Card Of The… Oh My God Is It Really 4am?? Regice (Legends Awakened LA 36)

pokebeach.comAlright alright, I know that Regice has already been reviewed, but that was last format, and now I think it is more than relevant to review again.

Regice is an unevolving Basic with a good HP of 90, a decent Weakness of Metal (x2), no Resistance, and an abysmal Retreat Cost of 3. I don’t think he has an attack. Maybe I should check… nah, it’s not worth it.

The truth is, Regice is one of the best tech Basic Pokémon in the Modified format right now. “Regi Move” serves so many purposes, it alone warrants this card in almost any deck. When you declare the Power, you discard any 2 cards from your hand. Then, if your opponent has a Basic Pokémon active, they choose a Pokémon on their bench to switch it with. Simple right? Well why is this Power so great?

“Regi Move” is a searchable way to get out of Spiritomb’s trainer-lock. If you have a single turn to “Go Off” with your trainers, you instantly get the leg-up. The only thing your opponent can do is lay the 2nd Spiritomb, which limits their bench space.

“Regi Move” is Uxie’s friend. If you are tired of “Setting Up” for only 2 or 3 cards, simply “Regi Move” some garbage, and “Set Up” for more. Going all out for T2 Machamp? You’ll wish you had 2 more cards to draw.

“Regi Move” is Prizes and Disruption. Don’t let your opponent push up a sacrifice, “Regi Move” it! Crobat G? “REGI MOVE!” In Machamp, “Regi Move” the Toxicroak G (PL). If your opponent only has 1 benched Pokémon and a Basic active, you know what you are getting. Timing a good ‘Move could make your opponent waste an Energy attachment, or even stall them out for several turns if you ‘Move them into something with high Retreat. ‘Moving a Ditto with 6 damage counters nets you a free prize and attack in the same turn.

pokebeach.comOne of the most important things “Regi Move” does in the new format is Discard cards. (Insert obligatory “VileGar is one of the BDIF” here). Yes, Vilegar is popular right now. A fad? Maybe. “Regi Move” lets you discard the trainers that would be clogging up your hand with Vileplume out, therefore reducing the damage of “Poltergeist”.

If your opponent does the smart thing and starts “Shadow Room”ing Regice, you will still have the chance to discard 4 trainers total, which may nullify “Poltergeist” completely, not to mention, they just wasted 2 turns killing a Bench-sitter that you took all of 1 Pokémon Collector/Bebe’s to get.

Of course, Regice comes with his downsides. “Regi Move” can be Power Sprayed, but I wouldn’t cry if it is. Regi’s only attack is expensive and underpowered. His Weakness is negligible because of his Retreat Cost. You see, nobody wants to kill Regice, because they just did your job FOR you- getting it out of active. Regice has a bad habit of getting “Bright Look”ed. With his 3 Retreat, “LuxChomp” will drag it up and take a few Prizes off the bench while you try to build it up to painfully Retreat. The obvious solution is Warp Point and/or Warp Energy, both solid choices. Warp Point can be locked, but is still relevant along with Warp Energy. My best advice however- just don’t bench the damn thing in 4/5 “LuxChomp” matchups.

Rating: 4/5. It is really, really good at doing what it does. It is one of the most relevant cards in the game, and an easy solution for many problems. Starting with it is a drag, and you can only Warp it out so many times. Its Power for a tech Basic Pokémon is only rivaled by “Set Up” and “Portrait” as one of the best in the Game.

Reader Interactions

16 replies

  1. Shining Yue

    I freakly (?) love this card. I started using It as a Spiritomb counter a long time ago, but Regice proved to be more than just that.

  2. Tonu Taitto

    With Regice, you can also discard a Pokémons (evolutions Garchomp lvX’s attack, to get MAgikarps on discard Pile so Gyarados can attack harder, to get Legend on discard so you can Dailga PT+Legend Box it, etc). Some decks suach as Tyranitar SF or Typhlosion Prime can get a nice boost from discarded energy too.

    The 3 Energy retreat cost is worst thing about this card. Usually I prefer playing couple of more Warp Energy/Point with this or 4 SSU’s. Otherwise it will often be dragged front (Bright Look/Luring Flame/Reversal/other cards) and get my bench sniped by some Pokémon.

    This is great card to counter Spiritomb Starts and great against VileGar. This is one of the best basics that isn’t a staple.

    • Ron Routhier  → Tonu

      Any experienced VileGar player will have a tech in his/her deck to bring up cards like Regice, or other pokemon with minimal attacks and high retreats.

        • Jonathan Anderson  → Martin

          Actually, I’ve noticed (and approve of) a lot of Vilegars running either Zangoose or Blaziken FB for the drag up ability. If your Regice gets dragged active, you might as well say goodbye to 2-3 turns of doing anything useful. And then they might drag it right back up again. Very bad against trainerlock if they can get it into the active.

        • Jonathan Anderson  → Martin

          Actually, I’ve noticed (and approve of) a lot of Vilegars running either Zangoose or Blaziken FB for the drag up ability. If your Regice gets dragged active, you might as well say goodbye to 2-3 turns of doing anything useful. And then they might drag it right back up again. Very bad against trainerlock if they can get it into the active.

    • Colin Peterik  → Dakota

      Like I said, Regice has already been a COTD so I decided not to cover the stuff that was already in that article. Plus it goes without being said that he can discard Karps.

  3. Theo Seeds

    you said uxie and smeargle.

    I dont see an Azelf at the end.

  4. Ed Mandy

    Great card with a great drawback. If you run it, you have to run Warp Point, Warp Energy, SSU, etc. When you start with it active, you may cry.

  5. Ed Mandy

    Great card with a great drawback. If you run it, you have to run Warp Point, Warp Energy, SSU, etc. When you start with it active, you may cry.

  6. Poet Larsen

    This card is really good in my opinion, because it is a great counter for SP. Luxray is a problem, yes, but if you get rid of there active, if it’s good, and send it to the bench, you could snipe it away with a Garchomp C. This is a good stradegy that I’ve seen at the league that I go to.

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