Sableye SF has been a very popular topic this week so I’ve decided to make an episode analysing the card pre and post-rule change along with what we can do about stopping this potentially hard to beat card. Watch for analysis, strategy and ways to counter this possibly over-hyped deck.
Thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe!
Marcel Mravec
Great article, but are you sure, you can lvl. up right after set up?
Matthew Tidman
You can’t. PokePop has said as much in the rulings forum of PokeGym.
If you can play trainers on your first turn, won’t Level Max work? PokePop said you can straigth away level up, but Level Max and a “heads” could give you a Lv X 1st Turn! Unless they erratta it.
Daniel Middleton
I meant that after you have taken your first turn and used all your trainers and such, your second turn you may begin levelling up. Sorry if that wasn’t clear :)
Marcel Mravec
Maybe just my English is not good enough.
Stephan Deshazo
I think it is funny that pokedan and Jwitts have the same picture for their post
matthew green
I think they are secretly the same person.
Daniel Middleton
haha.. imagine..
stephen shirley
i’ve thought of one more block power spray if you play sp you can atleast block some of their uxie drops
The simple solution to Sableye is to BAN it the way Sneasle and Slowking were banned in earlier formats. It isn’t the ONLY donk out there, but it is the only one that guarantees that you will go first. Cards that ruin the spirit of the game have been banned in the past, so banning Sableye now wouldn’t be a precedent.
There are plenty of other starter Pokemon out there to build around.
I am also concerned that SP decks will also Donk more often. Flash Bite frenzy on T1! Energy Gains on T1! A fast format just got faster, also bad for Stage 1 and Stage 2 decks.
There is no really good solution, but I believe banning Sableye would be a great start.