Magnezone Tone’s MagneRock Deck Analysis Article

Yo 6P Community! I hope everyone had a great time at State Championships. It was fun to see a lot of our Poké-buds and play against a wide variety of decks- T-tar, Luxchomp, Vilegar, MagneRock, Machamp, MewPerior, just to name a few.

We attended the Pennsylvania and Delaware State Championships and had a great time. Kudos to all the event organizers for doing a great job. Like last year, the PA event was held at 6 Feet Under Games in Lancaster County which is PERFECT as we live only 20 minutes away (which, as a reminder, is the reason why the World Championships need to be here in 2012 – start lobbying Pokémon NOW!).

My son Nicholas and his friend Alec played in the Seniors Division with Nicholas playing LuxChomp and Alec going with Machamp 1 week and GengarLock the next. None of us had stellar performances, but we managed to chalk up some good wins.

I, of course, played Magnezone the 1st week and started well (2-0) before choking and finishing like 3-5. For week 2, inspired by Fusion Doritos, I tried make a last-minute deck overhaul to fuse Magnezone and GengarLock (a mediocre idea, by the way – stick with the Fusion Doritos). My 1st week list was very similar to the one published here on SixPrizes. So, I finished about even over the 2 weeks which is about normal for me.

A couple of other highlights were getting to see Adam at both tournaments and loaning him a Sablelock deck to play in Delaware (it was missing a few key supporters – sorry about that Adam – it’s the best I could do!). Another highlight was a guy in Seniors in Delaware who made top cut using a JumpLock deck inspired by – of all people – me!

He had read my article here on SixPrizes (one of the serious ones – they do exist) and tweaked it to fit his style. Not sure how he finished, but it was good to actually inspire someone to play better, especially since my play left much to be desired.

Another interesting development was reading tournament reports from other areas and seeing the several decks do well. Of particular interest to me were VilePlume + Dusknoir and Magnezone + Regirock (aka “MagneRock”). Several people I know and read about played Magnezone variants by combining with Vileplume, Scizor Prime, and even Entei-Raiku Legend.

However, the most promising of the Magnezone decks is MagneRock which did extremely well in the European Challenge and placed well in several States. I actually got to play against it at the PA Championships, and even though I did well aginst it in playtesting, my opponent had wisely chosen to add some Rescue Energy which gave him the ability to reset even faster than I could.

I also noticed that no one here on SixPrizes has gone into an in-depth article about MagneRock, so as a self-professed Magnezone addict, I thought I’d take a pass at it. So, here goes!

MagneRock: The Basics

The primary strategy behind MagneRock is to use the synergy between Magnezone Prime and Regirock to fuel Magnezone’s “Lost Burn” attack while simultaneously discarding fighting energy and unneeded cards from your hand using Regirock’s “Regi Cycle” Poké Power.

This not only allows you to get fighting energy into play but simultaneously creates hand space to use Magnezone Prime’s “Magnetic Draw” Poké-Power to replenish your hand.

The ability of this deck to plow through a deck is remniscent of Claydol GE’s “Cosmic Power” last season (for all you Claydol lovers out there, check out my Love Poem ). In fact, I would say that, hands-down, the “Regi Cycle”/“Magnetic Draw” combo is the best draw engine in the current format.

The other “attraction” of this deck is that it runs fantastic with Judge which helps not only to replenish your hand but severely disrupts your opponent’s hand. Running 3-4 Judge is critical in any MagneRock deck.

Skeleton List

The Skeleton List for MagneRock is as follows:

Pokémon – 15 

4 Magnemite SF #66
2 Magneton SF #42
4 Magnezone (2-3 Prime, 1 SF #6, 1 LV.X or 3rd Prime)
2 Regirock LA
1 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD

Trainers – 18 

4 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
4 Judge
4 Pokémon Collector
3 Bebe’s Search
2 Broken Time-Space

Energy – 18 

6 L
8 F
2 Warp
2 Rescue

Open slots – 9

Magnezone Line
What I wouldn't give for two more of these. Next time maybe.

You will need a minimum 4-2-2 Magnezone Prime line. I personally recommend rounding out the other 2 Magnezone slots for a Switch Magnezone and a Magnezone Level X and probably adding the 3rd Magneton.

Stormfront #66 Magnezone’s “Super Connectivity” Poké-Power comes in really handy in recovering L Energy, and the Level X is useful for type-changing when facing fighting types like Donphan Prime, Machamp, and Toxicroak G Promo.

In fact, one of the deck’s nemeses is Toxicroak G Promo which can use its “Poison Revenge” attack with 1 Crobat G drop to totally Knock Out a Magnezone Prime.

Other Pokémon

Regirock is critical for the deck’s energy acceleration and to complement Magnezone Prime’s draw power. 2 seems to be the best number for the deck. A single Uxie is also helpful to get early draw power when needed, and Azelf is necessary to grab needed Pokémon out of your prizes.


Most are self-explanatory, but a further note is needed for the 4 Judges. These are absolutely critical in the overall strategy of Magnerock which is to Knock Out your opponent’s early (likely high HP) attacker and then limiting their ability to reset with a smaller “Judged” hand.

Energy Lines

pokebeach.comThe energy line for the deck needs to be around 18-20 due to the “Lost Burn” energy card effect. In addition, the deck needs a modest (4-6) lightning energy count to properly use Magnezone’s attack and also needs 7-10 Fighting energy for Regirock’s “Regi Cycle” power.

I also feel strongly that a minimum of 2 Rescue Energy are needed to help keep your Magnezones in play. In addition, at least 2 Warp Energies are needed in case Regirock is your unfortunate starter or dragged to the Active Spot by your opponent.

Open Slots

Here are some recommendations for open slots:

3-4 Starter Pokémon

I would recommend adding a line of basic starter Pokémon to any Magnezone list to reduce the risk of starting with a Regirock or getting donked with a magnemite start. The top contenders are Spiritomb or Sableye, but another possibility is Smeargle.

My recommendation is Sableye due to its versatility and the fact that Spiritomb trainer locks yourself, and Magnezone Prime is really speed-based. A 4th possibility would be to use Unown R to help prevent the donk but also ensure a faster Magnezone Prime start.

Beefing up Supporter/Trainer/Energy Counts

Another possibility with extra slots is beefing up your current non-Pokémon card counts or adding key trainers or supporters. A 4th Bebe’s, a 3rd BTS, Twins, Seeker, Expert Belt, Pokémon Communication, a 3rd Warp or Rescue Energy could all come in handy.

pokebeach.comIn addition, adding key cards like Twins, Seeker, Expert Belt, Pokémon Communication, Sunnyshore Gym, or Rainbow energy can be added to help with deck consistency or with certain matchups.

Possible Pokémon Techs

There are some interesting techs you could add to the deck if you would like.

Machamp SF. There is certainly room in the deck to add a 1-1 or 1-1-1 Machamp line to help with the SP matchups and also to help in sudden-death situations. The deck already runs fighting energy, so this is a very viable option.

Ditto LA. I personally love the idea of running Ditto in this deck as it can help tremendously in the mirror match. In addition, running a couple of Rainbow Energy in the deck can help as a Gengar counter.

Crobat G. A single Crobat G can help in many matchups, especially with the “magic” 110 HP on Gengar SF, Luxray GL LV.X and Garchop C LV.X. Running this with a few Seekers or Poké Turns can help avoid a “Feinting Spell” or only require a 2 energy “Lost Burn” cost for Magnezone Prime.

Blissey Prime. Blissey Prime with a couple of Seekers is a really nice addition to the deck as you can remove all energy using your active Magnezone Prime’s “Lost Burn” attack, then heal with Blissey Prime the following turn after taking damage. Or, you can even discard energy with Blissey’s Power and then reattach them with “Super Connectivity” Magnezone or “Regi Move”.

Shaymin UL. A single copy of this card could really come in handy in order to ensure a constant stream of “Lost Burn” attacks. Your benched Regirocks will almost always have energy on them, so if your Magnezone Prime was Knocked Out the previous turn and you have a benched Prime ready to attack but doesn’t have energy, you can attach 1 for your turn and then move a fighting energy up with Shaymin’s Poké-power.

Game Play

The strategy is pretty straightforward.

Early Game. The ideal start would be Sableye and perhaps another basic on the bench. For your first, turn, you would likely use a Collector to grab Magnemites and Regirocks to help with setting up. The goal is by turn 2 or 3 to have Magnezone Prime active and attacking with 2 energies attached and to also have both Regirocks on the bench.

Mid-game. Continue to Knock Out your opponent’s Pokémon with Lost Burn while setting up a 2nd Magnezone Prime on the bench and a Switch Magnezone. Also, continue to attach fighting energies to Regirock each turn and disrupting your opponent’s hand with Judge.

Late Game. Continue to take prizes, being careful not to lose too many Magnezone Primes early in the game as they are needed in the end.

DECKOUT WARNING: Be very careful about decking out as using both Regirock’s discarding powers can leave you with very few cards by the end of the game. I’ve decked out several times in play testing without realizing it, so just be very aware of your deck size


LuxChomp. Slightly Favorable/Favorable. The biggest risk to Magnezone Prime is early game disruptions with Garchomp X snipes on Magemites/Magnetons and Luxchomp “Bright Looks” on benched Regirocks. Key techs: A 3rd warp energy or Machamp and possibly a Crobat G or Expert Belt to get the key 110 damage needed with only a 2 Lost Burn energy cost.

The constant Judging really hurts LuxChomp mid- and late-game, so use these often. Beware the amphibious assault – Toxicroak G’s Promo revenge attack is NASTY!!!!

DialgaChomp. Favorable. Dialga is built to be a tank, taking hits and then healing. Fortunately, Magnezone Prime can just blast Dialga to death. Plus, a deafen trainer lock has little impact on Magnezone, and Magnezone relies on few, if any, Poké-bodies.

The techs noted above for LuxChomp also apply to this matchup. And, of course, many DialgaChomp players also play Promocroak, so just be aware of this possibility.

Vilegar. Even/Slightly Unfavorable. The trainer lock does hurt MagneRock’s setup, and “Fainting Spell” is a constant annoyance. In addition, a “Shadow Room” snipe on a benched Regirock can hurt Magnerock’s draw power and energy acceleration.

However, using Judge for hand disruption and discarding trainers and supporters with Regirock’s power limits Gengar’s damage output considerably. A Ditto tech with rainbow energy or a Crobat G could greatly assist in this matchup.

Gyarados. Favorable. Gyarados’ lightning weakness is just too much, and Gyarados needs 2 attacks to take out a Magnezone Prime.

Sablelock Even/Slightly Favorable. Assuming you run Sableye as well, you should be able to break the hand lock fairly quickly. But, the matchup can quickly turn unfavorable if your opponent manages to control your hand size early game.

Mirror match. Be very careful about when you start your attacks as whoever starts will likely sacrifice their Magnezone the next turn. Be sure to have a rescue energy attached for recoverability. Also, consider running Ditto LA as this is extremely helpful in the mirror.

Cards and Strategies to Consider Against Magnerock

pokebeach.comYou may not want to play Magnerock and would rather just tech against it. Ways to beat/counter Magnelock include Mesprit power locking, Umbreon Prime’s “Moonlight Fang” attack to prevent the effects of Magnezone’s attacks, and playing a strong fighting type like Donphan Prime.

Hand lock strategies like Sablelock can be difficult against Magnerock due to the heavy supporter lines, possible Sableye starters, and Magnezone Prime’s card draw powers.

Another threat is a late-game Entei-Raiku Legend, assuming you can get at least 1 more damage counter on each Regirock and your opponent has a damaged Magnezone Prime with at least 6 damage counters on it (could be a good strategy in LuxChomp).

As noted earlier, PromoCroak is probably the most versatile Magnezone counter, assuming Magnezone hasn’t level up to its metal type.


MagneRock has clearly risen to a top tier deck contender during State Championships and should be strongly considered for Regional Championships. Below is a possible full decklist for Magnezone:

Pokémon – 21 

4 Magnemite SF #66
3 Magneton SF #42
1 Magnezone SF #6
2 Magnezone Prime
1 Magnezone LV.X LA
4 Sableye SF
1 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Regirock LA
1 Unown Q MD
1 Ditto LA

Trainers – 21 

3 Bebe’s Search
4 Pokémon Collector
2 Broken Time-Space
4 Judge
1 Palmer’s Contribution
1 Luxury Ball
4 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt

Energy – 18 

4 L
8 F
2 Warp
2 Rainbow
2 Rescue

Reader Interactions

24 replies

  1. Chris Barrieau

    I was about to say that Magnerock was gonna DOMINATE the format post-rotation… But Regirock will be gone by then. Darn! XD

    But for now… this is freaking beast. :D

  2. RPFR17

    Might I suggest adding in a few expert belts and possibly a Lucario GL to ohko unbelted gyarados with one energy?

  3. Jonah Davids

    Nice article! I think in the Teching Against it part you should have Included sniping the Regirocks. What I usually do against it is Shadow Room Regirocks and Magnezone SF. I KO the Magnezone Primes with 2 Shadow Rooms and a Psychic Restore.

  4. Jonah Davids

    Nice article! I think in the Teching Against it part you should have Included sniping the Regirocks. What I usually do against it is Shadow Room Regirocks and Magnezone SF. I KO the Magnezone Primes with 2 Shadow Rooms and a Psychic Restore.

    • Tony  → Jonah

      Good point about sniping. I wouldn’t call Gengar a tech in most decks, but a way to snipe or drag up a Regirock is a good counter to the deck. So, cards like Relicanth, Froslass and Zangoose could all be helpful.

  5. Perry Going

    I played against this deck at States in top 8 and 2 and it gets wrecked by luxchomp… However it does have a favorable matchup against gdos and other top teir decks. Because it has a very inconsistent speed setup. I think Spiritomb is more reliable because it slows down your opponent as well as lets you setup more consistently than sableye. I love the deck. magnetic draw can get very annoying, but post rotation run Feraligatr and this deck should be fine

    • Tony  → Perry

      Thanks for the good feedback. With babymario’s note above noting how there has to be a fighting energy in the discard pile first to start the discarding, I think you may be right about needing a way to slow down the game play with Spiritomb. And, you’re right- LuxChomp can be very disruptive against this deck.

  6. Jak Stewart-Armstead

    Deck needs some way to discard Fighting to get Regirock going (Engineer, Junk Arm, Regice).

    Relying on a retreat/KO discard doesn’t seem like the best option to me.

    • Tony  → Jak

      Thanks Baby Mario! I guess I didn’t pick up on that limitation upon first reading Regirock’s power. With already running 2 Regirocks, seems like having a Regice would be overkill, so Junk Arm and Engineer seem like good options.

  7. Kevin Stengle

    Yeah, getting the first couple fighting energy into the discard doesn’t seem possible in your list. Regice or Junk Arm for sure, as baby_mario pointed out. Also, since the Magnezone’s attack lost zones the energy, without Regice I’d figure it would be really tricky to get enough energy every turn into your discard(or even get that much into your hand in the first place). Lastly, the Regirock’s power can only attach the F to himself, so Stark Mountain maybe needed to actually get the energy up to Magnezone.

    it’s an interesting deck idea and a good article, but the synergy needs some tweaking in my opinion.

    • Tony  → Kevin

      Good point about the fighting energy with Regirock. I honestly didn’t pick up on that limitation with it and see your point about needing to start the Regirock cycle by having an energy in the discard pile.

  8. Anonymous

    why is everyone forgetting about the power of mesprit lock in g-dos. honestly this deck gets totally crippled form no powers.

  9. Jacob AG

    I’ve been playing MagneRock for a few weeks now, and after all my playing I have to say Spiritomb is the most ideal starter for this deck. He slows down your opponent considerably, and It almost guarantee’s a T2 Magnezone. And due to his one retreat cost, he provides a decent way to get a Fighting energy into your discard. I’ve also learned that Call Energy works perfectly with Spiritomb in this deck. Put two Magnemites on the bench, and then D-Grace them Next turn for either a Magneton or Magnezone. Call energy also helps for Lost Burn later if you can get him onto the bench.

    Also there is a Tech I run that I’m suprised you didn’t list in your article. A lot of people in my league LOVE to run Umbreon, and I’ve lost many games due to Umbreon-Lock. I teched in a Relicanth SV and it really helps take care of Umbreon-Lock, as It doens’t have a Poke-power and with an Expert belt can OHKO Umbreon with Amnesia (if needed.)

    Another Supporter that has won me a few games is Lucien’s assignment. Shaymin’s a great card, but if your under power-lock, it really slows down Magnerock. Lucien’s can’t be trainer-locked, or power-locked, so that’s just something to consider.

    • Tony  → Jacob

      Really great insights! I think you have some great insight about the Spiritomb/Call Energy combo which is a favorite Stage 2 starter package for me as well. In my previous Magnezone decks, I’ve always loved running 4 call energy as they are really helpful for setup and for later Lost Burn attacks.

      The Relicanth tech is a really nice idea- glad you brought it up. Lucians is really interesting too. Just curious- what type of energy count/type do you run, and how do you deal with the Gengar threat?

      • Jacob AG  → Tony

        I try to run around 18 energy for the deck, with 7 fighting, 6 Electric, 2 rescue, 2 Call, and 1 Warp. I’m trying to find room for another Call because I feel 2 just isn’t enough. Running only One warp is annoying as well, but if they ‘Bright Look’ up a Regirock, you’ll want to warp it back.

        To counter Gengar SF, I use a Skuntank G’s ‘Poison Structure’ so i can knock it out between turns, and not activate it’s fainting spell. To counter Gengar Prime, I abuse Regirock as often as possible to get the useless Pokemon out of my hand. Hope that answered your question.

        • Tony  → Jacob

          That helps- thanks. Interesting idea you have as well with Skuntank G. I like that tech and certainly think it has its uses. The only thing that is tough is that it doesn’t help much in the SP matchups. I’ve used Crobat G with 2-3 Seekers as it can KO a Gengar to avoid ‘Feinting Spell’, but you also have to wait a turn to use it which is a pain. The energy mix is tough with Regirock. I think you could get by with only 5 electric, especially with all the hand drawing/discarding in the deck. Maybe that could free up a space for a call or warp.

        • Jacob AG  → Tony

          I’ve been thinking about using Crobat as well because it would help against SP Matchups as well, Thus far though I’m enjoying the Skuntank because of it’s more immediate result. I also run only a single Seeker so after the second ‘Flash Bite’ he’s virtually useless, where as I can use Skuntank again later.
          Really the Energy requirements in this deck are hard to figure out. I’m going to keep play-testing and see what’s most effective. I’m going to try and write an article around Battleroads about what I’ve found to be most effective energy wise.

  10. Franco L III

    Nooooooooooooo… I was planning to do an article on this lol. I guess that you beat me to it. anyway, great article!

    • Tony  → Franco

      hey- go ahead and write it! Sounds like there are some other ways to build it, and I especially think I overlooked the need to get fighting in the discard pile first with Regice or Engineers Adjustment. I’d love to see some other decklists on this,

  11. Franco L III

    oh, btw I run MagneRock with like TWO trainers only lol. they are both expert belt and it runs pretty well. it is based off of a spiritomb start and people say that uxie is complete crap in that deck but I disagree otherwise. anyway, i also like to tech in regice because if you don’t have an engineer’s, then you can discard energy wityh regi move.

  12. Robby Gill

    Spiritomb is amazing in this deck. as well as ERL. With the ability to take 1-4 prizes in a single turn hes like a god in here. takes out those troublesome mesprits and them lets you get KO’s past umbreon. and if you want to play rainbows then he has another attack as well…that discards energy, and then he retreats for free.

    but even more important, SUNYSHORE GYM. no promocroak KO’s. makes luxchomp so much easier. not to mention machamp.

  13. the sidewalk

    Uhhh… Don’t you need energy in the discard in order to activate Regirock’s power?

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