…
Pokémon Worlds 2005 UltraPro Gaming BackPack
I got this at Worlds 2005 and have used it for every tournament I’ve gone to since then. It’s truly and awesome bag, you can fit tons of stuff in it. It has pockets for just about anything. It’s really the perfect backpack for any Pokémon player.
It has some minor wear from being used for a few years, but it’s very durable and has a ton of life left in it.
Pokémon World Championships 2005 T-Shirt Size Adult Medium
Without a doubt, this is the best Pokémon TCG shirt I’ve seen. The picture is just so cool! I’ve worn the shirt a few times, but it’s been sitting in my drawer for a while.
I held onto this Pokémon shirt longer than any of the other ones I’ve received…it’s the best.
Pokémon World Championships 2004 Minibinder
Small binder with 2×2 pages (holds 4 cards per page). 10 pages. If you insert cards front and back, it will hold 80 cards.
Good for storing all your really rare cards. Has some visible wear on the pages, but is still in relatively good shape.
Artist Signed Cards
These were signed by their artists (Sugimori, Harada, and Akabane) at Worlds in 2004 located in Orlando, FL. The cards are…
Multi Energy SS (reverse foil, has a crease)
Double Rainbow Energy MA (reverse foil)
Double Rainbow Energy MA (non foil)
Pikachu MA (reverse foil)
Psyduck MA (reverse foil)
Magnemite DR
Magneton DR (tiny bit of wear on back)
Banette HL (holo)
The cards are mint unless mentioned.
damage counters, dice, and coins
I have a bunch of damage counters, dice, and coins. I didn’t take a picture of everything, but it’s a bunch of stuff.
Sleeves and Deck Boxes
I had a shoe box full of various sleeves and toploaders. Most of the sleeves have been used, but there are some new ones in there too. At the very least, you could use them for practice decks.
There are various deck boxes, some are normal, but I also have Pokémon ones. I think a couple of the Pokémon ones are rare…I know the Worlds deck box is hard to find and there are some with cool artwork I also think were acquired at Worlds.
How much?
I am trying to sell everything all together as there are so many items and it is a pain to ship so many different things.
Make me an offer. I am willing to let everything go well below market price. The first offer I receive that I think is fair, I will accept.
Please e-mail adam@sixprizes.com with your offers and be ready to pay via Paypal. :)
Normal posting will resume tomorrow and there is a SUPERB article scheduled for Sunday about a deck that a lot of people want to know about…no hints though.
i wouldnt even know how much to offer for this stuff
yeah me neither haha
also, I might have chuckled that you need money so bad that you're selling your stuff on your own site :D Kinda funny, but I totally understand where you're at.
at least you're giving us a shot first before you go on to ebay
That Pokemon VHS at the end looks epic.. hahaha
Man Adam, you got some really cool items. I wasn't around in the TCG during the 04 and 05 years, and man those are some cool stuff. The bag and all the deck boxes look sweet.
I'll think about whether or not about getting them, but they are quite cool regardless.
What is that VHS?? Is it funny?
The video is actually incredibly un-epic hahah. I watched it yesterday for
the first time and it's pretty terrible. It brings back some memories and
there are some funny parts, but it's not worth an hour of your attention.
For example, they show a tournament taking place during base set, jungle,
and maybe fossil era, but nobody in the tournament is even using a Haymaker
deck, let alone Raindance. That kinda kills its credibility.
Haha I actually don't need money too bad right now, I would have been
selling this stuff anyway. It has just been sitting in my room collecting
stuff as of late.
I guess one of the perks of owning your own website is that you can promote
your own stuff. ;)
I'll respond to people's e-mails later tonight hopefully, it's intermission
during the Flyers game right now so I had a few mins to check comments.
Nah pretty boring…it's got some funny parts but overall not worth the
Defs interested in the shirt and the magnetic deckbox.
The deckboxes and case are neat, but I can't put a value on them, and anything I'd offer would sound cheap.
Has anybody gotten the Gengar deck box yet?
Still here!
I need to note that the velcro is defective on it though. The deck boxes
were made poorly, so half the velcro closure has become unstuck from the
You will either need to buy new sticky velcro or use a rubber band to keep
it closed.
E-mail me at adam@sixprizes.com if you want it. :)
i will buy the 05 backpack if thats ok
hey, do u still have the backpack?
or the worlds deckbox?
Everything is gone, sorry. I'll update the post.
Everything is gone, sorry. I'll update the post.
Contrary to popular opinion, microwaves do NOT use radiation. They use radio waves that are in the "microwave" range – many cycles per second. If your microwave will still heat an ordinary cup of water in a reasonable length of time, it’s fine. It’s just a big radio with no antenna, when all is said and done. Sounds like your oven is fine.
this post is very usefull thx!
it mostly has to do with temperature, rubber bands are made from cross linking polymers that become stiff as temperature increases, so if you keep your rubber bands in a cool, but not dry place, such as your refrigerator they should last longer
There is no way to build a strong, safe frame other than wielding or brazing with lugs. If you have no idea how to make one, you are simply out of luck.
There is ETHICAL HACKING. If you are trying to catch a petifile taking online with a minor then it is o.k. You have to hack in order to catch these people. Maybe parents will hire you to monitor their child’s activity online. They will want to no what information is being exchanged.
On mine, I went into the Settings menu and changed the USB connection type to MSC. This makes it mount up like a USB drive when you plug it in, and you get a window with folders, including a folder called Music, which you can then copy mp3s into; just like moving files around in and out of any ordinary folder on your computer.
If you don’t like any of your gifts, handmade or shop-bought, why not donate them to a charity thrift store rather than tossing them in the trash? The items will be used by someone who wants or needs them, the giver won’t be insulted, and you won’t be sending usable goods to take up space in the land fill. You can even take a tax deduction for the charitable donation.
No where near powerful enough for a reasonable gaming experience. It’s a very light portable suitable for e-mails, browsing the web and light office work but that’s about it.
You should really look into trying out Hoodia Gordonii. It’s an all natural plant that grows in Africa. It’s not even a drug. It’s just a supplement. It tricks the brain into thinking you are full.
Wow, that sounds like a scary, new, exciting experience, well, to me. lol. That is a lot of stops. I’d say be careful! My dad was going to Vietnam once and some how he almost went to Thailand! And your parents/guardians let you fly on your own? They’re so brave! Have fun! :)
geometry should be obvious but if not, depending on the project you might have to replace parts of walls or electricle outlets…which all take measuring…or try and miscalculate sq. ft. when putting in any type of floor and see the reaction from the person paying.
Hola Notre1, another tip: search engines not only look for relevant information, but also for reliable one. If I were you i’d tell a lot more about the castles, where customers have to go, how much time it takes to set them up.. anticipate every question they might have, and in addition to that, do not be afraid to put an address. It is just that, without address, you will be one of the millions of perhaps suspicious websites with no real professional goal or intention to be there still in a couple of years. ¡Suerte!
Well, it’s useful, but I feel that experience and mistakes and just going out and doing it yourself is the best course you can take. But the actual course isn’t useful really, you can find that information in an eBook or on sites like problogger.net and sites like that.
The dazzle is a nice, cheap, easy capture card, works great. Comes with all of the software you need to record. Just kinda plug it in, and install the software and you are good to go.
What theme are you utilizing here ? I really like the style. Thanks for the posting.
i didnt bother looking at the credits cos i was having migraine after all those non stop 45min of explosions at the climax. DAM DAM DAM DAM DAM bay messed up what could have been the perfect movie
Valuable tips discussed I am really pleased to go through this particular article..thanks with regard to giving all of us wonderful info.Excellent walk-through. I truly appreciate this kind of write-up.
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Definitely concur with what you stated. Your explanation was definitely the easiest to fully grasp. I usually get annoyed any time people discuss matters that they obviously do not know about. You managed to hit the nail on the head and spelled out everything without problem. Perhaps, people can get a signal. Will more than likely be back to obtain more. Many thanks
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Great information. Wish I could get more info like this by other people! Thanks!
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Certainly agree with what you explained. Your explanation was undoubtedly the simplest to understand. I usually get irked whenever people comment on factors that these people plainly do not know about. You were able to hit the nail on the head and explained the whole thing with out complication. Perhaps, individuals could get a sign. Will more than likely be back to obtain even more. Many thanks
Valuable information provided I am quite delighted to go through this particular post..many thanks with regard to presenting people nice info.Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this kind of post.
What theme are you using here ? I like the style. Thanks for the post.
There are several ways to do this. An easy method would be to use Google Docs. First, you need a Google account, then log in to Google Docs at http://docs.google.com/#. You can upload a PDF that is up to 10MB and send the link for the file to others.
They would go MUY loca. I think that would be a rather gorgeous couple though. Indian women are beautiful, and black men are sexy. There is no better pairing is there?
Took me time to understand most the remarks, but I genuinely appreciated the write-up. It proved to be Very useful to me and I am sure to almost all the commenters here as well! It is always nice when you can not only be educated, but additionally entertained! I am certain you had fun writing this post.
Probabli because the whole movie is set in India with Indian actors. Bollywood is not only about dancing and singing. There are a couple Bollywood movies with none of that at all ..
What theme are you utilizing here ? I really like the layout. Thank you for this posting.
Yes! Fantastic piece, continue to keep up the amazing job. This is the sort of information that ought to obtain recognition pertaining to it’s craft. More authors need to learn from you. This is actually precisely on the money.
I have Nuvi 200 and I like it…..the only thing is in cities that have alot of road construction, it will mess you up because the maps aren’t always the most current and I think you have to pay to update it
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Just stumbled upon your page and will certainly review other ones. Looks like real great stuff.
Yeah! Fantastic writing, keep up the tremendous job. This is the kind of info that ought to get recognition pertaining to it’s art. More internet writers ought to learn from you. This is right on the money.
Valuable info provided I’m very pleased to see this write-up..many thanks with regard to giving people wonderful material.Excellent walk-through. I enjoy this write-up.
Took me a moment to be able to examine most the comments, however I genuinely enjoyed the write-up. It turned out to be Really valuable to me personally and I am confident to almost all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not simply be educated, but additionally amused! I am certain you had fun creating this write-up.
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Keep up the good work.
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IF you live in your parents household they should add you and your car to their policy…even if you are a student living away from home…you are still considered a member of that household. This will not only save you quite a bit of money, but will protect you and your parents should you drive each others cars. If adding you raises rates significantly, you can shop around to make sure you are getting the best price for your family. If however, you live on your own and your parents were generous enough to buy you a car and put it in your name, then you will just have to shop around b/c insurance is based on location, age, type of vehicle, personal info and driving record.
use coverup to cover those really pesky imperfections. then, apply a liquid foundation ontop to even out your skin tones and make the look flawless. to add that beautiful glow, simply get a bronzer (not too dark) thats just a little step above your skin color. brush it on your cheek bones to highlite your cheeks but if you want, you can put it all over your face to give your whole face an overall glow. also, by wearing a tan or nude colored lip gloss your adding to the glow of your face without looking orange!! vanessa hudgens does all of this to achieve her gorgeous look: http://www.topnews.in/files/images/Vanessa-Hudgens4.jpeg
Right click on the Mp3 player under "My Computer." Select "Format." It will ask you if you are sure that you want to do this, select yes. It will clear out everything inside of the Mp3 player.
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I work in retail and a lot of the customer I have talked with seem to like the Garmins over all. They seem to be more reliable than some of the other brands.
Hi Jim! I’ve been in dentistry for over 20 years. After a day or so remove them and begin your warm salt rinses. The best thing to do is brush them with a denture brush or soft tooth brush inside and out everyday. Be careful not to drop them as they can break. So put a wash cloth in the sink or a towel. Soak them at least 3-4 times a week in a water/denture tablet solution for about 1 hour. This will keep them fresh and from odors and food buildup. Dentures can stain easier than teeth, so when drinking lots of coffee, tea, wine or smoking, make sure you brush them and take good care if. Remember, they are made of plastic, so don’t scrub them like a kitchen floor, this will abrade them and cause marks. Just brush often and carefully and you will always have a nice smile. And use a warm salty rinse 3-4 times a day for the first week of healing and then every other day to keep your gums healthy. Remember to clean and rinse you mouth before putting in the dentures so they fit right and you may need several adjustments until the fit great. If you have any other questions, please ask. ~M
Definitely concur with just what you explained. Your explanation was definitely the easiest to comprehend. I generally get irritated any time individuals talk about issues that these people obviously do not know about. You were able to hit the nail on the head and explained every thing with out complication. Maybe, people can get a signal. Will likely be back again to obtain a great deal more. Many thanks
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Helpful info shared I am quite happy to go through this write-up..many thanks for presenting all of us wonderful information.Great walk-through. I appreciate this blog post.
I like your site. Really practical and very inspirational. Thanks a lot. This will help me a lot.
Great information. Wish i could locate more knowledge like this from others! Thank you!
Just happened upon your page and will check out other ones. Seems like seriously great stuff.
Took me a moment to examine most the comments, but I truly liked the post. It turned out to be Really useful to me and I am confident to just about all the commenters here! It is always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! I’m certain you had fun writing this article.
Yeah! Excellent piece, keep up the tremendous job. This is the kind of information that ought to obtain recognition for it’s craft. A lot more internet writers need to learn from you. This is actually precisely on the money.
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Definitely concur with exactly what you stated. Your explanation was definitely the easiest to fully grasp. I typically get irked any time folks comment on matters that these people obviously don’t know about. You managed to strike the nail on the head and explained everything with out complication. Perhaps, individuals could take a sign. Will more than likely be back to obtain more. Thanks
What theme are you utilizing here ? I like the style. Many thanks for the posting.
Very good info, a lot of thanks to the article writer. It is perplexing to me now, however in general, the efficacy and significance is mind-boggling. Very much thanks once again and best of luck!
Helpful information provided I’m really pleased to go through this particular article..many thanks for providing people wonderful information.Excellent walk-through. I appreciate this article.
I notice quite a few blogs which appear intriguing and really worth a read. There is absolutely nothing worse than searching through limitless blah blah blogs just to locate a few which hold your interest. Thanks. Good job!
Took me time to understand all the remarks, but I genuinely appreciated the write-up. It proved to be Really beneficial to me and I am sure to all the commenters here as well! It’s definitely nice when a person can not only be informed, but additionally entertained! I am certain you had fun composing this article.
I really like your design and style, the actual fact that your site is actually a little bit distinctive tends to make it so intriguing, I get completely fed up of seeing the same stuff just about all almost daily. I have I merely stumbled on this web page by you Appreciate it.
I like your blog. Really useful and very inspirational. Thanks a bunch. It’ll help me a lot.
Just happened upon your article and will certainly have a look at other ones. Looks like seriously good stuff.
What theme are you using here ? I like the design. Many thanks for the post.
I notice really quite a number of sites that look interesting and really worth a read. There is absolutely nothing worse than searching through endless yada yada blogs just to locate a few that hold ones interest. Many thanks. Good work!
with my horses. i still give them their horse feed. but just about a quarter of a coffee can a day. and i always keep them supplied with a square bail of hay. just so they get the nutrients that the grass dont give them. I also leave them a salt block out too.
Sweet, that’s definitely what I was shooting for! You just spared me alot of digging around
Whatever you do, don’t feed super worms exclusively because they are so addictive. Make sure there is a water bowl in the cage that’s big enough for the beardie to soak or bathe in. No iceberg lettuce either. If dandelions are available in your area,get some of them, they are very nutritious. Beardies also eat wax worms and pinkie mice. Zoo Med makes a great bearded dragon diet in pellet form also.
Very good resources. Wish I could get more knowledge like this by other people! Thanks!
Very good resources. Wish i could find more info like this from other people! Thank you!
I love your blog very much. Keep working on it.
I know. It seems to be mainly a Firefox issue but I don’t need to try and post my thread now. LocoRoco is a good game and being able to read the menu and controls in English is nice.
I like this blog. Very helpful and very inspirational. Thanks a ton. It’ll help me a lot.
Absolutely concur with just what you explained. Your explanation was definitely the easiest to comprehend. I tell you, I usually get irritated when folks talk about issues that they plainly don’t know about. You managed to strike the nail on the head and explained every thing without problem. Maybe, individuals can take a sign. Will more than likely be back to acquire even more. Many thanks
Yeah! Great piece, keep in place the terrific work. This is the sort of knowledge that ought to gain worldwide recognition for it’s craft. More internet writers should learn from you. This is right on the money.
Very good information, a lot of thanks to the article author. The idea is perplexing to me today, but in general, the usefulness and importance is overpowering. Really very much thanks again and also best of luck!
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Mainly because 30 or 40% of the vehicles currently roaming our roads weigh over 4000 lbs and would cause ridiculous fatal damage to a compressed air car….which have to be very light weight because they lack power. There is also no infrastructure in place for them….people don’t trust brand new technology….and our manufacturers are already putting time and effort into better hybrids and hydrogen vehicles.
I’ve owned several sewing machines, and all of them have been free-arm. They’ve all converted from a flat bed to free-arm, which allows you to sew in confined areas, like around the cuffs of a shirt, blouse or jacket. I think it might be useful for the cuffs of pants, but I generally do that by hand. The free-arm has no advantage for curtains and skirts, though. If you think you might want to expand the types of things you sew, I’d recommend a free-arm.
It’s almost impossible in my opinion to scan through your post since there are problematic pics on the story.