BREAKING NEWS: A Mid-Season Rotation… Maybe?

Thanks to J-Wittz for getting the word out about this press release from Pokémon.

Basically what it says is that we MIGHT have a mid-season rotation to HeartGold SoulSilver onward come July 1st.

The announcement will be made in early June, meaning Battle Roads held in May will basically be testing grounds to see if the format is really broken or not.

This is a metaphor.

US Nationals is being held July 8th through 10th, so if the rotation happens, it will happen right before Nats. I’m not sure when Nationals in other countries are being held… can anyone fill me in?

I personally think it’s dumb that they are using actual tournaments for testing grounds where rating points are on the line… why doesn’t Pokémon pay people to test things out for us ahead of time? Isn’t it their job to make sure the game is fair, fun, and balanced? We seem like guinea pigs in this “plan”.

And if they don’t want to test things out, then maybe they should just keep us in line with Japan, as that’s where the game is created. It would help avoid situations like this.

Your thoughts?

P.S. I’m guessing this means Black and White rules are in effect, right?

Reader Interactions

47 replies

  1. Anonymous

    I literally just heard about this 5 minutes ago, before I read this. I think that this is awesome, as Nationals & Worlds are not just donk-fests. But on the other hand, that means that the first few Battle Roads are gonna be won by Sabledonk. Oh well. I guess it let’s us try out an entirely new format, and tell us why we left Yu-Gi-Oh! in the first place. :P

  2. Anonymous

    Please, please, please let the mid-season rotation happen. Even if I’m not going to be playing in Battle Roads or at Nationals (I’ll be studying abroad for the former and I can’t afford the later), I have seen the percentages of play-testing with SableDonk and I don’t like it at all. Even though this means I can’t run Flygon RR anymore, it’s better for the game if SableDonk does not get a chance to play in high-level tournaments.

  3. Anonymous

    I cannot say that I am too happy about this. I was really hoping for a RR-on rotation. I do not like the idea of rotating SEVEN sets and leaving us with only seven sets.

    On a personal note, I was really looking forward to playing Charizard next year and having a better chance of success.

    On the other side, we will see who rises to the top. I’m sure that the same elite players will be around, but what about everyone that is a SP only type. There are so many people who just started playing in the last three years whom only know SP.

  4. Anonymous

    I cannot say that I am too happy about this. I was really hoping for a RR-on rotation. I do not like the idea of rotating SEVEN sets and leaving us with only seven sets.

    On a personal note, I was really looking forward to playing Charizard next year and having a better chance of success.

    On the other side, we will see who rises to the top. I’m sure that the same elite players will be around, but what about everyone that is a SP only type. There are so many people who just started playing in the last three years whom only know SP.

  5. michael newman

    it will probably happen but we wont be too sure until it gets to battle roads and we start getting news from there

  6. Anthony Smith


    Though I never really had a problem with the new rules, HGSS-on will be really fun.

      • Martin Garcia  → Anonymous

        diversity? with just 5 sets?
        You guys do realise they are rotating 60% of the playable cards, right?

        This means no more uxie, azelf, or mesprit, no more call, warp, or cyclone energies, no more warp point, or unown Q, NO BEBE SEARCH, no more luxchomp, dialgachomp, gyarados, regigigas, machamp, vilegar or sablelock.
        So, yeah, lets play with . . . what? kingdra, scizor and magnezone?
        Sure, sounds fun . . . or maybe not.

        • Anonymous  → Martin

          I mean that Top Cut will not be Luxchomp, Luxchomp, Luxchomp, Dialgachomp, Vilegar, Luxchomp, Dialgachomp, Chenlock. It will be more like: Scizor, Donphan, Magnezone, Donchamp, Zoroark, Reshiram/Emboar, Wailord, Samurott/Feraligatr. See the difference?

        • Martin Garcia  → Anonymous

          Ehh no, it will be reshiram, reshiram, kingdra, magnezone, donphan, magnezone, donphan, reshiram, and maybe a second kingdra.

          Scizor? with a x2 fire weakness? dont think so.
          Feraligator/samurott? are you serious? 2 stage 2 with no spiritomb, no bts and a nerfed candy? plus a x2 weakness to lightning? get real.
          Zoroark MIGHT be good, we cannot be sure just yet.
          Wailord will be a fun league deck, but once catcher is in the format, you can bid him goodbye, 4 retreat cost from wailord, and 3 from feraligatr? good luck with that. Not to mention magnezone and zekrom can still OHKO him, for less energies than the ones he needs to attack.
          Donchamp? donphan is enough of a threat by himself, machamp will only slow him down and make him more inconsistent (yes, no bebe search for you) though this is a personal opinion, so im not completely sure yet.

          Magnezone beats kingdra, kingdra (might) beat reshiram and donphan, donphan beats magnezone, those three will be at top cut, plus a few rogue decks that always appear.

          Just like now it is luxchomp, vilegar, gyarados, dialgachomp, machamp, magnezone, and sablelock.

          A few top tier decks, and the rest trying to cath up to them, like it has been from base set on.
          I dont see any difference.

        • Martin Garcia  → Collan

          actually, i think zekrom is a bit over hyped, magnezone is a much more stable deck, and a real threat to kingdra, if you really wish to name a lightning weakness.
          Reshiram is another pain in the a**, but nothing a kingdra no-prime cant handle. The ability to have an almost autowin to donphan (a deck im sure will be played) and the ability to hit reshiram for weakness (even with a reduced attack power) is still solid in my book.

          But maybe we should discuss this in the forums before somebody gets mad.

  7. Jacob Burrows

    OMG I would hate that, I mean think of all of the players that had their decks for nats all figured out and then boom you can’t ues it, have to play a compleatly unknown format, and you lose all of those cards that you know how to play.

    • Franco L III  → Jacob

      yes, i totally agree with you. i was gonna play vilegar for nats and… if there is a mid season rotation… bye gengar sf… ;( on the plus side, this means that gengar prime will shoot up in price by a lot lol. i have 5 of them and my bro has 1 so… lol yea. if that happens, i’ll just play friggin lostgar. but still… gengar sf!!! x(

  8. Jair Ramirez

    LEGEND Pokemon

    Now you can’t say I don’t know what to play.

  9. Joshua Pikka

    rotation is good, having us be in limbo for months is not.

    Come on Play Pokemon.

  10. Sacha Louboff

    As our National (in France) will take place early June, it means we will move on HGSS format AFTER it !!!!

  11. Ryan Graham

    bye arceus – i’m glad people traded like dummies for you at regionals

  12. Ben Bradly

    I think with slower evolving (Rare candy rules, no BTS and no spiritomb) this is Mew primes big chance, in my oppinion, mew prime could win worlds. I would certainly like to see that! Maybe we will see mewpluff or something along those lines!

  13. Martin Garcia

    I agree that soemthing had to be done with those B&W rules, but rotating 7 sets without warning? And just a month before US nats and 2 before worlds?
    Not only that, rotating everything up to HGSS?

    I think the problem could have been solved by simply rotating up to RR-on, no more sp, no more stormfront, and no more uxie, still a lot of cards to play with.
    Once again, pokemon proves they dont know what they are doing.

    • michael flora  → Martin

      i dont agree with “they dont know what theyre doing” they know what theyre doing its just people aren’t happy with what they are being served, personally i just adapt to what ever is thrown at me.

  14. Sam Marshall-Smith

    W00T!!!! UK nats will be MD-CL with no B/W rules!!!


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