Tomorrow (Tuesday, September 28th) is the big day when SixPrizes Underground will finally launch. We’ve got some great articles lined up already and the staff is really looking forward to helping you out.
I just want to clear any confusion about how to register, so here’s how it will work:
- At 9 AM EST, the first Underground Article will go live on the site.
- There will be a notice shown within the article excerpt asking you to upgrade your account to view the full article (you will need to be logged in with your free membership or register for a free membership first).
- Click the link to upgrade your account and you will be taken to a page where you can sign up for your Underground membership.
That’s pretty much it! After you’ve upgraded to an Underground membership, you will be able to view the article.
I just want to point out that you do NOT need to create a new account. The way it works is that your Underground membership will be added on top of your free membership, so you only need 1 account.
Full details about exactly what you get with Underground will be located on the upgrade page.
Sorry to be making this announcement instead of posting something interesting to read… I just want to make sure everyone who is interested understands what to do tomorrow.
Good to know bro. Save me a spot
Can’t wait to read the articles!
*sigh* I didn’t realize we needed a credit card to get the free article! I don’t have one right now, and this was going to be the factor that decided whether or not I needed to get one. >_<
Actually if you just get a PayPal account and connect it to a Bank Account you should be fine.
Sorry Justin. :(
Everything is done through Paypal and they require you to connect a bank account or card (like James said). If you aren’t able to sign up for the free month, then how would you keep your subscription in the future?
I was honestly going to get one if I liked the Underground preview. :(
Send me an e-mail and we’ll talk.
I was honestly going to get one if I liked the Underground preview. :(
You couldn’t have chosen a better time. :D Or I guess you could, 8 AM. Not that it matters anyway, with the 301(?) free trial spots not probably going THAT quickly…
Will there be an article up in the UG tomorrow, or will you be adding them later on?
Haha well I’m glad that time worked for you. I actually probably should have made it earlier or later because a lot of people are either going to be at work or school during the day. I think there should be some spots left tonight though!
There will be another article on Thursday from Pablo Meza on Kingdra/Machamp and all the staff will be visiting the forums a few times daily to join in on conversation and answer questions. :)
Well I dun have a credit card either so, guess thats it for me
You could connect your bank account or debit card. Or e-mail me at and we can talk
I’m tired of making new accounts all the time for this site. I’m done with it.
I will make your account for you if you want, it’ll take me like 2 seconds, just let me know.
I’m going to ask you an honest question Adam, after seeing a majority of the main site full of bad list (You know I’m right) and poorly written articles (Once again many seem to be rushed together), what as a subscriber would make me want to pay for this?
Hey Mikey,
I post articles to the site when it is at least apparent that the author has put forth some effort to write something that would be interesting for someone to read.
Often times they may want help with their deck list, so it’s a way to get some publicity and comments to help them improve. I am sorry if they are not as good of quality as they should be.
I apologize if there are grammatical and spelling mistakes within articles. I do my best to proofread and do make a lot of changes (you have no idea what articles look like before they get posted), but I miss stuff sometimes. We’re all human.
You have to understand that there are players of different skill levels coming to the site. Some people may find at article to be very helpful, when it is of no use to you. Maybe they’ll pick up something or get an idea from an article that is very beneficial to them when it does not strike a chord with you.
Underground is meant to be for players who are more serious (which I am just inducing from your comment, it seems like you are). It’s for people who want to read articles written by well known players who have won big tournaments in the past. But it’s also for people who simply want to get better.
Some people play casually and like the articles they have been getting for free the past year and a half. Some people want more. I’m just trying to provide those people with want they want.
Hey Mikey,
I post articles to the site when it is at least apparent that the author has put forth some effort to write something that would be interesting for someone to read.
Often times they may want help with their deck list, so it’s a way to get some publicity and comments to help them improve. I am sorry if they are not as good of quality as they should be.
I apologize if there are grammatical and spelling mistakes within articles. I do my best to proofread and do make a lot of changes (you have no idea what articles look like before they get posted), but I miss stuff sometimes. We’re all human.
You have to understand that there are players of different skill levels coming to the site. Some people may find at article to be very helpful, when it is of no use to you. Maybe they’ll pick up something or get an idea from an article that is very beneficial to them when it does not strike a chord with you.
Underground is meant to be for players who are more serious (which I am just inducing from your comment, it seems like you are). It’s for people who want to read articles written by well known players who have won big tournaments in the past. But it’s also for people who simply want to get better.
Some people play casually and like the articles they have been getting for free the past year and a half. Some people want more. I’m just trying to provide those people with want they want.
Perhaps I’m wrong but I doubt it…only time will tell.
Hey Adam, I tried logging in yesterday, but ever since you added in the new underground log in about a month back, for some reason it tells me that my password is incorrect. I can still log in to the wordpress page and submit an article, but when I try using the exact same log in information on the page clicking the article takes me to, it tells me my username/password is incorrect.
I don’t even know if there are any free sign-ups left at this point, but I was interested in checking it out.
Make a new account and I’ll merge your old one with the new old (and give you whatever username you want).
E-mail me once you make the new account at and I’ll take care of you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Make a new account and I’ll merge your old one with the new old (and give you whatever username you want).
E-mail me once you make the new account at and I’ll take care of you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
$15 a month for Pokemon articles??? I mean, I love 6p, but that is freaking steeeeeep. Who has the kind of disposable income to pay $180 a year for Pokemon articles? Heck, a one year subscription to the Wall Street Journal costs less than that.
You’re going to be getting deck help from the staff too who have been active in the forums giving people advice and deck fixes, so it’s not just for articles.
The price needs to be high enough that it will be worth that staff’s time be doing this. If $5 was split between the 8 member staff that wouldn’t be nearly enough for them to agree to do this.
The free month offer is still out there for you to at least give it a try and make a decision whether you think it is worth it for you. It’s not for everyone but I think there are a lot of people that will be happy to keep a subscription.
Why have 8 people on staff when only a few of them have any real credits?
I’m not trying to bash you here Adam it just doesn’t make sense to me for paying $15 a month to get advice from a guy who’s won a regional, or top 32ed nats. Top 4ing Worlds and Nationals are the big 2 and you only have 2 people on staff that have done that. I guess with the exception of Jason is just getting back into the game. Paying $5 a month and getting advice from Fulop, Kettler, Diaz seems like a much better deal to me.
Who would you pay $14.95 to see write?
And there are 3 people that have top 4’d Worlds (Fulop, Pablo, and Diaz) and 4 people have top 4’d Nationals (Mike Fouchet, Fulop, Pablo, and Jason Chen).
Your write I forgot about Mikey, and Jasons just getting back into the game so only time will tell there. I’m just saying I think the huge costs will keep a majority of readers away. I remember when the top cut came outt the 2 main people who wrote for it were Drew Holton and Fulop. I’m simply curious if the reason for the huge amount is you have to devide it up among so many writers why not just limit the amount of writers you have?
Limiting the amount of writers isn’t going to change the amount of content that needs to be produced and work that needs to be done.
Writing good articles and helping people out on the forums takes a lot of time, more than you’d think. I don’t know if you signed up for the free trial or not, but I think the last two articles show what kind of quality you can expect.
Your right Adam I haven’t (didn’t feel like paying 30 dollars to have it refunded if I didn’t want to keep it, not really free imo) so I can’t really judge to much, I was familiar with the quality of the top cut and I at least hope you were able to match that. Like I said I could be completely wrong, maybe you stumpled on a gold mind here. I’m sure your familar with economics, value on content like this is completely in the eye of the beholder. To me this content might only be worth $5 a month while to other it might be worth 20. Factors such as disspoable income and access to good players play a huge roll as well. A suggestion than I would post a pull as to what people value this content at. If you have 20 people value at 15 ($300) yet you have 35 people that value it at $10 ($350) than you actually make more money by lowering the price. I’m not saying this will be true but as business man should you not at least find out?
Yes it is $180/year. When you look at that as a lump sum it does seem as a lot to have to swallow. But $15/month is easier to do. He is not asking for you to pay him $180 up front, he is even giving you a free month to test the waters. No one if forcing you to join, but these articles are high quality, expanded details and I have been able to interact with some major players and improve my game.