Hi all you Pokémon fanatics out there! This is my first post on SixPrizes, so I hope it is a good one and everyone enjoys reading it. Now, on to my deck.
This post is about a rogue deck I have constructed using Medicham from Supreme Victors, and Raticate from Arceus. Here is a basic list.
Pokémon – 19 2 Meditite (your choice) 2 Medicham SV 2 Raticate AR 2 Claydol GE |
Trainers – 28 4 Cheerleader’s Cheer
2 Miasma Valley
2 Poké Radar |
Energy – 13 |
Now that is covered let’s get on to the reason that each Pokémon is in the deck.
pokemon-paradijs.comMedicham: Medicham has a great strategy all on its own. You use “Channeling” to Knock Out any weak basic. That will keep filling your opponent’s hand up. You can also use Cheerleader’s Cheer to fill your opponent’s hand. Then go for the big hit with “Chakra Points”.
Raticate: Raticate is a great card for turn 1 donks and can also be useful late game if you need the last Prize card and they have a sp Pokémon in play such as Luxray GL. “Recruit” is also good if you don’t need a desperate prize, or if you need a basic on your bench.
Claydol: I really don’t even have to explain Claydol, but for the beginners, Claydol is the main draw engine of almost every deck, including this one.
Regice: Regice is being more frequently used nowadays because of the rise of SP decks. It switches an opponent’s basic Pokémon from the Active Spot to the bench. This is great for getting rid of a pesky Luxray GL or a Garchomp C.
pokemon-paradijs.comSmeargle: Smeargle is a great tech that I just love. His first attack, “Color Pick”, lets you get 3 basic energy cards from your deck. His second attack, “Trace”, copies an opponent’s benched Pokémon’s attack EXCEPT for the energy cost.
Chatot G: This Pokémon is great for giving your opponent bad hands with “Disrupting Spy” and getting trainers out fast with “Search and Escape”.
Unown G: Unown G is great for preventing special conditions to a Pokémon that you dearly need healthy. Its attack isn’t bad either.
Jirachi: His Poké-Power is good for getting a card you desperately need out of your deck.
Chimecho: This guy is great for healing your whole field and can cause some heavy damage against high energy decks.
Now, on to the main supporter.
pokemon-paradijs.comCheerleader’s Cheer: This card gets you even more ready for your Medicham’s “Chakra Points” attack. You draw 3 cards and your opponent may draw one. Of course, they will take it, unless they are a very cautious player.
The main Trainer is next.
Expert Belt: This card gets you ready for the donk with Raticate. It allows you to use his attack and gives it 20 more damage, bringing the total up to 80.
The main stadium is…
Broken Time Space: there are only 2, but they allow you to evolve into Medicham and Claydol quickly.
I hope you guys post this article, because, as I said, it is my first. I really don’t think this is a contender for Nationals, but it has a lot of potential with the right fixes. Please comment!
sry i meant raticate ar in the decklist
The regice is for getting rid of mr.mime and spriritomb not SP pokemon i guess you could for an easy knockout but when i went against you with Luxchomp Regice didn't help at all but good decklist lenny and i hop you do good and Battle roads with it see you there and at school
This deck looks like nothing more than another league deck. If I play at a BR, I wanna test competitive decks and get comfortable with something for Nats.
The problem with filling up the opponents hand is, well, youre filling up the opponents hand. That'll quickly give them the cards they need, not to mention they can always just play the cards you gave them.
Lets say the average hand size is 6 (claydol). Even if you bump them up to 7-8 cards with your various techniques, thats still not even enough to KO Lux. Your opponent would have to have a ginormous hand for this to work. Perhaps it would work well in a trainer lock…
i have played against him while he uses's this deck and it fails to even damge me most of the time he pulled two prize cards against my cursegar but i quickly came up from behind due to my crappy start and defeated him in the end but its really an ok deck i would say at battle roads depending on who he goes aganst he will be 2-2 or 1-3
and yea i guess if he put Tombs in there it may be better
I actually think you did quite well with this deck, while it may not be the most ingenious idea ever it certainly is new to me and I want to give you credit for comming up with something fresh. Dont be discouraged by negative comments for you have a well thought out deck with synergy between pokemon and supporters, thats a great accomplishment. Good job and keep up the good work.
MARS? That GETS RID of aq card from your opponent's hand. I had the idea for the deck, I said the list has to be really good if I run it. Mars: -10 damage.
also he doesn't quite have all of these cards he ran ledian in it before i told him to put a donk aspect into it
I think the deck looks interesting. My initial reaction is if you're giving your opponent extra cards, you need to do something to reduce the usefulness of this freebie. I get that Chakra Points is going to punish them for having extra cards, but it's probably a one-shot deal. They get extra cards, they get extra damage, then they get to play all those cards.
I think you need something to slow down their progress. Spiritomb and Dialga G come to mind. The problem with all of this is that they all (the trainer locks and the Medicham's abilities) rely on attacks (or at least being active). I don't see a good way to work it. You're just going to end up giving the opponent extra trainers that he can run through on his turn.
I'm not saying that it's a bad deck. I think it's probably fun to play, but I don't see a great way to make it competitive.
an ok deck doesn't go 2-2 or 1-3 at a BR…
i'd say a deck is just ok if it goes 1-3 or 2-2 at battle roads.
Weak competition at BRs means, weaker decks can do better, an OK deck, like a subpar Tier 1-3 list can go 3-1 or 2-2 at a BR…
regardless, have you ever seen a deck consistently work playing 2-2 of 2 seperate attackers serving 2 completely different purposes. The deck would be much better if it was focused around a thick line of one of either of the two. Neither of them are horrible on their own, but together they have no synergy, thus defeating the purpose of either of them.
Cool deck you got here. I would change your Medicham line into 4-4 instead of a 2-2. Medicham only has 90 hp and even though it's a stage 1 which usually would be out pretty quick its still fairly easy to knock out. On top of that it's main attack has a 3 energy cost so that means you have to wait 3 turns (no DCE) before you hit with your main attack, by that time your opponent could have already knocked you out. A 4-4 line will add more consistency and back up to your deck.
add one azelf and one uxie.
Why on earth is this an article?
Awww well why both raticate and medicham? what do they do for each other? i think raticate can be a good disruption deck kinda like Sablelock but Medicham isnt fast enough, hits hard enough or has enough HP to do well. It takes at least 2 turns to set up the energy for Medicham. I say it too slow in the format today. Also jirachi and chimecho will probably get OHKOed so there go 3 prizes. I would have to say it wouldnt work sorry. I also think Unown G is unnecessary in this deck.
man if i was playing sp, gyrados, or any meta deck in the format i would be kissing you for giving me so much drawing power! looks like a fun league deck.
ur nice
ur right but our league sux and so do the people there so he would do a lot better then you think
I don't think there is any donk potential here but I think he did fine for a starter deck.
It's an article because Adam has allowed it to be, and sometimes people need help with there deck, but if you have a better article and your in no need of assistence with a deck then why don't you show us exactly what does deserve to be an “ARTICLE”. There is no need to become rude, it's not like you stepped into pokemon and became the grand master, everyone starts somewhere, so either offer help or simply don't comment.
Well said
Someone already thought about the Copycat?
If you continue to make your opponent draw cards and you use the copycat you can have the same amount of cards he has. Something like 12 or 15 cards in your hand?
It's quite surprising that an article about Medicham SV has come up. I think Medicham isn't bad that's for sure. It can potentiall hit for about 60-80 damage, which isn't bad. Then, we have the Raticate. it too isn't bad, and can do 80 pretty nicely.
Yet, the list really looks as if it's for league. I don't know how it could do in Battle Roads, but if it were to be played competitively, definitely Uxies and Azelfs should be added.
Regardless, I think the deck idea is interesting that's for sure. It was a sure pleasure reading it.