Reshiram/Emboar for Worlds/Post Catcher?


pokebeach.comHi SixPrizes, and welcome to my 2nd article! Last time I talked about A Fire Deck Without Ninetales. This time, I’m bringing back my deck, with a new spin on how to play with it. I will post my current list, as well as one with Ninetales in it. I will be testing out both versions because I want to give Ninetales another shot.

After being disappointed at not being able to go to Pokémon Nationals this year, my deck hit a stump. There was nothing else to do, but sit and wait for the next set to come out. I don’t have a Worlds invite, so that was out of the question. And I couldn’t playtest at League for 2 weeks, since the 4th of July was on a Monday, and the next week our PTO will have just gotten back from Nats.

So, now I’m reduced to sitting at home, being bored, and trying to follow coverage of the Canadian and American Nats. I quickly found out that Yamega Prime decks were taking over, and MagneBoar was put on the back burner. Then, a shining light came out of the darkness.

Typhlosion/Reshiram, and Reshiram/Emboar decks did pretty well during American Nats, against the stage 1 powerhouses. Airhawk06 from this site, went 9-0 in Swiss with Typhlosion/Reshiram and made top 32 in Masters. Also, other Emboar/Reshiram and other Typhlosion decks made top cut in Masters, Juniors, and Seniors. They all did well, and threw the tournament for a loop. That gives me a great idea.

Reshiram/Emboar for Worlds/Post Catcher?

pokebeach.comWith the rise of Yamega variants doing well and winning Nats, Typhosion, and Emboar builds are the best counter to those. All of their Pokémon are very hard to KO.

Magnezone Prime needs to use 3 Energy + to KO things. Zoroark can trade prizes with them, but that’s a battle, and Donphan can only do 60.

Yamega can snipe for 40, but you’ll have to do it in 2 turns. Plus both decks can use RDL very well, which means they can KO just about everything in the format, and get 2 Prizes while their at it. The only reason I think they didn’t go further, was because not many people played them this past weekend, and they were blind to see the potential in them.

That means if word gets out that Reshiram/Emboar is a counter for all of the top decks at Nats, you can be sure you’ll see them at worlds. Also, catcher next format will only make this deck better. Here’s My list.

Pokémon – 13

3 Tepig BLW Promo
2 Pignite BLW #17
2 Emboar BLW #20
1 Emboar BLW #19
4 Reshiram BLW
1 Bouffalant BLW #91

Trainers – 32

3 Pokémon Collector
3 Professor Juniper
3 Professor Oak’s New Theory
2 Fisherman
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Pokémon Communication
3 PlusPower
3 Pokémon Reversal/Catcher
3 Junk Arm
2 Rare Candy
2 Switch

Energy – 15

11 R
2 Rescue
2 Double Colorless

What? No Cleffa, or Tyrogue?

That’s right. Cleffa getting sniped, and donked by Tyrogue, was the main reason all weekend why Yamega was getting so many prizes. So I took them out point blank. The deck already draws crazy good with Professor Juniper, and Professor Oak’s New Theory, so Cleffa isn’t needed.

And, I can KO baby Pokémon already with Reshiram’s Outrage and a PlusPower, so I don’t need Tyrouge to do that.

Catcher/Pokémon Reversal?

Sure, other players will play them and bring up my Emboar, or pre-evolved forms and KO them, but that’s where Rescue Energy shines. I can easily get my lines back up and running within a turn, or 2. Plus, I can play Switch and pull my Pokémon back to my bench. Of course I can use them on my opponent as well to disrupt them too.

Especially since Reshiram hits for 120, and Emboar 19 hits for 150. Once I bring up something, it’s getting KO’ed immediately.

Why Rescue Energy?

I already explained this. It saves my Emboar and it’s pieces from going to the discard pile. If they do go, other pieces could be prized, or I don’t have a Tepig on my bench, so I’ll have to search out 1 from the deck. That means I will be a turn slower in getting it out, and that’s bad when your opponent can Reversal/Catcher your pieces before you can do anything. So, Rescue Energy is a life saver.


Should I max out Junk Arm and/or Catcher? Should I play at least 1 Cleffa? Should I worry about Vileplume? These are just some of the questions I have about my deck. If You guys come up with anything that will help it out, don’t hesitate to mention it.

With Ninetales

I’m going to give Ninetales another shot, because it is good. So here’s the list.

Pokémon – 15

3 Tepig BLW Promo
2 Pignite BLW #17
2 Emboar BLW #20
1 Emboar BLW #19
3 Reshiram BLW
2 Vulpix HS/CL
2 Ninetales HS/CL

Trainers – 28

3 Pokémon Collector
2 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Oak’s New Theory
2 Fisherman
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Pokémon Communication
2 PlusPower
2 Pokémon Reversal/Catcher
3 Junk Arm
2 Rare Candy
2 Switch

Energy – 15

11 R
2 Rescue
2 Double Colorless


pokebeach.comTo Airhawk06, and the other Reshiram players who did well. They were the inspiration for me to work on my deck, and make this article.


I’m actually torn that I didn’t get a chance to go to Nats this year, even more so now, that I know that Reshiram Decks did well. I know I would have done well if I played my list. But, I’m also greatful that I got to follow the Nationals coverage, and read what happened.

I’m sure this deck will be considered for Worlds, and with its showing in Nats, it should be considered for next format as well. Feel free to coment and give advice on these decks. They can only get better. With that said, Amphy out!! :)

Reader Interactions

6 replies

  1. Franco L III

    hm… nice article but i feel like it was rushed… try to do some more analysis next time like analyzing all of the cards in your list, maybe even saying why you chose them or why you chose the number of them in your list. other than that, I think that your article is good.

  2. Mekkah

    When I’m reading this article I feel like I’m listening to someone who is just babbling without having prepared anything in advance. And I’m also disagreeing with that someone. Only 3 Collector, no Cleffa or Ninetales, and only 6 draw supporters? Did you ever test this list? The other one is the same except you took out Bouffalant, 2 more draw supporters and a PlusPower with 2-2 Ninetales. 

  3. Andrew Adams

    I played an even more consistent supporter line with no Cleffa and there were many times when I couldn’t get going.  There’s a reason it was so widely played, and you can’t just “take them out point blank” without making other changes to account for it being gone.  I’d say Ninetales is a must if you’re not playing Cleffa.

  4. Grant O'Brien

    Could’ve been longer, but nice! 1-1 or 2-2 liepard and a dark energy could counter Vileplume… but would hurt consistency, probably.

  5. Grant O'Brien

    Could’ve been longer, but nice! 1-1 or 2-2 liepard and a dark energy could counter Vileplume… but would hurt consistency, probably.

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