Jumpluff / Gengar Decklist and Analysis

Hello all, this is my first article and I hope to have more for you in the future. Jumpluff and Gengar may appear to have very little in common at first glance. However, both are low-energy and free-retreating attackers with the potential to deal massive damage. Since they both have the same requirements, combining them into a single deck is actually pretty wicked.

The basic strategy is similar to that of a traditional Jumpluff deck, which is to trade prizes faster than your opponent. Gengar is ideal since you can often get 2 Prizes in exchange for 1 Gengar.

Pokémon – 21

4 Gastly SF
3 Haunter SF
3 Gengar SF
1 Gengar LV.X
2 Hoppip HS
2 Skiploom HS
2 Jumpluff HS
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Crobat G

Trainers – 30

4 Pokémon Collector
3 Bebe’s Search
2 Pokémon Communication
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Copycat
3 Cynthia’s Feelings
2 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
1 Luxury Ball
4 Rare Candy
4 TGI Poké Turn

Energy – 9

5 P
4 G

pokebeach.comThe first thing to note are the Pokémon lines. Why 4 Gastlys? Because they evolve into the best early-game attackers in this deck, Gengar SF. You want a Gengar SF as your active ASAP to start sniping targets and disrupting your opponent’s attacking flow (a la Fainting Spell).

The 2-2-2 Jumpluff line used because of Trainer Lock which is becoming very popular as can be seen from recently concluded Battle Roads. A Jumpluff or Gengar can be set-up quickly even under Trainer lock with Bebe’s Search and Broken Time-Space.

The combo with Gengar SF and Crobat G should be well-known. A “Flash Bite” on an opponent’s Uxie followed by Gengar’s “Shadow Room” ensures a quick prize as virtually all decks run the little pixie.

The key trainers in this deck are Pokémon Collector and Cynthia’s Feelings. Because this deck is very speed oriented and runs little set-up Pokémon, 4 Pokémon Collector gives the deck much needed consistency. Cynthia’s Feelings serve as an ideal mid-game recovery card as your main attackers get Knocked Out fairly quickly. Cyrus’s Conspiracy are an insurance policy against energy droughts and are very useful for deck thinning in late-game.

I use Copycat because most decks tend to get a decent hand-size after an Uxie, especially when you have them pitch-darked.


Professor Oak’s New Theory can replace Copycat if your metagame has heavy usage of cards like Judge which trim down hand sizes.

An Expert Belt can be very useful to draw your last prize after all your Crobat Gs have been used.

A 1-1 or 1-1-1 Machamp SF line greatly helps in the SP matchup, but fitting the one or two Fighting Energy in your deck may mess up the already fragile consistency of this deck.

Reader Interactions

11 replies

  1. Pokeyx Returns

    I would actually consider using Prof. Oak’s New Theory over Cynthia’s Feelings. I would definitely consider getting at least 3 call energies too. I like the idea, but I’m not sure if it can still matchup well vs DialgaChomp or LuxChomp. Expert Belt is probably a must in most Jumpluff builds especially, so you may want to put those in as well. Your list is also missing Palmer’s Contribution. I like the Conspiracies in there which gets you that guarenteed energy that you need, so you may want to add another one or two, since it’s going to be your only guarentee on obtaining an energy on the spot. Also max the Bebe’s Search since as with the energy, it’s your only way other than a luxury ball, which will be useless in trainer lock, to get an evolved pokemon. Overall not a bad article at all.

    • Perry Going  → Pokeyx

      • I think cynthias is a very good card… In this deck I think its better than oaks. For one thing you could draw 8 instead of 6 when you pokemon is Koed. Also if you need to get rid of the trainers in your hand you have the chance of drawing for 4 cards. If you max out Bebe’s how are you supposed to outspeed other decks. Every deck you play isnt going have Vileplume in it.
  2. Tony

    Pretty cool idea overall, but the deck seems to lack a few things. Don’t you need some palmers or flower shop lady to recover some cards? Also, I think you a taking a huge risk not running a starter pokemon like spiritomb or sableye.

    I’d have to try the deck out to see how it would do, but just based on the decklist, it feels slow, especially if u face a trainer lock

    I am currently running a jumpluff/sunflora/shaymin

    • Perry Going  → Tony

      your starter would be gastly… its a good starter and can lock your opponents trainers for a turn… Not every deck needs to run vileplume.

      However i do agree on a palmers

  3. Chen Jin Yao

    Hi all. Im the article writer. The palmer’s was indeed an oversight on my part in the enthusiasm to get the decklist submitted. I agree with most of the comments here except for the potn over cynthia’s and more expert belts. Cynthias is just too good to not put inside.

  4. Chen Jin Yao

    Hi all. Im the article writer. The palmer’s was indeed an oversight on my part in the enthusiasm to get the decklist submitted. I agree with most of the comments here except for the potn over cynthia’s and more expert belts. Cynthias is just too good to not put inside.

  5. Adam Capriola

    I actually remember a couple good players using this deck at States last year. I’d play some Calls like Pokey suggested and maybe you could try out a Smeargle UD and Unown Q to help with consistency mid-game.

  6. Sebastian Hunter

    Nice deck list, I like it.

    I’d up the count of Pokemon Communications, because nowadays most people (not at all, just most) run as many PC’s as they do Bebe’s. I’d also bump the Collector count down, though they do combo well with Pokemon Communications. Try maxing out your Bebe’s to counter trainer lock (which is out there so much, VileGar says hello). Good amount of energy in there, but I’d remove 1 or 2 grass energies, as Pluff only needs 1 to attack. And the Crobats in there are cool, you could Shadow Room an Uxie + Crobat drop for an OHKO.

    I’d play 2-3 Expert Belts in there.

    I’d also try Warp Points. You could warp a Jumpluff out there for a Gengar (or vice versa) while bringing up an easy to KO defending.

  7. Jordan Baker

    I feel like this isn’t a deck analysis unless you include info on the matchups… it’s kind of just a deck description.

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