Hey everyone,
I received an e-mail from my friend Emily last night about a great cause that I want to let everyone know about called “The Great Eevee Donation”.
Here’s the story behind the donation…
A league member from West Virginia was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. She will be going through some tough times getting medical treatment and therapy, so to cheer her up and show support, her fellow league members have organized an initiative to collect as many Eevee cards as possible and bring them to her as a surprise.
(Her favorite Pokémon is Eevee, hence why we’re collecting Eevees!)
For full details about how you can help donate, please click here.
Here’s basically how it will work though:
- Gather up ANY spare Eevee cards you have in your collection.
- E-mail himynameislph@hotmail.com and ask for the address where you can mail them.
- Go to the post office and send those Eevees!
I can only image what a tough time she and her family must be going through, so let’s band together as a Pokémon community and show our support. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 100 Eevees, just send them in. Any happiness we can bring her in this difficult time in her life is priceless, so let’s do what we can.
I personally don’t own any Eevee cards, but will be buying some online. I recommend you do the same if you’re in my position… they’re only like 25 cents each. Let’s bring some cheer. :)
and for who is from other country. Like me. I am from Brazil and I would like to donate but how I do. I know how difficult is to have relatives with cancer ( my Mom had it but, thanks to God, She won against this sh****t) so I would like to help and I will do what I can.
How do I mail them?
Email the email and theyll tell you.
Sounds good, I’ll go through my and my friends old card collections.
I don’t think I have copies of Eevee, but I’ll try to dig through my old cards and find some.
I can’t find the eMail…
it’s in the article, highlighted in blue
I can’t find the eMail…
Thanks so much for posting this, Adam. :)
Sure thing!
I received an email regarding the sending of art. Art and well wishes are more than welcome and will be added to our care package! So if anyone doesn’t have cards you can either digitally draw something and send it to that email address above or email me for the address to send traditional artwork and well wishes. :)
Thanks so much you guys! The response has really been overwhelming and we all really really appreciate it. <3
I had already posted about this in the forums but I guess a Front Page post would have gotten more attention huh. Didn’t even think about it lol.
I’m one of this girl’s fellow league members. Her mother has been keeping in close contact with myself and my bf on her condition. She’s a close friend to me, since I started going to the league her mother put together at our local library. I’m also donating some of my Eevee cards, along with an Eevee card I’ve made for her. http://xmireille-chanx.deviantart.com/art/Get-Well-Britt-Eevee-card-209137199?q=gallery%3Axmireille-chanx&qo=0
I’m also running a collection on my dA site to get fellow pkmn lover to send her Eevee cards or art, etc…
I’m really happy AJ organised this for her, she definatly needs it in this hard time she’s going through so young in her life. Thanks to everyone who donates or ever wishes her well, I appreciate it and I’m sure she does as well. ^^
I hope she’s doing well. AJ updated us a bit on how she’s doing via facebook a few days ago and I’m glad to see the treatment is working. :)
I’m sure she is, her mother told us she a bit more active now and from where she fell when she passed out, she hit her eye and it was swollen shut, she can see out of it now and she also chipped her front tooth, her mom said they’ll have to get it fixed later, but she’s been doing better and her mom hopes she can come home soon. I really hope she can get better in time for Nationals, cause she looks forward to that so much through the year.