MightyChamp – Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Hi, my name is Jake, and this is an article on MightyChamp.


Yes, MightyChamp. MightyChamp is a deck built around countering both SP decks and VileGar at the same time. This is difficult for straight Machamp because of its Psychic weakness. Straight Machamp is built just to beat Regigigas and SP. The addition of Mightyena, which is a Dark type, helps Machamp turn the matchup against VileGar from unfavorable to even. Mightyena 1-shots Gengar SF.


Machamp SF
Ah, the focus of the deck. He has proven himself through many formats to be one of SPs greatest threats. For one fighting, he 1HKOs any basic, or unevolved, Pokémon with “Take Out.” That is probably Machamp’s greatest advantage against Gyarados, which is a big pain for this deck. There isn’t really much else to talk about here, except “Rage”, which 1HKOs a Gyarados after it “Tail Revenges” you for 90-110 damage. You shouldn’t be using “Hurricane Punch” all that much, due to its riskiness. On to Machamp’s partner in crime, Mightyena.

Mightyena PL
At a glance, Mightyena isn’t that good because of its high attack costs and low damage output. If you look at its body and pair it with Stuntank G, however, it becomes a killing machine. Its dark typing makes so it can 1HKO Gengar SF. It doesn’t matter that much if Mightyena dies because it is a Energy-less stage-one.

Machamp Prime
When HS: Triumphant came out, Machamp gained many new tricks. One of these, Machamp Prime, helped boost Machamp from the lower tiers of decks to the upper tiers. Machamp Prime really helps this deck in many needed ways, including not being worthless in any match except Regigigas or SP. Let’s look at his text.

Firstly, the Poké-Power “Fighting Tag” is great as it can take damaged Machamp SFs out of the active slot, without retreating, and make the Energy attached to the damaged Machamp switch to your new Machamp Prime so you can attack.

Secondly, there is the attack “Crushing Punch,” which does 60 damage and causes the Defending Pokémon to discard a Special Energy attached to it. This helps greatly in the Gyarados matchup. Lastly, the attack “Champ Buster” does 100 damage, plus 10 more for each Pokémon with any damage counters you have on your bench. Combined with “Fighting Tag” and moving damaged Machamps back to your bench, you can dish out a lot of damage. The only downside is that each of Machamp Prime’s attacks are costly, in terms of Energy attachment.

Stuntank G
The only reason Stuntank G is in this deck is to Poison your active Mightyena with “Poison Structure” and be able to use Mightyena’s attacks for no Energy.

Uxie LA
This is really self-explanatory. All you need it for is to draw cards when you put it from your hand to your bench with “Set Up.” It also can be leveled-up and you can use the LV.X’s Poké-Power, too.

Azelf LA
You should only use this if you run 3/1 Machamp (SF/Prime) or Uxie LV.X/Unown Q. It is used to get Pokémon from your Prize cards with the Poké-Power “Time Walk.”

Basic Stages of the Attackers
Machop SF and Machoke TM are the best possible pre-evos to Machamp. Use these at all costs. Machop is used because of its small Retreat Cost and its minimal +10 Weakness to Psychic. This Machoke is used because it has 90 HP, not leaving it vulnerable to a Garchomp C LV.X’s “Dragon Rush.”

Poochyena PL is the best Poochyena in modified. Don’t use the LA Poochyena.

Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums

Pokémon Collector
This card is very useful in grabbing Basic Pokémon from your deck. It is almost impossible to run a deck without this card.

Look at this card, it’s amazing! You get to take a damaged Machamp or a Uxie/Azelf and put it in your hand. With Broken Time-Space in play, you can basically heal the Machamp. Your opponent also picks up a benched Pokémon, so if they only have two Pokémon in play, you can donk them. The only downside is that Seeker is a Supporter card.

Bebe’s Search
This is the major Pokémon search power in this deck. It is a Supporter that says “Choose one card from your hand and put it on top of your deck. Search your deck for a Pokémon, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterword. (If this is the only card in your hand, you can’t play this card.)”

Pokémon Communication
This card is an additional Pokémon search card that is a Trainer card instead of a Supporter like Bebe’s Search. That means you can use multiple Pokémon Communication in one turn! The only downside is that it is locked by Vileplume and you must have a Pokémon in your hand to use it.

Broken Time-Space
This Stadium card makes so you can evolve swiftly and not have at waste three turns manually evolving your Pokémon. It can also help Stuntank G’s Poké-Power “Poison Structure.”

Rare Candy
With Rare Candy, you can go from a Machop to a Machamp instantly, without having to use Machoke. This is useful in setup and when you want to donk. The standard donk line is “Machop-Rare Candy-Machamp-Fighting-Take Out-Good Game.”

Palmer’s Contribution
With this Supporter, you can get up to five Pokémon and Energy cards from your discard pile and shuffle them back into your deck. Use this only when you need the cards very badly.

Expert Belt
Only use this card when your are sure you need it and you can’t be 1HKO’d. A good example would be against Gyarados, you shouldn’t use Expert Belt. Against SP, however, you should use Expert Belt on Machamp SF so they have a harder time KOing you.

Ruins of Alph
This is in this deck so you don’t have resistance against Gyarados and Jumpluff (the latter rarely used nowadays.) Its main use is for Stuntank G’s Poké-Power “Poison Structure,” though.

Luxury Ball
More Pokémon search. Onetime use.


Double Colorless Energy
This Energy is useful when you need to speed up Energy attachment. It is mainly used for “Zen Blade,” “Crushing Punch,” “Champ Buster,” “Rage,” or “Hurricane Punch.”

F Energy
You need to attack, right? You’re going to need this so you can even use Machamp Prime or Machamp SF’s “Take Out” or “Rage.”

Skeleton List

Pokémon – 19
4 Machop SF
3 Machoke TM
4 Machamp*
2-2 Mightyena PL
1 Stuntank G
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
T/S/S – 21
3 Pokémon Collector
2 Bebe’s Search
4 Rare Candy
2 Seeker
1 Palmer’s Contribution
2 Ruins of Alph
3 Broken Time Space
1 Expert Belt
2 Pokémon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
Energy – 11
8 F
3 Double Colorless

*3/1 SF/Prime or 2/2 SF/Prime

So with 51 cards you have 9 spaces! Let’s fill those in with techs.


One More Stuntank G
With another Stuntank, you can drop Azelf and if it gets KO’d, you won’t have to waste a Palmer’s Contribution on it.

Uxie LV.X
You get extra draw when you add Uxie LV.X. It can also be a back-up attacker.

Unown Q
Unown Q is card that helps Retreat Cost issues by lowering the Retreat Cost of any Pokémon you attach it to by one C Energy. Beware, though! To attach it to a Pokémon, you need to have at least one open Bench space, because you can only activate the Poké-Power “Quick” while it is on the bench.

More Seeker
With more Seeker, you can pick up more Pokémon and have the chance to donk more easily.

This card is useful against Gyarados and VileGar if you are losing. I think that only one of these is fine.

VS Seeker
This card is only useful if you need a Supporter card that is in the discard pile such as Twins or Palmer’s Contribution.

Mesprit LA
When added you have a chance to lock Poké-Powers with a simple “Psychic Bind.” It should only be used when you add more Seeker.

Regice LA
If there is a lot of VileGar in your meta, consider running Regice to dump Trainers from your hand. It also helps when your opponent has an active Spiritomb AR and you want to play Trainers.

Additional 1-1 Mightyena Line
Like above, these additional cards will help in the VileGar match up. If you want to play this additional line, you’ll need to add another Stuntank G.

This can be used as addition draw power in a low Trainer-lock meta. I personally don’t use it, as there is a lot a VileGar in my meta.

My Current List

Pokémon – 22
4 Machop SF
3 Machoke TM
2/2 Machamp SF/Prime
3-3 Mightyena PL
1 Stuntank G
1 Azelf LA
2 Uxie LA
1 Mesprit LA
T/S/S – 27
3 Pokémon Collector
3 Bebe’s Search
1 Twins
1 Palmer’s Contribution
4 Seeker
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Ruins of Alph
3 Pokémon Communication
1 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 VS Seeker
4 Rare Candy
Energy – 11
3 Double Colorless
8 F

As you can see, I play more Mightyena and Mesprit. I’m not a fan of Uxie LV.X, so I don’t play it. I play 4 Seeker and a VS Seeker.


Versus Gyarados – Slightly Unfavorable
You want to get the early game advantage with Machamp SF and “Take Out” their basic Pokémon, such as Sableye, Smeargle and Regice. Once they do eventually get set up, however, switch to the Prime to dish out heavy damage and discard their Rescue Energy with “Crushing Punch.” You must keep a Ruins of Alph in play at all cost. Doing so will turn the match in your favor. Using Stuntank G’s “Poison Structure” will give you the extra damage you need. Late game, try to get out a Machamp SF with four Energy on it, and “Rage” to kill the Gyarados. Don’t use Expert Belt in this match.

Versus SP – Favorable
All you need to do is spam “Take Out.” If they run 3-1 Uxie LV.X and two Premier Ball, try to put an Expert Belt on Machamp SF to avoid the 1HKO. Try to bait the Spray with excess Uxie drops and Seeker.

Versus VileGar – Even
In the VileGar matchup, try to set up Mightyena as quickly as possible. Spam Mesprit’s “Psychic Bind” Poké-Power early game. Late game, try to use the Prime to finish damaged Pokémon off. Do not use Expert Belt at all, as you have Weakness to Psychic.

Versus Machamp – Even
Try to donk them, as they run a low count of basics. You can also use Uxie LV.X to KO them. Not much else to say.

Versus Chenlock or Sablelock – Favorable to Slighty Unfavorable
It all really depends if they play Honchrow SV or not. If they do, you have to use the Prime to KO it. Ruins of Alph also helps. If they don’t play Honchkrow SV, it should be really easy to win. Their attacks won’t do much damage at all. The only thing you should worry about is their early game disruption. If they don’t hit the lock, they’ll have a really nice time losing.


MightyChamp is a deck that should be played in a metagame that has some VileGar and lots of SP. If there is a lot of Gyarados in your meta, don’t play MightyChamp. This deck is a viable option that should be in every competitive player’s toolbox!

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33 replies

  1. Profile Deleted

    Good idea combining the two. It sounds pretty interesting. I would love to hear some results with it.

  2. Ryan

    I saw this at a tourney at the Jersey Marathon…how’d you end up doing?

  3. Dakota Streck

    One or two minor details I disagree with, but it was a very solid article overall. I’m curious, how do you think the deck would do against a Gengar Prime deck if Lost World is released?

    • Jake Goodman  → Dakota

      You can one-shot Gengar Prime with Mightyena, and they likely won’t run very many basics, so you can donk them. I would not like to face Gengar Prime with this deck, though.

    • George  → Brandon

      The Mightyena is for countering Gengar, not the SPs like the LA does. Harass would work against Gengar only if you had a full bench in play.

      • Brandon Arevalo  → George

        it would be another sp counter, an unexpected one at that. it may be a good trick for this old dog.
        however.. i just noticed that you would need to add in dark energy, which would make it more difficult than i previously thought

  4. Colin Peterik

    The SP can’t possibly be favorable with only two SF Machamps.. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this!

    • Peter Bae  → Colin

      2 Stormfront Machamp is allk you need to have the upper hand against SP. Knocking out Machamp SF is even a tougher challenge now beacuse of the Prime that will sit on the bench until Machamp SF is ready to be taken off. And once SF is taken off, you wil be dealing with a 150HP beast hitting 60~150 easily

  5. Dane Carlson

    My friend Julian runs this deck. He used to run Umbreon, and that was good, but his MightyChamp is much better. It’s cool to see someone elso found this out too! :)

  6. Papa_Mash

    The addition of Mightyena would be helpful for the Vilegar match up but, as cpeterik notes above, it probably hurts the SP matchup. I play this deck occasionally but have not used it competitively because what you gain against Vilegar you lose against SPs. (But maybe I didn’t have the right list or play it right).

    To me it seems like your list should include some hand refreshers. If you are concerned about Vilegar (which presumably uses Gengar SF), Looker’s may be good to try to get rid of some of the S/S/Ts you might be piling up. Looker’s is also helpful in an SP matchup to break a Cyrus chain. Seeker is definitely helpful when using Fighting Tag but 4 may be excessive. Also, this decks tries to play from in front and not from behind—so I am not sure about the inclusion of Twins (though always helpful when you can use it).

    I include Uxie LvX in my decklist. It is great for revenge KOs against SPs that use their own Uxie LvX, along with Lucario GL, as a Machamp counter.

    Some constructive (hopefully) criticism concerning the presentation of information in your article as opposed to of the deck itself… In your descriptions of the cards, you miss providing some important information to the reader.

    For instance, when discussing the inclusion of Ruins of Alph (the first sentence of which is perhaps inartfully drafted), you didn’t relate its true importance. I mean, BTS would be sufficient to allow for the use of Poison Structure. However, Ruins of Alph (or a stadium other than BTS), is extremely vital to the deck because the majority of non-SP decks, including Vilegar, will run BTS, and if they use the BTS first, you will never get to use the Poison Structure/Mightyena combo. The inclusion of Ruins of Alph solves this problem. In addition, if they cannot replace your Ruins of Alph you can later replace it with your own BTS, which then will likely be locked in for the remainder of the game (either this must happen or you must get your BTS out first, if you want to successfully use the 4 Seekers in your list to heal a damaged Machamp as you discuss; otherwise, a Vilegar deck that uses a Gengar Prime easily could hurl those Pokemon into the Lost Zone).

    Another example would be the description of Skuntank G (which you refer to as “Stuntank”). Yes, allowing for the use of the Cold Feet Pokebody is the main reason Skuntank G is in the deck; however, there are several uses that this card has that you could pass on to the reader. One is that it increases the damage output of the deck which can help against higher HP Stage 2 Pokemon but, more importantly, is that if timed properly it can KO a Vilegar SF without your opponent being able to use Feinting Spell. In an article about a decklist structured with Vilegar (again, presumably running Gengar SF) in mind, it seems this use would be important to point out.

    Just a few thoughts to help you when writing another article…keep up the good work.

    • theo Seeds  → Papa_Mash

      If this is the guy I played at Roseville CCs, I remember I took my first prize off a badly-timed Poison Structure.

      • Papa_Mash  → theo

        Not me…not certain where Roseville is…California?… but I live in TX….also, I indicated in my post that I never played this deck competitively…. How was it badly timed…might be good point to relate to others?

  7. theo Seeds

    Hey, it’s Theo from the Roseville tourney. The one playing Gyarados. The one down 4 prizes and came back. Won by the SSU flip. Took second place. That’s you, right? Well, you said you’d post this, so I bet you did. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong guy.

  8. eli moses

    seems interesting but umbreon with machamp is better though

  9. JDarok SRMXP

    -1 Ruin of Alph
    +1 Mightyena LA

    Playing 2-3 is the best so if you are playing against SP you dont have 4 extra cardsa with no use

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