Vote for your top 3 writers from January 2011. These are the 10 people who made the top cut voting from the original poll.
All 10 of these people get a 1 month free Underground membership, plus the top 3 voter getters will be deemed the Writers of the Month!
Voting ends Tuesday February 8th at 11:59 PM EST.
If YOU want to become a Front Page Contributor and possibly be included in this poll for February, read this page to find out how.
And make sure you vote for whomever is most deserving… like actually check out the articles each person wrote last month if you need to refresh your memory.
Ready… set… vote:
Woot. Dead last. I got in the top ten, though, so I can’t complain. XD
Well, in my eyes, your take on vilegar is the best i’ve read in a long time.
(and making your title a good Yugioh Abridged ref was awesome too)
damn dropped :(
Barring some MAJOR vote action, it seems that the top three are myself, Tony, and Kenny. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. May teacher decks continue strongly. I promise, though, to NEVER let them turn into “random crappy deck” articles.
Yes, thank you to everyone who voted for me as well. I promise to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mutate Ewoks or turn to the Dark Side
Bump someone out of the poll and put me in and I’ll think about it =P