Hey, this Deck Analysis is about Gengar Prime and the Lost World Stadium. This deck focuses on ending the game quickly but not donking. Enjoy!
Pokémon: 233 Spiritomb AR 4 Gastly LL 3 Haunter LL 4 Gengar Prime LL 1 Nidoran RR 1 Nidorina RR 1 Nidoqueen RR 1 Azelf LA 2 Uxie LA 1 Uxie LV.X 1 Magnemite LL 1 Magnezone Prime |
T/S/S: 294 Rare Candy 3 Broken Time Space 4 Lost World LL 3 Expert Belt AR 3 Bebe’s Search 3 Professor Elm’s Training Method 3 Hunter LL 3 Switch 3 Black Belt |
Energy: 1411 P 3 Rescue |
pokebeach.comGengar Prime
Gengar Prime is the main Pokémon in this deck. Used for its Plunge Into Darkness attack, allowing you to look at your opponent’s hand and choose a number of Pokémon up to the number of energy attached to Gengar Prime and put those Pokémon in the Lost Zone. Here is the translation of the card:
Poké-Body: Catastrophe
As long as this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, if an opponent’s Pokémon is Knocked Out, that Pokémon is placed in the Lost Zone. (All cards other than Pokémon cards are discarded.)
P Plunge Into Darkness: Look at your opponent’s hand, choose a number of Pokémon up to the number of P Energy attached to this Pokémon, and place them in the Lost Zone.
PC Cursed Droplets: Place 4 damage counters on your opponent’s Pokémon in any way you like.
Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 0
Magnezone Prime
Really just a Stage 2 Claydol, allows you to draw cards until you have 6 in your hand. But this also has a heavy Retreat Cost of 3 so you should have a Switch or 2 up your sleeve. Here’s its translation:
Poké-Power: Electromagnetic Draw:You can use this power once during your turn. Draw cards from your deck until you have 6 cards in your hand. This power can’t be used if this Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition.
LC Lost Burn: 50× damage. Place any number of Energy attached to your Pokémon in play into the Lost Zone. This attack does 50 damage for each of those Energy cards.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Metal (-20)
Retreat: 3
pokebeach.comLost World
This is your winning ticket. Before you play this Stadium, check that your opponent has at least 6 Pokémon cards in their Lost Zone. If they do, play this Stadium then announce that you’ve won the game (you have).
This card reads: “Each player may, during his or her turn, end the game and declare himself or herself the winner if the opponent has 6 or more Pokémon cards in his or her Lost Zone.”
Now that you know the importance of this card, you have to get one out has fast as possible and don’t, I repeat, don’t play this as soon as you get it, play Broken Time-Space instead (if you have it).
Makes both you and your opponent return a Pokémon and all cards attached to it back to their hand. Here’s the text: “Each player returns 1-of his or her Benched Pokémon and all cards attached to it to his or her hand. You return your cards first.”
Remember, this is a Supporter, so you can only play one each turn. Now, this is where Gengar Prime comes in. Now that you have just returned one of your opponents Pokémon use Gengar Primes attack, Plunge Into Darkness, and you’ve just put one of your opponent’s Pokémon in the Lost Zone.
pokebeach.comBlack Belt
This card is for when you use Cursed Droplets. When you do, you can do 80 damage for 2 energy. Useful for some quick knock outs, in my opinion. This is what it says: “You can only use this card when you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent. On this turn, your Pokémon’s attacks do an additional 40 damage to your opponent’s Active Pokémon.” This is another Supporter, so you can’t play 2 or 3 at once (although that would be awesome).
Rescue Energy
When you attach this to a Pokémon, if the Pokémon is Knocked Out, then return this Pokémon back to your hand instead of going to the discard pile. Here’s what’s written: “This card provides 1 unit of C Energy. If the Pokémon this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an attack, return that Pokémon to your hand. (All cards other than Pokémon cards are discarded.)”
Hope you guys liked this and I like comments, positive or negative! Thanks for reading!
Deafen turn one until time is called. You’ll NEVER get to play Lost World haha
Too bad black belt wont work with gengars attack, since it is damage counters and not damage.
No Gengar Lv.X? Boring D:
Lost World is a Stadium…. so any other Stadium can ripp it out. So it’s like a “final move” kind of card.
Yes, exactly. You wait until your opponent has 6 cards in the Lost Zone then you play it and win the game.
Is it cards or Pokemon???
Is it cards or Pokemon???
Nice thing about Gengar LV. X is that you can use it to mass-remove your opponents Pokemon if you have a decent spread engine.
Yes, Lost World is a Stadium. But, you don’t play it until you’ve put 6 of your opponent’s pokemon in the Lost Zone. Then, you declare yourself the winner. You need multiple copies of the Stadium to have it ready when the time is right to drop it.
I’d say twins is the better play over black belt here. Since you could care less about prizes, having the ability to get two cards from your deck is huge.
you know, it’s like my eyes just skipped over that card! Agree with you, although maybe putting Lost Remover might not be bad.
Also, I would play Black belt, with Expert Belt, and PlusPower.
Black Belt wouldnt work with cursed droplets and neither would expert belt because cursed droplets is damage counters not damage.
I think this deck should center around Gengar’s 1st attack, and not in taking prizes. You can also abuse Twins that way.
One thing that could help Gengar get more nrg on it is the new Celebi Prime so plunge into darkness is more effective
Ehh… ok, where to start. I really don’t want to be too negative, but this list has a TON of problems.
First off: what’s the point of playing Spiritomb if you’re only going to play 3? Is he your preferred starter or no? If he is, max him out at 4. If not, drop him.
Second: there is no reason to play the Lost Link Gastly. He’s got X2 weakness, and Gastly SF is one of the strongest opening basic pokemon in the game with the ability to lock your opponent out of Trainers for 0 energy
Third: Black Belt and Expert Belt are a complete waste of time. You aren’t trying to take prizes with this deck, you’re trying to get Pokemon in the Lost Zone.
Fourth: Your Supporter line is also crazy… 3 Professor Elm’s Training Method? That card is awful, especially considering you haven’t maxed Bebe’s. Elm’s can’t find a Level X or a Basic, so why bother including it without Bebe’s maxed?
Other glaring problems include: way too much energy, lack of absolute deck staples like Luxury Ball and Pokemon Collector, the allocation of 3 spaces to Switch when your primary pokemon has free retreat, no Gengar X, etc. etc… this list needs some serious re-working to ever have a chance.
Second. This list is off the wall.
Thanks for the feedback, I’ve posted a new deck list that’s been improved according to your comments and others.
At first I wasn’t going to judge how good this card would be until I could see what impact it would have upon it’s release but I never read its attacks, just its power but now that I read Plunge into darkness I cant read it anymore with out seeing the word “BROKEN” over and over again. I just wonder what the ruling will be when Gengar knocks out a pokemon that has rescue energy on it.
It’s not that broken. Pick your way of destroying it: Tech in a 1-1 Honchkrow SV and 1-shot Gengar Prime every time. Use Regice or Banette to discard Pokemon from your hand so Plunge Into Darkness fails. Get a prize lead and then Tail Code energy off of Gengar every turn with Ambipom so his attack is too slow to matter. Get a prize lead and then lock them out of their Stadium with Dialga using Deafen. Judge yourself to get rid of your pokemon in hand. They aren’t gonna be able to pull of a Hunter every turn.
Yeah, the first thing I thought when I read the article was: Regice- GG. There are PLENTY of ways to counter it. And the thing is, if this deck does encounter a counter, the game is over. While you’re failing to send pokemon to the lost zone, your opponent is just steadily getting KO’s…
Gengar is broken, is just this list is not good. You use uxies, spiritomb (the one that forces your opponent to send their hand back into their deck to draw 6), and gengar lvx. Twins brings close to perfect consistency. Palkia send their pokemon that get bench. Hochcrow gets pokemon from the discarded pile. It only runs few trainers so vileplume can be an option. Point is the only weakness this thing has is Dialga. The were going to be many versions, ones with palkia and honchcrow, others with absol, others with vileplume to destroy all hope for set-up. You can tech against one but not all versions.
Just the fact that they limit your options Pokemon wise is pretty broken. IMO the attack would be Broken even if there was no Lost World. That’s just a bonus. Taking Garchomp C X out of the ENTIRE game is ridiculous..
Gengar Prime’s second attack only places damage counters instead of dealing damage. Black Belt would be better off with Gengar AR or Gengar SF, but even then normal Gengar decks wouldn’t be bothered to run those.
mmm, cursed droplets puts damage counters, so you cant increase the number of counters with blackbelt.
also, i think you need a little bit of draw power with uxie or supporter draw.
I have been testing with this deck. The main changes that I use are I am using the standard “lock” skeleton and have Giratina X (strafe) along with Gengar X.
I ended up taking two prizes for two turns. Works quite nicely. Gonna test with the magnezone prime tonight I think.
Has anyone ever tested via Skype? Quite a nice way to test if you are not around many competitive players. Shout out to Pikkdogs for showing me this.
No, I haven’t tested on Skype, but I’ve heard of others doing it.
Does anyone play on Tradecardsonline.com? If you do, send me a message.
i do sometimes
I just made an account. I’ll look for people to play there.
same here
dude a CurseGar is too good not to run…
My first thought was cursegar with belt or blackbelt…and then switch out to Gengar Prime…lost zone poke!
I have to agree with some of the comments- this gengar is prime, but the deck list is subprime.
I think a card that could do really well in this deck is staraptor fb lv x to grab a hunter every turn. Mew prime might also work well.
Keep working on the decklist!
Black Belt doesn’t work with Cursed Droplets. You’re placing damage counters, not doing damage.
Rescue energy is a great idea, though. I tried that in my list.
I agree. This is aweful. Just the fact that Gastly LL is in the list made me stop reading in my tracks. This deck will be great, but not this list
Like everyone else, I don’t see the point of Expert or Black Belt in this deck. There’s almost no attack to use it with.3 Bebe, 3 PETM, but no Collector?3 Stage 2s? (Magnezone is pretty terrible as well imo)
3 Switch (when your main attacker retreats for free?)
There’s so much wasted space in this deck. Looks like it was thrown together quickly and without any thought (those Belts are a real facepalm). It doesn’t matter who makes the first Lost World deck. Just who makes the best one.
I think this MIGHT be a troll article…
In some ways I hope it is. It’s blatantly misleading and bad in ways you can’t defend.
Pretty bad reflection on the site if that is true though.
ok magnezone=bad and no twins=epic fail have fun.
This was posted on the author’s first article…Note from Adam: This is an article from one of our younger viewers, so please be kind and leave helpful comments. :)
So keep the comments positive.
To be fair I understand this, but if there not mature enough to handle constructive cristisum or able to defend there points they really shouldn’t be posting articles, or Adam putting them up.
black belt doesnt work for counters.
dusknoir x can be pretty cool for sending more pokemon to the zone through ectoplasm.
Im with Evan dude, sorry, adding in cards like Expert Belt and POTM, particularly at the count of 3 is just crazy. Where are the staples like Bebe’s, Communication, and Luxury Ball.
That and Black Bet wont affect the damage of Curse Droplets because it is placing damage counters
Im with Evan dude, sorry, adding in cards like Expert Belt and POTM, particularly at the count of 3 is just crazy. Where are the staples like Bebe’s, Communication, and Luxury Ball.
That and Black Bet wont affect the damage of Curse Droplets because it is placing damage counters
Where’s the absol Lv.X?
Here’s a new and improved list, according to all of your comments. Sorry if the previous deck list was all messed up, but I’m pretty new to Pokemon TCG.
4 Spiritomb AR
4 Gastly SF
3 Haunter
3 Gengar Prime LL
1 Gengar Lv. X
1 Nidoran RR
1 Nidorina RR
1 Nidoqueen RR
1 Azelf LA
2 Uxie LA
1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Staraptor FB
1 Staraptor FB Lv. X
3 Rare Candy
3 Broken Time Space
4 Lost World LL
4 Bebe’s Search
4 Hunter LL
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Twins
11 Psychic
3 Rescue Energy
That looks much better than the previous list. I’m sure that list is not perfect, but hey, it’s a start now.
well, that indeed looks better, but can still be improved:
-4 spiritomb
-1 uxie lv X
-1 psychic energy
-3 rescue energy
+1 collector
+2 copycat
+2 lookers/judge (To give your opponent a new hand, with new pokemon to plunge into darkness)
+1 rare candy
+1 twins (too good to pass on it)
+1 vs seeker
+1 palmers (in case your gengar lines end up discarded too soon, you would need to bring them back)
You are certainly right about giving your opponent a new hand, and the Farmer Palmer is agreeable. But I think I’ll keep 3 as the number of Rare Candies as I think that is the best so I have space for other stuff.
Take out the spiritombs (you can add palkia g) or add in a vileplume line (You could take out nidoqueen). Also take out a Psychic energy for another nidoqueen.
Take out the spiritombs (you can add palkia g) or add in a vileplume line (You could take out nidoqueen). Also take out a Psychic energy for another nidoqueen.
Umm, Black Belt doesn’t affect Cursed Droplets. When it says “Damage counters” instead of damage, it isn’t affected by things that increase damage (I.E Expert Belt, PlusPower…)
Yes, sorry about that. I thought… well… I’m not exactly sure. :/
wait… 63 cards?
what about gengar prime, slowking HGSS anda mime Jr LL and of course spiritomb
Mime Jr. 30HP
Poke Body: Sweet sleeping face
if this pokemon is asleep, prevent all damage done to this pokemon
(.) Sleepy Lost: send 1 card from the top of your opponents deck to the lost zone. this pokemon is now asleep
so the pokemon line consists of 20 pokemon, 4-4-4 or 4-3-4 or 4-3-3-1 gengar, 4 spiritomb, 1-1 slowking and 2 mim jr
what about gengar prime, slowking HGSS anda mime Jr LL and of course spiritomb
Mime Jr. 30HP
Poke Body: Sweet sleeping face
if this pokemon is asleep, prevent all damage done to this pokemon
(.) Sleepy Lost: send 1 card from the top of your opponents deck to the lost zone. this pokemon is now asleep
so the pokemon line consists of 20 pokemon, 4-4-4 or 4-3-4 or 4-3-3-1 gengar, 4 spiritomb, 1-1 slowking and 2 mim jr
I thought about Mime Jr. but decided not to put it in. It could be a useful card, if you start with it.
I thought about Mime Jr. but decided not to put it in. It could be a useful card, if you start with it.
heres my list
Pokemon – 20
4-4-4 gengar
4 spiritomb
1-1 slowking
2 mime jr
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums – 30
4 Lost world
4 Bebe’s search
3 Pokemon collector
3-4 Rare candy
2-3 Broken Time-Space
1 Switch
3 Twins
2 Hunter
1 Luxury ball
2 pokemon communication
2 Palmer’s contribution
2 expert belt(for a long lasting gengar)
Energy – 10
10 Psychic
heres my list
Pokemon – 20
4-4-4 gengar
4 spiritomb
1-1 slowking
2 mime jr
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums – 30
4 Lost world
4 Bebe’s search
3 Pokemon collector
3-4 Rare candy
2-3 Broken Time-Space
1 Switch
3 Twins
2 Hunter
1 Luxury ball
2 pokemon communication
2 Palmer’s contribution
2 expert belt(for a long lasting gengar)
Energy – 10
10 Psychic
This is completely stupid. Playing a card that says “you win the game”? What the hell is that? Thats completely uncompetitive and unsportsmanlike. Anyone who would play this deck must be out of their mind!
And I thought cards like Pokemon Communication and Pokemon Collector were over powered and incredibly cheap.
Pokemon is just turning into a homoginized joke game rather than something competitivly interesting. Donked!
umm its a game changing card that forces people to actually change up their decks. hopefully it will nock out sp pokemon from winning everytime.
you can’t do more damage with Black belt because its attack doesn’t do damage; it just places damage counters. plus, magnezone is over doing it a little don’t you think? uxie works a lot better. My Gengar’ decklist that went 1138-2 so far using either proxies or japanese versions of the card. I have ran test after test after test with this deck, and this is what I’m taking to City’s.
i made a g prime deck already. my starter poke is mew prime and i use mew to remove a gengar from my deck turn 1 so turn 2 i can already be removing 2 pokes to lost zone. but then again m deck list is like 90% different from this one
It’s been said that Lost World is not coming out with this set. It’s Too Broken as it is…..
It’s been said that Lost World is not coming out with this set. It’s Too Broken as it is…..
this pokemon here is kind of a menace. specially with his 2 attacks and an awesome pokebody. i think the lv.x of this pokemon helps more insanely on dialga g’s pokebody lock. I’ve been testing out mew2/gar deck and it was awesome for some reason. 1st is gengar lv. x drops dialga g lv.x down to a basic pokemon then mewtwo lv.x blocks the rest of the baddies then combo on what the main play is, you’ll be happy with your results!
1º learn the rules of the game before posting here please.
80 damage with BB and Gengar Prime was a shame.
2º Wait to see if Lost World will really come. (I don’t believe that this will happen).
Lost World wasn’t released in the Triumphant set. I’m guessing we wont see an English version…
Just did some research, theres enough Legend series cards that have been cut to make one more set before Black and White. And they are releasing special Legends cards in japan, those might be used. There is still hope for Lost World until they announce the Black and White set
Really? If so, I’m totally buying a box of those.