Canada, Oshawa Battle Road Report

Hello everyone! I’ve already written one article for 6 Prizes concerning Dialga/Chomp, and with some articles pending review. I just got back from my first EVER battle road and decided to do a report on it. I’ll do a brief description of me. I only started playing Pokémon TCG for 2 months now. My first tournament was regionals which I had to play my friends weird deck he made the night before, coming out with 3-4.

However, today is a bit different. I played with my own deck, SableLock, and did tremendously awesome. If you keep reading the report, you will see what I got in Battle Roads.

The deck I used today was SableLock. It uses Sableye SF for early donk, Honchkrow G for early snipes, and Garchomp C LV.X for late game snipes. If all else fails, it has Team Galactic’s Wager, Giratina with “Let Loose” Poké-Power, Judge (although I do not run this card), and much more.

Game 1
Peter Bae (Me/SableLock) vs. Roland Law (Flygon Variant)

pokemon-paradijs.comSo, my first match up is with my close friend who got me started Pokémon. Today he decided to change up his usual FlyChamp build (thank god) and use a Flygon Deck with many techs for fun.

My start is okay. I had Crobat G active, a Pokémon Collector, Basic Dark, and other cards. He goes first, and has a Trapinch active and Duskull on the bench. He attaches Call Energy and calls for Spiritomb and Baltoy. My turn, I use my collector to get Honchkrow G, Garchomp C, and a Sableye. I retreat my Crobat G and send my Sableye, used Impersonate for Cyrus’s Initiative, roll 1 heads, and dropped a card out of his hand.

Overall, we both had a really slow game. I’m leading in prizes 4 to 6, and he finally gets out his Machamp. He kills my active with “Take Out” and continues to do so for the next few turns. My turn, I know I’m going to lose if I can’t get rid of the Machamp. I drop a Crobat G’s + Pokéturns for 3 damage counters. Drop an Uxie, drew in to a Double Colorless. I attach my Double Colorless to an Uxie I used the turn before, retreat Crobat G for the Uxie, level up, attach an Expert Belt, and Zen Blade for the KO (I miscalculated and used 1 extra Pokéturn).

From then on, he has nothing to fight back with since I had enough Power Sprays to stop his Dusknoir’s “Dark Palm” for the rest of my prizes.


Round 2
Peter Bae (Me/SableLock) vs. Random (Steelix Prime/Magnezone)

Sorry for the round 2 match up as I cannot remember his name. This game lasted 1 minute. I have a Garchomp C active and he starts with a lone Magnemite. He attaches L Energy and ends. I start and I attach a Double Colorless, use Cyrus’s Conspiracy to get an Energy Gain, attach it to Garchomp C, and use “Earthquake” for the Donk. We played 2 more matches after for fun, which I ended up donking once more, and him winning the third game.


Round 3
Peter Bae (Me/SableLock) vs. Kevin (Jumpluff)

pokemon-paradijs.comI shuffle my deck, and I draw 7 cards, hoping to dear god I start with a Sableye and he has a lone Hopip. I drew Special Dark, Expert Belt, some supporters, and a CROBAT G! I had every necessary card to donk except Sableye. He starts with an active Hopip and an Uxie for safety as he knew I was using SableLock. He has an amazing start, and gets off a Jumpluff with Belt, Claydol, 2nd Hopip.

Unable to donk me, he just “Leaf Guards” for safety and ends. I don’t have a good start and he leads the game with few prizes. I draw in to a Pokémon Collector, search for 2 Crobat G’s and an Uxie. Drop both Crobat G’s to put 2 damage counters and drop an Uxie to draw. I use 2 more Pokéturns to drop Jumpluff to 80 HP. I retreat my active, send out my Garchomp C, attach Double Colorless, an Energy Gain, level up, and “Dragon Rush” for the Knock Out.

From here on, I sprayed his Claydol 4 times, and used Cyrus’s Initiative and Giratina to stop him from getting his second Jumpluff out. He spends a long time trying to get his Jumpluff out while I take prizes till I have one left. He retreats his Azelf with 4 counters for his Jumpluff and Knocks Out my active. I send out my Crobat G, draw in to Honchkrow G. I have a Special Dark, and an Energy Gain so I show him the 3 cards, and he scoops. Good game.


Game 4
Peter Bae(Me/Sable Lock) vs. Alex? I believe (Gardevoir Gallade)

This is the last match and I’m not too happy. I know that Gardevoir Gallade is my worst match up when they get the Psychic Lock going. He has a good start while I have a mediocre start. In 3~5 turns, he gets out his Nidoqueen, Gardevoir, and a Gallade. I spend a long time Knocking Out his Gardevoir. I try to catch up, but his set up is too powerful and I cannot catch up and I lose.


So at this point, I’m almost certain that I made the top cut (being only top 2, but prizes to top 4). First place is Alex (let’s call him that since that is what I think it is) and I’m second. So I’m playing him again.

Final Match.
Peter Bae (Me/SableLock) vs. Alex (Gardevoir Gallade)

pokemon-paradijs.comGame 1
I was real happy this game. I FINALLY had a Sableye start with a special dark, and a Crobat G. Perfect hand to donk with. Sadly for him, he has a Baltoy start. I attach Special Dark to Sableye and “Overconfident” for the Knock Out. It is a cheap Knock Out, but this is what the deck is supposed to do and I take Game 1.

1-0 (4-1 overall)

Game 2
This game made me very frustrated. I have a Garchomp start and he has a Spiritomb start. He loses the coin flip and goes first. He has nothing so he passes. I have a hand of Crobat G, 2 Pokéturns, Double Colorless, and an Uxie. If I can draw in to a Energy Gain I can win. I drop the Crobat G and 2 Pokéturns, attach Double Colorless, and drop Uxie to use “Set-Up”.

Sadly, I pick up many useful supporters other than Cyrus’s Conspiracy or the Energy Gain. Unable to donk, I just end up using “Claw Swipe” to his Spiritomb, leaving him with only 10 HP! On his turn, he uses Roseannes to get Baltoy and a Ralts, uses “Darkness Grace” to kill himself to get a Claydol. From here on, I always ended up 10 HP short of Knocking things Out and got really frustrated. I had the advantage for about 5 turns, leading 2-6 Prizes.

However, I can’t find a way to draw in to an Energy Gain or Cyrus’s Conspiracy and he finally gets his Gardevoir out with an Expert Belt. Unable to do anything under the power lock he puts me through, I lose.

1-1 (4-2 Overall)

Game 3

This was by far the most exciting game yet. We both have a decent start and I have a Sableye start. However, he has 3 basics to start with so I can’t donk him. However, I Knock Out his active Ralts with a Crobat G drop and a Special Dark. I try my best to keep Gardevoir off the field by using Cyrus’s Initiative and Team Galactic’s Wager and Giratina. There was this one misplay that I made that would have cost me the game.

I used Cyrus’s Initiative and get one heads. His hand consists of Roseannes, Bebe’s, Claydol, and something I don’t remember. He has a Spiritomb active, Ralts with Double Colorless, Psychic, and an Expert Belt. When I should have dropped the Bebe’s, I dropped Claydol for some reason. His turn starts, and I immediately think I lose, however, his 2nd Kirlia is prized and has no way of recovering the one in discard pile, unable to get the Kirlia, he just searches for the Claydol again and ends.

I knock his active Spiritomb and forces his Ralts with an Expert Belt. He uses “Hypnoblast” to do 30 damage to my Sableye and puts it to sleep. However I roll head on my Sableye and I smile. I get heads on 1 Super Scoop up and drop my last 2 Pokéturns to drop 3 counters on Ralts. Leaving him with 70 HP. I drop the Sableye from my hand. Expert Belt it, attach Special Dark, retreat my active Sableye, and Knock Out his Ralts. I force his Claydol active and I have 1 Prize left.

At this point he knows that he lost, but he still plays through. I found out that I ran out of steam and I have no way to drop Claydol to 70 for the Knock Out. So I just “Over Confident” for 2 turns to Knock Out the Claydol.

2-1 (5-2 overall)

Great day overall, and I’m declared the winner of Oshawa Battle Roads. I’m glad that my first tournament ended up really well. I was a bit disappointed that the prize support was little, however, I still got that Victory Medal and 4 packs.

-My first Battle Roads turning out so good
-Last minute decision to add Uxie LV.X to my deck
-SableLock for being cheap
-David and Roland for getting me in to Pokémon
-David for helping me playtest the day before

-David deciding to play Blastoise
-Not being able to find 4 Spiritombs
-Getting double tails on Cyrus’s Initiative when needed

Thanks for reading my article and I’ll do a report on my next Battle Roads next week.

Reader Interactions

8 replies

  1. Shaun Hindman

    Congrats on the win. Very nice job. Question though. You said game two of the finals he started with Spiritomb. How did you double Poketurn turn 1…

  2. Peter Bae

    lmao ya i wonder.. it was either I Poketurned and the judge didnt catch it or I dropped 3 crobat G's LOL i think i dropped 3 crobat G cuz the jduge was watching. All the games were similar so it was little hazy !!

  3. Tweed Moore

    problem with how you took out machamp….says you dropped uxie and leveled up same turn, Unless you already had an uxie on bench thats not possible. But great report and congrates on the win!

  4. Peter Bae

    yes I did have an Uxie I used the turn earlier! :D it would have been better if i mentioned that

  5. Jason Chen

    Nah it's cool, you did mention it. The thing about the Garchomp, though, is that since Spiritomb has resistance to colorless and you cannot PokeTurn it, it's almost impossible to donk with Garchomp C. So I dunno maybe you miscalculated that one :P

  6. Michael Randolph

    Wow great job with SableLock, excellent report as well!

  7. Michael Randolph

    Wow great job with SableLock, excellent report as well!

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