We’re starting a new tradition here at 6P where we will be holding polls for the best contributors of the past month. The winner will get their picture put in the sidebar and they will be deemed the reigning “Writer of the Month.”
Anyone who gets a non-Underground article published during the past month is eligible. You may vote for up to your 5 favorite writers. Each person’s name is linked to their author page, so you can check out their most recent articles if you need some refreshing as to what everyone wrote the last month.
Voting will end in 1 week and you must be registered in order to vote.
Good luck to all the writers and thanks to all those who participate in the voting!
P.S. Make sure to click “Submit” after you check off your selections!
[poll id=”14″]
very interesting idea! I give it a two thumbs up! Encourages us to write better articles! Really tempted to vote myself <.< lmao xD but not going to xD
You know what guys, to have any chance of winning I would have to write a deck analysis of Luxchomp, Vilegar or something similarly archetypal rather than Gigas.
To be honest I prefer Charizard and Luxchomp over Regigigas so you can expect articles on those in the future.
In any case I appreciate any votes I get and props to the ever popular Pokemon TCG writers like Josh Wittenkeller and Daniel Middleton who’s articles and videos I enjoy too
I can’t find the button that allows you to vote.! where is it AHHHH!
Make sure you’re logged in. :)
Jwittz, Alex Pike, and anyone with a victrebell article.
i think i have one more vote so jack snell. i play magnezone for fun and it is an awesome deck when it finally gets setup.
Where is the VOTE/SUBMIT button???
Doh I’m not sure what happened, I’ll try to fix this. I don’t see the button either.
Oh you gotta be logged in to vote! If you’re not logged in you won’t see the vote button.
Yay! TheJWittz is winning! (please take no offense if you are also on this poll)
No offense to Jwittz, but I don’t think that his videos should be considered articles. I mean, they’re great and all, but they aren’t any exclusive site content or anything.
Yeah I think you’re right… they both kinda do their own thing. I wasn’t sure if I should include them when I made the poll, but I thought I might as well see how everyone is feeling about them.
For the actual winner, I’ll probably go with the people who are actually writing exclusive content. Next time I won’t mess up the poll. Version 1.0 right here… :P
How come J-Wittz is the only UG writer on this poll?
He’s the only Underground Writer who’s written a Non-Underground article (his videos). Remember that, for this poll, only judge his non-UG stuff.
But his videos aren’t even 6p exclusive. No hate to Josh, but I’m sure everyone will agree.
I’ve taken Josh and PokeClass off the list… if anyone voted for them and wants to vote for something else instead, just let me know and I’ll add your vote in.
But his videos aren’t even 6p exclusive. No hate to Josh, but I’m sure everyone will agree.