This episode is the last one before Christmas so I thought I’d do an episode counting down the best cards from 2010 in the current format. Please post your lists as I’d love to see what you all think! This list may be totally different compared to other people’s, so please respect that it’s just my opinion.
Thanks for watching, PokémanDan
Hey, that was really good! :) I mean of course everyone already knows about all the cards you mentioned because they’re so popular, but it gives a great sort of review on what’s good these days. Also, I think this is the first time I hear someone say GarchompC Lv. X is the Best Card in the Format. And frankly, I would agree. =]
Nice work, Dan!
AKA SkyAoiSora
Thanks a lot :)
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great episode :) There are so many good cards in the format and I can’t believe you managed to pick out 10 cards xD lol I personally disagree with some of the cards you mentioned tho because I believe that “Best Cards in the Format” should be cards that can easily be splashed in every deck. SP Engine is undoubtedly a very good set of cards, but it restricts it to SP Decks, not splashable, yes some of the cards can be splashed in other decks (PokeTurn and Conspiracy), but IMO, becuase of it’s restrictions to SP Decks, I think it shouldn’t have been mentioned in the top 10. I personally think Regice LA deserved a spot on the list as it’s becoming a big card in almost all stage1/2 decks to counter VileGar. Not to mention Dialga G Lv.X also one of the best cards in the format. Mesprit is also a big card as I’ve recently realized. IT really stops a lot of the top tier decks but people just haven’t really realized how easy it is to splash 1 Mesprit in to their decks. I think Machamp PRime and SP Engine should have been replaced with Dialga G Lv.X and Regice LA. Machamp PRime is a specific card for a specific deck, and if you really wanted to go that route, Gengar SF and Gyarados is a much better card this format IMO, however, great episode
okay, that’s definitely somewhere near, but where is crobat g? that didn’t even get an honorable mention.
Garchomp isn’t the Champion’s Pokemon for no reason. The best thing is he’s available through the promo version, which means, unlike Luxray GL X, he won’t Trash Bolt a hole through your wallet!
Yep, I picked up 2 for $7.50 on ebay!
I love your list but i have to show what my list looks like-
So the cards of yours i bumped out were
Machamp prime, Rescue Energy and junk arm.
Honorable mention-
Gengar SF, Double Colorless Energy, Machamp SF/Prime, Lucario GL and Rescue Energy
10. Dragonite FB
9. Regice- Legends Awakened
8. Unown Q
7. Pokemon Collector
6. Smeargle
5. Seeker.
4. Luxray GL LV.X
3. Pixies
2. SP Engine
1. Garchomp C LV.X
I love your list but i have to show what my list looks like-
So the cards of yours i bumped out were
Machamp prime, Rescue Energy and junk arm.
Honorable mention-
Gengar SF, Double Colorless Energy, Machamp SF/Prime, Lucario GL and Rescue Energy
10. Dragonite FB
9. Regice- Legends Awakened
8. Unown Q
7. Pokemon Collector
6. Smeargle
5. Seeker.
4. Luxray GL LV.X
3. Pixies
2. SP Engine
1. Garchomp C LV.X
Will admit my list is a bit biased towards SP decks but that’s b/c they’re just such a major force right now.
I feel this is the most reasonable list…. I agree with DCE garchomp is the most powerful card in the format
my top 10
10- Vileplume
9- Sableye
8- DCE
7- Pokemon Communication
6- Uxie X
5- Pokemon Collector
4- Unown Q
3- Uxie
2- SP Engine
1- Anything listed in Travis Yeary’s Sea Blaster deck lol (no, the real #1 is Garchomp C)
Honorable Mentions- Smeargle, Unown R, Special Metal, Call, Lux X, Twins, Seeker, Junk Arm, Gengar SF, Gengar Prime
What about charizard?