Number 10:
Not knowing what time registration open and closes
I’ve seen it happen numerous times people forget to check what time registration is and just assume it’s “the same time as always.” Even if the Tournament Organizer has a standard time they like to start events at, it’s really important that you double check it not only with the TO and store but also the official website.
If the times don’t match up, then you need to figure out who is wrong. There really isn’t a worse way to start the day with a loss because you missed registration. Pooka accidentally slept through registration at Worlds 2005 and ended up a heart breaking 5-3.
Number 9:
Not knowing where the event is
It’s sometimes a lot harder to find the location than you would think, especially if you’re from out of town or it’s in a large city. Leaving home early is one way to help prevent this. You also have many resources at your disposal above the ordinary map.
A website like MapQuest can provide step by step directions on how to get to a location. Of course the best answer is going to be GPS. They’re relatively affordable now and even available on a lot of the newer phones. If you do a lot of traveling I really recommended looking into it. I believe in 2007 Kettler and his brother got lost on their way to their State Championship and ended up missing the first few rounds.
Number 8:
Not fully filling out your 60 card decklist accurately
I guess since I’m naming names I might as well be fair about it. I’m guilty of this one. I accidentally forgot to list Lucario GL on my decklist at Nationals back in 2009. It’s never a good thing when you’re preparing for Top 32 to have a judge come up to you say “we need to talk.”
I was incredibly fortunate to only have to replace it with a basic energy… this could have and probably should have been a loss worse. My advice is to write it up the night before and than double check it than as well as double checking it in the morning.
Number 7:
Not showing up with the cards you need
We have all seen the person running around during registration trying to find those last minute cards and let’s be honest we have all been that person to. I’ve see Mesprits go for $20, Rare Candies for $12 and so many other stories like that.
I understand last minute changes happen and you can’t always plan for them. Every time I go to a tournament I take a small binder with me with tech cards nothing major but stuff like Warp Points, Switches, Bebe’s Searches and other realistic things I could see altering my main deck with.
I know sometimes it’s unavoidable but you can do your best to prepare so hopefully you’re paying insane prices last minute.
Number 6:
Not knowing what your opponent’s cards do
Forgetting what your opponent’s cards do is an easy way to lose a game. The hard part is not only knowing what their cards do they have in play but in their deck as well. If my opponent puts a Gastly on their bench. Knowing what that Gastly does is important but also know what the different Haunters and Gengars do is equally and in a lot of cases more important. Having a good grasp of what a lot of the cards do especially the more popular ones do is essential. If your opponent puts a card into play you don’t know what is does don’t hesitate to ask to read it.
At Worlds 09 on a bubble match Ross Cawthon ran a 1-1 Misdrevious to help counter Mewtwo LV.X. He actually ended up winning a game because his opponent (a very skilled player might I add) didn’t know what Misdrevious did so he didn’t bench any other Pokémon when he saw a Mismaguius and ended up getting benched on the following turn.
Number 5:
Forgetting to buy new sleeves
I’ve seen it happen all the time a player is asked to changes his sleeves but doesn’t have any on him. It’s really important to re-sleeve before each major tournament (States, Regional’s, Nationals). It’s also important to carry extra sleeves on you, stuff happens, sleeves rip, they get bent, dirty etc. Having just an extra 5 or 10 on you is a good idea.
I also want to add that you should check your sleeves before the tournament starts. Even if you think you bought matching pairs of sleeves it’s not always the case. I sat down round 1 at a Cities this year only to realize that I had bought two slight different types of sleeves one was far lighter than the other I got lucky and my opponent was good natured about it and let me re-sleeve before we began our match.
However at Worlds 2009 Gino Lombardi was not so lucky and given a game lose for a very similar issue he had sleeved his deck with 2 packs of sleeves looking at the cards themselves you could tell nothing however if you looked the side of a full 60 card deck you can barely notice a difference between them.
The real kicker of the whole mess was that these were sleeves he had received in his competitor’s bag from Pokémon Organized Play the day before.
Number 4:
Not sitting at the right table number
Saw this one happen first hand to, a player sat down proceeded to win his match only to be told he would instead be receiving a game loss because he had played the wrong opponent. A quick double check of the pair sheet is an easy way to fix this.
Number 3:
Missing the start of the round
I’m guilty of this one to, last year at Worlds I decided to watch a very interesting Seniors match thinking they had all three divisions on the same schedule. Once the match concluded I quickly realize they had already started the Masters round and yet being in the same room I managed to hear nothing, to say I was kind of ticked was an understatement.
I quickly grabbed my chair knowing I was in big trouble since I would lose if the match went to time and I was playing Gardevoir a much slower set up deck for the format. I thought about nothing but taking prizes and doing it quickly.
I was very fortunate and able to steal three quick prizes off his slower set up and then transition into a Psychic Lock control strategy to take the match. This could have ended up far worse for me than it did. As stupid as it sounds, use the buddy system, if you’re going to wonder off or play some pickup games make sure you have a friend or someone who will come and let you know when pairs go up and of course do the same for them.
Also double checking when lunch breaks start and end and allowing plenty of time to return to the venue is another easy way to avoid getting into this mess.
Number 2:
Not knowing what your own cards do
If a card has a huge block of text it’s usually important to read it all! I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people lose a match because they didn’t read their own cards. It’s usually minor details to such as the difference between “energy and energy cards” or not realizing Rescue Energy doesn’t work if it’s Knocked Out by damage counters.
Or my personal favorite you only get 4 cards from Cynthia’s Feelings if the Pokémon died in-between turns. Or not knowing to get the full 8 it didn’t have to be Knocked Out by damage just simply KO’ed during your opponents turn.
…and Number 1:
Not being able to count
Forgetting about weakness, resistance, adding damage due to Special D Energy, or subtracting damage done by Pokémon with Special M Energy. I’ve even seen people miscount how many Hit Points the opponent’s Pokémon has left. It sounds so incredibly stupid, but I swear it happens at just about every tournament I go to.
I don’t know why people are hating on this article. Thanks for writing it as I may be attending Texas Regionals this year.
Caleb Cline
I’ll see you there man! Great article Jay, I know I’ve been guilty of a couple of those things in the past. Number 1 is definitely the most important. That last 10 is SO crucial!
Who ever put the pictures you made great choices thanks.
Adam Capriola
Sure thing! It was pretty fun getting the pics for this one.
Really nice article! Unfortunately, we have experienced a lot of these as well. My son Nichoals and I attended Nationals a couple of years ago, and a kid was sitting at the table he thought he was at, and he assumed (incorrectly) that he was one table over and got an autoloss for that. Definitely caused some tears, but also a good lesson.
I would say Lesson #11 is Keep Track of Your Deckbox at All Times. We had a couple of decks stolen at an event, so it’s just good to be extra mindful of this possibility as most of us have a significant amount invested in cards (never mind the boxes of useless basics and rotated cards in our basement).
Kevin Stengle
Cool article, #2 reminds me of a good friend of mine losing a match at States to a Scizor Prime deck (with him playing tyranitar) because he didn’t know what Tyranitar’s Power Claw attack did.
Derek Coontz
I always print my decklist a few days ahead due to not having a printer at home at the moment. Kinda sucks when I get last minute deck ideas though.
Bebes Search
@Dereck – its legal to last-minute change a printed decklist using a pen. Just cross out the changes and write in the additions. Make sure to show the math (+1 Sableye, -1 Rare Candy = 60) for your own protection and to help the judges out.
Joshua Pikka
number 1 is the most important. Pokemon is all about math. You gotta pay attention and do the math right.
I just had a good example of #2. At a cities this year I was listening to this player yap on and on about how he lost with his rampardos deck because of resistance. Then about half an hour later I hear a big scream in the room. The player had just read Rampardos’s power that states that you dont figure in resistance to his attacks.
Those rules just reinforce the fact that we can’t be sleeping when we play, gotta stay alert.
was that at a states? I think I was playing masqurien beutyfly and beat someone in top 4 with a rampardos deck, both of us and the judge forgetting the body…
Anthony Smith
Count: I attack with poltergeist. Time to count the traiiineeers. Awuuun, atwooo, athreeee, afourr. Goodbye luxray. Ah-ah-ah.
Knowing weakness is definitely a good one. Too many times have I forgot weaknesses to be +30 instead of x2.
And that Bronzong G is weak to Psychic and resistant to Fire. I’ve seen that one win people games because their opponent didn’t know that.
Poor Travis, for one.
theo Seeds
The pic for #1 is really funny
Ron Routhier
Excellent article. I’m going to make my daughter read this ENTIRE article before we go to Houston, Tx for Regionals. Thanks for all the advice.
Bebes Search
Good article. Very helpful for players of all ages. I think anyone who’s played for any length of time has been burned by many if not all of these. I also agree with Tony’s point about deckboxes. My son lost his midway through Nationals. That was a horrible feeling unpacking the backpack in the hotel after dinner and realizing it was gone. Fortunately someone found it and turned it into lost and found (THANK YOU whoever turned in the Gyarados at 2010 Nats!!!).
Regarding your comment … “my advice is to write it up the night before and than double check it than as well as double checking it in the morning” … : I’m biased, but I’ll never understand why people who have access to a printer still write out decklists by hand. It takes much longer and is prone to errors. And it takes much longer for judges to deckcheck a handwritten list.
Plus unless you photocopy it or remember to ask for it back (yeah right), you have no record of what you played when. Example: if you want to go back to the exact build you used midway through Cities, can you remember every detail that far back? Did you have an extra Collector back then? What was the energy count?
Mike Lesky
Or in your case, bring an extra like 30 sleeves jay lol. And Emma is guilty of not having the cards for his deck at every tournament. Nice article man.
Another one is: Make Sure You Brought Your Cards in an Enclosed Container. My friend Trent lost 2 Machamp Prime on the way to States… they weren’t even ours! He ended up having to by 2 brand-new ones. :P
theo Seeds
This should be an all-timer if it isn’t already.