Vote for Writer of the Month – April 2011 + TRAFFIC STATS

April showers bring May flowers… and May flowers bring the new SixPrizes Writer of the Month Poll!

This month we had a record 24 different writers step up to the plate! I think it’s awesome how many people contributed this month, and I want to thank you all for the support. It’s contributors like you that keep the site going strong.

I’ll throw a little tidbit out there from one of J-Wittz’s Underground articles: Almost every great Pokémon TCG player out there has written an article or tournament report for a Pokémon TCG website at some point of their career.

Just something to think about…

As always, the top 10 vote getters will receive a FREE month subscription to SixPrizes Underground!

I may even expand that to more than 10 this month since we had so many contributors. If the voting gets close down to the 10th person, I’ll probably go with the top 12 or 13.

If YOU would like to become a contributor to the site (and have a chance to snag one of those free UG memberships), check out the instructions here.

Vote for your 5 favorite writers from last month (April 2011).

NOTE: Usually it’s vote for your top 3 favs, but this month I decided to expand voting to your top 5 since we had more contributors than usual.

Poll closes Wednesday May 5th at 11:59 PM EST.

  • Tamao Cameron

    How on earth do I choose 5 from that many people lol?

    That growth is really impressive, it’s a steady increase as well which is in general a lot better than random fluctuations :)

    • Adam Capriola  → Tamao

      I think next month instead of a poll, I might just tally up the combined ratings from each writer’s articles. I can definitely see it getting confusing with so many choices in the poll, so that might be a little simpler. I’ll make an announcement after this poll ends.

      • Anonymous  → Adam

        Just an idea, but would using a rating per article average be better. Some people write a butt load of articles. Whereas, other people only write one or two a month but put a lot of work into them.

        • Adam Capriola  → Anonymous

          Yeah that’s definitely a possibility, I’ll think things over. I’ll probably compare the final results of this poll to what the standings would have been with total rating and average rating for the month, and see how accurate both measures are.

        • Kenny Wisdom  → Adam

          For what it’s worth I think that would be a bad idea. I know that I personally never rate articles on any sites. If I like them I participate in polls like this, or link the article to FB, twitter, etc.

          Seeing if the results from this poll would line-up with the ratings is a great idea to test the waters, but I think that this system is much better.

  • Ed Mandy

    Thanks for the traffic stats. I find that stuff interesting. (formerly isn’t quite at the same level. :)

  • Andrew Valren

    Dang, I missed the month cut off by 2 days XD. Meh, I probably wouldn’t have gotten more than one vote anyway :P

  • Anonymous

    YES!!!!!! I barely made it in to get the Underground Subscription. WOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!! :D

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