Sharpedo (Triumphant TM 30) – Card of the Day

kn3ll_ here after a one-month hiatus. Hope everyone’s enjoying the new and vastly different format based around super-powerful basics.

This is not a review of a super-powerful basic, however. This is a review of Sharpedo TM 30.

Sharpedo is a Stage 1 evolving from Carvanha, who has a dangerously low HP of 40. Sharpedo has a low HP of 90, with a nice Dark typing and his weakness is Lightning (not that it matters as he has less than 120 HP). A Retreat Cost of one is nice, although it might not matter if or when Pokémon Catcher is released.

Sharpedo’s first attack, Strip Bare, for one D Energy, will do 20 damage. Not bad… and you flip two coins. If both are heads, your opponent discards all cards from their hand – HOLY GOD.

Ok, so you have a 25% chance to discard their whole hand. That’s really nice despite the measly 20 damage. It can be boosted with Special Dark, but those would probably do better put somewhere else.

Rage, for a Dark and two Colorless, will do a nice 50 plus 10 for each damage counter on Sharpedo. This isn’t bad, especially with Special Darks, but almost anything in the format will 1HKO Sharpedo. Tough luck!

So where do you use this nice Strip Bare bonus? I’d suggest throwing it in your Tyranitar Toolbox with Weavile and gratuitous amounts of Seeker and Super Scoop Up. It’d be a great starter for the deck as you built up your Green Spiky Destruction Engine. Sharpedo is too luck-based and doesn’t deal enough damage to build a deck around, but it can certainly find a place in a Toolbox.

Sharpedo gets a 1.5/5, for being an extremely disruptive but very luck-based card. It can’t stand up to any of the big cards this format, but it can stand up to the engine behind them. If you’re lucky enough, this card can get up to a 4/5, but for most people, it’s just not going to happen.

Reader Interactions

8 replies

  1. Mekkah

    My first instinct would be to use this with Slowking to rig their topdecks, which would make it a good fit in a disruption deck with Weavile. But he’s just not reliable enough, you might as well Judge and then hope you can Claw Snag away crucial cards. Still very cool though.

  2. Quarter-Turn

    Great review, thanks!

    Cards I would like to see reviewed (by either you or Dane):
    – Hypno HGSS
    – Reuniclus BW
    – The Serperiors from BW
    – Bouffalant 91 BW

  3. Quarter-Turn

    Great review, thanks!

     Cards I would like to see reviewed (by either you or Dane):
    – Hypno HGSS
    – Reuniclus BW
    – The Serperiors from BW
    – Bouffalant 91 BW

  4. chris frontiero

    Thanks for reviewing it, I wanted to know what you guys thought. My first ever competitive deck that I built maybe 2 months ago was Sharpedo, and it sure is fun against friends. However, it can’t really stand against Zekrom, my friends speed Zekrom deck proves this. 

  5. Jak Stewart-Armstead

    The thing about Sharpedo is that it is the worst card that you would never want to play against.

    It’s basically rubbish, but anyone sitting across the table from it is going to have some nervous moments.

  6. Eduardo Cisneros

    maybe add defenders in your sharpedo, and reversals/catcher  to slow down the foe deck too, nice card.
    i wanna use this one, maybe with hypno :P. greetings

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