pokebeach.comWhen scans for HGSS Unleashed were revealed, I was one of many players extremely excited to see the Neo Genesis Sneasel virtually reprinted. Being the first of only two cards ever banned in the history of the Modified format, (Slowking from the same set being the other), it is interesting to see that the power creep has finally caught up with this prodigy.
Sneasel now comes with a x2 Fighting weakness, which is negligible because Donphan and Machamp both kill it anyway. “Beat Up” is still a great attack, letting you flip up to six coins to do up to 120 damage before factoring in Special D Energies. This attack combined with Memory Berry gives you a decent main attacker along side Garchomp C LV.X, while still achieving this deck’s main strategy: Disruption.
pokebeach.com“Claw Snag” is a pretty badass Poké-Power. At the drop, you get to discard any card from your opponent’s hand. It’s like a guaranteed “Cyrus’s Initiative”, but the card is discarded instead of getting bottom decked.
This power definitely raised a few eyebrows in the Pokémon community, but the biggest question would prove to be, “How will it be most effective?” Although I won’t pretend that I know the answer, as testing has only been limited to the last few weeks and there have been no tournament showings yet, this is definitely at least the start of a straight Weavile UD deck.
Borrowing from the huge success of “Sablelock”, we will max out Sableye (SF) in hopes of starting with it. It makes you start, get a leg-up with a Supporter before your opponent, and can donk with one of the 4 Special D Energies.
pokebeach.comThrough disruption cards like “Judge”, and a maxed out Weavile line including four “Super Scoop Up”s and three “Broken Time Space”, it is possible to limit your opponent’s options throughout the duration of the game, while taking out threats with Garchomp C LV.X and cleaning up with Sneasel’s “Beat Up”.
Before you ask about matchups, consider the following: This type of deck’s success is based on how well you play out your turns, eliminate threats, and strategically discard, along with how you draw, and how your opponent topdecks. Much like “Sablelock”, you can win literally any match you play, but you will not win if you spend all of your resources to discard their entire hand and they top deck an Uxie.
Here is my current list:
Pokémon: 20
4-4 Weavile (UD-25) |
T/S/S: 30
3 Cyrus’s Conspiracy |
Energy: 10 |
Battle Roads is right around the corner!!! I’m predicting the Meta to be a twisted power struggle between LuxChomp, Vileplume/Gengar, and Machamp variants. Should be…. fun?
This is a very good looking deck, I think it just has a few main problems. Obviously a Vileplume lock will shut a lot of this deck down because it looks (and probably runs) a lot like an SP deck. However, the problem that jumped out at me would be Scizor Prime. If Scizor becomes a great deck, you’d need to start running more Basic Darkness, and personally, I’d just run more even if it doesn’t so you have searchable energy with Cyrus. Anyways, it is still a nice new rogue, and I hope it does well!
I dont think running a lot of basics is needed anymore, since we now have energy exchanger. I have been playting 2 in my deck to search for DCE mainly, but it proved useful to search for call, fire and psychic too, so i definetly would max out the special darks, and put 1 or 2 basic , just in case.
This deck is really a lot like sablelock, but adds in even more disruption (is that even possible?)
Nice idea, i like it, maybe will try it out.
Sorry i forgot to emntion it, but when hunter gets printed, i think you should replace the SSU for it.
Sorry i forgot to emntion it, but when hunter gets printed, i think you should replace the SSU for it.
whats hunter do?
Hunter is a new card from the Japanese Lost Link set which will most likely be in our next set. Its effect lets each player return one of his or her bench Pokemon and all cards attached to it back to your opponent’s hand. Its basically a PokeTurn for non SP Pokemon.
And yes, of course Hunter will replace SSU.
i would still put in a few SSU, remember hutner is a supporter, and while you may not need to return 2 pokemon per turn to your hand, it can come pretty handy to do so. (uxie+weavile just to say something)
OH! a supporter!! That changes a lot, but you can then inpersonate for it with sableye. Hmm… Interesting…
And yes, of course Hunter will replace SSU.
i play 3
hopefull you can disrupt enough to stall scizor, but i doubt it. I mean if it runs well it should be able to disrupt and do massive damage on the same turn.
Ok scizor is easily countered its not that great run blazechomp, cus it will counter all tank deck in the new meta
Interesting concept. But do you think it’d be a more consistant deck if it was a modern sablelock but with the weavile in it?
good idea, however I think it should still be called sabelock…. anyways, great idea, I think it will be one of the t1 decks in this format
uh, NO
I love this deck. I ran my totally different. I ran it with Weavile being the only attacker because I want to utilize only darks. Idk this may work better because you have a more reliable main attacker.
I love this deck. I ran my totally different. I ran it with Weavile being the only attacker because I want to utilize only darks. Idk this may work better because you have a more reliable main attacker.
Why do people call decks _____Lock? I understand Trainer Lock and SnoreLock decks but what is this “Locking”?
Locking itself is just trying to distrupt you’re opponent. SableLock is a very distruptive deck, and is there by called a lock deck, since it annoyes you’re opponent alot.
This deck then, is based on the Weavile from UD, which is a VERY good card.
I mean myself Weavile could be very nice distruptive tech in SableLock
On the deck itself, it’s a pretty nice build. I would suggest to tech in 1-1 Dialga G X and 1-2 Warp energies, just to be safe against Vileplume, since you use so many trainers.
Ha. I guess it just sounds cool. Psychic Lock started it all I guess, while Gardy didn’t exactly prevent your opponent from doing EVERYTHING, it locked 1 aspect of options. It just sounds cool I guess!
You are probably a new plater, The “______lock” is way more older
Ha. I guess it just sounds cool. Psychic Lock started it all I guess, while Gardy didn’t exactly prevent your opponent from doing EVERYTHING, it locked 1 aspect of options. It just sounds cool I guess!
Decks have always been called “____ Lock” for whatever reason. There was “Noc Lock”, “Rock Lock”, “Plox” (aka Psychic Lock), “Sablelock”… hell there’s even “Chenlock” haha
Decks have always been called “____ Lock” for whatever reason. There was “Noc Lock”, “Rock Lock”, “Plox” (aka Psychic Lock), “Sablelock”… hell there’s even “Chenlock” haha
I think weavile will see a lot of use as a tech in Sablelock, but I don’t think it can be a deck on its own, its attacks and HP just aren’t good enough.
I also think it is very situational. How often are you going to get a good discard? And, assume you get “good” discards, you can only do it a hand full of times. Another big concept of the current Sablelock is to control top decks. You may want to throw in a Chatot G or a Slowking HGSS. Another big locking idea in Sablelock is the use of Power Spray. You might want to get a few more SP Pokemon in there to Power Spray. Ambipom and Crobat are good additions, as is Crobat G.
team rockets trickery’s
Another viable idea with Weavile is to use TRT as draw power/disruption along with the new Houndoom that also discards. Try to keep their hand at 0 and use 1-1 Slowking HGSS or Chatot G + ‘Turns to force the lock.
m… its a good idea, and no more claydol its good for this deck
I just wanted to point out that you said HS Unleashed. Dont you mean HS Undaunted? But ya there’s a kid at my league who’s still in junior’s but he dominates the division and he’s been played a scizor prime with the weavile deck. Little most annoying deck I’ve ever come across.
D’oh! Of course I meant Undaunted…
Curtis is a senior, right?
Curtis is a senior, right?
hey, just won a tournement with sablelock with weavile sneasel teched in i won a wholebox, great idea but where the crobats?
Since this build doesn’t run Power Spray, and Sneasel is already a free retreater, the Crobat’s would be nice, but aren’t necessary.
Since this build doesn’t run Power Spray, and Sneasel is already a free retreater, the Crobat’s would be nice, but aren’t necessary.
What do you think about running energy exchanger? Since the deck runs a majority of spec energies and that lets you get them.
I like Weavile + Absol Lv. X + Chatot G.
This deck needs Chatot G. Trust me.
The article is ok but the comments are awesome!