I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything so I wanted to make sure and get everyone up to date.
I am almost ready to test this out. What I am doing is working with Jason to get some of his puzzles up to test the engine I made. My goal is to have the puzzles from July 29th available within the next two weeks for everyone to test and critique.
If testing goes well, not alot of updates needed and Jason is able to make the puzzles I will do this about once a month.
I am currently working with a UI Specialist who has about 15 yrs experience. While the initial screen will be the table layout I am wanting to have a proper heads up display (HUD) to organize the cards and information since I am coding this for the screen resolution 1024*768.
To everyone that has offered help, please do not worry, I will still need you soon. As I stated before this is a side project and my day job has been pretty demanding as of late. I believe I will need the most help in about 6 – 8 weeks.
I hope everyone is excited and I am looking forward to the critiques as well.
Awesome! Can’t wait
Michael Randolph
Kenny Wisdom
Good stuff.
Austin Mitchell
Sounds cool.
venny kid
Ummm…. I’m not sure my little netbook has a screen resolution that large… I’ve had that problem with Red-shark. What should I do?
James Hall
I am pretty sure that your netbook has that resolution as a minimum. I am a web developer and nothing in the last 5+ years has come out at 800×600 standard. I will take that into consideration as I build this out. Thank you Venny for reminding me of netbook users.
Randy Arnold
I’ve sent two emails already about helping. Jason even said he would be glad to mentor me and have me help.
That was the first week of august. Please respond to me at randyarnold95@gmail.com
James Hall
I have responded to you and as of right now I need help with someone who has access to Flash CS3 or greater.
Once I get some functions together for the Puzzle I will mentor you. I have to have something to show you so you can understand how/why the function works the way it does. I am a hands on mentor, not a theory mentor.
James Hall
OK, just realized what I can use some help with…
Since the “HS Triumphant” will be Lost Link + Clash at the Summit, I will need someone to go through the lists, I found them here on Serebii.net…
and tell me which cards are already published here in america and those which are new.
I would like to get these coded in ahead of time so if the replacement is completed soon after November, it will have the latest set.
Randy, I will try and set aside a time every weekend to have a developers journal for the people who are going to help and those who are looking to learn can go to and see the progress and the concept.
I would rather do this on a one-on-one basis but there seems to be more of a call on how to do this.
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Karol Nowak
This is sounding great. Keep up the good work James! I can’t wait to see it finished!